30 Reform Candidates are climate sceptics

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

Their social media posts often claim that warnings of anthropogenic warming are a “hoax” or “scam”, and many include conspiracy theories about how the “climate change narrative” can be attributed to the World Economic Forum, “globalist elites” or “the Illuminati”.

I havent heard the Illuminati or other anti semitic tropes for a few years. But I hope we get the space lasers that California got.
Loons and fruitcakes every one of them. There is probably a similar number in the tory party.Thank God they will not get near power. Putin has wasted his cash.
So what?

Imagine a situation where every Western nation elected governments that as a matter of policy believed that, although the climate may be warming, there is nothing that Western man can do to change it, so "We will just go about our business and ignore it."

The result of that will be that the greenhouse gas emissions of those countries will gradually rise and warming will continue as it has for the past [how many?] years.

Note that on the rest of the planet - speaking mainly of China, India, Africa, and South America - greenhouse has emissions will be doing exactly what they are now: rising fairly dramatically, because in those places, the people are now struggling to bring themselves into modern times, with reliable electricity (generated by coal, mainly), transportation (oil), heating (coal and natural gas), and cooking (oil and natural gas).

In fact, much more than half the world's population lives in the countries covered by the preceding paragraph. So if the politicians of your wildest wet dreams were elected in the developed world INSTEAD of those in my scenario, the same thing would be happening, but possibly at a SLIGHTLY slower rate.

Again I ask, So what?

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