30 GOP Senators Would Vote To Impeach; Claims Deep State Advisor

"30 Republican senators would vote to impeach Trump" if vote was secret, GOP consultant claims

So former McCain and Romney advisor and current deep state operative Mike Murphy; claimed on Wednesday that he was told by a Republican senator that the majority of Republican senators "would vote to impeach" President Donald Trump if they could do so anonymously. What a load of crap!

"These Senate Republicans, should the Democrats vote impeachment, which is far more likely than not, are going to be pinned down to a yes/no answer," Murphy, who previously advised Republican politicians including Mitt Romney, John McCain and Jeb Bush, said in an interview with MSNBC."

This guy worked for 3 failed liberal presidential candidates and is talking to MSNBC about what he thinks 30 GOP senators are going to do? give me a break....Any republican who comes out in favor of impeachment should be charged for treason by the Attorney General. Look, you can clearly see that the Ukrainian president is a huge Trump fan and was willing to do whatever he could to help the US -- he was willing to work with our own Attorney General to investigate Biden and his son for treason -- how is that an impeachable offense??

Also, this company CrowdStrike -- they are the ones who hacked the DNC, not the Russians..Hillary's server is currently in Ukraine as the Dems hacked their own server and blamed it on the Russians to make Trump look bad -- It's time for Trump to investigate CrowdStrike and the Dems for treason and extortion; its time for William Barr to move forward on the evidence he has against Obama and Hillary and stop being so scared of these libs and convict these people for their crimes.
There is still many RINOs on top of Capitol hill. And one of them is Ted Cruz. But these RINOs are on standby mode. at least this guy is letting us to know how many RINO's that we have to hunt down. Have you ever seen Ted Cruz wearing a MAGA hat?

"30 Republican senators would vote to impeach Trump" if vote was secret, GOP consultant claims

So former McCain and Romney advisor and current deep state operative Mike Murphy; claimed on Wednesday that he was told by a Republican senator that the majority of Republican senators "would vote to impeach" President Donald Trump if they could do so anonymously. What a load of crap!

"These Senate Republicans, should the Democrats vote impeachment, which is far more likely than not, are going to be pinned down to a yes/no answer," Murphy, who previously advised Republican politicians including Mitt Romney, John McCain and Jeb Bush, said in an interview with MSNBC."

This guy worked for 3 failed liberal presidential candidates and is talking to MSNBC about what he thinks 30 GOP senators are going to do? give me a break....Any republican who comes out in favor of impeachment should be charged for treason by the Attorney General. Look, you can clearly see that the Ukrainian president is a huge Trump fan and was willing to do whatever he could to help the US -- he was willing to work with our own Attorney General to investigate Biden and his son for treason -- how is that an impeachable offense??

Also, this company CrowdStrike -- they are the ones who hacked the DNC, not the Russians..Hillary's server is currently in Ukraine as the Dems hacked their own server and blamed it on the Russians to make Trump look bad -- It's time for Trump to investigate CrowdStrike and the Dems for treason and extortion; its time for William Barr to move forward on the evidence he has against Obama and Hillary and stop being so scared of these libs and convict these people for their crimes.
There is still many RINOs on top of Capitol hill. And one of them is Ted Cruz. But these RINOs are on standby mode. at least this guy is letting us to know how many RINO's that we have to hunt down. Have you ever seen Ted Cruz wearing a MAGA hat?

Ted Cruz is your guy -- he is just like all of the other republican sycophants...they will suk off trump until it is no longer beneficial to do so....and when that happens, they will pretend to never had supported Trump -- and you folks will follow suit...

Or do you think the voters in Texas are a bunch of Rinos too??
Trump has done NOTHING even remotely approaching what Nixon did! Not even remotely approaching it!!!
For the record....what do you think Nixon did that was wrong??

Because something tells me you would be someone back in 1973, defending Nixon in the same way you defending Trump...

Here's my take on Richard Nixon, Biff. He was an extremely paranoid person...someone who believed that the increasingly liberal media and the Democrats were willing to stoop to dirty tricks to defeat him in an election. I'm not going to "defend" Nixon for his actions but I can understand why he believed some of the things he did! This is a man who lost a Presidential race to JFK when Joe Kennedy and the Chicago Political "machine" delivered Illinois in a way that reeked of corruption! I've always believed that's what led Nixon to spying on his political enemies when he became President.

The cover up of a crime is what led to Nixon's removal from office. It wasn't an "alleged" cover-up whose existence was claimed by anonymous sources. The "burglars" were caught red handed. The conspiracy to cover up the burglary was exposed by subpoenaed White House tapes. They had Nixon cold and then he tried to get the Director of the IRS to intimidate his political opponents...the Director was a Republican but he had ethics and refused to go along with Nixon's requests...instead going to Congress to complain about what he was being asked to do. THAT was the end of Nixon!
Trump has done NOTHING even remotely approaching what Nixon did! Not even remotely approaching it!!!
For the record....what do you think Nixon did that was wrong??

Because something tells me you would be someone back in 1973, defending Nixon in the same way you defending Trump...

Here's my take on Richard Nixon, Biff. He was an extremely paranoid person...someone who believed that the increasingly liberal media and the Democrats were willing to stoop to dirty tricks to defeat him in an election. I'm not going to "defend" Nixon for his actions but I can understand why he believed some of the things he did! This is a man who lost a Presidential race to JFK when Joe Kennedy and the Chicago Political "machine" delivered Illinois in a way that reeked of corruption! I've always believed that's what led Nixon to spying on his political enemies.

The cover up of a crime is what led to Nixon's removal from office. It wasn't an "alleged" cover-up whose existence was claimed by anonymous sources. The "burglars" were caught red handed. The conspiracy to cover up the burglary was exposed by subpoenaed White House tapes. They had Nixon cold and then he tried to get the Director of the IRS to intimidate his political opponents...the Director was a Republican but he had ethics and refused to go along with Nixon's requests...instead going to Congress to complain about what he was being asked to do. THAT was the end of Nixon!
They had him cold before Nixon was forced to turn over those tapes....and people like you (sycophants) were still defending him....as to the burglary, people like you (sycophants) tried to down play the burglary as no big deal...the same shit yall do now when it comes to Trump...

As for Nixon being paranoid and thinking the media is against him....that is also Trump.....
Trump has done NOTHING even remotely approaching what Nixon did! Not even remotely approaching it!!!
For the record....what do you think Nixon did that was wrong??

Because something tells me you would be someone back in 1973, defending Nixon in the same way you defending Trump...

Here's my take on Richard Nixon, Biff. He was an extremely paranoid person...someone who believed that the increasingly liberal media and the Democrats were willing to stoop to dirty tricks to defeat him in an election. I'm not going to "defend" Nixon for his actions but I can understand why he believed some of the things he did! This is a man who lost a Presidential race to JFK when Joe Kennedy and the Chicago Political "machine" delivered Illinois in a way that reeked of corruption! I've always believed that's what led Nixon to spying on his political enemies.

The cover up of a crime is what led to Nixon's removal from office. It wasn't an "alleged" cover-up whose existence was claimed by anonymous sources. The "burglars" were caught red handed. The conspiracy to cover up the burglary was exposed by subpoenaed White House tapes. They had Nixon cold and then he tried to get the Director of the IRS to intimidate his political opponents...the Director was a Republican but he had ethics and refused to go along with Nixon's requests...instead going to Congress to complain about what he was being asked to do. THAT was the end of Nixon!
They had him cold before Nixon was forced to turn over those tapes....and people like you (sycophants) were still defending him....as to the burglary, people like you (sycophants) tried to down play the burglary as no big deal...the same shit yall do now when it comes to Trump...

As for Nixon being paranoid and thinking the media is against him....that is also Trump.....

With all due respect, Biff...you know zero about my beliefs back then! I was a high school student in one of the most liberal schools in one of the most liberal States. I didn't downplay anything. I thought Nixon was a thug and was glad when he was replaced by Gerald Ford. Saying that I understand WHY he did what he did isn't saying that I CONDONE what it was he did!
As for when they had Nixon "cold"? Until those tapes became public Nixon was claiming he didn't know about the break-in or about the cover-up! The tapes proved that he knew about the break-in AFTER it happened and orchestrated the cover-up! The cover-up is what got him impeached.
Trump has done NOTHING even remotely approaching what Nixon did! Not even remotely approaching it!!!

What Trump did is FAR worse than what Nixon did. All Nixon did was try to cover up for his buddies. He never tried to get a foreign country to dig up dirt on McGovern. That would have been treason.

What's ironic about you on the left bringing up Nixon is that YOUR party is guilty of ACTUALLY using the IRS against your political enemies! Not attempting to do so and failing, like Nixon...but actually getting the IRS to make life miserable for your opposition!

You mean actually enforcing the law? The biggest mistake Obama made was actually knuckling under when all the Teabaggers were committing tax fraud by claiming to be educational organizations.
Here's my take on Richard Nixon, Biff. He was an extremely paranoid person...someone who believed that the increasingly liberal media and the Democrats were willing to stoop to dirty tricks to defeat him in an election.

Okay... And Trump isn't? Hey, did you hear yesterday when he was comparing the Whistle Blower to a spy?

I'm not going to "defend" Nixon for his actions but I can understand why he believed some of the things he did! This is a man who lost a Presidential race to JFK when Joe Kennedy and the Chicago Political "machine" delivered Illinois in a way that reeked of corruption! I've always believed that's what led Nixon to spying on his political enemies when he became President.

Okay... So wait a minute. Nixon was justified in believing what he did because of what Dick Daley did in IL, the thing is, even if Nixon had won IL, he STILL would have lost the electoral anachronism.

Are you admitting the EC is corrupt? Not that it matters, Tricky Dick STILL lost the Popular vote as well.

The cover up of a crime is what led to Nixon's removal from office. It wasn't an "alleged" cover-up whose existence was claimed by anonymous sources. The "burglars" were caught red handed. The conspiracy to cover up the burglary was exposed by subpoenaed White House tapes. They had Nixon cold and then he tried to get the Director of the IRS to intimidate his political opponents...the Director was a Republican but he had ethics and refused to go along with Nixon's requests...instead going to Congress to complain about what he was being asked to do. THAT was the end of Nixon!

Okay. Trump has been caught red handed trying to dig up dirt on Biden, and using American Tax dollars to get a foriegn government to do it. That's a LOT worse than anything Tricky Dick did.
Gotta love MSNBC! More "anonymous sources" claiming things that can't be verified! Let's be crystal clear...any Republican that voted to impeach Donald Trump on this farce that's being perpetrated by the Democrats would be voted out of office so fast that it would make their heads spin...and they know it! There is absolutely no chance on God's Green Earth that the Senate votes to impeach and Pelosi knows that as well! This is nothing more than political theatre to obscure the very clear fact that the Democrats are running on things that the American people are not in favor of and have veered so far to the left that they know they can't win in November of next year!

Nixon won 49 states in 1972.... and 60% of the vote...

And he still resigned when his criminality because impossible to deny.

Every poll shows Democrats beating Trump, and if Trump wasn't nervous, he wouldn't have gone to the Ukraine looking for dirt on Biden to start with.
Trump has no path to the White House all over again
Here's my take on Richard Nixon, Biff. He was an extremely paranoid person...someone who believed that the increasingly liberal media and the Democrats were willing to stoop to dirty tricks to defeat him in an election.

Okay... And Trump isn't? Hey, did you hear yesterday when he was comparing the Whistle Blower to a spy?

I'm not going to "defend" Nixon for his actions but I can understand why he believed some of the things he did! This is a man who lost a Presidential race to JFK when Joe Kennedy and the Chicago Political "machine" delivered Illinois in a way that reeked of corruption! I've always believed that's what led Nixon to spying on his political enemies when he became President.

Okay... So wait a minute. Nixon was justified in believing what he did because of what Dick Daley did in IL, the thing is, even if Nixon had won IL, he STILL would have lost the electoral anachronism.

Are you admitting the EC is corrupt? Not that it matters, Tricky Dick STILL lost the Popular vote as well.

The cover up of a crime is what led to Nixon's removal from office. It wasn't an "alleged" cover-up whose existence was claimed by anonymous sources. The "burglars" were caught red handed. The conspiracy to cover up the burglary was exposed by subpoenaed White House tapes. They had Nixon cold and then he tried to get the Director of the IRS to intimidate his political opponents...the Director was a Republican but he had ethics and refused to go along with Nixon's requests...instead going to Congress to complain about what he was being asked to do. THAT was the end of Nixon!

Okay. Trump has been caught red handed trying to dig up dirt on Biden, and using American Tax dollars to get a foriegn government to do it. That's a LOT worse than anything Tricky Dick did.

My point...which you can't seem to grasp...is that Nixon actually had good reason to BE paranoid about his political opponents after what the Kennedy's did to him in 1960. What took place in Chicago during that election was about as clear cut an example of voter fraud as we've ever had in this country and Richard Nixon was the victim of that voter fraud. As I said before...I don't condone Nixon's actions...but I do understand why he may have felt the way he did!

Biden used his political office to enrich his kid. That's the "dirt" that Trump was looking into! I know you on the left scream bloody murder when one of yours gets investigated but Biden DESERVES to be questioned about his actions regarding the Ukraine and China and the millions of dollars that his son Hunter received from those countries!
Gotta love MSNBC! More "anonymous sources" claiming things that can't be verified! Let's be crystal clear...any Republican that voted to impeach Donald Trump on this farce that's being perpetrated by the Democrats would be voted out of office so fast that it would make their heads spin...and they know it! There is absolutely no chance on God's Green Earth that the Senate votes to impeach and Pelosi knows that as well! This is nothing more than political theatre to obscure the very clear fact that the Democrats are running on things that the American people are not in favor of and have veered so far to the left that they know they can't win in November of next year!

Nixon won 49 states in 1972.... and 60% of the vote...

And he still resigned when his criminality because impossible to deny.

Every poll shows Democrats beating Trump, and if Trump wasn't nervous, he wouldn't have gone to the Ukraine looking for dirt on Biden to start with.

You haven't figured it out yet, have you, Joey? Biden is about to be hung out to dry by the far left of the Democratic Party! He isn't their candidate and never was. This lets them kill two birds with one stone. They get rid of Biden as his complicity in getting Hunter Biden a big pay off is revealed and they can start yet ANOTHER smear campaign against Trump now that Russian collusion has been shown to be farce!
Great conspiracy theory. Did you storm Area 51 with the other kooks?

You think it's a "conspiracy theory" that the far left of the Democratic Party doesn't want Joe Biden as their candidate? Gee, I didn't know that was something anyone with even a slight interest in politics hasn't known for quite some time, August!
You`re the spokesman for the "far left" ? Unlike the gun nuts and the racists that control the GOP no group controls the Democratic party.

BS! 2016 was set up so no one other than Hillary could have been the nominee and now it is set up for Warren to be the nominee, pretty easy to see through. All the Democratic Party needs to do is hook their fingers in the nose of their sheep and guide them along.

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