3 Fully Vaccinated TX Democrats Test Positive for Covid-19

Unfortunately, these are RNA platforms are not vaccines. As such, they are just designed to ameliorate symptoms
Two silly lies.
How so? Polio protects you from Polio...99.9% of the time. Small Pox >96%...MMR 98%

So why the fuck are they telling me that these Covid 'Vaccines' can't? We shouldn't expect them to.

Could it be...just maybe that they are not vaccines?

What good is a rain coat that can't be expected to protect you from the rain?

I think we are bein fed a line of shit.
How so? Polio protects you from Polio...99.9% of the time. Small Pox >96%...MMR 98%

So why the fuck are they telling me that these Covid 'Vaccines' can't? We shouldn't expect them to.

Could it be...just maybe that they are not vaccines?

What good is a rain coat that can't be expected to protect you from the rain?

I think we are bein fed a line of shit.

It doesn't protect you from getting it, it gives you the ability to create antibodies that can fight the virus off. It's the same if you had covid in the past. You may still get it again, but likely won't suffer much in the way of symptoms and much less ability to spread it to others.
How so? Polio protects you from Polio...99.9% of the time. Small Pox >96%...MMR 98%

So why the fuck are they telling me that these Covid 'Vaccines' can't? We shouldn't expect them to.

Could it be...just maybe that they are not vaccines?

What good is a rain coat that can't be expected to protect you from the rain?

I think we are bein fed a line of shit.

It doesn't protect you from getting it, it gives you the ability to create antibodies that can fight the virus off. It's the same if you had covid in the past. You may still get it again, but likely won't suffer much in the way of symptoms and much less ability to spread it to others.
Yeah...it's horseshit. That's your immune system's job. If you get a strain of a virus your immune system should protect from any virus of that type, even remotely related.
Fucking with the immune system, at the mitochondrial level is extremely stupid. Time will tell.
And here we go. How well are those vaccines working again?

If they vaccinated 100 Democrats, and five still got Covid, that's pretty much in the tolerance that was expected for the vaccines. It's not 100% effective, it's 95% effective.

The OP doesn't go into detail, but it sounds like they were tested as a standard procedure, and not because anybody felt ill.
Yeah...it's horseshit. That's your immune system's job. If you get a strain of a virus your immune system should protect from any virus of that type, even remotely related.
Fucking with the immune system, at the mitochondrial level is extremely stupid. Time will tell.

The problem is most immune systems can't fight this off. This is why we elderly and with medical conditions were urged to stay home as much as possible. Your body should be able to fight off the flu as well, yet 20 to 30 thousands of Americans die from it nearly every year.
And here we go. How well are those vaccines working again?
How did those 3 find out they had COVID? If they were hospitalized or gravely ill I'd say there is a problem, if they were tested and were surprised by the result, I'd say it was working.

Oh. Would you explain that to the many, many students of mine who were quarantined for weeks for their "asymptomatic infections" this past year? thanks
Yeah...it's horseshit. That's your immune system's job. If you get a strain of a virus your immune system should protect from any virus of that type, even remotely related.
Fucking with the immune system, at the mitochondrial level is extremely stupid. Time will tell.

The problem is most immune systems can't fight this off. This is why we elderly and with medical conditions were urged to stay home as much as possible. Your body should be able to fight off the flu as well, yet 20 to 30 thousands of Americans die from it nearly every year.
Bullshit. This virus has a mortality rate of .03% across all age groups, and the average age of Covid death in the US is 77. Average life expectancy in the US is 78.
Stop buying the bullshit. If this stuff were so horrid why aren't there homeless people laying dead in the streets across the country? Junkies? Children?
And here we go. How well are those vaccines working again?

Good god we are a country of morons. How can so many people still be so gotdam ignorant and stupid as not to understand that vaccinated people still can and will sometimes get covid? Country of morons.

In Israel and Scotland the cases and hospitalizations are virtually no different between the vaxxed and unvaxxed. So this is just the beginning.
And here we go. How well are those vaccines working again?

If they vaccinated 100 Democrats, and five still got Covid, that's pretty much in the tolerance that was expected for the vaccines. It's not 100% effective, it's 95% effective.

The OP doesn't go into detail, but it sounds like they were tested as a standard procedure, and not because anybody felt ill.

Our future, from Israel. Pfizer vaccine


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Bullshit. This virus has a mortality rate of .03% across all age groups, and the average age of Covid death in the US is 77. Average life expectancy in the US is 78.
Stop buying the bullshit. If this stuff were so horrid why aren't there homeless people laying dead in the streets across the country? Junkies? Children?

Hey, do what you want. I don't care. If you don't want the vaccine, I highly recommend not to get the vaccine. I did get the vaccine, and I'm not going to try convince one anti-vaxer to get it.
The data in the UK supports it. That's a fact.
Let's check that:

Did you get that from Facebook or Youtube?

And and when you swing and miss on this one, you still have to address all the other studies done on the other 99% of the world's population and what all the experts say. Take your time. You will need it!

You are not reading carefully enough.
The studies say vaccination reduced transmission, not infection.
If you are vaccinated, you can get infected as easily as anyone.
But if you are vaccination, your immune system will be efficient and quick enough at beating it, so that you will not nearly as likely spread it.
Some folk on here just don't get it no matter how many times it's repeated.

Vaccines don't prevent covid. They're not meant to stop you contracting it - only lessen the effects/damage if you do contract it.
Vaccines absolutely prevent you from contracting what you are vaccinated against. Unfortunately, these are RNA platforms are not vaccines. As such, they are just designed to ameliorate symptoms.

No vaccine has ever or could ever prevent infection by anything.
Immunity does not mean infection is impossible.
There would be no mechanism by which that could happen, as that would require magic.

All immunity means, is that your immune system is familiar and efficient at beating it to the point you likely won't even know you were infected.

The problem with covid-19 is that since it hides out in airways, it has to be a really full blown infection before the immune system even first detects it and starts to respond.
Bullshit. This virus has a mortality rate of .03% across all age groups, and the average age of Covid death in the US is 77. Average life expectancy in the US is 78.
Stop buying the bullshit. If this stuff were so horrid why aren't there homeless people laying dead in the streets across the country? Junkies? Children?

Hey, do what you want. I don't care. If you don't want the vaccine, I highly recommend not to get the vaccine. I did get the vaccine, and I'm not going to try convince one anti-vaxer to get it.
Same brother, good luck to you as well.
No vaccine has ever or could ever prevent infection by anything.
Immunity does not mean infection is impossible.
There would be no mechanism by which that could happen, as that would require magic.

All immunity means, is that your immune system is familiar and efficient at beating it to the point you likely won't even know you were infected.

The problem with covid-19 is that since it hides out in airways, it has to be a really full blown infection before the immune system even first detects it and starts to respond.

If I were younger and had my health I doubt I would have ever got the vaccine. That's simply not my position at this point. Like most people I'm sure, I didn't want to get the vaccine now, but it was the bad vs the worst.
And here we go. How well are those vaccines working again?

And here we go again trying to explain to dummies how the vaccine or any vaccine is not 100% effective. Some who get flu shots every winter still come down with a mild case of it. The point of the vaccine is to lessen the severity of the virus or even getting it out right. Many of those who were vaccinated and tested positive will not have to be hospitalized, unlike some anti-vaxer who will be if they get infected.
Some folk on here just don't get it no matter how many times it's repeated.

Vaccines don't prevent covid. They're not meant to stop you contracting it - only lessen the effects/damage if you do contract it.
Vaccines absolutely prevent you from contracting what you are vaccinated against. Unfortunately, these are RNA platforms are not vaccines. As such, they are just designed to ameliorate symptoms.

No vaccine has ever or could ever prevent infection by anything.
Immunity does not mean infection is impossible.
There would be no mechanism by which that could happen, as that would require magic.

All immunity means, is that your immune system is familiar and efficient at beating it to the point you likely won't even know you were infected.

The problem with covid-19 is that since it hides out in airways, it has to be a really full blown infection before the immune system even first detects it and starts to respond.
I never said infection was impossible. However, vaccines are intended to prevent infection. Why in the fuck would you get one otherwise?

Think about this...we have been given Polio vaccine for the past 60 years...everyone has received it. Correct?

Polio was ravenous....millions of people were crippled for life. Horrible.

How many people have you know with Polio?

Exactly...vaccines PREVENT disease.

Covid 'vaccines' DO NOT.

So what is it?

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