30 GOP Senators Would Vote To Impeach; Claims Deep State Advisor

Clinton knew exactly what was going on! She paid big money to Fusion GPS so that those made up "dossiers" would be leaked to a compliant main stream media right before the election! It's one of the most blatant examples of dirty politics I've ever seen and your claim that Clinton kept something "under wraps" is the most laughable thing you've posted in years, Joey!

Except it wasn't "leaked" before the election. We didn't find out about the stuff in there until after we woke up and heard, "Oh, yeah, the polls were wrong and oddly, Trump won in states where we can't even do an accurate recount!"

Pointing out that Trump is a scumbag is not dirty politics. We've known he was a scumbag since the 1980's.

s for Hunter Biden? Do you really want to sit here and claim that all that money he was pulling in from Ukrainian and Chinese sources wasn't because he was Joe Biden's son? Go ahead, Joey...show just how naïve you can be!

Oh, I am sure they were paying for the connection. So what? I'm sure that all the places that put the Bush Spawn on their Boards had the same thing in mind.
Clinton knew exactly what was going on! She paid big money to Fusion GPS so that those made up "dossiers" would be leaked to a compliant main stream media right before the election! It's one of the most blatant examples of dirty politics I've ever seen and your claim that Clinton kept something "under wraps" is the most laughable thing you've posted in years, Joey!

Except it wasn't "leaked" before the election. We didn't find out about the stuff in there until after we woke up and heard, "Oh, yeah, the polls were wrong and oddly, Trump won in states where we can't even do an accurate recount!"

Pointing out that Trump is a scumbag is not dirty politics. We've known he was a scumbag since the 1980's.

s for Hunter Biden? Do you really want to sit here and claim that all that money he was pulling in from Ukrainian and Chinese sources wasn't because he was Joe Biden's son? Go ahead, Joey...show just how naïve you can be!

Oh, I am sure they were paying for the connection. So what? I'm sure that all the places that put the Bush Spawn on their Boards had the same thing in mind.

That's a blatant lie on your part, Joey! It was totally leaked prior to the election! Care to try again?
Clinton knew exactly what was going on! She paid big money to Fusion GPS so that those made up "dossiers" would be leaked to a compliant main stream media right before the election! It's one of the most blatant examples of dirty politics I've ever seen and your claim that Clinton kept something "under wraps" is the most laughable thing you've posted in years, Joey!

Except it wasn't "leaked" before the election. We didn't find out about the stuff in there until after we woke up and heard, "Oh, yeah, the polls were wrong and oddly, Trump won in states where we can't even do an accurate recount!"

Pointing out that Trump is a scumbag is not dirty politics. We've known he was a scumbag since the 1980's.

s for Hunter Biden? Do you really want to sit here and claim that all that money he was pulling in from Ukrainian and Chinese sources wasn't because he was Joe Biden's son? Go ahead, Joey...show just how naïve you can be!

Oh, I am sure they were paying for the connection. So what? I'm sure that all the places that put the Bush Spawn on their Boards had the same thing in mind.

So it's OK for the Ukrainians and the Chinese to pay Joe Biden's kid millions of dollars for a "connection"? Is that really what you're claiming, Joey? Do you not grasp the fact that constitutes corruption? For Hunter Biden to be getting paid like that and then to have his father give the Ukrainian government 6 hours to fire the prosecutor who's investigating the company that is paying him that money or lose a billion dollars is blatant corruption! But you can't see that...can you?
That's a blatant lie on your part, Joey! It was totally leaked prior to the election! Care to try again?

I don't remember hearing about the Pee Hookers until December 2016.

Can you show me an article from October 2016 that talks about the Pee Hookers?

So it's OK for the Ukrainians and the Chinese to pay Joe Biden's kid millions of dollars for a "connection"? Is that really what you're claiming, Joey? Do you not grasp the fact that constitutes corruption?

Um, no, they were paying him for his connections and expertise.. just like everyone gets hired for their connections and their expertise.

For Hunter Biden to be getting paid like that and then to have his father give the Ukrainian government 6 hours to fire the prosecutor who's investigating the company that is paying him that money or lose a billion dollars is blatant corruption! But you can't see that...can you?

It would depend if the prosecutor needed to be fired or not.

The EU wanted him fired.
The IMF wanted him fired.
The Ukrainian parliament wanted him fired.

When you have that many people who want you fired... that says a lot.
That's a blatant lie on your part, Joey! It was totally leaked prior to the election! Care to try again?

I don't remember hearing about the Pee Hookers until December 2016.

Can you show me an article from October 2016 that talks about the Pee Hookers?

So it's OK for the Ukrainians and the Chinese to pay Joe Biden's kid millions of dollars for a "connection"? Is that really what you're claiming, Joey? Do you not grasp the fact that constitutes corruption?

Um, no, they were paying him for his connections and expertise.. just like everyone gets hired for their connections and their expertise.

For Hunter Biden to be getting paid like that and then to have his father give the Ukrainian government 6 hours to fire the prosecutor who's investigating the company that is paying him that money or lose a billion dollars is blatant corruption! But you can't see that...can you?

It would depend if the prosecutor needed to be fired or not.

The EU wanted him fired.
The IMF wanted him fired.
The Ukrainian parliament wanted him fired.

When you have that many people who want you fired... that says a lot.

You don't remember hearing about the dossiers until December? That simply proves one of two things...that you're clueless, Joey...or that you're willing to tell a bold faced lie! Do I really need to show that the dossiers were being leaked right before the election took place? I will if you continue to feign ignorance.
That's a blatant lie on your part, Joey! It was totally leaked prior to the election! Care to try again?

I don't remember hearing about the Pee Hookers until December 2016.

Can you show me an article from October 2016 that talks about the Pee Hookers?

So it's OK for the Ukrainians and the Chinese to pay Joe Biden's kid millions of dollars for a "connection"? Is that really what you're claiming, Joey? Do you not grasp the fact that constitutes corruption?

Um, no, they were paying him for his connections and expertise.. just like everyone gets hired for their connections and their expertise.

For Hunter Biden to be getting paid like that and then to have his father give the Ukrainian government 6 hours to fire the prosecutor who's investigating the company that is paying him that money or lose a billion dollars is blatant corruption! But you can't see that...can you?

It would depend if the prosecutor needed to be fired or not.

The EU wanted him fired.
The IMF wanted him fired.
The Ukrainian parliament wanted him fired.

When you have that many people who want you fired... that says a lot.

Ah so it's just "coincidence" that the same company that's paying Hunter Biden big money to do nothing for them...is being investigated by a prosecutor for corruption...and that Joe Biden gives the Ukrainian government 6 hours to fire said prosecutor or he'll rescind a billion dollar loan to the Ukraine?

It's strings like this one that reveal just how naïve you really are, Joey...
Republicans need to know only one thing. What democrats are doing to Trump will be done to them. Democrats are playing Pol Pot.
This is the second report that GOP lawmakers would vote for impeachment in sufficient numbers to guarantee Donald Trump's impeachment and removal.

GOP lawmakers don't love Trump, they fear him. They fear the ability of Trump to turn his howling mobs against GOP lawmakers who fall out of Trump's favor.

The tide is turning and even the sheep are becoming feral.

It has already been demonstrated in polls that public approval for Trump's impeachment is increasing as more of Trump's misdeeds are exposed.

Goodbye Donald Trump. Your ride on the poop-chute of history is confirmed.

Jeff Flake: 'At least 35' GOP senators would vote to remove Trump if vote was private

Jeff Flake: 'At least 35' GOP senators would vote to remove Trump if vote was private
Savannah Behrmann USA TODAY
Published 8:33 PM EDT Sep 27, 2019
WASHINGTON — Former Republican Senator Jeff Flake said that he thinks at least 35 Republican senators would vote for President Donald Trump to be removed from office if they could vote in private.
Speaking at the 2019 Texas Tribune Festival Thursday, Flake was responding to comments made by Republican political consultant Mike Murphy on MSNBC who said that if there was a secret vote, at least 30 GOP Senators would back impeachment.
“That's not true. There would be at least 35," Flake said.
During an interview with NPR, the Arizona Republican elaborated on his comments, continuing that “anybody who has sat through two years, as I have, of Republican luncheons realizes that there's not a lot of love for the president. There's a lot of fear of what it means to go against the president, but most Republican senators would not like to be dealing with this for another year or another five years.”
A two-thirds majority, or 67 senators, is needed to convict and remove the accused from office. Republicans currently hold the majority. For the President to be removed from office by the Senate with impeachment, at least 20 Republicans would need to join the Democrats and independents
Flake was one of the President’s most visible GOP critics in the Senate and announced he wouldn’t be seeking re-election in 2017, citing nastiness of Trump-era politics.
“That was a pretty damning transcript,” Flake said of the summary of the July 25th phone call between Trump and Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky released Wednesday. “That was not anything you want your president to be doing. I think we need to wait for the investigation to conclude and wait for likely testimony from the whistleblower him or herself before drawing conclusions. But it seems the House is already moving ahead.”
He stated that he was glad "to see the (House) Intel Committee have the hearing yesterday," elaborating that he doesn't want to see impeachment in such a divided country, and that he'd rather see the President defeated the "old fashioned way at the ballot box."
Flake reinforced Trump's power of the Senate GOP, stating that "this is the president's party without a doubt. And to win a Republican primary in just about every state, you've got to be with the president. And there's a lot of fear that if you aren't, you'll get primaried.”
Flake also said that he has "not ruled out" voting for a Democrat over Trump, hoping that the "Democrats nominate somebody who has a broad appeal."
If it was a secret vote they would vote to impeach Trump. Just shows how timid and scared they are.
Democrats lie. They lie about everything. Republicans know that it's Trump this time. It will be them next time.
This is the second report that GOP lawmakers would vote for impeachment in sufficient numbers to guarantee Donald Trump's impeachment and removal.

GOP lawmakers don't love Trump, they fear him. They fear the ability of Trump to turn his howling mobs against GOP lawmakers who fall out of Trump's favor.

The tide is turning and even the sheep are becoming feral.

It has already been demonstrated in polls that public approval for Trump's impeachment is increasing as more of Trump's misdeeds are exposed.

Goodbye Donald Trump. Your ride on the poop-chute of history is confirmed.

Jeff Flake: 'At least 35' GOP senators would vote to remove Trump if vote was private

Jeff Flake: 'At least 35' GOP senators would vote to remove Trump if vote was private
Savannah Behrmann USA TODAY
Published 8:33 PM EDT Sep 27, 2019
WASHINGTON — Former Republican Senator Jeff Flake said that he thinks at least 35 Republican senators would vote for President Donald Trump to be removed from office if they could vote in private.
Speaking at the 2019 Texas Tribune Festival Thursday, Flake was responding to comments made by Republican political consultant Mike Murphy on MSNBC who said that if there was a secret vote, at least 30 GOP Senators would back impeachment.
“That's not true. There would be at least 35," Flake said.
During an interview with NPR, the Arizona Republican elaborated on his comments, continuing that “anybody who has sat through two years, as I have, of Republican luncheons realizes that there's not a lot of love for the president. There's a lot of fear of what it means to go against the president, but most Republican senators would not like to be dealing with this for another year or another five years.”
A two-thirds majority, or 67 senators, is needed to convict and remove the accused from office. Republicans currently hold the majority. For the President to be removed from office by the Senate with impeachment, at least 20 Republicans would need to join the Democrats and independents
Flake was one of the President’s most visible GOP critics in the Senate and announced he wouldn’t be seeking re-election in 2017, citing nastiness of Trump-era politics.
“That was a pretty damning transcript,” Flake said of the summary of the July 25th phone call between Trump and Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky released Wednesday. “That was not anything you want your president to be doing. I think we need to wait for the investigation to conclude and wait for likely testimony from the whistleblower him or herself before drawing conclusions. But it seems the House is already moving ahead.”
He stated that he was glad "to see the (House) Intel Committee have the hearing yesterday," elaborating that he doesn't want to see impeachment in such a divided country, and that he'd rather see the President defeated the "old fashioned way at the ballot box."
Flake reinforced Trump's power of the Senate GOP, stating that "this is the president's party without a doubt. And to win a Republican primary in just about every state, you've got to be with the president. And there's a lot of fear that if you aren't, you'll get primaried.”
Flake also said that he has "not ruled out" voting for a Democrat over Trump, hoping that the "Democrats nominate somebody who has a broad appeal."
If it was secret.

Which it cannot be.
This is the second report that GOP lawmakers would vote for impeachment in sufficient numbers to guarantee Donald Trump's impeachment and removal.

GOP lawmakers don't love Trump, they fear him. They fear the ability of Trump to turn his howling mobs against GOP lawmakers who fall out of Trump's favor.

The tide is turning and even the sheep are becoming feral.

It has already been demonstrated in polls that public approval for Trump's impeachment is increasing as more of Trump's misdeeds are exposed.

Goodbye Donald Trump. Your ride on the poop-chute of history is confirmed.

Jeff Flake: 'At least 35' GOP senators would vote to remove Trump if vote was private

Jeff Flake: 'At least 35' GOP senators would vote to remove Trump if vote was private
Savannah Behrmann USA TODAY
Published 8:33 PM EDT Sep 27, 2019
WASHINGTON — Former Republican Senator Jeff Flake said that he thinks at least 35 Republican senators would vote for President Donald Trump to be removed from office if they could vote in private.
Speaking at the 2019 Texas Tribune Festival Thursday, Flake was responding to comments made by Republican political consultant Mike Murphy on MSNBC who said that if there was a secret vote, at least 30 GOP Senators would back impeachment.
“That's not true. There would be at least 35," Flake said.
During an interview with NPR, the Arizona Republican elaborated on his comments, continuing that “anybody who has sat through two years, as I have, of Republican luncheons realizes that there's not a lot of love for the president. There's a lot of fear of what it means to go against the president, but most Republican senators would not like to be dealing with this for another year or another five years.”
A two-thirds majority, or 67 senators, is needed to convict and remove the accused from office. Republicans currently hold the majority. For the President to be removed from office by the Senate with impeachment, at least 20 Republicans would need to join the Democrats and independents
Flake was one of the President’s most visible GOP critics in the Senate and announced he wouldn’t be seeking re-election in 2017, citing nastiness of Trump-era politics.
“That was a pretty damning transcript,” Flake said of the summary of the July 25th phone call between Trump and Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky released Wednesday. “That was not anything you want your president to be doing. I think we need to wait for the investigation to conclude and wait for likely testimony from the whistleblower him or herself before drawing conclusions. But it seems the House is already moving ahead.”
He stated that he was glad "to see the (House) Intel Committee have the hearing yesterday," elaborating that he doesn't want to see impeachment in such a divided country, and that he'd rather see the President defeated the "old fashioned way at the ballot box."
Flake reinforced Trump's power of the Senate GOP, stating that "this is the president's party without a doubt. And to win a Republican primary in just about every state, you've got to be with the president. And there's a lot of fear that if you aren't, you'll get primaried.”
Flake also said that he has "not ruled out" voting for a Democrat over Trump, hoping that the "Democrats nominate somebody who has a broad appeal."

Did anyone ask that moron Flake just exactly what crime Trump committed?

That's a bullshit statement and something that will never come to fruition so he can claim anything he wants.

Sour grape moron just feigning outrage.
This is the second report that GOP lawmakers would vote for impeachment in sufficient numbers to guarantee Donald Trump's impeachment and removal.

GOP lawmakers don't love Trump, they fear him. They fear the ability of Trump to turn his howling mobs against GOP lawmakers who fall out of Trump's favor.

The tide is turning and even the sheep are becoming feral.

It has already been demonstrated in polls that public approval for Trump's impeachment is increasing as more of Trump's misdeeds are exposed.

Goodbye Donald Trump. Your ride on the poop-chute of history is confirmed.

Jeff Flake: 'At least 35' GOP senators would vote to remove Trump if vote was private

Jeff Flake: 'At least 35' GOP senators would vote to remove Trump if vote was private
Savannah Behrmann USA TODAY
Published 8:33 PM EDT Sep 27, 2019
WASHINGTON — Former Republican Senator Jeff Flake said that he thinks at least 35 Republican senators would vote for President Donald Trump to be removed from office if they could vote in private.
Speaking at the 2019 Texas Tribune Festival Thursday, Flake was responding to comments made by Republican political consultant Mike Murphy on MSNBC who said that if there was a secret vote, at least 30 GOP Senators would back impeachment.
“That's not true. There would be at least 35," Flake said.
During an interview with NPR, the Arizona Republican elaborated on his comments, continuing that “anybody who has sat through two years, as I have, of Republican luncheons realizes that there's not a lot of love for the president. There's a lot of fear of what it means to go against the president, but most Republican senators would not like to be dealing with this for another year or another five years.”
A two-thirds majority, or 67 senators, is needed to convict and remove the accused from office. Republicans currently hold the majority. For the President to be removed from office by the Senate with impeachment, at least 20 Republicans would need to join the Democrats and independents
Flake was one of the President’s most visible GOP critics in the Senate and announced he wouldn’t be seeking re-election in 2017, citing nastiness of Trump-era politics.
“That was a pretty damning transcript,” Flake said of the summary of the July 25th phone call between Trump and Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky released Wednesday. “That was not anything you want your president to be doing. I think we need to wait for the investigation to conclude and wait for likely testimony from the whistleblower him or herself before drawing conclusions. But it seems the House is already moving ahead.”
He stated that he was glad "to see the (House) Intel Committee have the hearing yesterday," elaborating that he doesn't want to see impeachment in such a divided country, and that he'd rather see the President defeated the "old fashioned way at the ballot box."
Flake reinforced Trump's power of the Senate GOP, stating that "this is the president's party without a doubt. And to win a Republican primary in just about every state, you've got to be with the president. And there's a lot of fear that if you aren't, you'll get primaried.”
Flake also said that he has "not ruled out" voting for a Democrat over Trump, hoping that the "Democrats nominate somebody who has a broad appeal."
Jeff Flake is not the best source for this-he betrayed his fellow Republicans before he quit.
This is the second report that GOP lawmakers would vote for impeachment in sufficient numbers to guarantee Donald Trump's impeachment and removal.

GOP lawmakers don't love Trump, they fear him. They fear the ability of Trump to turn his howling mobs against GOP lawmakers who fall out of Trump's favor.

The tide is turning and even the sheep are becoming feral.

It has already been demonstrated in polls that public approval for Trump's impeachment is increasing as more of Trump's misdeeds are exposed.

Goodbye Donald Trump. Your ride on the poop-chute of history is confirmed.

Jeff Flake: 'At least 35' GOP senators would vote to remove Trump if vote was private

Jeff Flake: 'At least 35' GOP senators would vote to remove Trump if vote was private
Savannah Behrmann USA TODAY
Published 8:33 PM EDT Sep 27, 2019
WASHINGTON — Former Republican Senator Jeff Flake said that he thinks at least 35 Republican senators would vote for President Donald Trump to be removed from office if they could vote in private.
Speaking at the 2019 Texas Tribune Festival Thursday, Flake was responding to comments made by Republican political consultant Mike Murphy on MSNBC who said that if there was a secret vote, at least 30 GOP Senators would back impeachment.
“That's not true. There would be at least 35," Flake said.
During an interview with NPR, the Arizona Republican elaborated on his comments, continuing that “anybody who has sat through two years, as I have, of Republican luncheons realizes that there's not a lot of love for the president. There's a lot of fear of what it means to go against the president, but most Republican senators would not like to be dealing with this for another year or another five years.”
A two-thirds majority, or 67 senators, is needed to convict and remove the accused from office. Republicans currently hold the majority. For the President to be removed from office by the Senate with impeachment, at least 20 Republicans would need to join the Democrats and independents
Flake was one of the President’s most visible GOP critics in the Senate and announced he wouldn’t be seeking re-election in 2017, citing nastiness of Trump-era politics.
“That was a pretty damning transcript,” Flake said of the summary of the July 25th phone call between Trump and Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky released Wednesday. “That was not anything you want your president to be doing. I think we need to wait for the investigation to conclude and wait for likely testimony from the whistleblower him or herself before drawing conclusions. But it seems the House is already moving ahead.”
He stated that he was glad "to see the (House) Intel Committee have the hearing yesterday," elaborating that he doesn't want to see impeachment in such a divided country, and that he'd rather see the President defeated the "old fashioned way at the ballot box."
Flake reinforced Trump's power of the Senate GOP, stating that "this is the president's party without a doubt. And to win a Republican primary in just about every state, you've got to be with the president. And there's a lot of fear that if you aren't, you'll get primaried.”
Flake also said that he has "not ruled out" voting for a Democrat over Trump, hoping that the "Democrats nominate somebody who has a broad appeal."
Jeff Flake is a Democrat. He was run out of the Republican party.
Bottom line is....it is perfectly ok to ask a foreign country to investigate the family members of your opponents -- and if they can pull it off, take those people out.....what are Dems gonna do about it?? Nothing....and if they try, its treason...


Just because someone is a political adversary doesn't mean they are exempt from investigation.

or does it?

The Ukrainian people are interested in MUGA. Make Ukraine Great Again.

And investigating and purging criminality from their nation is a key.

I don't know if the Bidens are guilty or not. They might well be innocent, for all I know.

But an investigation by Ukraine actually helps them out immensely. Gives them a fair chance to prove their innocence.

The reaction by the left to this whole kit and caboodle tells me they are hiding something, considering how they are shying away from any oversight.

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