30 Democrats In Puerto Rico With 109 Lobbyists For Weekend Despite Shutdown

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While 800,000 will miss their first paycheck.

Let them eat cake.

30 Democrats in Puerto Rico with 109 lobbyists for weekend despite shutdown
Aren't you calling for them to eat cake in another thread? They have worthless occupations, do no the deserve to retire with dignity and stay in these jobs even if shown to be incompetent.

And here you are using them as examples of the duplicity you ascribe to Democrats meeting to determine what help, aside from rolls of paper towels, Ethel Puerto Rican's still need.
More border patrol agents, drones, more judges to deal with refugees, lots of ways that work to deal with the situation.
Those are great ideas and I hope they're included in any deal that passes. But what is so wrong about including physical barriers where a large number of people are walking over on a daily basis? The Rio Grande vector is really active, probably because there is no fencing or wall along the river. You have seen the people coming over in rafts. Sometimes they swim.
Then they walk through the desert, and most of them make it. A wall would be sensible there, if it could be built.

What’s wrong with a wall? For one, it would work fantastic, but two, a wall is there to stay. If Democrats ever get power again, they won’t be able to remove the wall.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com
I just watched a news report where they showed THREE tunnels going under existing border wall.


They could spend the money on, oh, I don't know, things Republicans know nothing about.

Things like:


more border agents




body armor

Instead, they want to spend billions on a pile of rocks because Republicans think rocks are "hi tech".

As a person that came from a construction family, I can tell you those tunnels take months to years to build, depending on how articulate they are. El Chapo spent a million dollars just on one tunnel.

But I would rather them waste time on tunnels than just bringing drugs or people over in a few minutes each pass. And like the border patrol agents say, they are eventually found.

You do't know what you are talking about. 36" and larger pipelines are regularly drilled under rivers all across the country and have been for quite a while.

While I'm sure you didn't frantically run around the internet to find something to counter my claim, and actually read all 50 pages of this PDF file, I might ask, what does that have to do with my comment?
While 800,000 will miss their first paycheck.

Let them eat cake.

30 Democrats in Puerto Rico with 109 lobbyists for weekend despite shutdown
Aren't you calling for them to eat cake in another thread? They have worthless occupations, do no the deserve to retire with dignity and stay in these jobs even if shown to be incompetent.

And here you are using them as examples of the duplicity you ascribe to Democrats meeting to determine what help, aside from rolls of paper towels, Ethel Puerto Rican's still need.
Not with my money.

Tell Sharpton to pay the millions he owes the IRS.
While 800,000 will miss their first paycheck.

Let them eat cake.

30 Democrats in Puerto Rico with 109 lobbyists for weekend despite shutdown
Aren't you calling for them to eat cake in another thread? They have worthless occupations, do no the deserve to retire with dignity and stay in these jobs even if shown to be incompetent.

And here you are using them as examples of the duplicity you ascribe to Democrats meeting to determine what help, aside from rolls of paper towels, Ethel Puerto Rican's still need.
Not with my money.

Tell Sharpton to pay the millions he owes the IRS.
The Puerto Rican's are Americans. Would you say the same of any continental community ravaged by nature?
While 800,000 will miss their first paycheck.

Let them eat cake.

30 Democrats in Puerto Rico with 109 lobbyists for weekend despite shutdown
Aren't you calling for them to eat cake in another thread? They have worthless occupations, do no the deserve to retire with dignity and stay in these jobs even if shown to be incompetent.

And here you are using them as examples of the duplicity you ascribe to Democrats meeting to determine what help, aside from rolls of paper towels, Ethel Puerto Rican's still need.
Not with my money.

Tell Sharpton to pay the millions he owes the IRS.
The Puerto Rican's are Americans. Would you say the same of any continental community ravaged by nature?
Ah! So Vacations by Democrats are just emergency relief jobs!

You are such a dumbass.
The dems are on thin ice....the people are behind Trump and the polling must show it...that's why we are not seeing the butt hurt media's polls....

You are hitting the bottle early. Name a poll in which voters blame Democrats.
While 800,000 will miss their first paycheck.

Let them eat cake.

30 Democrats in Puerto Rico with 109 lobbyists for weekend despite shutdown
So? Until Trump’s tantrum is over there’s no point to staying in D.C.

Yeah border security and caring about it is just a temper tantrum. You are really fucked up.

This has nothing to do with border security. This is about the country being held hostage so Trump can please his base.
While 800,000 will miss their first paycheck.

Let them eat cake.

30 Democrats in Puerto Rico with 109 lobbyists for weekend despite shutdown
So? Until Trump’s tantrum is over there’s no point to staying in D.C.

Yeah border security and caring about it is just a temper tantrum. You are really fucked up.

This has nothing to do with border security. This is about the country being held hostage so Trump can please his base.

That's what a representative is supposed to do, please his base. You mean Democrats don't do the same thing?
While 800,000 will miss their first paycheck.

Let them eat cake.

30 Democrats in Puerto Rico with 109 lobbyists for weekend despite shutdown

The Democrats did their job. They passed a bill to re-open the government. The ball is in the Senate Republican and Trump's court now.

They passed a bill that allows funding for the wall to reopen the government? I didn't see that. Or are you saying Democrats passed a bill to reopen the government and not give a damn thing to Republicans? Gee, how nice of them.
While 800,000 will miss their first paycheck.

Let them eat cake.

30 Democrats in Puerto Rico with 109 lobbyists for weekend despite shutdown
So? Until Trump’s tantrum is over there’s no point to staying in D.C.

Yeah border security and caring about it is just a temper tantrum. You are really fucked up.

This has nothing to do with border security. This is about the country being held hostage so Trump can please his base.

That's what a representative is supposed to do, please his base. You mean Democrats don't do the same thing?

No, they are supposed to do what is best for the country. Trump is playing politics by appealing to a majority of a minority. He has alienated Independents as well as Democrats. Again he could have had a deal a year ago but turned it down.
While 800,000 will miss their first paycheck.

Let them eat cake.

30 Democrats in Puerto Rico with 109 lobbyists for weekend despite shutdown

The Democrats did their job. They passed a bill to re-open the government. The ball is in the Senate Republican and Trump's court now.

They passed a bill that allows funding for the wall to reopen the government? I didn't see that. Or are you saying Democrats passed a bill to reopen the government and not give a damn thing to Republicans? Gee, how nice of them.

They passed a bill to re-open the government and that is all they needed. If Trump wanted money for a wall then he should have taken the compromise that Democrats offered last year. A majority of Americans oppose Trump's plan.
While 800,000 will miss their first paycheck.

Let them eat cake.

30 Democrats in Puerto Rico with 109 lobbyists for weekend despite shutdown
Aren't you calling for them to eat cake in another thread? They have worthless occupations, do no the deserve to retire with dignity and stay in these jobs even if shown to be incompetent.

And here you are using them as examples of the duplicity you ascribe to Democrats meeting to determine what help, aside from rolls of paper towels, Ethel Puerto Rican's still need.
Not with my money.

Tell Sharpton to pay the millions he owes the IRS.
The Puerto Rican's are Americans. Would you say the same of any continental community ravaged by nature?
That is true. And they have blown tens of billions of dollars and tens of billions of dollars more through corruption. They even got rid of part of our military presence and many jobs to service it through their selfish egos based on endless handouts from the taxpayers. This is socialism gone wrong in a beautiful region of the world that has a lot of poverty. Most of those island nations have no sugar daddy. Not having a better energy and water infrastructure or at least a better part infrastructure to rebuild from was pure demonic and evil on those who stole from others. Honest men and women are always the ones who get reamed.
While 800,000 will miss their first paycheck.

Let them eat cake.

30 Democrats in Puerto Rico with 109 lobbyists for weekend despite shutdown
So? Until Trump’s tantrum is over there’s no point to staying in D.C.

Yeah border security and caring about it is just a temper tantrum. You are really fucked up.

This has nothing to do with border security. This is about the country being held hostage so Trump can please his base.

That's what a representative is supposed to do, please his base. You mean Democrats don't do the same thing?

No, they are supposed to do what is best for the country. Trump is playing politics by appealing to a majority of a minority. He has alienated Independents as well as Democrats. Again he could have had a deal a year ago but turned it down.

A wall is what's best for the country because it will help our agents stop border crossers. If people are so alienated with him, then next election, vote for somebody else; somebody that will flood our country with third-world people with diseases, criminal records and no knowledge of our culture or language.

In the meantime, I'll believe Independents are not so upset by the wall.

ABC/WaPo Poll: Support for Border Wall Soars Among Swing-Voters
While 800,000 will miss their first paycheck.

Let them eat cake.

30 Democrats in Puerto Rico with 109 lobbyists for weekend despite shutdown

The Democrats did their job. They passed a bill to re-open the government. The ball is in the Senate Republican and Trump's court now.

They passed a bill that allows funding for the wall to reopen the government? I didn't see that. Or are you saying Democrats passed a bill to reopen the government and not give a damn thing to Republicans? Gee, how nice of them.

They passed a bill to re-open the government and that is all they needed. If Trump wanted money for a wall then he should have taken the compromise that Democrats offered last year. A majority of Americans oppose Trump's plan.

Oh sure, they passed a bill to reopen the government with no wall. You call that an attempt at solving this problem?

The reason we have a government shutdown is because of the wall. The way to reopen the government is to give Trump the 5 billion for it. So what Democrats are saying is reopen the government and not one dime for the wall. You call that a compromise?
Why don't you get back with me after he ends world hunger and gets rif of all the nuclear weapons on the planet, or stops global climate change, and I'll reevaluate that pig. So far, he's just been a spoiled despot who cares more about himself than the country. Building a useless wall and securing the border aren't the same thing.

Why would a wall be "useless"? The reason Democrats don't want a wall is that it WILL keep people from crossing the border that they want as future Democratic voters. If the wall really were useless then they'd be voting for it.

Are you against citizens voting any way they choose?

Not at all...what I AM against is flooding the entire country with illegals simply because you think they'll vote for you.

Are you against entitlements? Because if you aren't then you have to face the cold hard truth that you can't have open borders and an entitlement society because you can't pay for it. So which do you want most, Bulldog? The cradle to the grave land of entitlements that you on the left continually seek or the votes to keep liberal Democrats in power? You can't have both and trying to do so will destroy this nation.

Illegals don't vote dumb ass. I don't care what Hannity told you.
I didn't say they have voted...I'm staying that Democrats are counting on their votes in the future which is why they don't want a secure border now.

So you didn't answer my question...do you want a porous border or do you want lots of entitlements?

After the long process of becoming a citizen, They are citizens in every aspect of the word, and are entitled to decide who to vote for just like every other citizen. If your party doesn't support what our voters want, you don't deserve to be elected. You don't get extra points just because you were here first. Entitlements and citizenship are totally different things.
A Quinnipiac poll of 1,147 voters reached on landlines or cell phones from Dec. 12-17 found that 54 percent of respondents opposed the wall and 43 percent supported it. A Harvard CAPS/Harris online survey of 1,407 registered voters conducted Dec. 24-26 found that 56 percent of those surveyed did not support a wall, while 44 percent did.

Just 35 percent of those surveyed supported including money for the wall in a federal spending bill, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll of 2,440 adults conducted online Dec. 21-25.

More than two-thirds of Americans don’t think the wall should be a priority, according to a poll of 1,075 adults by NPR, PBS News Hour and Marist. That poll was conducted Nov. 28-Dec. 4 using live telephone interviews to reach both landlines and cell phones.

Regardless of Americans’ opinions about the wall, they’re not happy with how the government shutdown is being handled by either Congress or Trump. Just 18 percent of Americans polled say they approve of how Congress has handled the shutdown, with 60 percent disapproving, a new HuffPost/YouGov survey finds. As for Trump, 38 percent approve of how he’s handling it, and 49 percent disapprove, according to the poll.

From the Quinnipiac poll:

An overwhelming majority of U.S. voters believe that security along the southern border is a problem, with 48 percent saying that it’s a “serious problem” and 38 percent saying it’s a “minor problem.” Only 14 percent said that border security is “not even a small priority,” the Harvard CAPS/Harris Poll survey found.

Of course security at the southern border is a concern. That doesn't mean a wall is a good idea. There are lots better ways to deal with the problem than a dumb assed wall. Just because 48% say it is a problem doesn't mean 48% want a wall.

You don't believe that a wall is a good first step to establishing a secure border? Please tell me what the good first step should be.

More border patrol agents, drones, more judges to deal with refugees, lots of ways that work to deal with the situation.

So are you liberals ready to put more border patrol agents on the border? I don't think you are, Bulldog because I don't think you really want to secure the border.

There you go trying to think again I just said more border patrol agents would be a good thing. Try to keep up.
Those are great ideas and I hope they're included in any deal that passes. But what is so wrong about including physical barriers where a large number of people are walking over on a daily basis? The Rio Grande vector is really active, probably because there is no fencing or wall along the river. You have seen the people coming over in rafts. Sometimes they swim.
Then they walk through the desert, and most of them make it. A wall would be sensible there, if it could be built.

What’s wrong with a wall? For one, it would work fantastic, but two, a wall is there to stay. If Democrats ever get power again, they won’t be able to remove the wall.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com
I just watched a news report where they showed THREE tunnels going under existing border wall.


They could spend the money on, oh, I don't know, things Republicans know nothing about.

Things like:


more border agents




body armor

Instead, they want to spend billions on a pile of rocks because Republicans think rocks are "hi tech".

As a person that came from a construction family, I can tell you those tunnels take months to years to build, depending on how articulate they are. El Chapo spent a million dollars just on one tunnel.

But I would rather them waste time on tunnels than just bringing drugs or people over in a few minutes each pass. And like the border patrol agents say, they are eventually found.

You DO realize that after those tunnels are built, that drugs and people can come over in a few minutes on each pass, only this time they are unable to be detected?

And................the BP agents said that the only way they find a tunnel is if they accidentally stumble on them, or they get solid human intelligence on where they are at.

And so how do more drones, agents, weapons, equipment stop any of this?

In 2017, we apprehended over 310,000 border crossers. The wall will help stop people just like that.

Border crossings are at the lowest number in decades.
Those are great ideas and I hope they're included in any deal that passes. But what is so wrong about including physical barriers where a large number of people are walking over on a daily basis? The Rio Grande vector is really active, probably because there is no fencing or wall along the river. You have seen the people coming over in rafts. Sometimes they swim.
Then they walk through the desert, and most of them make it. A wall would be sensible there, if it could be built.

What’s wrong with a wall? For one, it would work fantastic, but two, a wall is there to stay. If Democrats ever get power again, they won’t be able to remove the wall.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com
I just watched a news report where they showed THREE tunnels going under existing border wall.


They could spend the money on, oh, I don't know, things Republicans know nothing about.

Things like:


more border agents




body armor

Instead, they want to spend billions on a pile of rocks because Republicans think rocks are "hi tech".

As a person that came from a construction family, I can tell you those tunnels take months to years to build, depending on how articulate they are. El Chapo spent a million dollars just on one tunnel.

But I would rather them waste time on tunnels than just bringing drugs or people over in a few minutes each pass. And like the border patrol agents say, they are eventually found.

You do't know what you are talking about. 36" and larger pipelines are regularly drilled under rivers all across the country and have been for quite a while.

While I'm sure you didn't frantically run around the internet to find something to counter my claim, and actually read all 50 pages of this PDF file, I might ask, what does that have to do with my comment?

An underground crossing, especially for drugs, can be done in a few weeks. Far from the months or years you claim. If it is eventually found, millions of dollars worth of drugs have already been transported through it.

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