30,000 Ballots Scanned Multiple Times

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“We’re going to whine. We’re going to whine so much!
We’re going to whine at trade, we’re going to whine at the border!
We’re going to whine so much, you’re going to be so sick and tired of whining,
you’re going to come to me and go ‘Please, please, we can’t whine anymore.’
You’ll say ‘Please, Mr. President, we beg you sir, we don’t want to whine anymore!

It’s too much. It’s not fair to everybody else.' And I’m going to say

‘I’m sorry, but we’re going to keep
whining, whining, whining!"
No, but you are obviously transgender. Fucking twerp.
So you believe the term "transgender" is an insult? What kind rightwing hater are you?
that was an observation. If I wanted to insult you, I'd post your credit score.
My credit score is excellent, douchebag.

You just revealed that you're a hater who despises transgenders. How do you explain yourself?
No, but you are obviously transgender. Fucking twerp.
So you believe the term "transgender" is an insult? What kind rightwing hater are you?
that was an observation. If I wanted to insult you, I'd post your credit score.
My credit score is excellent, douchebag.

You just revealed that you're a hater who despises transgenders. How do you explain yourself?
Sure it is, loser.
Are you Chinese, douchebag?
You appear to be confused, Sunshine.

Did you mistake me for Trump's intimate whom he praised for his leadership skills in dealing with Covid-19?

What fucking difference does that make? Are you saying the Obama never praised Putin?

Obama praises Russia's Putin before beluga breakfast

No, but you are obviously transgender. Fucking twerp.
So you believe the term "transgender" is an insult? What kind rightwing hater are you?
that was an observation. If I wanted to insult you, I'd post your credit score.
My credit score is excellent, douchebag.

You just revealed that you're a hater who despises transgenders. How do you explain yourself?
Sure it is, loser.
Prove it's not, douchebag.

Now, explain why you hate transgenders, you fucking transphobic hater.
So you believe the term "transgender" is an insult? What kind rightwing hater are you?
Tell us...wat was your intention in using that term then, asshole?

Do you think ANYONE isn't able to see through your bullshit?
What fucking difference does that make? Are you saying the Obama never praised Putin?
I don't recall ever saying any such thing, Buttercup. Did he?

If he did, was it a case of bestowing an encomium upon the bloke for his deft mastery of a pandemic?
This one act of voter fraud alone may have given Biden his margin of victory in Michigan. The contractor saw about 30,000 ballots being scanned multiple times, as many as nine or 10 times. Biden only "won" Michigan by 155,000 votes out of 5.6 million votes cast. Michigan's Democratic governor and Democratic secretary of state are refusing to take any action to investigate this report and the many other reports of voter fraud in the state.
I posted a link to him praising Putin, you sleazy lying piece of shit.
What exactly did he praise him for?
“I am aware of not only the extraordinary work that you’ve done on behalf of the Russian people in your previous role as prime minis-, uh, as president, but in your current role as prime minister,” Obama said at the start of talks.
Trump and his legal lackeys are discovering over and over and over that having no credible evidence to present will get their candy tushies kicked down the courthouse steps every time, even by trump-appointed judges.

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I don't get no respect in the godless courts
'cuz I'm a faith-based leader that
don't need no stinkin' evidence!"

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"Oh, Lordy!
My bum hurts somethin' fierce!"
Trump and his legal lackeys are discovering over and over and over that having no credible evidence to present will get their candy tushies kicked down the courthouse steps every time, even by trump-appointed judges.

View attachment 425399
I don't get no respect in the godless courts
'cuz I'm a faith-based leader that
don't need no stinkin' evidence!"

View attachment 425400
"Oh, Lordy!
My bum hurts somethin' fierce!"
They have tons of credible evidence, dumbass. However, the courts are run by mostly Democrats in those states.
I posted a link to him praising Putin, you sleazy lying piece of shit.

And how does your excursion down memory lane divert attention from Trump praising Xi
for his handling of the current pandemic, Petunia?
I posted a link to him praising Putin, you sleazy lying piece of shit.

And how does your excursion down memory lane divert attention from Trump praising Xi
for his handling of the current pandemic, Petunia?
It shows what an enormous hypocrite you are, dumbass. Obama does something: Dims praise him. Trump does the same thing: Dims say he's a traitor.

Don't you see what a unbelievable piece of shit you are?
They have tons of credible evidence, dumbass. However, the courts are run by mostly Democrats in those states.
Incredibly enough Arizona, Nevada, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Georgia are swing states
because the leftist corruption runs so deep (in Georgia the governor and sec. of state are republicans
in name only).
It's not surprising the election corruption we all see so clearly is ignored by judges in those states.
It's called "corruption" and left wing jackals here see no evil when it benefits them not to.

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