30 GOP Senators Would Vote To Impeach; Claims Deep State Advisor

"30 Republican senators would vote to impeach Trump" if vote was secret, GOP consultant claims

So former McCain and Romney advisor and current deep state operative Mike Murphy; claimed on Wednesday that he was told by a Republican senator that the majority of Republican senators "would vote to impeach" President Donald Trump if they could do so anonymously. What a load of crap!

"These Senate Republicans, should the Democrats vote impeachment, which is far more likely than not, are going to be pinned down to a yes/no answer," Murphy, who previously advised Republican politicians including Mitt Romney, John McCain and Jeb Bush, said in an interview with MSNBC."

This guy worked for 3 failed liberal presidential candidates and is talking to MSNBC about what he thinks 30 GOP senators are going to do? give me a break....Any republican who comes out in favor of impeachment should be charged for treason by the Attorney General. Look, you can clearly see that the Ukrainian president is a huge Trump fan and was willing to do whatever he could to help the US -- he was willing to work with our own Attorney General to investigate Biden and his son for treason -- how is that an impeachable offense??

Also, this company CrowdStrike -- they are the ones who hacked the DNC, not the Russians..Hillary's server is currently in Ukraine as the Dems hacked their own server and blamed it on the Russians to make Trump look bad -- It's time for Trump to investigate CrowdStrike and the Dems for treason and extortion; its time for William Barr to move forward on the evidence he has against Obama and Hillary and stop being so scared of these libs and convict these people for their crimes.

The Senate doesn't impeach, the set the trial and they can either find him guilty or not guilty.

So right now with no one presenting their case 30 Senators are voting to convict or impeach? Seems like a pretty wild statement.
My point...which you can't seem to grasp...is that Nixon actually had good reason to BE paranoid about his political opponents after what the Kennedy's did to him in 1960. What took place in Chicago during that election was about as clear cut an example of voter fraud as we've ever had in this country and Richard Nixon was the victim of that voter fraud. As I said before...I don't condone Nixon's actions...but I do understand why he may have felt the way he did!

He would have lost with or without Illinois. So there was no reason for him to be "paranoid" that Dick Daley did what the Chicago Machine had done for decades. Nixon's behavior was inexusable.

Biden used his political office to enrich his kid. That's the "dirt" that Trump was looking into! I know you on the left scream bloody murder when one of yours gets investigated but Biden DESERVES to be questioned about his actions regarding the Ukraine and China and the millions of dollars that his son Hunter received from those countries!

Uh, blackmailing a foreign head of state whose country is under attack to get dirt is hardly collecting evidence. If it would save their people from the Russians, the Ukrainians would have claimed Biden kidnapped the Lindbergh Baby and sank the Lusitania.

Trump runs around accusing everyone of crimes, but he's the one getting impeached. Imagine that.
Gotta love MSNBC! More "anonymous sources" claiming things that can't be verified! Let's be crystal clear...any Republican that voted to impeach Donald Trump on this farce that's being perpetrated by the Democrats would be voted out of office so fast that it would make their heads spin...and they know it! There is absolutely no chance on God's Green Earth that the Senate votes to impeach and Pelosi knows that as well! This is nothing more than political theatre to obscure the very clear fact that the Democrats are running on things that the American people are not in favor of and have veered so far to the left that they know they can't win in November of next year!

Nixon won 49 states in 1972.... and 60% of the vote...

And he still resigned when his criminality because impossible to deny.

Every poll shows Democrats beating Trump, and if Trump wasn't nervous, he wouldn't have gone to the Ukraine looking for dirt on Biden to start with.
Liberals went after Nixon who did nothing any different than all the other Presidents before him.
My point...which you can't seem to grasp...is that Nixon actually had good reason to BE paranoid about his political opponents after what the Kennedy's did to him in 1960. What took place in Chicago during that election was about as clear cut an example of voter fraud as we've ever had in this country and Richard Nixon was the victim of that voter fraud. As I said before...I don't condone Nixon's actions...but I do understand why he may have felt the way he did!

He would have lost with or without Illinois. So there was no reason for him to be "paranoid" that Dick Daley did what the Chicago Machine had done for decades. Nixon's behavior was inexusable.

Biden used his political office to enrich his kid. That's the "dirt" that Trump was looking into! I know you on the left scream bloody murder when one of yours gets investigated but Biden DESERVES to be questioned about his actions regarding the Ukraine and China and the millions of dollars that his son Hunter received from those countries!

Uh, blackmailing a foreign head of state whose country is under attack to get dirt is hardly collecting evidence. If it would save their people from the Russians, the Ukrainians would have claimed Biden kidnapped the Lindbergh Baby and sank the Lusitania.

Trump runs around accusing everyone of crimes, but he's the one getting impeached. Imagine that.
Biden bragged about getting Ukraine to back-off his son.
My point...which you can't seem to grasp...is that Nixon actually had good reason to BE paranoid about his political opponents after what the Kennedy's did to him in 1960. What took place in Chicago during that election was about as clear cut an example of voter fraud as we've ever had in this country and Richard Nixon was the victim of that voter fraud. As I said before...I don't condone Nixon's actions...but I do understand why he may have felt the way he did!

He would have lost with or without Illinois. So there was no reason for him to be "paranoid" that Dick Daley did what the Chicago Machine had done for decades. Nixon's behavior was inexusable.

Biden used his political office to enrich his kid. That's the "dirt" that Trump was looking into! I know you on the left scream bloody murder when one of yours gets investigated but Biden DESERVES to be questioned about his actions regarding the Ukraine and China and the millions of dollars that his son Hunter received from those countries!

Uh, blackmailing a foreign head of state whose country is under attack to get dirt is hardly collecting evidence. If it would save their people from the Russians, the Ukrainians would have claimed Biden kidnapped the Lindbergh Baby and sank the Lusitania.

Trump runs around accusing everyone of crimes, but he's the one getting impeached. Imagine that.

Funny how the President of the Ukraine doesn't seem to feel he was "blackmailed", Joey! It's also hilarious how you want Trump investigated for all these IMAGINARY things that you on the left keep trying to smear him with...yet you think a rather blatant payoff to a member of the Biden family by powerful figures in the Ukraine doesn't warrant an investigation!

Trump isn't being impeached because he committed a crime...he's being impeached because you on the left won't accept that he won that election fair and square!
My point...which you can't seem to grasp...is that Nixon actually had good reason to BE paranoid about his political opponents after what the Kennedy's did to him in 1960. What took place in Chicago during that election was about as clear cut an example of voter fraud as we've ever had in this country and Richard Nixon was the victim of that voter fraud. As I said before...I don't condone Nixon's actions...but I do understand why he may have felt the way he did!

He would have lost with or without Illinois. So there was no reason for him to be "paranoid" that Dick Daley did what the Chicago Machine had done for decades. Nixon's behavior was inexusable.

Biden used his political office to enrich his kid. That's the "dirt" that Trump was looking into! I know you on the left scream bloody murder when one of yours gets investigated but Biden DESERVES to be questioned about his actions regarding the Ukraine and China and the millions of dollars that his son Hunter received from those countries!

Uh, blackmailing a foreign head of state whose country is under attack to get dirt is hardly collecting evidence. If it would save their people from the Russians, the Ukrainians would have claimed Biden kidnapped the Lindbergh Baby and sank the Lusitania.

Trump runs around accusing everyone of crimes, but he's the one getting impeached. Imagine that.

And you don't really know your history, Joey...
The Democrats were accused of stuffing the ballot box in Illinois (Cook County specifically) and in Texas. If Nixon had taken those two States he would have won the Electoral College by two.
Liberals went after Nixon who did nothing any different than all the other Presidents before him.

Possibly. He still broke the law. I would say that Nixon had the bad luck of being president and doing "What everyone else did" when the country wasn't in the mood for that shit anymore.

Biden bragged about getting Ukraine to back-off his son.

No, he bragged about getting a corrupt prosecutor fired. Look at the tape, he doesn't mention his son once.

And you don't really know your history, Joey...
The Democrats were accused of stuffing the ballot box in Illinois (Cook County specifically) and in Texas. If Nixon had taken those two States he would have won the Electoral College by two.

Uh, okay, let's look at that. You didn't mention Texas before, but it was unlikely Nixon would have taken Texas, as JFK's running mate was from Texas. In fact, JFK won Texas by a larger margin than Tricky Dick won California (His home state).

Funny how the President of the Ukraine doesn't seem to feel he was "blackmailed", Joey! It's also hilarious how you want Trump investigated for all these IMAGINARY things that you on the left keep trying to smear him with...yet you think a rather blatant payoff to a member of the Biden family by powerful figures in the Ukraine doesn't warrant an investigation!

It was already investigated. Nothing there to see. Do you think that Bursima, one of the largest economic engine in the Ukraine, really needed to pay off Biden to get rid of a corrupt prosecutor that EVERYONE was calling to get rid of?

Trump isn't being impeached because he committed a crime...he's being impeached because you on the left won't accept that he won that election fair and square!

He didn't win the election, and it wasn't fair and square. He lost by 3 million votes and he had Russian help. We aren't surprised he just got caught doing it again.
Liberals went after Nixon who did nothing any different than all the other Presidents before him.

Possibly. He still broke the law. I would say that Nixon had the bad luck of being president and doing "What everyone else did" when the country wasn't in the mood for that shit anymore.

Biden bragged about getting Ukraine to back-off his son.

No, he bragged about getting a corrupt prosecutor fired. Look at the tape, he doesn't mention his son once.

And you don't really know your history, Joey...
The Democrats were accused of stuffing the ballot box in Illinois (Cook County specifically) and in Texas. If Nixon had taken those two States he would have won the Electoral College by two.

Uh, okay, let's look at that. You didn't mention Texas before, but it was unlikely Nixon would have taken Texas, as JFK's running mate was from Texas. In fact, JFK won Texas by a larger margin than Tricky Dick won California (His home state).

Funny how the President of the Ukraine doesn't seem to feel he was "blackmailed", Joey! It's also hilarious how you want Trump investigated for all these IMAGINARY things that you on the left keep trying to smear him with...yet you think a rather blatant payoff to a member of the Biden family by powerful figures in the Ukraine doesn't warrant an investigation!

It was already investigated. Nothing there to see. Do you think that Bursima, one of the largest economic engine in the Ukraine, really needed to pay off Biden to get rid of a corrupt prosecutor that EVERYONE was calling to get rid of?

Trump isn't being impeached because he committed a crime...he's being impeached because you on the left won't accept that he won that election fair and square!

He didn't win the election, and it wasn't fair and square. He lost by 3 million votes and he had Russian help. We aren't surprised he just got caught doing it again.

I know that JFK's running mate was from Texas...Lyndon Baines Johnson is the reason it was alleged that voter fraud took place in Texas!

As for Trump not winning fair and square? Can I be honest with you, Joey? It's reached the point of being PATHETIC when you on the left even try trotting that narrative out about the popular vote! We don't elect our President by popular vote and haven't for some time now! The biggest "help" that Donald Trump had to win that election didn't come from Russia...it came from Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Committee! You guys ran the most corrupt candidate in modern US political history...someone who lied, cheated and schemed her way through her entire political life...only to have ALL those chickens come home to roost when who she was, was exposed!
Liberals went after Nixon who did nothing any different than all the other Presidents before him.

Possibly. He still broke the law. I would say that Nixon had the bad luck of being president and doing "What everyone else did" when the country wasn't in the mood for that shit anymore.

Biden bragged about getting Ukraine to back-off his son.

No, he bragged about getting a corrupt prosecutor fired. Look at the tape, he doesn't mention his son once.

And you don't really know your history, Joey...
The Democrats were accused of stuffing the ballot box in Illinois (Cook County specifically) and in Texas. If Nixon had taken those two States he would have won the Electoral College by two.

Uh, okay, let's look at that. You didn't mention Texas before, but it was unlikely Nixon would have taken Texas, as JFK's running mate was from Texas. In fact, JFK won Texas by a larger margin than Tricky Dick won California (His home state).

Funny how the President of the Ukraine doesn't seem to feel he was "blackmailed", Joey! It's also hilarious how you want Trump investigated for all these IMAGINARY things that you on the left keep trying to smear him with...yet you think a rather blatant payoff to a member of the Biden family by powerful figures in the Ukraine doesn't warrant an investigation!

It was already investigated. Nothing there to see. Do you think that Bursima, one of the largest economic engine in the Ukraine, really needed to pay off Biden to get rid of a corrupt prosecutor that EVERYONE was calling to get rid of?

Trump isn't being impeached because he committed a crime...he's being impeached because you on the left won't accept that he won that election fair and square!

He didn't win the election, and it wasn't fair and square. He lost by 3 million votes and he had Russian help. We aren't surprised he just got caught doing it again.

You libs crack me up. He win the election, that's why he's president. If he didn't win he wouldn't be. Also, please provide proof that Russia had anything to do with people voting for Trump. I want specifics
Trump has done NOTHING even remotely approaching what Nixon did! Not even remotely approaching it!!!

What Trump did is FAR worse than what Nixon did. All Nixon did was try to cover up for his buddies. He never tried to get a foreign country to dig up dirt on McGovern. That would have been treason.

What's ironic about you on the left bringing up Nixon is that YOUR party is guilty of ACTUALLY using the IRS against your political enemies! Not attempting to do so and failing, like Nixon...but actually getting the IRS to make life miserable for your opposition!

You mean actually enforcing the law? The biggest mistake Obama made was actually knuckling under when all the Teabaggers were committing tax fraud by claiming to be educational organizations.

Mkay then what do you call Hillary hiring foreigners to dig up dirt on Trump?
I know that JFK's running mate was from Texas...Lyndon Baines Johnson is the reason it was alleged that voter fraud took place in Texas!

JFK and LBJ won Texas by a bigger margin than Tricky Dick won CA.

Maybe they should have looked into voter fraud in CA.

As for Trump not winning fair and square? Can I be honest with you, Joey? It's reached the point of being PATHETIC when you on the left even try trotting that narrative out about the popular vote! We don't elect our President by popular vote and haven't for some time now!

The People Said No. That should be the end of the discussion. That this anachronism still exists is the problem.

The people Said no, but the electors decided to ram a guy even THEY knew was unfit for the office down the throat of the country.

The biggest "help" that Donald Trump had to win that election didn't come from Russia...it came from Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Committee! You guys ran the most corrupt candidate in modern US political history...someone who lied, cheated and schemed her way through her entire political life...only to have ALL those chickens come home to roost when who she was, was exposed!

Yes, yes, we all know that Hillary's having a vagina terrified you. I imagine a similar freakout when Liz Warren wins in 2020.
You libs crack me up. He win the election, that's why he's president. If he didn't win he wouldn't be. Also, please provide proof that Russia had anything to do with people voting for Trump. I want specifics

You mean OTHER than 17 intelligence agencies saying they did?

Mkay then what do you call Hillary hiring foreigners to dig up dirt on Trump?

Did she hold aide packages above their heads to do it? Nope. Nope, those foreingers where happy to dig up dirt on Trump.
You libs crack me up. He win the election, that's why he's president. If he didn't win he wouldn't be. Also, please provide proof that Russia had anything to do with people voting for Trump. I want specifics

You mean OTHER than 17 intelligence agencies saying they did?

Mkay then what do you call Hillary hiring foreigners to dig up dirt on Trump?

Did she hold aide packages above their heads to do it? Nope. Nope, those foreingers where happy to dig up dirt on Trump.

Hillary PAID to have that happen you horse's ass! You liberals are so two faced on this topic it's become farce!
Hillary PAID to have that happen you horse's ass! You liberals are so two faced on this topic it's become farce!

Hillary paid a foreign firm to look into Trump. She used her own money to do so, and it was completely above board.

Trump used our taxpayers dollars to try to get a foreign government to dig up dirt on a subject that had already been litigated and closed...

Again, you guys have done this to yourselves. You put a man who is completely unfit for office into office.
Hillary PAID to have that happen you horse's ass! You liberals are so two faced on this topic it's become farce!

Hillary paid a foreign firm to look into Trump. She used her own money to do so, and it was completely above board.

Trump used our taxpayers dollars to try to get a foreign government to dig up dirt on a subject that had already been litigated and closed...

Again, you guys have done this to yourselves. You put a man who is completely unfit for office into office.

Hillary paid her own money to SMEAR a political opponent with lies by using foreign operatives! Completely above board? God, you're pathetic!

Trump's asking the Ukraine to investigate what the Biden's were doing for all that money Hunter Biden was getting didn't cost the American taxpayer one dime and the reason the case had been "closed" was political pressure put on the prosecutor that was doing the investigating! Joe Biden gave the Ukrainians six hours to fire him or lose a billion dollars in US loan guarantees! That's someone who's investigating HIS SON! Speaking of someone who "unfit for office"? (eye roll)
Hillary paid her own money to SMEAR a political opponent with lies by using foreign operatives! Completely above board? God, you're pathetic!

That would be a valid complaint if she 1) Knew the Pee Hooker Stories were false and 2) Disseminated them anyway. She didn't. In fact, she kept them under wraps, even though they were not proven one way or the other. (And frankly, given the unhinged way your Fuhrer has acted in the past couple of weeks, I wouldn't put it past him to hire hookers to pee on Obama's bed.)

Trump's asking the Ukraine to investigate what the Biden's were doing for all that money Hunter Biden was getting didn't cost the American taxpayer one dime and the reason the case had been "closed" was political pressure put on the prosecutor that was doing the investigating! Joe Biden gave the Ukrainians six hours to fire him or lose a billion dollars in US loan guarantees! That's someone who's investigating HIS SON! Speaking of someone who "unfit for office"? (eye roll)

Wow... how many things can you get wrong here.

1) Trump was holding up $391 Million in military aid to get the investigation he wanted.
2) The case was closed because Hunter Biden didn't really have anything to say about running Bursima
3) Shonkin wasn't investigating Bursima at the time he was fired.
4) The IMF, EU were also calling for Shonkin's dismissal, which finally happened AFTER there were mass demonstrations in Kiev demanding his ouster.

Here's what you ignore. Regardless of the validity of the claims, Trump had no business trying to gather dirt on his opponent using US Taxpayer money.
Hillary paid her own money to SMEAR a political opponent with lies by using foreign operatives! Completely above board? God, you're pathetic!

That would be a valid complaint if she 1) Knew the Pee Hooker Stories were false and 2) Disseminated them anyway. She didn't. In fact, she kept them under wraps, even though they were not proven one way or the other. (And frankly, given the unhinged way your Fuhrer has acted in the past couple of weeks, I wouldn't put it past him to hire hookers to pee on Obama's bed.)

Trump's asking the Ukraine to investigate what the Biden's were doing for all that money Hunter Biden was getting didn't cost the American taxpayer one dime and the reason the case had been "closed" was political pressure put on the prosecutor that was doing the investigating! Joe Biden gave the Ukrainians six hours to fire him or lose a billion dollars in US loan guarantees! That's someone who's investigating HIS SON! Speaking of someone who "unfit for office"? (eye roll)

Wow... how many things can you get wrong here.

1) Trump was holding up $391 Million in military aid to get the investigation he wanted.
2) The case was closed because Hunter Biden didn't really have anything to say about running Bursima
3) Shonkin wasn't investigating Bursima at the time he was fired.
4) The IMF, EU were also calling for Shonkin's dismissal, which finally happened AFTER there were mass demonstrations in Kiev demanding his ouster.

Here's what you ignore. Regardless of the validity of the claims, Trump had no business trying to gather dirt on his opponent using US Taxpayer money.

Clinton knew exactly what was going on! She paid big money to Fusion GPS so that those made up "dossiers" would be leaked to a compliant main stream media right before the election! It's one of the most blatant examples of dirty politics I've ever seen and your claim that Clinton kept something "under wraps" is the most laughable thing you've posted in years, Joey!
As for Hunter Biden? Do you really want to sit here and claim that all that money he was pulling in from Ukrainian and Chinese sources wasn't because he was Joe Biden's son? Go ahead, Joey...show just how naïve you can be!

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