300 acts of domestic terrorism in the US are committed by right wing extremists

For those who refuse to accept terrorism in this country can have a "white" face, since 2000, there have been 20 terrorist related attacks by right wing extremists, as opposed to 11 by Islamic jihadists.

And if you don't count the Orlando shooting, there have been more deaths due to right wing extremism, than Muslim jihadists.
You brought it up? Don't blame me for going off topic, that was you
I said believing the Oath Keepers infiltrated the ANTIFA movement is more believable than James O'Keefe acting like a pimp. That was a reference to James O'Keefe's ridiculous undercover attempt in contrast to the Oath Keepers and the violence they may have caused, which is definitely "on" topic.

You replied by launching into an entire "off" topic rant into the whole ACORN thing.

You fuckers don't take responsibility for anything you do.
Do you want me to quote you on what you said?
Do you want me to quote you on what you said?
Go right ahead.
"No, the far right is definitely fascist. And you probably are to. I base that on your tacit approval of what your "side" did to ACORN. You silenced an organization for the simple fact that you didn't like them representing people who didn't like you."

Which is when you brought up acorn, as you can see, nothing to do with acorn not believing okeefe was a pimp. There you actually seem to think they had nothing to do with helping a pimp have underage prostitutes be a tax write off.

Is this the part when you admit your wrong. Actually I'd like to see you quote a time when you've admitted you were wrong. I don't believe you.
Which is when you brought up acorn, as you can see, nothing to do with acorn not believing okeefe was a pimp. There you actually seem to think they had nothing to do with helping a pimp have underage prostitutes be a tax write off.

Is this the part when you admit your wrong. Actually I'd like to see you quote a time when you've admitted you were wrong. I don't believe you.
I'm sorry, you didn't start the clock at the right time. Why am I not surprised? I swear, it is getting easier and easier to spot someone who is disingenuous.

What you quoted, was my post #230. I was referring to my post #226, which stated (and I'm quoting)...

"I'm saying the possibility exists that is what happened. I've seen one report stating just that. It is something many Oath Keepers have professional training in; they've got a mask around their face so no one would recognize them; it's not that far of a stretch. It is more believable than James O' Keefe trying to convince people he's a pimp."

I wasn't wrong, so cut the foreplay. You are deliberately trying to derail the thread and hijack it in another direction and for that I say to you, "Fuck you!"

Do you have anything to say about the violence caused by right wing extremism in this country?
Which is when you brought up acorn, as you can see, nothing to do with acorn not believing okeefe was a pimp. There you actually seem to think they had nothing to do with helping a pimp have underage prostitutes be a tax write off.

Is this the part when you admit your wrong. Actually I'd like to see you quote a time when you've admitted you were wrong. I don't believe you.
I'm sorry, you didn't start the clock at the right time. Why am I not surprised? I swear, it is getting easier and easier to spot someone who is disingenuous.

What you quoted, was my post #230. I was referring to my post #226, which stated (and I'm quoting)...

"I'm saying the possibility exists that is what happened. I've seen one report stating just that. It is something many Oath Keepers have professional training in; they've got a mask around their face so no one would recognize them; it's not that far of a stretch. It is more believable than James O' Keefe trying to convince people he's a pimp."

I wasn't wrong, so cut the foreplay. You are deliberately trying to derail the thread and hijack it in another direction and for that I say to you, "Fuck you!"

Do you have anything to say about the violence caused by right wing extremism in this country?

And what did I say to that? And what did you respond with? You tried to claim the only reason Acorn went down was because the right wing wanted to "silence them." And then I posted you're exact ridiculous words. YOU SOUND LIKE EVERY VILLAIN IN SCOOBY DOO. They went down because tax dollars shouldn't go to organizations that try to assist pimps of underage prostitutes....and I would venture to say pimps in general but especially to pimps of underage prostitutes.

And I've NEVER condoned violence for political reasons in this country. Don't care what side it is. You are just a hypocrite, who will conjure up conspiracy theories when it comes to actual violence and riots that ANTIFA is doing right in front of your eyes. Tend to you're own house. I don't stand with nazis or racist, and never will. I also do not stand with Antifa, or black lives matter, EVEN THOUGH I AM SYMPATHETIC TO THEIR CAUSE. Although I don't think it's a race problem, but even then I vehemently disagree with their leadership, and their tactics of rioting. And guess what, I'm not a trump voter either, and I've posted my feelings about trump often and even created my own threads about him. So stop lumping everybody into a box that you have to make to help your ego. I'm for less government= more liberty. You are for more government, and anything against me is evil, and anything on my side is good, or not bad. You're a hypocrite, tend to your own house, grow up, and be consistent. You can't sit here and claim that trump is a sexist, when you turn around and defend Acorn for helping pimps write off taxes with their underage prostitutes, and blame Oathkeepers for what Antifa does.
And what did I say to that? And what did you respond with? You tried to claim the only reason Acorn went down was because the right wing wanted to "silence them." And then I posted you're exact ridiculous words. YOU SOUND LIKE EVERY VILLAIN IN SCOOBY DOO. They went down because tax dollars shouldn't go to organizations that try to assist pimps of underage prostitutes....and I would venture to say pimps in general but especially to pimps of underage prostitutes.

And I've NEVER condoned violence for political reasons in this country. Don't care what side it is. You are just a hypocrite, who will conjure up conspiracy theories when it comes to actual violence and riots that ANTIFA is doing right in front of your eyes. Tend to you're own house. I don't stand with nazis or racist, and never will. I also do not stand with Antifa, or black lives matter, EVEN THOUGH I AM SYMPATHETIC TO THEIR CAUSE. Although I don't think it's a race problem, but even then I vehemently disagree with their leadership, and their tactics of rioting. And guess what, I'm not a trump voter either, and I've posted my feelings about trump often and even created my own threads about him. So stop lumping everybody into a box that you have to make to help your ego. I'm for less government= more liberty. You are for more government, and anything against me is evil, and anything on my side is good, or not bad. You're a hypocrite, tend to your own house, grow up, and be consistent. You can't sit here and claim that trump is a sexist, when you turn around and defend Acorn for helping pimps write off taxes with their underage prostitutes, and blame Oathkeepers for what Antifa does.
There's one thing I've done that you haven't, that is admit when I'm wrong.
And what did I say to that? And what did you respond with? You tried to claim the only reason Acorn went down was because the right wing wanted to "silence them." And then I posted you're exact ridiculous words. YOU SOUND LIKE EVERY VILLAIN IN SCOOBY DOO. They went down because tax dollars shouldn't go to organizations that try to assist pimps of underage prostitutes....and I would venture to say pimps in general but especially to pimps of underage prostitutes.

And I've NEVER condoned violence for political reasons in this country. Don't care what side it is. You are just a hypocrite, who will conjure up conspiracy theories when it comes to actual violence and riots that ANTIFA is doing right in front of your eyes. Tend to you're own house. I don't stand with nazis or racist, and never will. I also do not stand with Antifa, or black lives matter, EVEN THOUGH I AM SYMPATHETIC TO THEIR CAUSE. Although I don't think it's a race problem, but even then I vehemently disagree with their leadership, and their tactics of rioting. And guess what, I'm not a trump voter either, and I've posted my feelings about trump often and even created my own threads about him. So stop lumping everybody into a box that you have to make to help your ego. I'm for less government= more liberty. You are for more government, and anything against me is evil, and anything on my side is good, or not bad. You're a hypocrite, tend to your own house, grow up, and be consistent. You can't sit here and claim that trump is a sexist, when you turn around and defend Acorn for helping pimps write off taxes with their underage prostitutes, and blame Oathkeepers for what Antifa does.
There's one thing I've done that you haven't, that is admit when I'm wrong.
I don't expect the boy to make any sense but how does Trump figure into this? He ran on law and order, not kill and maim.

No he didn't.

He ran on hating and beating/killing anyone who isn't white. Or have you forgotten that every stinking, waste of skin kkk, alt-right, white supremacist asshole like you voted for him.

His daddy was kkk and mobbed up and so is he and his vile spawn[emoji90]

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From the church in Mississippi, to the stabbings in Portland, the majority of terrorist acts in this country are committed by right wing extremist white males.

America's Biggest Terrorist Threat? The Far-Right White Male
The Trump administration may deny it, but the numbers are there.

The number of violent attacks on U.S. soil inspired by far-right ideology has spiked since the beginning of this century, rising from a yearly avarage of 70 attacks in the 1990s to a yearly avarage of more than 300 since 2001. These incidents have grown even more common since President Donald Trump’s election.
Alt right violence is the biggest threat we have in the country today.
I still can not figure out if Antifa is a progressive or a right wing....Hard to tell sometimes.
I don't expect the boy to make any sense but how does Trump figure into this? He ran on law and order, not kill and maim.
Where does Isis fit into the list?
gun sheethead.jpeg

No he didn't.

He ran on hating and beating/killing anyone who isn't white. Or have you forgotten that every stinking, waste of skin kkk, alt-right, white supremacist asshole like you voted for him.

His daddy was kkk and mobbed up and so is he and his vile spawn[emoji90]

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More proof of right wing terrorism....

According to NAF, since 1977 in the United States and Canada, property crimes committed against abortion providers have included 41 bombings, 173 arsons, 91 attempted bombings or arsons, 619 bomb threats, 1630 incidents of trespassing, 1264 incidents of vandalism, and 100 attacks with butyric acid ("stink bombs").

The New York Times also cites over one hundred clinic bombings and incidents of arson, over three hundred invasions, and over four hundred incidents of vandalism between 1978 and 1993. The first clinic arson occurred in Oregon in March 1976 and the first bombing occurred in February 1978 in Ohio.
You had to dig pretty far into history, you should have gone back further to the KKK days to fill out the number. LOL

And what did I say to that? And what did you respond with? You tried to claim the only reason Acorn went down was because the right wing wanted to "silence them." And then I posted you're exact ridiculous words. YOU SOUND LIKE EVERY VILLAIN IN SCOOBY DOO. They went down because tax dollars shouldn't go to organizations that try to assist pimps of underage prostitutes....and I would venture to say pimps in general but especially to pimps of underage prostitutes.

And I've NEVER condoned violence for political reasons in this country. Don't care what side it is. You are just a hypocrite, who will conjure up conspiracy theories when it comes to actual violence and riots that ANTIFA is doing right in front of your eyes. Tend to you're own house. I don't stand with nazis or racist, and never will. I also do not stand with Antifa, or black lives matter, EVEN THOUGH I AM SYMPATHETIC TO THEIR CAUSE. Although I don't think it's a race problem, but even then I vehemently disagree with their leadership, and their tactics of rioting. And guess what, I'm not a trump voter either, and I've posted my feelings about trump often and even created my own threads about him. So stop lumping everybody into a box that you have to make to help your ego. I'm for less government= more liberty. You are for more government, and anything against me is evil, and anything on my side is good, or not bad. You're a hypocrite, tend to your own house, grow up, and be consistent. You can't sit here and claim that trump is a sexist, when you turn around and defend Acorn for helping pimps write off taxes with their underage prostitutes, and blame Oathkeepers for what Antifa does.
There's one thing I've done that you haven't, that is admit when I'm wrong.
Two on the same site, on the same day.

Antifa uses flagpole with nail to hit police horse: Cops

Here’s what we know — and don’t know — about the GOP baseball practice shooting

You were saying?
Let me put this to you a different way since science might not be your strong suit. If you've ever been admitted to a hospital, they'll ask for your pain level on a scale from 1-10, 1 being no pain, 10 being excruciating pain...which is a spectrum. Now if I walked in and said "hey patient x, how's your pain today, what number would you describe it at?" And patient x said, "I'd say it's an 8, but I'm not referring to any sort of pain scale." Well that would be a pretty dumb comment since they in fact did refer to a number, but said it wasn't a part of any spectrum, so there would be no context of that number, thus no point in mentioning the number. Which is what you were saying.

Now what you're actually doing...if I came in the room and said "hey patient x, what would you describe your pain level at?" And patient x said "it's an 8." And I said ok I'll give you some morphine. And then patient x said "morphine? Why? It's only an 8, I feel pretty good and don't need morphine." I would say "then why did you say it's an 8? 8 is a pretty high number." And patient x would say "oh that's not the spectrum I use, the spectrum I use is on a scale 1-10 with 1 being super high pain, and 10 being no pain." Which is what you're doing, which is why it's important when you use the term "right wing" to disclose the scale or spectrum you are referring to. If you're calling fascism right wing, under the American spectrum of politics...you would be very wrong, since it's pretty far down on the left of the spectrum since it requires A LOT of government control, vs a constitutionalist being pretty far down on the right wing, and being for very limited government and personal and individualistic freedom as the founders intended.
What you're trying to do, is replace my definition of pain, with your definition of pain. Which is rather strange, because you won't even take the time to find out what my definition of pain is. You just want it replaced at all costs.
Pain is pain. In that scenario I laid out, there are 2 ways to asses pain...

There are 2 political spectrums used to asses political beliefs, if you're not referring to either of this 2 spectrums, then don't use their terms (I.e. Right wing). If you have your own made up unique spectrum, go ahed and lay it out. Be my guest.

There really needs to be an emoji for over the head.

Fascists and Nazis are hard right politics. There is no "American" definition of right and left that is different from the rest of the world.

I get that American conservatives don't want to claim Hitler. Tough. The "Socialist" part of the party name that the Nazi's co-opted. Hitler wanted to change the name because he loathed socialism but was persuaded to keep it.

You cannot change definitions to suit your biases.
Let me put this to you a different way since science might not be your strong suit. If you've ever been admitted to a hospital, they'll ask for your pain level on a scale from 1-10, 1 being no pain, 10 being excruciating pain...which is a spectrum. Now if I walked in and said "hey patient x, how's your pain today, what number would you describe it at?" And patient x said, "I'd say it's an 8, but I'm not referring to any sort of pain scale." Well that would be a pretty dumb comment since they in fact did refer to a number, but said it wasn't a part of any spectrum, so there would be no context of that number, thus no point in mentioning the number. Which is what you were saying.

Now what you're actually doing...if I came in the room and said "hey patient x, what would you describe your pain level at?" And patient x said "it's an 8." And I said ok I'll give you some morphine. And then patient x said "morphine? Why? It's only an 8, I feel pretty good and don't need morphine." I would say "then why did you say it's an 8? 8 is a pretty high number." And patient x would say "oh that's not the spectrum I use, the spectrum I use is on a scale 1-10 with 1 being super high pain, and 10 being no pain." Which is what you're doing, which is why it's important when you use the term "right wing" to disclose the scale or spectrum you are referring to. If you're calling fascism right wing, under the American spectrum of politics...you would be very wrong, since it's pretty far down on the left of the spectrum since it requires A LOT of government control, vs a constitutionalist being pretty far down on the right wing, and being for very limited government and personal and individualistic freedom as the founders intended.
What you're trying to do, is replace my definition of pain, with your definition of pain. Which is rather strange, because you won't even take the time to find out what my definition of pain is. You just want it replaced at all costs.
Pain is pain. In that scenario I laid out, there are 2 ways to asses pain...

There are 2 political spectrums used to asses political beliefs, if you're not referring to either of this 2 spectrums, then don't use their terms (I.e. Right wing). If you have your own made up unique spectrum, go ahed and lay it out. Be my guest.

There really needs to be an emoji for over the head.

Fascists and Nazis are hard right politics. There is no "American" definition of right and left that is different from the rest of the world.

I get that American conservatives don't want to claim Hitler. Tough. The "Socialist" part of the party name that the Nazi's co-opted. Hitler wanted to change the name because he loathed socialism but was persuaded to keep it.

You cannot change definitions to suit your biases.

Where does libertarian fall under your spectrum...hard right? Or center?

Conservatives want to conserve the constitution, the constitution being for strictly limited governmental power? Where do they fall, center or right?

And the Nazis were totalitarian, very heavy governmental power, if they fall right...then where does that leave a constitutionalist, libertarian, or conservative?

Also one should make note that the far left, communism, is responsible for way more deaths than the Nazis in the past century, your looking at 100 million people dead. The far left is not a magical world of peace.
Let me put this to you a different way since science might not be your strong suit. If you've ever been admitted to a hospital, they'll ask for your pain level on a scale from 1-10, 1 being no pain, 10 being excruciating pain...which is a spectrum. Now if I walked in and said "hey patient x, how's your pain today, what number would you describe it at?" And patient x said, "I'd say it's an 8, but I'm not referring to any sort of pain scale." Well that would be a pretty dumb comment since they in fact did refer to a number, but said it wasn't a part of any spectrum, so there would be no context of that number, thus no point in mentioning the number. Which is what you were saying.

Now what you're actually doing...if I came in the room and said "hey patient x, what would you describe your pain level at?" And patient x said "it's an 8." And I said ok I'll give you some morphine. And then patient x said "morphine? Why? It's only an 8, I feel pretty good and don't need morphine." I would say "then why did you say it's an 8? 8 is a pretty high number." And patient x would say "oh that's not the spectrum I use, the spectrum I use is on a scale 1-10 with 1 being super high pain, and 10 being no pain." Which is what you're doing, which is why it's important when you use the term "right wing" to disclose the scale or spectrum you are referring to. If you're calling fascism right wing, under the American spectrum of politics...you would be very wrong, since it's pretty far down on the left of the spectrum since it requires A LOT of government control, vs a constitutionalist being pretty far down on the right wing, and being for very limited government and personal and individualistic freedom as the founders intended.
What you're trying to do, is replace my definition of pain, with your definition of pain. Which is rather strange, because you won't even take the time to find out what my definition of pain is. You just want it replaced at all costs.
Pain is pain. In that scenario I laid out, there are 2 ways to asses pain...

There are 2 political spectrums used to asses political beliefs, if you're not referring to either of this 2 spectrums, then don't use their terms (I.e. Right wing). If you have your own made up unique spectrum, go ahed and lay it out. Be my guest.

There really needs to be an emoji for over the head.

Fascists and Nazis are hard right politics. There is no "American" definition of right and left that is different from the rest of the world.

I get that American conservatives don't want to claim Hitler. Tough. The "Socialist" part of the party name that the Nazi's co-opted. Hitler wanted to change the name because he loathed socialism but was persuaded to keep it.

You cannot change definitions to suit your biases.

Where does libertarian fall under your spectrum...hard right? Or center?

Conservatives want to conserve the constitution, the constitution being for strictly limited governmental power? Where do they fall, center or right?

And the Nazis were totalitarian, very heavy governmental power, if they fall right...then where does that leave a constitutionalist, libertarian, or conservative?

Also one should make note that the far left, communism, is responsible for way more deaths than the Nazis in the past century, your looking at 100 million people dead. The far left is not a magical world of peace.

The South American "Disappeareds", - thousand of left wingers murdered across South America, Samosa, Macros, the right wing Central American dictators, there is enough right wing murder to go around too.

Stalin wasn't a communist, nor was Mao. Both were authoritarian dictators and murderers.

American conservatives are right wing, but it's a fallacy to assume that only conservatives want government pursuant to the Constitution. They cling to this notion that they are the defenders of the Constitution but seem to be prepared to trample it underfoot to keep Trump in power.
Let me put this to you a different way since science might not be your strong suit. If you've ever been admitted to a hospital, they'll ask for your pain level on a scale from 1-10, 1 being no pain, 10 being excruciating pain...which is a spectrum. Now if I walked in and said "hey patient x, how's your pain today, what number would you describe it at?" And patient x said, "I'd say it's an 8, but I'm not referring to any sort of pain scale." Well that would be a pretty dumb comment since they in fact did refer to a number, but said it wasn't a part of any spectrum, so there would be no context of that number, thus no point in mentioning the number. Which is what you were saying.

Now what you're actually doing...if I came in the room and said "hey patient x, what would you describe your pain level at?" And patient x said "it's an 8." And I said ok I'll give you some morphine. And then patient x said "morphine? Why? It's only an 8, I feel pretty good and don't need morphine." I would say "then why did you say it's an 8? 8 is a pretty high number." And patient x would say "oh that's not the spectrum I use, the spectrum I use is on a scale 1-10 with 1 being super high pain, and 10 being no pain." Which is what you're doing, which is why it's important when you use the term "right wing" to disclose the scale or spectrum you are referring to. If you're calling fascism right wing, under the American spectrum of politics...you would be very wrong, since it's pretty far down on the left of the spectrum since it requires A LOT of government control, vs a constitutionalist being pretty far down on the right wing, and being for very limited government and personal and individualistic freedom as the founders intended.
What you're trying to do, is replace my definition of pain, with your definition of pain. Which is rather strange, because you won't even take the time to find out what my definition of pain is. You just want it replaced at all costs.
Pain is pain. In that scenario I laid out, there are 2 ways to asses pain...

There are 2 political spectrums used to asses political beliefs, if you're not referring to either of this 2 spectrums, then don't use their terms (I.e. Right wing). If you have your own made up unique spectrum, go ahed and lay it out. Be my guest.

There really needs to be an emoji for over the head.

Fascists and Nazis are hard right politics. There is no "American" definition of right and left that is different from the rest of the world.

I get that American conservatives don't want to claim Hitler. Tough. The "Socialist" part of the party name that the Nazi's co-opted. Hitler wanted to change the name because he loathed socialism but was persuaded to keep it.

You cannot change definitions to suit your biases.

Where does libertarian fall under your spectrum...hard right? Or center?

Conservatives want to conserve the constitution, the constitution being for strictly limited governmental power? Where do they fall, center or right?

And the Nazis were totalitarian, very heavy governmental power, if they fall right...then where does that leave a constitutionalist, libertarian, or conservative?

Also one should make note that the far left, communism, is responsible for way more deaths than the Nazis in the past century, your looking at 100 million people dead. The far left is not a magical world of peace.

The South American "Disappeareds", - thousand of left wingers murdered across South America, Samosa, Macros, the right wing Central American dictators, there is enough right wing murder to go around too.

Stalin wasn't a communist, nor was Mao. Both were authoritarian dictators and murderers.

American conservatives are right wing, but it's a fallacy to assume that only conservatives want government pursuant to the Constitution. They cling to this notion that they are the defenders of the Constitution but seem to be prepared to trample it underfoot to keep Trump in power.

Just answer the question, where do libertarian or constitutionalist fall on your spectrum? They fall center in Europe, where do you place them? Conservative means something else in Europe, as does a liberal in europe, a liberal in europe is our version of a libertarian.

And yes they were communist, that's what communism is. COMPLETE GOVERNMENT CONTROL, over everything, where you work, what food to eat, how much you make, no religion, etc. It just wasn't as nice as Marx said it would be. That was communism. And if you say that isn't communism... then there is no freaking way you can call the American right fascistic, since they are much farther to Nazis than Stalin from whatever you think communism is.

If you want to go with the European model, that's fine, if you do libertarians and constitutionalist, or anybody who wants small government falls more center than they do right. The simple fact is, is that a European liberal would happily disagree with an American who calls themselves a liberal. Personally, I don't prefer the European spectrum, just because at the end of the day communism and Fascism look way too similar. Both are totalitarian, both have heavy controls of the economy, and even more control of their citizens. Both may hate each other, but I like in it to the Rwandan genocide, we're us as Americans could barely tell who's who.

It's just not right to lump somebody who is individualistic, And for less government more liberty, in with the Nazis. Just like it wouldn't be right for me to lump in an American liberal in with communist
That has nothing to do with me admitting when I'm wrong.

As far as the flagpole incident, if true, then I condemn it. I haven't heard the other sides account yet. And if I don't, then I have to go with the police version.

As far as the shooting, the guy apparently is a leftist, a whacko and I also condemn this incident. I'm not going to defend left wing violence like this. I'm going to call it for what it is. I have no intention of defending this shit like the right does with their felons. I don't make excuses like your side does about your kinds' violence.

One thing that really pissed me off about this shooting was that the guy was arrested for failing to obtain electrical permits. As an electrical engineer, I'm personally offended by that.
That has nothing to do with me admitting when I'm wrong.

As far as the flagpole incident, if true, then I condemn it. I haven't heard the other sides account yet. And if I don't, then I have to go with the police version.

As far as the shooting, the guy apparently is a leftist, a whacko and I also condemn this incident. I'm not going to defend left wing violence like this. I'm going to call it for what it is. I have no intention of defending this shit like the right does with their felons. I don't make excuses like your side does about your kinds' violence.

One thing that really pissed me off about this shooting was that the guy was arrested for failing to obtain electrical permits. As an electrical engineer, I'm personally offended by that.
I don't expect you to defend this. Why do you assume the entire right defends every "right wing" extremist?

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