30 GOP Senators Would Vote To Impeach; Claims Deep State Advisor

If 30 GOP Senators are going to vote to convict, why isn’t the House pushing for impeachment instead of playing games?

Probably because the story is just more BS.
It would have been "honest" for Comey to say...Hillary Clinton knowingly broke the law...lied to Congress about doing so...and then destroyed evidence of what she'd done when she was exposed! His excuse that one of Washington's BIGGEST political insiders somehow didn't understand that she was doing was wrong is laughable! In order to believe THAT...you have to believe that Hillary Clinton is some wide eyed innocent! That claim borders on farce!

Except she didn't knowingly break the law.
She broke a technicality that hundreds of people in Washington probably do every day.
It's a problem with the law not keeping up with the technology.

He realized if he took this bullshit in front of a jury, he'd be laughed out.
It would have been "honest" for Comey to say...Hillary Clinton knowingly broke the law...lied to Congress about doing so...and then destroyed evidence of what she'd done when she was exposed! His excuse that one of Washington's BIGGEST political insiders somehow didn't understand that she was doing was wrong is laughable! In order to believe THAT...you have to believe that Hillary Clinton is some wide eyed innocent! That claim borders on farce!

Except she didn't knowingly break the law.
She broke a technicality that hundreds of people in Washington probably do every day.
It's a problem with the law not keeping up with the technology.

He realized if he took this bullshit in front of a jury, he'd be laughed out.

Oh, bullshit! The Clintons spent hundreds of thousands of dollars out of their own pockets to install and maintain those two servers hidden in their home in Westchester! Hillary didn't break a "technicality" when she then ran the State Department through those servers...she broke the law. She lied to Congress when she said that she'd turned over all information related to Benghazi. She deliberately destroyed evidence that she knew Congressional investigators were seeking.

If what Hillary Clinton had done was ever taken in front of a jury...she would have been found guilty of breaking the law. Claiming ignorance of the law was always a joke. Her actions made it very clear that she knew she was doing illegal things and did them anyways!
"30 Republican senators would vote to impeach Trump" if vote was secret, GOP consultant claims

So former McCain and Romney advisor and current deep state operative Mike Murphy; claimed on Wednesday that he was told by a Republican senator that the majority of Republican senators "would vote to impeach" President Donald Trump if they could do so anonymously. What a load of crap!

"These Senate Republicans, should the Democrats vote impeachment, which is far more likely than not, are going to be pinned down to a yes/no answer," Murphy, who previously advised Republican politicians including Mitt Romney, John McCain and Jeb Bush, said in an interview with MSNBC."

This guy worked for 3 failed liberal presidential candidates and is talking to MSNBC about what he thinks 30 GOP senators are going to do? give me a break....Any republican who comes out in favor of impeachment should be charged for treason by the Attorney General. Look, you can clearly see that the Ukrainian president is a huge Trump fan and was willing to do whatever he could to help the US -- he was willing to work with our own Attorney General to investigate Biden and his son for treason -- how is that an impeachable offense??

Also, this company CrowdStrike -- they are the ones who hacked the DNC, not the Russians..Hillary's server is currently in Ukraine as the Dems hacked their own server and blamed it on the Russians to make Trump look bad -- It's time for Trump to investigate CrowdStrike and the Dems for treason and extortion; its time for William Barr to move forward on the evidence he has against Obama and Hillary and stop being so scared of these libs and convict these people for their crimes.

The consultant may be right,the Swamp is very deep and a lot of Republican establishmentarians hate the Trumpster as much as libs do.

But the vote isn't secret, and the People- who love their President and want to continue to return the country to greatness- will know what they done.

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