30 GOP Senators Would Vote To Impeach; Claims Deep State Advisor

Ah so it's just "coincidence" that the same company that's paying Hunter Biden big money to do nothing for them...is being investigated by a prosecutor for corruption...and that Joe Biden gives the Ukrainian government 6 hours to fire said prosecutor or he'll rescind a billion dollar loan to the Ukraine?

It's strings like this one that reveal just how naïve you really are, Joey.

Yeah, if you throw in a falsehoods like he was investigating Hunter's company, (he wasn't) or leave out that a lot of people were demanding his removal for his corruption... you have that.

Even if you accept your fantasy that Biden did something wrong, what Trump tried is STILL against the law and STILL impeachable.
You don't remember hearing about the dossiers until December? That simply proves one of two things...that you're clueless, Joey...or that you're willing to tell a bold faced lie! Do I really need to show that the dossiers were being leaked right before the election took place? I will if you continue to feign ignorance.

Okay, again, please link to a story from the Dossiers that was before the election.

You won't find one.
Ah so it's just "coincidence" that the same company that's paying Hunter Biden big money to do nothing for them...is being investigated by a prosecutor for corruption...and that Joe Biden gives the Ukrainian government 6 hours to fire said prosecutor or he'll rescind a billion dollar loan to the Ukraine?

It's strings like this one that reveal just how naïve you really are, Joey.

Yeah, if you throw in a falsehoods like he was investigating Hunter's company, (he wasn't) or leave out that a lot of people were demanding his removal for his corruption... you have that.

Even if you accept your fantasy that Biden did something wrong, what Trump tried is STILL against the law and STILL impeachable.

Against what law? Impeachable? You've got to be kidding! You do realize that Barack Obama did the same thing as Trump when he was in office? Why wasn't THAT an impeachable offense?
You don't remember hearing about the dossiers until December? That simply proves one of two things...that you're clueless, Joey...or that you're willing to tell a bold faced lie! Do I really need to show that the dossiers were being leaked right before the election took place? I will if you continue to feign ignorance.

Okay, again, please link to a story from the Dossiers that was before the election.

You won't find one.

The Mother Jones article came out on Oct. 31, 2016...eight days before the election!

A veteran spy has given the FBI information alleging a Russian operation to cultivate Donald Trump
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If you read that article now...knowing who it was that paid for the Steele dossiers and how Steele and Glenn Simpson had spent months coordinating leaks of the dossiers to sympathetic members of the FBI and other intelligence service...you can see exactly how they set this whole thing up. Vouching for Steele's reliability by quoting those same sympathetic figures that Steele had been feeding his dossiers to for months to give the entire fiction a veneer of truth!

All of it coming out eight days before the election...just enough time to smear Donald Trump but not enough time for the scheme to be uncovered! This was sleazy politics at it's sleaziest!
Against what law? Impeachable? You've got to be kidding! You do realize that Barack Obama did the same thing as Trump when he was in office? Why wasn't THAT an impeachable offense?

Obama did nothing even close...

The Mother Jones article came out on Oct. 31, 2016...eight days before the election!

Where's mention of the Pee Tape? We all knew Trump had business dealings with the Russians.. that was a matter of public record.

Mother Jones? That was the best you could find?

If you read that article now...knowing who it was that paid for the Steele dossiers and how Steele and Glenn Simpson had spent months coordinating leaks of the dossiers to sympathetic members of the FBI and other intelligence service...you can see exactly how they set this whole thing up. Vouching for Steele's reliability by quoting those same sympathetic figures that Steele had been feeding his dossiers to for months to give the entire fiction a veneer of truth!

All of it coming out eight days before the election...just enough time to smear Donald Trump but not enough time for the scheme to be uncovered! This was sleazy politics at it's sleaziest!

But that was the point... It didn't get wide distribution or play. Compare that to how Comey handled "OH my Gosh, we found more emails on Huma's computer, too!" That got wall-to-wall coverage.

Now imagine if they did the opposite. They widely publicized how in hock Trump was to the Russians widely, and they treated the emails like it was, no big deal.

The thing was, Republicans and Democrats all knew how deeply Trump was involved in Russia, but they didn't want to say anything because they figured he was going to lose anyway. This was a profound mistake.

Now we've caught Trump doing it again.
Against what law? Impeachable? You've got to be kidding! You do realize that Barack Obama did the same thing as Trump when he was in office? Why wasn't THAT an impeachable offense?

Obama did nothing even close...

The Mother Jones article came out on Oct. 31, 2016...eight days before the election!

Where's mention of the Pee Tape? We all knew Trump had business dealings with the Russians.. that was a matter of public record.

Mother Jones? That was the best you could find?

If you read that article now...knowing who it was that paid for the Steele dossiers and how Steele and Glenn Simpson had spent months coordinating leaks of the dossiers to sympathetic members of the FBI and other intelligence service...you can see exactly how they set this whole thing up. Vouching for Steele's reliability by quoting those same sympathetic figures that Steele had been feeding his dossiers to for months to give the entire fiction a veneer of truth!

All of it coming out eight days before the election...just enough time to smear Donald Trump but not enough time for the scheme to be uncovered! This was sleazy politics at it's sleaziest!

But that was the point... It didn't get wide distribution or play. Compare that to how Comey handled "OH my Gosh, we found more emails on Huma's computer, too!" That got wall-to-wall coverage.

Now imagine if they did the opposite. They widely publicized how in hock Trump was to the Russians widely, and they treated the emails like it was, no big deal.

The thing was, Republicans and Democrats all knew how deeply Trump was involved in Russia, but they didn't want to say anything because they figured he was going to lose anyway. This was a profound mistake.

Now we've caught Trump doing it again.

It didn't get "wide play"? I thought you claimed that it didn't happen until AFTER the election! The truth is that it DID get wide play! Steele and Simpson were trying to get outlets like The New York Times, CNN and MSNBC to report on the dossiers but none of them would because they couldn't verify what they were being told. They finally got David Corn at Mother Jones to go with their smear job and then all of the OTHER outlets simply reported on what Mother Jones had reported on! It happened EXACTLY like they'd planned it! Right before the election but without enough time for the Clinton campaign connection to be exposed!
It didn't get "wide play"? I thought you claimed that it didn't happen until AFTER the election! The truth is that it DID get wide play! Steele and Simpson were trying to get outlets like The New York Times, CNN and MSNBC to report on the dossiers but none of them would because they couldn't verify what they were being told. They finally got David Corn at Mother Jones to go with their smear job and then all of the OTHER outlets simply reported on what Mother Jones had reported on! It happened EXACTLY like they'd planned it! Right before the election but without enough time for the Clinton campaign connection to be exposed!

Guy, the black helicopters will be by for you soon.

Point was, the FBI kept quiet about Trump's treason with Russia while screaming about the nothing email story- again.
Trump's treason with Russia? What in god's name are you even talking about? Mueller went over the Trump campaign with a fine tooth comb and came up with ZERO on Donald Trump! Why do you think the FBI should have said something about Richard Steele's fabricated dossiers? They're not factual! Steele admitted as much when he was sued in British Court! Hillary's email story on the other hand was a REAL scandal! You had the Secretary of State running her department through private servers hidden in her home to avoid Congressional oversight and then LYING about it to Congress before destroying evidence of what she'd done when it was uncovered!

THAT was something the FBI had a duty to tell the American people about!
Trump's treason with Russia? What in god's name are you even talking about? Mueller went over the Trump campaign with a fine tooth comb and came up with ZERO on Donald Trump!

Yeah, tell yourself that story. Clearly you didn't read the Mueller Report which found ten possible cases of obstruction of justice by Trump.

Why do you think the FBI should have said something about Richard Steele's fabricated dossiers? They're not factual! Steele admitted as much when he was sued in British Court!

There were legitimate questions raised by it, including Trump's ties to the Russians.

TSteele admitted as much when he was sued in British Court! Hillary's email story on the other hand was a REAL scandal! You had the Secretary of State running her department through private servers hidden in her home to avoid Congressional oversight and then LYING about it to Congress before destroying evidence of what she'd done when it was uncovered!

THAT was something the FBI had a duty to tell the American people about!

Well, they should have said something AFTER they had investigated... you know, when they did and admitted she did nothing illegal.

Condi Rice and Colin Powell did the same thing when they were helping facilitate a war based on lies that killed a million people... that was kind of a big deal.
Trump's treason with Russia? What in god's name are you even talking about? Mueller went over the Trump campaign with a fine tooth comb and came up with ZERO on Donald Trump!

Yeah, tell yourself that story. Clearly you didn't read the Mueller Report which found ten possible cases of obstruction of justice by Trump.

Why do you think the FBI should have said something about Richard Steele's fabricated dossiers? They're not factual! Steele admitted as much when he was sued in British Court!

There were legitimate questions raised by it, including Trump's ties to the Russians.

TSteele admitted as much when he was sued in British Court! Hillary's email story on the other hand was a REAL scandal! You had the Secretary of State running her department through private servers hidden in her home to avoid Congressional oversight and then LYING about it to Congress before destroying evidence of what she'd done when it was uncovered!

THAT was something the FBI had a duty to tell the American people about!

Well, they should have said something AFTER they had investigated... you know, when they did and admitted she did nothing illegal.

Condi Rice and Colin Powell did the same thing when they were helping facilitate a war based on lies that killed a million people... that was kind of a big deal.

Did you just claim that Hillary Clinton didn't do anything illegal? You get more absurd with each post, Joey! When was it that the FBI admitted she did nothing illegal? You mean when James Comey declared that she was too stupid to understand that she'd broken the law? Condi Rice and Colin Powell didn't run the State Department through hidden servers to avoid Congressional oversight...nor did they perpetrate a "pay for play" scheme...collecting millions of dollars in foreign "contributions" that they then used to help finance their political machine and political aspirations! Hillary did! She broke the law repeatedly.
Trump's treason with Russia? What in god's name are you even talking about? Mueller went over the Trump campaign with a fine tooth comb and came up with ZERO on Donald Trump!

Yeah, tell yourself that story. Clearly you didn't read the Mueller Report which found ten possible cases of obstruction of justice by Trump.

Why do you think the FBI should have said something about Richard Steele's fabricated dossiers? They're not factual! Steele admitted as much when he was sued in British Court!

There were legitimate questions raised by it, including Trump's ties to the Russians.

TSteele admitted as much when he was sued in British Court! Hillary's email story on the other hand was a REAL scandal! You had the Secretary of State running her department through private servers hidden in her home to avoid Congressional oversight and then LYING about it to Congress before destroying evidence of what she'd done when it was uncovered!

THAT was something the FBI had a duty to tell the American people about!

Well, they should have said something AFTER they had investigated... you know, when they did and admitted she did nothing illegal.

Condi Rice and Colin Powell did the same thing when they were helping facilitate a war based on lies that killed a million people... that was kind of a big deal.

As for your claim that Trump committed "treason"? Here's a newsflash for you! Claiming that he committed obstruction of justice isn't the same as treason. An investigation that went through Trump's campaign with an army of investigators and came up with nothing more than "possible" obstruction of justice that they couldn't prove...shows just how pathetic the charges made against Trump were in the first place! You on the left accuse someone of obstruction of justice simply for fighting back against the smear campaign that was waged against him by Democrats and the main stream media! Donald Trump didn't commit "treason"...he mounted a defense of his name by people that would stoop to just about any depths to remove him from office!
Before Joe Biden became Vice President he was a long time Senator who sat on all kinds of committees and wielded a great deal of power in Washington. I would make the point that Hunter Biden's ability to make large sums of money from doing things like sitting on boards is directly tied to how much influence his father had politically and had little to do with HIS ability!

He sat on a board in the Ukraine for a gas company.

Its something he knows absolutely nothing about yet he was pulling down big bucks to sit on that board. Good gig if you can get it.
Before Joe Biden became Vice President he was a long time Senator who sat on all kinds of committees and wielded a great deal of power in Washington. I would make the point that Hunter Biden's ability to make large sums of money from doing things like sitting on boards is directly tied to how much influence his father had politically and had little to do with HIS ability!

He sat on a board in the Ukraine for a gas company.

Its something he knows absolutely nothing about yet he was pulling down big bucks to sit on that board. Good gig if you can get it.

It's a "gig" that you get if your father is the Vice President of the United States and can do things like give a nation 6 hours to fire someone or lose a billion dollar loan!

But Trump is the problem for asking for it to be looked into? In what universe does that make sense?
Before Joe Biden became Vice President he was a long time Senator who sat on all kinds of committees and wielded a great deal of power in Washington. I would make the point that Hunter Biden's ability to make large sums of money from doing things like sitting on boards is directly tied to how much influence his father had politically and had little to do with HIS ability!

He sat on a board in the Ukraine for a gas company.

Its something he knows absolutely nothing about yet he was pulling down big bucks to sit on that board. Good gig if you can get it.

It's a "gig" that you get if your father is the Vice President of the United States and can do things like give a nation 6 hours to fire someone or lose a billion dollar loan!

But Trump is the problem for asking for it to be looked into? In what universe does that make sense?

The Dem and lefty loon universe.

They sure don't seem to care Biden, a sitting US VP, got a prosecutor fired and his son a job that he was in no way shape or form qualified for.

Yet they can bitch and moan about Trump asking the Ukranian President to look into it and say Trump was trying to undercut Biden??

The dummy Biden then bragged about it on National Television. He undercut himself all on his little lonesome.

He sure ain't the sharpest knife in any drawer.
Did you just claim that Hillary Clinton didn't do anything illegal? You get more absurd with each post, Joey! When was it that the FBI admitted she did nothing illegal? You mean when James Comey declared that she was too stupid to understand that she'd broken the law?

Here's what it would have been honest for Comey to say, "Yup, I could probably indict her for something, but if I got this nonsense in front of a DC jury, they'd be like 'n****r, please!' So that's why I didn't do it. Also, I'm kind of a suckup who wants to make everyone happy."

Condi Rice and Colin Powell didn't run the State Department through hidden servers to avoid Congressional oversight...nor did they perpetrate a "pay for play" scheme...collecting millions of dollars in foreign "contributions" that they then used to help finance their political machine and political aspirations! Hillary did! She broke the law repeatedly.

Yawn... Trump has had three years to bring charges... oddly he hasn't.

As for your claim that Trump committed "treason"? Here's a newsflash for you! Claiming that he committed obstruction of justice isn't the same as treason. An investigation that went through Trump's campaign with an army of investigators and came up with nothing more than "possible" obstruction of justice that they couldn't prove...

No, it wasn't that he "Couldn't prove it", it was that his position was he didn't have the authority to indict a sitting president. That's Congress' job. Thank goodness they are finally doing it, and the Obstruction will be part of the Article of Impeachment.
Did you just claim that Hillary Clinton didn't do anything illegal? You get more absurd with each post, Joey! When was it that the FBI admitted she did nothing illegal? You mean when James Comey declared that she was too stupid to understand that she'd broken the law?

Here's what it would have been honest for Comey to say, "Yup, I could probably indict her for something, but if I got this nonsense in front of a DC jury, they'd be like 'n****r, please!' So that's why I didn't do it. Also, I'm kind of a suckup who wants to make everyone happy."

Condi Rice and Colin Powell didn't run the State Department through hidden servers to avoid Congressional oversight...nor did they perpetrate a "pay for play" scheme...collecting millions of dollars in foreign "contributions" that they then used to help finance their political machine and political aspirations! Hillary did! She broke the law repeatedly.

Yawn... Trump has had three years to bring charges... oddly he hasn't.

As for your claim that Trump committed "treason"? Here's a newsflash for you! Claiming that he committed obstruction of justice isn't the same as treason. An investigation that went through Trump's campaign with an army of investigators and came up with nothing more than "possible" obstruction of justice that they couldn't prove...

No, it wasn't that he "Couldn't prove it", it was that his position was he didn't have the authority to indict a sitting president. That's Congress' job. Thank goodness they are finally doing it, and the Obstruction will be part of the Article of Impeachment.

It would have been "honest" for Comey to say...Hillary Clinton knowingly broke the law...lied to Congress about doing so...and then destroyed evidence of what she'd done when she was exposed! His excuse that one of Washington's BIGGEST political insiders somehow didn't understand that she was doing was wrong is laughable! In order to believe THAT...you have to believe that Hillary Clinton is some wide eyed innocent! That claim borders on farce!

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