3 Terrifying Reasons For Trump’s Wiretapping Rant


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
No president can order a wiretap on his own.

Early Saturday morning, March 4, the 45th president of the United States alleged in a series of tweets that former president Barack Obama orchestrated a “Nixon/Watergate” plot to tap Trump’s phones at his Trump Tower headquarters last fall in the run-up to the election. Trump concluded that the former president is a “Bad (or sick) guy!”

Sunday morning, Trump called for a congressional investigation.

Trump cited no evidence for his accusation.

Folks, we’ve got a huge problem on our hands. Either:

1. Trump is more nuts than we suspected – a true delusional paranoid. Trump’s outburst was triggered by commentary in the “alt-right” publication, Breitbart News, on Friday, which reported an assertion made Thursday night by right-wing talk-radio host Mark Levin suggesting Obama and his administration used “police state” tactics last fall to monitor the Trump team’s dealings with Russian operatives.

If this was the case, we’ve got a president willing to put the prestige and power of his office behind baseless claims emanating from well-known right-wing purveyors of lies.

Which means Trump shouldn’t be anywhere near the nuclear codes that could obliterate the planet, or near anything else that could determine the fate of America or the world.

2. The second possibility is that Trump is correct, and the Obama administration did in fact tap his phones. But if this was the case, before the tap could occur it’s highly likely Trump committed a very serious crime, including treason.

No president can order a wiretap on his own. For federal agents to obtain a wiretap on Trump, or anyone else, the Justice Department would first have had to convince a federal judge that it had gathered sufficient evidence of probable cause to believe Trump had committed a serious crime or was an agent of a foreign power, depending on whether it was a criminal or foreign intelligence wiretap.

In which case we have someone in the White House who shouldn’t be making decisions that could endanger America or the world.

3. The third possible explanation for Trump’s rant is he’s trying to divert public attention from the Jeff Sessions imbroglio and multiple investigations of Trump associates already found to have been in contact with Russian agents during the election, when Russian operatives interfered with the election on Trump’s behalf.

Maybe he’s trying to build a case that the entire Russian story is a plot concocted by the Obama Administration – along with the intelligence agencies and the mainstream press – to bring Trump down. This way, he can inoculate himself against more damaging evidence to come.

But if it’s all a big show to divert attention and undermine the credibility of the intelligence agencies and the press, Trump is willing to do anything to keep his job – even if that means destroying the fabric of our democracy.

So there you have it. Whatever the reason for Trump’s rant, America is in deep trouble. We have a president who is either a dangerous paranoid who’s making judgments based on right-wing crackpots, has in all likelihood committed treason, or is willing to sacrifice public trust in our basic institutions to further his selfish goals.

Each of these possible reasons is as terrifying as the other.

More: 3 Terrifying Reasons For Trump's Latest Rant

One would think that a normal president would applaud our government for trying to protect us from foreign spies via wiretapping surveillance warrants granted by a FISA Court based on probable cause. One would think...
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From the OP:

For Democrats to be the only ones sounding the alarm risks turning it into the new normal of partisanship, further dividing the country along party lines. For Obama himself to respond would only dignify it.

So the responsibility falls to Republican leaders. They must stand up and call this what it is: Dangerous demagoguery.

I call on former Republican presidents George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush, former Republican senators and members of Congress, and current Republican senators and members of Congress, to stop this outrage.

We are in a serious crisis of governance, and their voices are critical.
For a month and a half of the orange clown's Presidency, we have seen nothing but chaos and confusion from this admin. How long can the nation continue with the top layer of government in such disarray? What happens should we have a Katrina level national disaster? What if North Korea goes over the edge and attacks South Korea? This is a very serious time for our nation. When a total incompetent is elected to high office, this is the result.
For a month and a half of the orange clown's Presidency, we have seen nothing but chaos and confusion from this admin. How long can the nation continue with the top layer of government in such disarray? What happens should we have a Katrina level national disaster? What if North Korea goes over the edge and attacks South Korea? This is a very serious time for our nation. When a total incompetent is elected to high office, this is the result.
How long you ask? since Obama did it for 8 years, who knows? Maybe Trump will be the second 3 term President.
For a month and a half of the orange clown's Presidency, we have seen nothing but chaos and confusion from this admin. How long can the nation continue with the top layer of government in such disarray? What happens should we have a Katrina level national disaster? What if North Korea goes over the edge and attacks South Korea? This is a very serious time for our nation. When a total incompetent is elected to high office, this is the result.

I agree! I keep thinking of something Cecily Strong said on SNL a few weeks ago:

"I want one day without a CNN alert that scares the hell out of me"
So your point is essentially that if Obama did not have the government collect information on Trump then Trump should not be in office. If Obama did have the government collect information on Trump then Trump should not be in office.

Why did you not just cut to the chase and state that anything Obama did or did not do is utterly fantastic and Trump should be removed from office. Your partisan bullshit stinks to high heaven.
Trump committed a very serious crime, including treason.
Can he do that as a private citizen? If so, how did he commit treason?????

No president can order a wiretap on his own
Trump is not Obama's own.

From the OP:

For Democrats to be the only ones sounding the alarm risks turning it into the new normal of partisanship, further dividing the country along party lines. For Obama himself to respond would only dignify it.

So the responsibility falls to Republican leaders. They must stand up and call this what it is: Dangerous demagoguery.

I call on former Republican presidents George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush, former Republican senators and members of Congress, and current Republican senators and members of Congress, to stop this outrage.

We are in a serious crisis of governance, and their voices are critical.

Sorry but I don't think the former Republican Presidents or Senators or members of Congress are going to respond to your call.
For a month and a half of the orange clown's Presidency, we have seen nothing but chaos and confusion from this admin. How long can the nation continue with the top layer of government in such disarray? What happens should we have a Katrina level national disaster? What if North Korea goes over the edge and attacks South Korea? This is a very serious time for our nation. When a total incompetent is elected to high office, this is the result.

That chaos & confusion has been brought to you by the media's personal opinion that has been anti-Trump from the beginning of his campaign.
Trump committed a very serious crime, including treason.
Can he do that as a private citizen? If so, how did he commit treason?????

No president can order a wiretap on his own
Trump is not Obama's own.

From the OP:

For Democrats to be the only ones sounding the alarm risks turning it into the new normal of partisanship, further dividing the country along party lines. For Obama himself to respond would only dignify it.

So the responsibility falls to Republican leaders. They must stand up and call this what it is: Dangerous demagoguery.

I call on former Republican presidents George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush, former Republican senators and members of Congress, and current Republican senators and members of Congress, to stop this outrage.

We are in a serious crisis of governance, and their voices are critical.

Sorry but I don't think the former Republican Presidents or Senators or members of Congress are going to respond to your call.

Hey, dumbass, you can't just cite partial quotes out of context. Next time I'll report you.

Really? To take something out of context is to give it a different meaning. I didn't, but was addressing my questions to specific statements.....

But if it makes you feel better.........

No president can order a wiretap on his own.

Early Saturday morning, March 4, the 45th president of the United States alleged in a series of tweets that former president Barack Obama orchestrated a “Nixon/Watergate” plot to tap Trump’s phones at his Trump Tower headquarters last fall in the run-up to the election. Trump concluded that the former president is a “Bad (or sick) guy!”

Sunday morning, Trump called for a congressional investigation.

Trump cited no evidence for his accusation.

Folks, we’ve got a huge problem on our hands. Either:

1. Trump is more nuts than we suspected – a true delusional paranoid. Trump’s outburst was triggered by commentary in the “alt-right” publication, Breitbart News, on Friday, which reported an assertion made Thursday night by right-wing talk-radio host Mark Levin suggesting Obama and his administration used “police state” tactics last fall to monitor the Trump team’s dealings with Russian operatives.

If this was the case, we’ve got a president willing to put the prestige and power of his office behind baseless claims emanating from well-known right-wing purveyors of lies.

Which means Trump shouldn’t be anywhere near the nuclear codes that could obliterate the planet, or near anything else that could determine the fate of America or the world.

2. The second possibility is that Trump is correct, and the Obama administration did in fact tap his phones. But if this was the case, before the tap could occur it’s highly likely Trump committed a very serious crime, including treason.

No president can order a wiretap on his own. For federal agents to obtain a wiretap on Trump, or anyone else, the Justice Department would first have had to convince a federal judge that it had gathered sufficient evidence of probable cause to believe Trump had committed a serious crime or was an agent of a foreign power, depending on whether it was a criminal or foreign intelligence wiretap.

In which case we have someone in the White House who shouldn’t be making decisions that could endanger America or the world.

3. The third possible explanation for Trump’s rant is he’s trying to divert public attention from the Jeff Sessions imbroglio and multiple investigations of Trump associates already found to have been in contact with Russian agents during the election, when Russian operatives interfered with the election on Trump’s behalf.

Maybe he’s trying to build a case that the entire Russian story is a plot concocted by the Obama Administration – along with the intelligence agencies and the mainstream press – to bring Trump down. This way, he can inoculate himself against more damaging evidence to come.

But if it’s all a big show to divert attention and undermine the credibility of the intelligence agencies and the press, Trump is willing to do anything to keep his job – even if that means destroying the fabric of our democracy.

So there you have it. Whatever the reason for Trump’s rant, America is in deep trouble. We have a president who is either a dangerous paranoid who’s making judgments based on right-wing crackpots, has in all likelihood committed treason, or is willing to sacrifice public trust in our basic institutions to further his selfish goals.

Each of these possible reasons is as terrifying as the other.

More: 3 Terrifying Reasons For Trump's Latest Rant

One would think that a normal president would applaud our government for trying to protect us from foreign spies via wiretapping surveillance warrants granted by a FISA Court based on probable cause. One would think...

Can he do that as a private citizen? If so, how did he commit treason????

Trump is not Obama's own.

Sorry but I don't think the former Republican Presidents or Senators or members of Congress are going to respond to your call.

Now I don't know about you, but it just doesn't flow as well without addressing specific statements, but whatever........
I had to chuckle over the word "terrifying" as in "terrifying reasons". No president can use the IRS to punish political enemies but it didn't stop Obama.
No president can order a wiretap on his own.

Early Saturday morning, March 4, the 45th president of the United States alleged in a series of tweets that former president Barack Obama orchestrated a “Nixon/Watergate” plot to tap Trump’s phones at his Trump Tower headquarters last fall in the run-up to the election. Trump concluded that the former president is a “Bad (or sick) guy!”

Sunday morning, Trump called for a congressional investigation.

Trump cited no evidence for his accusation.

Folks, we’ve got a huge problem on our hands. Either:

1. Trump is more nuts than we suspected – a true delusional paranoid. Trump’s outburst was triggered by commentary in the “alt-right” publication, Breitbart News, on Friday, which reported an assertion made Thursday night by right-wing talk-radio host Mark Levin suggesting Obama and his administration used “police state” tactics last fall to monitor the Trump team’s dealings with Russian operatives.

If this was the case, we’ve got a president willing to put the prestige and power of his office behind baseless claims emanating from well-known right-wing purveyors of lies.

Which means Trump shouldn’t be anywhere near the nuclear codes that could obliterate the planet, or near anything else that could determine the fate of America or the world.

2. The second possibility is that Trump is correct, and the Obama administration did in fact tap his phones. But if this was the case, before the tap could occur it’s highly likely Trump committed a very serious crime, including treason.

No president can order a wiretap on his own. For federal agents to obtain a wiretap on Trump, or anyone else, the Justice Department would first have had to convince a federal judge that it had gathered sufficient evidence of probable cause to believe Trump had committed a serious crime or was an agent of a foreign power, depending on whether it was a criminal or foreign intelligence wiretap.

In which case we have someone in the White House who shouldn’t be making decisions that could endanger America or the world.

3. The third possible explanation for Trump’s rant is he’s trying to divert public attention from the Jeff Sessions imbroglio and multiple investigations of Trump associates already found to have been in contact with Russian agents during the election, when Russian operatives interfered with the election on Trump’s behalf.

Maybe he’s trying to build a case that the entire Russian story is a plot concocted by the Obama Administration – along with the intelligence agencies and the mainstream press – to bring Trump down. This way, he can inoculate himself against more damaging evidence to come.

But if it’s all a big show to divert attention and undermine the credibility of the intelligence agencies and the press, Trump is willing to do anything to keep his job – even if that means destroying the fabric of our democracy.

So there you have it. Whatever the reason for Trump’s rant, America is in deep trouble. We have a president who is either a dangerous paranoid who’s making judgments based on right-wing crackpots, has in all likelihood committed treason, or is willing to sacrifice public trust in our basic institutions to further his selfish goals.

Each of these possible reasons is as terrifying as the other.

More: 3 Terrifying Reasons For Trump's Latest Rant

One would think that a normal president would applaud our government for trying to protect us from foreign spies via wiretapping surveillance warrants granted by a FISA Court based on probable cause. One would think...

Lindsey Graham echoed the same sentiment as number 2.

"The other side of the story ... If the former President of the United States was able to obtain a warrant lawfully to monitor Trump's campaign for violating the law, that would be the biggest scandal since Watergate."

And you'[re right a President cannot order this, it has to be done by Federal agents.
Graham: 'I'm very worried' about Trump's wiretapping accusation
No president can order a wiretap on his own.

Early Saturday morning, March 4, the 45th president of the United States alleged in a series of tweets that former president Barack Obama orchestrated a “Nixon/Watergate” plot to tap Trump’s phones at his Trump Tower headquarters last fall in the run-up to the election. Trump concluded that the former president is a “Bad (or sick) guy!”

Sunday morning, Trump called for a congressional investigation.

Trump cited no evidence for his accusation.

Folks, we’ve got a huge problem on our hands. Either:

1. Trump is more nuts than we suspected – a true delusional paranoid. Trump’s outburst was triggered by commentary in the “alt-right” publication, Breitbart News, on Friday, which reported an assertion made Thursday night by right-wing talk-radio host Mark Levin suggesting Obama and his administration used “police state” tactics last fall to monitor the Trump team’s dealings with Russian operatives.

If this was the case, we’ve got a president willing to put the prestige and power of his office behind baseless claims emanating from well-known right-wing purveyors of lies.

Which means Trump shouldn’t be anywhere near the nuclear codes that could obliterate the planet, or near anything else that could determine the fate of America or the world.

2. The second possibility is that Trump is correct, and the Obama administration did in fact tap his phones. But if this was the case, before the tap could occur it’s highly likely Trump committed a very serious crime, including treason.

No president can order a wiretap on his own. For federal agents to obtain a wiretap on Trump, or anyone else, the Justice Department would first have had to convince a federal judge that it had gathered sufficient evidence of probable cause to believe Trump had committed a serious crime or was an agent of a foreign power, depending on whether it was a criminal or foreign intelligence wiretap.

In which case we have someone in the White House who shouldn’t be making decisions that could endanger America or the world.

3. The third possible explanation for Trump’s rant is he’s trying to divert public attention from the Jeff Sessions imbroglio and multiple investigations of Trump associates already found to have been in contact with Russian agents during the election, when Russian operatives interfered with the election on Trump’s behalf.

Maybe he’s trying to build a case that the entire Russian story is a plot concocted by the Obama Administration – along with the intelligence agencies and the mainstream press – to bring Trump down. This way, he can inoculate himself against more damaging evidence to come.

But if it’s all a big show to divert attention and undermine the credibility of the intelligence agencies and the press, Trump is willing to do anything to keep his job – even if that means destroying the fabric of our democracy.

So there you have it. Whatever the reason for Trump’s rant, America is in deep trouble. We have a president who is either a dangerous paranoid who’s making judgments based on right-wing crackpots, has in all likelihood committed treason, or is willing to sacrifice public trust in our basic institutions to further his selfish goals.

Each of these possible reasons is as terrifying as the other.

More: 3 Terrifying Reasons For Trump's Latest Rant

One would think that a normal president would applaud our government for trying to protect us from foreign spies via wiretapping surveillance warrants granted by a FISA Court based on probable cause. One would think...

Lindsey Graham echoed the same sentiment as number 2.

"The other side of the story ... If the former President of the United States was able to obtain a warrant lawfully to monitor Trump's campaign for violating the law, that would be the biggest scandal since Watergate."

And you'[re right a President cannot order this, it has to be done by Federal agents.
Graham: 'I'm very worried' about Trump's wiretapping accusation

We need honest and thorough investigations. Republicans must step up to the plate.
No president can order a wiretap on his own.

Early Saturday morning, March 4, the 45th president of the United States alleged in a series of tweets that former president Barack Obama orchestrated a “Nixon/Watergate” plot to tap Trump’s phones at his Trump Tower headquarters last fall in the run-up to the election. Trump concluded that the former president is a “Bad (or sick) guy!”

Sunday morning, Trump called for a congressional investigation.

Trump cited no evidence for his accusation.

Folks, we’ve got a huge problem on our hands. Either:

1. Trump is more nuts than we suspected – a true delusional paranoid. Trump’s outburst was triggered by commentary in the “alt-right” publication, Breitbart News, on Friday, which reported an assertion made Thursday night by right-wing talk-radio host Mark Levin suggesting Obama and his administration used “police state” tactics last fall to monitor the Trump team’s dealings with Russian operatives.

If this was the case, we’ve got a president willing to put the prestige and power of his office behind baseless claims emanating from well-known right-wing purveyors of lies.

Which means Trump shouldn’t be anywhere near the nuclear codes that could obliterate the planet, or near anything else that could determine the fate of America or the world.

2. The second possibility is that Trump is correct, and the Obama administration did in fact tap his phones. But if this was the case, before the tap could occur it’s highly likely Trump committed a very serious crime, including treason.

No president can order a wiretap on his own. For federal agents to obtain a wiretap on Trump, or anyone else, the Justice Department would first have had to convince a federal judge that it had gathered sufficient evidence of probable cause to believe Trump had committed a serious crime or was an agent of a foreign power, depending on whether it was a criminal or foreign intelligence wiretap.

In which case we have someone in the White House who shouldn’t be making decisions that could endanger America or the world.

3. The third possible explanation for Trump’s rant is he’s trying to divert public attention from the Jeff Sessions imbroglio and multiple investigations of Trump associates already found to have been in contact with Russian agents during the election, when Russian operatives interfered with the election on Trump’s behalf.

Maybe he’s trying to build a case that the entire Russian story is a plot concocted by the Obama Administration – along with the intelligence agencies and the mainstream press – to bring Trump down. This way, he can inoculate himself against more damaging evidence to come.

But if it’s all a big show to divert attention and undermine the credibility of the intelligence agencies and the press, Trump is willing to do anything to keep his job – even if that means destroying the fabric of our democracy.

So there you have it. Whatever the reason for Trump’s rant, America is in deep trouble. We have a president who is either a dangerous paranoid who’s making judgments based on right-wing crackpots, has in all likelihood committed treason, or is willing to sacrifice public trust in our basic institutions to further his selfish goals.

Each of these possible reasons is as terrifying as the other.

More: 3 Terrifying Reasons For Trump's Latest Rant

One would think that a normal president would applaud our government for trying to protect us from foreign spies via wiretapping surveillance warrants granted by a FISA Court based on probable cause. One would think...

Lindsey Graham echoed the same sentiment as number 2.

"The other side of the story ... If the former President of the United States was able to obtain a warrant lawfully to monitor Trump's campaign for violating the law, that would be the biggest scandal since Watergate."

And you'[re right a President cannot order this, it has to be done by Federal agents.
Graham: 'I'm very worried' about Trump's wiretapping accusation

We need honest and thorough investigations. Republicans must step up to the plate.

I clearly remember when Obama order that this investigation be done BEFORE he left office, and I think it was. Clearly he wasn't going to turn it over to FBI Director James Comey, as he too is under investigation over his unprecedented interference into this election. Obama certainly would have not turned it over to Republicans, knowing that they would squash it. So this 2nd investigation is for the show.
DOJ to Investigate James Comey and the FBI

Obama has cast a very wide net. He sits patiently, waits for one of to lie, then outs them for the lie. I think his intention is to ensnarl all of them in it, before it's done. Eventually he'll release the Kracken. Possibly when Democrats take over in 2018.

Republicans had an opportunity via the Ways & Means committee to get Trump's tax returns and they refused to do it. So their choice is to try and obstruct and burn the entire party down with them over treason, obstruction and cover-up or get their thumbs out of their ass's and be very aggressive now, and if they have to impeach Trump, they need to do it now.

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