3 Fully Vaccinated TX Democrats Test Positive for Covid-19

Some folk on here just don't get it no matter how many times it's repeated.

Vaccines don't prevent covid. They're not meant to stop you contracting it - only lessen the effects/damage if you do contract it.
Vaccines absolutely prevent you from contracting what you are vaccinated against. Unfortunately, these are RNA platforms are not vaccines. As such, they are just designed to ameliorate symptoms.
I'm sayin'!

We take the smallpox, polio, TB and other vaxes because we want to "lessen the effects/damage if you do get it"?!?

What kind of weapons grade autistic shit is that?
And here we go. How well are those vaccines working again?

And here we go again trying to explain to dummies how the vaccine or any vaccine is not 100% effective. Some who get flu shots every winter still come down with a mild case of it. The point of the vaccine is to lessen the severity of the virus or even getting it out right. Many of those who were vaccinated and tested positive will not have to be hospitalized, unlike some anti-vaxer who will be if they get infected.
Another goddamn retard.

We take the smallpox, polio, TB and other vaxes because we want to "lessen the effects/damage if you do get it"?!?

No vaccine has ever or could ever prevent infection by anything.
Immunity does not mean infection is impossible.
There would be no mechanism by which that could happen, as that would require magic.

All immunity means, is that your immune system is familiar and efficient at beating it to the point you likely won't even know you were infected.

The problem with covid-19 is that since it hides out in airways, it has to be a really full blown infection before the immune system even first detects it and starts to respond.

If I were younger and had my health I doubt I would have ever got the vaccine. That's simply not my position at this point. Like most people I'm sure, I didn't want to get the vaccine now, but it was the bad vs the worst.
We can all agree that's your choice.

We've had this discussion, and you're good with others freely assessing their risk levels and acting accordingly....As it should be.
And here we go. How well are those vaccines working again?

And here we go again trying to explain to dummies how the vaccine or any vaccine is not 100% effective. Some who get flu shots every winter still come down with a mild case of it. The point of the vaccine is to lessen the severity of the virus or even getting it out right. Many of those who were vaccinated and tested positive will not have to be hospitalized, unlike some anti-vaxer who will be if they get infected.
Another goddamn retard.

We take the smallpox, polio, TB and other vaxes because we want to "lessen the effects/damage if you do get it"?!?

View attachment 513947
Jesus (rolls eyes)..and your are calling other people retards..priceless
And here we go. How well are those vaccines working again?

And here we go again trying to explain to dummies how the vaccine or any vaccine is not 100% effective. Some who get flu shots every winter still come down with a mild case of it. The point of the vaccine is to lessen the severity of the virus or even getting it out right. Many of those who were vaccinated and tested positive will not have to be hospitalized, unlike some anti-vaxer who will be if they get infected.
Another goddamn retard.

We take the smallpox, polio, TB and other vaxes because we want to "lessen the effects/damage if you do get it"?!?

View attachment 513947
Jesus (rolls eyes)..and your are calling other people retards..priceless
What you said is fucking retarded....The point of the vax is to not get the given disease, you fucking ignoramus.

I don't get flu shots because they're only guessing as to which strain will be going around that year...If they miss, you're SOL and will likely get infrected if exposed.
And here we go. How well are those vaccines working again?

I suppose these fully vaccinated politicians can't return to work and produce a quorum so that the new voting law can be enacted.
they don’t need those three to make quorum. With that said, getting sick after reading fact won’t help them avoid arrest

with that said, they were around harris and a number of dems in washington who were aiding and abetting these fugitives. The should all be quarantined
Unfortunately, these are RNA platforms are not vaccines. As such, they are just designed to ameliorate symptoms
Two silly lies.
How so? Polio protects you from Polio...99.9% of the time. Small Pox >96%...MMR 98%

So why the fuck are they telling me that these Covid 'Vaccines' can't? We shouldn't expect them to.

Could it be...just maybe that they are not vaccines?

What good is a rain coat that can't be expected to protect you from the rain?

I think we are bein fed a line of shit.

Polio vaccines do not prevent Polio infection and Smallpox vaccinations do not prevent Smallpox infections.
They just teach the immune system to kill them off before any real harm done.

The problem with covid-19 is not that the vaccines are not working, but that covid-19 itself is not deadly, but the immune system can be if it over reacts. So playing around with the immune system is inherently dangerous with covid-19.
And that they made the fake virus for the mRNA vaccine badly, so the corona spike trigger they attached is sometimes falling off. And that is a problem because when falls off, the immune system attacks and destroys where ever it ends up.
No vaccine has ever or could ever prevent infection by anything.
Immunity does not mean infection is impossible.
There would be no mechanism by which that could happen, as that would require magic.

All immunity means, is that your immune system is familiar and efficient at beating it to the point you likely won't even know you were infected.

The problem with covid-19 is that since it hides out in airways, it has to be a really full blown infection before the immune system even first detects it and starts to respond.

If I were younger and had my health I doubt I would have ever got the vaccine. That's simply not my position at this point. Like most people I'm sure, I didn't want to get the vaccine now, but it was the bad vs the worst.

It is a toss up, but I got is mostly for concerns of others.
But I also was incredibly sick for weeks from the 2nd shot, Moderna.
And here we go. How well are those vaccines working again?

And here we go again trying to explain to dummies how the vaccine or any vaccine is not 100% effective. Some who get flu shots every winter still come down with a mild case of it. The point of the vaccine is to lessen the severity of the virus or even getting it out right. Many of those who were vaccinated and tested positive will not have to be hospitalized, unlike some anti-vaxer who will be if they get infected.
Another goddamn retard.

We take the smallpox, polio, TB and other vaxes because we want to "lessen the effects/damage if you do get it"?!?

View attachment 513947
Jesus (rolls eyes)..and your are calling other people retards..priceless
What you said is fucking retarded....The point of the vax is to not get the given disease, you fucking ignoramus.

I don't get flu shots because they're only guessing as to which strain will be going around that year...If they miss, you're SOL and will likely get infrected if exposed.
Vaccines are meant to build up anti-bodies to combat the disease..jesus...it's not rocket science. People who refused to get vaccinated are venerable to COVID 19 AND the Delta variant. People who got vaccinated have a way better chance of not being hospitalized. Anti-vaxers are very likely to get infected and be hospitalized. All because they see some conspiracy to push poison on the people by the gummit. At this point I see no downside to anti-vaxers going down. Just natures way of getting rid of the dumb ones.
Some folk on here just don't get it no matter how many times it's repeated.

Vaccines don't prevent covid. They're not meant to stop you contracting it - only lessen the effects/damage if you do contract it.
Vaccines absolutely prevent you from contracting what you are vaccinated against. Unfortunately, these are RNA platforms are not vaccines. As such, they are just designed to ameliorate symptoms.

No vaccine has ever or could ever prevent infection by anything.
Immunity does not mean infection is impossible.
There would be no mechanism by which that could happen, as that would require magic.

All immunity means, is that your immune system is familiar and efficient at beating it to the point you likely won't even know you were infected.

The problem with covid-19 is that since it hides out in airways, it has to be a really full blown infection before the immune system even first detects it and starts to respond.
I never said infection was impossible. However, vaccines are intended to prevent infection. Why in the fuck would you get one otherwise?

Think about this...we have been given Polio vaccine for the past 60 years...everyone has received it. Correct?

Polio was ravenous....millions of people were crippled for life. Horrible.

How many people have you know with Polio?

Exactly...vaccines PREVENT disease.

Covid 'vaccines' DO NOT.

So what is it?

Sorry, no vaccine has ever prevented any infection.
The immune system does not even start building antibodies until AFTER an infection is detected.
The fact most won't know they are infected, does not alter the fact they were.
And here we go again trying to explain to dummies how the vaccine or any vaccine is not 100% effective. Some who get flu shots every winter still come down with a mild case of it. The point of the vaccine is to lessen the severity of the virus or even getting it out right. Many of those who were vaccinated and tested positive will not have to be hospitalized, unlike some anti-vaxer who will be if they get infected.

I tried to get an antibody test before getting my vaccination because I really didn't want to get it. I'm a patient at the Cleveland Clinic, and they don't have antibody tests because their claim is they are not reliable. I think more effort should be placed on getting trust worthy antibody tests now that we have the vaccine. People who can naturally fight this off, or otherwise had covid and didn't know it don't need any vaccine. I know before this all became a thing, I was having some respiratory problems in November of 19. I figured it was the beginning stages of bronchitis since I've had that before. No big deal. If it gets worse, I'll get some antibiotics. Well it got better, but I wish I knew if that was my problem instead of a mild case of covid.
It is a toss up, but I got is mostly for concerns of others.
But I also was incredibly sick for weeks from the 2nd shot, Moderna.

I've heard that from a number of people. I was talking with an eye doctor and asked if he got his shot yet. He said no he hasn't. He was waiting for the hospital to get the Phizer vaccines. I asked him why, and he said his research showed that there were many less side effects with Pfizer than Moderna. I took that advice and did the same; waited for the Pfizer to come out. No reactions whatsoever.

Now I am having some problems with my blood work results, so I'm starting to say hmmmm.
And here we go. How well are those vaccines working again?

And here we go again trying to explain to dummies how the vaccine or any vaccine is not 100% effective. Some who get flu shots every winter still come down with a mild case of it. The point of the vaccine is to lessen the severity of the virus or even getting it out right. Many of those who were vaccinated and tested positive will not have to be hospitalized, unlike some anti-vaxer who will be if they get infected.
Another goddamn retard.

We take the smallpox, polio, TB and other vaxes because we want to "lessen the effects/damage if you do get it"?!?

View attachment 513947
Jesus (rolls eyes)..and your are calling other people retards..priceless
What you said is fucking retarded....The point of the vax is to not get the given disease, you fucking ignoramus.

I don't get flu shots because they're only guessing as to which strain will be going around that year...If they miss, you're SOL and will likely get infrected if exposed.
Vaccines are meant to build up anti-bodies to combat the disease..jesus...it's not rocket science. People who refused to get vaccinated are venerable to COVID 19 AND the Delta variant. People who got vaccinated have a way better chance of not being hospitalized. Anti-vaxers are very likely to get infected and be hospitalized. All because they see some conspiracy to push poison on the people by the gummit. At this point I see no downside to anti-vaxers going down. Just natures way of getting rid of the dumb ones.

A traditional vaccine that is known to work, simply injects dead viruses into you.
There is no risk and the body figures out what it should to in order to prepare to fight the same virus again later.

But the mRNA vaccines have no virus, alive or dead. They have something grown with GMO techniques, that we are not sure how the body is going to react to, or if it is going to over react to.
Essentially the mRNA vaccines are not really for covid-19, but might respond to anything with a corona spike protein, because that is what they added to the vaccine as a trigger. And of course the problem with that is that the coronaviruses use that corona spike in order to mimic an exosome and use that to get permission to enter cells. So these mRNA vaccines risk our immune system starting to attack our own exosomes. And if that happens, we die. The whole species might die, if we vaccinate everyone.
Some folk on here just don't get it no matter how many times it's repeated.

Vaccines don't prevent covid. They're not meant to stop you contracting it - only lessen the effects/damage if you do contract it.
Vaccines absolutely prevent you from contracting what you are vaccinated against. Unfortunately, these are RNA platforms are not vaccines. As such, they are just designed to ameliorate symptoms.

No vaccine has ever or could ever prevent infection by anything.
Immunity does not mean infection is impossible.
There would be no mechanism by which that could happen, as that would require magic.

All immunity means, is that your immune system is familiar and efficient at beating it to the point you likely won't even know you were infected.

The problem with covid-19 is that since it hides out in airways, it has to be a really full blown infection before the immune system even first detects it and starts to respond.
I never said infection was impossible. However, vaccines are intended to prevent infection. Why in the fuck would you get one otherwise?

Think about this...we have been given Polio vaccine for the past 60 years...everyone has received it. Correct?

Polio was ravenous....millions of people were crippled for life. Horrible.

How many people have you know with Polio?

Exactly...vaccines PREVENT disease.

Covid 'vaccines' DO NOT.

So what is it?

Sorry, no vaccine has ever prevented any infection.
The immune system does not even start building antibodies until AFTER an infection is detected.
The fact most won't know they are infected, does not alter the fact they were.
Vaccines signal the body to start building antibodies targeting a specific virus. These anti-vaxers think the vaccine is supposed to turn you into a Superman or something and when they hear of somebody who tested positive after having been vaccinated they start yelling that the vaccines are useless.
And here we go. How well are those vaccines working again?

And here we go again trying to explain to dummies how the vaccine or any vaccine is not 100% effective. Some who get flu shots every winter still come down with a mild case of it. The point of the vaccine is to lessen the severity of the virus or even getting it out right. Many of those who were vaccinated and tested positive will not have to be hospitalized, unlike some anti-vaxer who will be if they get infected.
Another goddamn retard.

We take the smallpox, polio, TB and other vaxes because we want to "lessen the effects/damage if you do get it"?!?

View attachment 513947
Jesus (rolls eyes)..and your are calling other people retards..priceless
What you said is fucking retarded....The point of the vax is to not get the given disease, you fucking ignoramus.

I don't get flu shots because they're only guessing as to which strain will be going around that year...If they miss, you're SOL and will likely get infrected if exposed.
Vaccines are meant to build up anti-bodies to combat the disease..jesus...it's not rocket science. People who refused to get vaccinated are venerable to COVID 19 AND the Delta variant. People who got vaccinated have a way better chance of not being hospitalized. Anti-vaxers are very likely to get infected and be hospitalized. All because they see some conspiracy to push poison on the people by the gummit. At this point I see no downside to anti-vaxers going down. Just natures way of getting rid of the dumb ones.

A traditional vaccine that is known to work, simply injects dead viruses into you.
There is no risk and the body figures out what it should to in order to prepare to fight the same virus again later.

But the mRNA vaccines have no virus, alive or dead. They have something grown with GMO techniques, that we are not sure how the body is going to react to, or if it is going to over react to.
Essentially the mRNA vaccines are not really for covid-19, but might respond to anything with a corona spike protein, because that is what they added to the vaccine as a trigger. And of course the problem with that is that the coronaviruses use that corona spike in order to mimic an exosome and use that to get permission to enter cells. So these mRNA vaccines risk our immune system starting to attack our own exosomes. And if that happens, we die. The whole species might die, if we vaccinate everyone.

And here we go. How well are those vaccines working again?

And here we go again trying to explain to dummies how the vaccine or any vaccine is not 100% effective. Some who get flu shots every winter still come down with a mild case of it. The point of the vaccine is to lessen the severity of the virus or even getting it out right. Many of those who were vaccinated and tested positive will not have to be hospitalized, unlike some anti-vaxer who will be if they get infected.
Another goddamn retard.

We take the smallpox, polio, TB and other vaxes because we want to "lessen the effects/damage if you do get it"?!?

View attachment 513947
Jesus (rolls eyes)..and your are calling other people retards..priceless
What you said is fucking retarded....The point of the vax is to not get the given disease, you fucking ignoramus.

I don't get flu shots because they're only guessing as to which strain will be going around that year...If they miss, you're SOL and will likely get infrected if exposed.
Vaccines are meant to build up anti-bodies to combat the disease..jesus...it's not rocket science. People who refused to get vaccinated are venerable to COVID 19 AND the Delta variant. People who got vaccinated have a way better chance of not being hospitalized. Anti-vaxers are very likely to get infected and be hospitalized. All because they see some conspiracy to push poison on the people by the gummit. At this point I see no downside to anti-vaxers going down. Just natures way of getting rid of the dumb ones.

A traditional vaccine that is known to work, simply injects dead viruses into you.
There is no risk and the body figures out what it should to in order to prepare to fight the same virus again later.

But the mRNA vaccines have no virus, alive or dead. They have something grown with GMO techniques, that we are not sure how the body is going to react to, or if it is going to over react to.
Essentially the mRNA vaccines are not really for covid-19, but might respond to anything with a corona spike protein, because that is what they added to the vaccine as a trigger. And of course the problem with that is that the coronaviruses use that corona spike in order to mimic an exosome and use that to get permission to enter cells. So these mRNA vaccines risk our immune system starting to attack our own exosomes. And if that happens, we die. The whole species might die, if we vaccinate everyone.
Considering that over 170 million doses have been given so far over the last four months how may people have been diagnosed with auto-immune problems??
Some folk on here just don't get it no matter how many times it's repeated.

Vaccines don't prevent covid. They're not meant to stop you contracting it - only lessen the effects/damage if you do contract it.
Vaccines absolutely prevent you from contracting what you are vaccinated against. Unfortunately, these are RNA platforms are not vaccines. As such, they are just designed to ameliorate symptoms.
I'm sayin'!

We take the smallpox, polio, TB and other vaxes because we want to "lessen the effects/damage if you do get it"?!?

What kind of weapons grade autistic shit is that?

It has always been assumed that the purpose and point of vaccination was infection prevention...not amelioration of symptoms.
It was disease prevention via vaccine, and disease treatment via medication IF vaccines failed. This is all Orwellian double speak.
And here we go. How well are those vaccines working again?

And here we go again trying to explain to dummies how the vaccine or any vaccine is not 100% effective. Some who get flu shots every winter still come down with a mild case of it. The point of the vaccine is to lessen the severity of the virus or even getting it out right. Many of those who were vaccinated and tested positive will not have to be hospitalized, unlike some anti-vaxer who will be if they get infected.

Talk to your own people; I already understood that. It's YOUR people who were sure they would not get covid, and would never spread it, if they got the Magic Vaccines.
And here we go. How well are those vaccines working again?

And here we go again trying to explain to dummies how the vaccine or any vaccine is not 100% effective. Some who get flu shots every winter still come down with a mild case of it. The point of the vaccine is to lessen the severity of the virus or even getting it out right. Many of those who were vaccinated and tested positive will not have to be hospitalized, unlike some anti-vaxer who will be if they get infected.
Another goddamn retard.

We take the smallpox, polio, TB and other vaxes because we want to "lessen the effects/damage if you do get it"?!?

View attachment 513947
Jesus (rolls eyes)..and your are calling other people retards..priceless
What you said is fucking retarded....The point of the vax is to not get the given disease, you fucking ignoramus.

I don't get flu shots because they're only guessing as to which strain will be going around that year...If they miss, you're SOL and will likely get infrected if exposed.
Vaccines are meant to build up anti-bodies to combat the disease..jesus...it's not rocket science. People who refused to get vaccinated are venerable to COVID 19 AND the Delta variant. People who got vaccinated have a way better chance of not being hospitalized. Anti-vaxers are very likely to get infected and be hospitalized. All because they see some conspiracy to push poison on the people by the gummit. At this point I see no downside to anti-vaxers going down. Just natures way of getting rid of the dumb ones.

A traditional vaccine that is known to work, simply injects dead viruses into you.
There is no risk and the body figures out what it should to in order to prepare to fight the same virus again later.

But the mRNA vaccines have no virus, alive or dead. They have something grown with GMO techniques, that we are not sure how the body is going to react to, or if it is going to over react to.
Essentially the mRNA vaccines are not really for covid-19, but might respond to anything with a corona spike protein, because that is what they added to the vaccine as a trigger. And of course the problem with that is that the coronaviruses use that corona spike in order to mimic an exosome and use that to get permission to enter cells. So these mRNA vaccines risk our immune system starting to attack our own exosomes. And if that happens, we die. The whole species might die, if we vaccinate everyone.

And here we go. How well are those vaccines working again?

And here we go again trying to explain to dummies how the vaccine or any vaccine is not 100% effective. Some who get flu shots every winter still come down with a mild case of it. The point of the vaccine is to lessen the severity of the virus or even getting it out right. Many of those who were vaccinated and tested positive will not have to be hospitalized, unlike some anti-vaxer who will be if they get infected.
Another goddamn retard.

We take the smallpox, polio, TB and other vaxes because we want to "lessen the effects/damage if you do get it"?!?

View attachment 513947
Jesus (rolls eyes)..and your are calling other people retards..priceless
What you said is fucking retarded....The point of the vax is to not get the given disease, you fucking ignoramus.

I don't get flu shots because they're only guessing as to which strain will be going around that year...If they miss, you're SOL and will likely get infrected if exposed.
Vaccines are meant to build up anti-bodies to combat the disease..jesus...it's not rocket science. People who refused to get vaccinated are venerable to COVID 19 AND the Delta variant. People who got vaccinated have a way better chance of not being hospitalized. Anti-vaxers are very likely to get infected and be hospitalized. All because they see some conspiracy to push poison on the people by the gummit. At this point I see no downside to anti-vaxers going down. Just natures way of getting rid of the dumb ones.

A traditional vaccine that is known to work, simply injects dead viruses into you.
There is no risk and the body figures out what it should to in order to prepare to fight the same virus again later.

But the mRNA vaccines have no virus, alive or dead. They have something grown with GMO techniques, that we are not sure how the body is going to react to, or if it is going to over react to.
Essentially the mRNA vaccines are not really for covid-19, but might respond to anything with a corona spike protein, because that is what they added to the vaccine as a trigger. And of course the problem with that is that the coronaviruses use that corona spike in order to mimic an exosome and use that to get permission to enter cells. So these mRNA vaccines risk our immune system starting to attack our own exosomes. And if that happens, we die. The whole species might die, if we vaccinate everyone.
Considering that over 170 million doses have been given so far over the last four months how may people have been diagnosed with auto-immune problems??

GBS, which the CDC already acknowledged with the J&J shot, is an autoimmune disorder. Tragically, more are coming. Just wait
Some folk on here just don't get it no matter how many times it's repeated.

Vaccines don't prevent covid. They're not meant to stop you contracting it - only lessen the effects/damage if you do contract it.
Vaccines absolutely prevent you from contracting what you are vaccinated against. Unfortunately, these are RNA platforms are not vaccines. As such, they are just designed to ameliorate symptoms.
I'm sayin'!

We take the smallpox, polio, TB and other vaxes because we want to "lessen the effects/damage if you do get it"?!?

What kind of weapons grade autistic shit is that?
NOT. That was pre-profit driven strategical "medicine". Those were created to help.
The good old days are behind us
Awww, I bet Unkle Joe would sniff her !
Look how happy(white) and obedient she is !

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