3 year old ny boy shot in the head

Whoring mother, no father, baby sitting that has the boyfriend over instead of baby sitting.

This poor child. He should have been taken away at birth. I hope he lives and gets taken away and put somewhere safe. He has no chance in this home. If not this time, then next time will take his little life.
Ditto for the previous boyfriend, the slutty street trash babysitter, and the whore mom. Nice job you subhuman garbage.
Destroy the family and this is the result

Exactly, and it was intentional and done long ago. I didn't believe this is true then I would be in the KKK and sticking to the mantra that black people are inherently inferior which is obviously not true.
A mandatory sterilization program for inner city welfare recipients would reduce the chances of this kind of tragedy. If not mandatory sterilization, maybe a tattoo by a professional and a gold chain or something as compensation for voluntary sterilization.
Good Idea Snouter, but I wouldn't make it mandatory because all kinds of laws would be broken, legal BS, Jesse Jackass etc. I'd give them an incentive. I think 10K would do it. It would stimulate the liquor store and Popeye's in the area, best of all they'd blow it all in a week.
These kids would be better off in orphanages. Instill a work ethic and value of education and society would be so much better off. Libs might lose voters so they'd rather people get killed
Man that has got to be some kind of fucked up home and neighborhood the kid is growing up in.

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