'300 Men March' group arrives in Washington DC

Three hundred?!


Pretty sad,

Thats how its done...
Sad, you'd think more than 300 would think black lives matter. A protest about the rare black lives taken by cops would have brought in 10s of 1000s + looting.

Because criminals dont take oaths to protect the community and arent paid with our tax dollars. Its the difference between having a problem with a molester down the street and pretending he is the same as the local priest.
Obviously, not all black lives matter. I'm happy to see that 300 think they do, but they're a tiny minority.

You said the same thing after the MILLION man march too lol
I did not, but the contrast is the point. Black lives don't matter much to blacks if all they could muster was 300, obviously.
Thats how its done...
Sad, you'd think more than 300 would think black lives matter. A protest about the rare black lives taken by cops would have brought in 10s of 1000s + looting.

Because criminals dont take oaths to protect the community and arent paid with our tax dollars. Its the difference between having a problem with a molester down the street and pretending he is the same as the local priest.
Obviously, not all black lives matter. I'm happy to see that 300 think they do, but they're a tiny minority.

You said the same thing after the MILLION man march too lol
I did not, but the contrast is the point. Black lives don't matter much to blacks if all they could muster was 300, obviously.

And how many whites are marching?
Sad, you'd think more than 300 would think black lives matter. A protest about the rare black lives taken by cops would have brought in 10s of 1000s + looting.

Because criminals dont take oaths to protect the community and arent paid with our tax dollars. Its the difference between having a problem with a molester down the street and pretending he is the same as the local priest.
Obviously, not all black lives matter. I'm happy to see that 300 think they do, but they're a tiny minority.

You said the same thing after the MILLION man march too lol
I did not, but the contrast is the point. Black lives don't matter much to blacks if all they could muster was 300, obviously.

And how many whites are marching?

I'm not.
Because criminals dont take oaths to protect the community and arent paid with our tax dollars. Its the difference between having a problem with a molester down the street and pretending he is the same as the local priest.
Obviously, not all black lives matter. I'm happy to see that 300 think they do, but they're a tiny minority.

You said the same thing after the MILLION man march too lol
I did not, but the contrast is the point. Black lives don't matter much to blacks if all they could muster was 300, obviously.

And how many whites are marching?

I'm not.

Said all the whites
Three hundred?!


Pretty sad,

Thats how its done...
Sad, you'd think more than 300 would think black lives matter. A protest about the rare black lives taken by cops would have brought in 10s of 1000s + looting.

Because criminals dont take oaths to protect the community and arent paid with our tax dollars. Its the difference between having a problem with a molester down the street and pretending he is the same as the local priest.
This was a welcome show of support to these young brothers. I am sure the more they do the more warm support they will get as shown in this thread.
This goes out to all you race baiters who claim no one cares about black on black violence while you sit there with your white on white violence that seems to be swell.


BALTIMORE, Md. (WBFF) - Members of the “300 Men March” movement began marching to Washington DC from southwest Baltimore Sunday night. The march is aimed at addressing this summer's rise in violence in Baltimore City.

.....Time to attack them personally.....AAANNND GO!

The true sadness in all this....300 men marched and only two missed work!!
Funny how the same people who are gripping about this also complained saying no one is doing anything about it. Almost like no action is enough...weird
Ooh, 300 people walked down the street. You call that "doing something about black violence"? What the fuck is that even going to accomplish? One of these days you people will figure out that your stupid fucking marches don't work. The only thing that will fix your problem is if you raise your children properly.

Our point is the black community as a whole doesn't give a shit, which clearly they dont. Seriously, only 300 people? How shameful.
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Marches will accomplish absolutely dick.

The vermin in the black neighborhoods needs to be harshly and unmercifully dealt with by the people within those neighborhoods.
Uuuuh, they are being dealt with unmercifully, gang warfare? Or are you proposing that the old ladies and children in the ghettos go rambo on all the gangs?
Funny how the same people who are gripping about this also complained saying no one is doing anything about it. Almost like no action is enough...weird
Ooh, 300 people walked down the street. You call that "doing something about black violence"? What the fuck is that even going to accomplish?

Our point is the black community as a whole doesn't give a shit, which clearly they dont.
You hang out in a lot of black communities and ask what they care about I'm guessing? Or you just see fox news every so often and figure they're giving you the gist of it?
Sad, you'd think more than 300 would think black lives matter. A protest about the rare black lives taken by cops would have brought in 10s of 1000s + looting.

Because criminals dont take oaths to protect the community and arent paid with our tax dollars. Its the difference between having a problem with a molester down the street and pretending he is the same as the local priest.
Obviously, not all black lives matter. I'm happy to see that 300 think they do, but they're a tiny minority.

You said the same thing after the MILLION man march too lol
I did not, but the contrast is the point. Black lives don't matter much to blacks if all they could muster was 300, obviously.

And how many whites are marching?
It's hard to attend events when you aren't invited in the first place.
Funny how the same people who are gripping about this also complained saying no one is doing anything about it. Almost like no action is enough...weird
Ooh, 300 people walked down the street. You call that "doing something about black violence"? What the fuck is that even going to accomplish?

Our point is the black community as a whole doesn't give a shit, which clearly they dont.
You hang out in a lot of black communities and ask what they care about I'm guessing? Or you just see fox news every so often and figure they're giving you the gist of it?

Until they fix their crime problems, I really don't give a shit what they care about. They don't care, so why should i?
Marches will accomplish absolutely dick.

The vermin in the black neighborhoods needs to be harshly and unmercifully dealt with by the people within those neighborhoods.

Are you saying blacks should unmercifully deal with criminals? Because thats against the law.

Does that apply to whites as well or do they have different rules?

They need to do what the Hispanics in South Tucson did and have retired military men who live there, patrol their neighborhoods with their guns.
It's called neighborhood watch.
They ran the gangs and drug dealers out of their neighborhoods.
There always going to be some doing the right thing, of course.

What's the true test?? When a white thug is shot by cops because he brought it on himself....Whites don't riot.

When the vast majority of black folks see a Mike Brown....and say "dumbass shouldn't have attacked a cop" and then go on about their law abiding day....THEN the community has changed.
300 marching just guessing but probably more than that have been murdered in Chicago this year. As for why the rise in violence in Balitmore it might have something to do with a Mayor, prosecutor, and former police commissioner trashing the police and throwing the officers in the Freddie Gray case under the bus and thus having them become a reactive police force instead of a proactive one.
Funny how the same people who are gripping about this also complained saying no one is doing anything about it. Almost like no action is enough...weird
Ooh, 300 people walked down the street. You call that "doing something about black violence"? What the fuck is that even going to accomplish? One of these days you people will figure out that your stupid fucking marches don't work. The only thing that will fix your problem is if you raise your children properly.

Our point is the black community as a whole doesn't give a shit, which clearly they dont. Seriously, only 300 people? How shameful.

Marches don't work? What rock have you been hiding under?

Review the entire 1960s, Martin Luther King, and The Civil Rights movement.

Sometimes there were hundreds of thousands, and sometimes there were a few men and women sitting at a counter at Woolworth's simply asking to be served a meal.


"There is nothing as powerful as an idea who's time has come" - Victor Hugo -

This is how you break racism, hatred, privilege, status quo, apathy, apartheid, anger, fear, and intimidation.

YOU SHOW UP. Again and again and again.

The confederate flag is missing at the South Carolina state capital for the first time since 1962. Because people SHOWED UP. And there weren't hundreds of thousands. An idea who's time had come.

That the desires of the majority of the people are often for injustice and inhumanity against the minority, is demonstrated by every page of the history of the whole world” - John Adams -

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