31 Harvard Orgs including college's Amnesty International affiliate blame Israel for Hamas' brutal terror attack which has killed more than 700

THIRTY-ONE Harvard organizations including college's Amnesty International affiliate blame Israel for Hamas' brutal terror attack which has killed more than 700 people: 'Something is deeply, deeply wrong in academia'​

9 Oct 2023 ~~ By Stephen M. Lepore

  • The groups have placed the blame on Israel for Hamas' brutal, surprise attack that has killed at least 700 Israelis
  • They claim that Saturday's events 'did not happen in a vacuum' and claimed that the Israeli government has forced Palestinians to live in 'an open-air prison'
  • It comes just a day after a professor was forced to apologize for implying the Hamas attack on Israel was an attempt to distract from 'Netanyahu's corruption'
  • Israel Palestine war LIVE: Jewish state prepares massive ground offensive
A group of 31 Harvard organizations, including the Ivy League institution's affiliate of Amnesty International, has placed the blame on Israel for Hamas' brutal, surprise attack that has killed at least 700 Israelis.
The organizations released a letter to the public as a 'Joint Statement by Harvard Palestine Solidarity Groups on the Situation in Palestine' on Sunday to condemn Israel in the wake of the violence.
They claim that Hamas' attacks, which are still ongoing, 'did not happen in a vacuum' and the Israeli government has forced Palestinians to live in 'an open-air prison for over two decades.'
'We, the undersigned student organizations, hold the Israeli regime entirely responsible for all unfolding violence,' the groups wrote.
It's another moment of contention for the school just a day after a professor was forced to apologize for implying the Hamas attack on Israel was an attempt to distract from Benjamin Netanyahu's 'own corruption.'

The American and British education system is affected by a deadly ideological virus destroying the heart of commonsense, and logic, poisoning the students' minds with negative thinking. This is what hatred thrives on. The education system needs to clear out these ideological entities.
Keep in mind, this attitude is not just Harvard, but, literally EVERY elite US school.
This attitude does not end for these ‘students’ when they get their sheepskin, instead it follows them for life.
These are the same people that fill top government jobs in DC.
It’s AMAZING that Israel gets any funding, given the mindset of people in DC.
Anyone who can take the side of such immoral monsters like Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran is themselves an immoral monster.
That goes the same for those who are Ideologically bent toward Socialist Marxism ala Stalin and Mao.

This is a mainstream opinion on the left.
So your pea sized brain only believes this turmoil goes back five decades, when in actuality it goes back much further, more than 100 years.
Try the Balfour Declaration of 1917...

These people only know what their masters tell them -- The DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM, their teachers, their Union Masters, their political leaders. They haven't had an original thought since their crapped their pants this morning.

That being said, it is sad that Israel had to remove all those people after their '48 War. But all the Arab nations around them booted every Jew in their countries and Israel had to make room for them.
Why don't we stay in the present and try to solve the problem instead of you trying to show off your ignorance and irrelevance to the board?
I would say the pendulum swung the other way...hard in the last five decades. Again, what happened on Saturday was horrific. But it's not like it wasn't predictable...and 100% preventable.
Killing all the Hamas terrorists would go a long way to solving the problem.
And, yes Virginia, you can kill yourself into a victory. Happens in virtually every War.
Time for Hamas to be obliterated without mercy of any kind.
These people only know what their masters tell them -- The DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM, their teachers, their Union Masters, their political leaders. They haven't had an original thought since their crapped their pants this morning.

That being said, it is sad that Israel had to remove all those people after their '48 War. But all the Arab nations around them booted every Jew in their countries and Israel had to make room for them.
Not to mention the fact that Europe shipped surviving Jewish DP's from the liberated concentration camps to the then British controlled Palestine during 1945 to 1947.
Displaced Persons
Killing all the Hamas terrorists would go a long way to solving the problem.
And, yes Virginia, you can kill yourself into a victory. Happens in virtually every War.
Time for Hamas to be obliterated without mercy of any kind.
Sure. Just ask the Russians how that worked out for them in Afghanistan. How did it work out for us in Vietnam?
All you're doing by conducting a campaign of obliteration....is making new enemies. Kill one, two more spring up to replace them.
Why don't we stay in the present and try to solve the problem instead of you trying to show off your ignorance and irrelevance to the board?
I would say the pendulum swung the other way...hard in the last five decades. Again, what happened on Saturday was horrific. But it's not like it wasn't predictable...and 100% preventable.
If you don't know the history of the past you cannot make logical conclusions to what is happening today. It becomes a cycle of hate, revenge and murder....
Not to mention the fact that Europe shipped surviving Jewish DP's from the liberated concentration camps to the then British controlled Palestine during 1945 to 1947.
Displaced Persons
Yeah, Menachem Begin would have been arrested and thrown in prison if the Brits could have ever gotten their mitts on him. He was a terrorist himself, of sorts. I am somewhat aware of how Israel came into being. Not Jewish but still aware.
the dims' patron Saint, FDR, barred Jews from entering the US in the 30's. Hemingway started smuggling them in through Cuba.
The World has tried time and again to help the people in the Gaza Strip (I refuse to call them palestinians) and they just can't get it together. They're too easily used by murderers in the region like Iran, Iraq, Russia, China and others. Kinda like dimocraps -- stupid.
If you don't know the history of the past you cannot make logical conclusions to what is happening today. It becomes a cycle of hate....
What is happening today is a direct result of policies and actions taken by Israel in the last couple of decades.
Since all out war on Gaza has been declared and since there will likely be hundreds of civilian casualties, the cycle.....goes on.
What is happening today is a direct result of policies and actions taken by Israel in the last couple of decades.
Since all out war on Gaza has been declared and since there will likely be hundreds of civilian casualties, the cycle.....goes on.

^^^Told ya. Anti-semitic Jew-hatred is mainstream on the left. Obama legitimized it, but Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter, and Joe Biden all helped.
Sure. Just ask the Russians how that worked out for them in Afghanistan. How did it work out for us in Vietnam?
All you're doing by conducting a campaign of obliteration....is making new enemies. Kill one, two more spring up to replace them.
That's just wrong. Kill one, he stays killed. period
Russia was falling apart, they had to get their military home. We just simply got tired of killing Vietnamese. It really does get tiresome. And messy. (BTW, Viet Nam finally went to a Capitalist economy and their standard of living just went way, way, WAY up. This past year! All those people dead for nothing.
We had it going on until your buddy Biden F'ed everything up in Asscrackistan. Not saying things would have been hunky-dory but certainly better than they are now.
EVERYTHING is better without dimocraps. everything
Except maybe to pick up the garbage
What is happening today is a direct result of policies and actions taken by Israel in the last couple of decades.
Since all out war on Gaza has been declared and since there will likely be hundreds of civilian casualties, the cycle.....goes on.
Name one
^^^Told ya. Anti-semitic Jew-hatred is mainstream on the left. Obama legitimized it, but Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter, and Joe Biden all helped.
dimocrap scum are equal opportunity haters. Of anything, anyone and everything good and decent.
Been like that for 50 years or better.
Being as stupid as they are for as long as they've been stoopid takes a toll.
^^^Told ya. Anti-semitic Jew-hatred is mainstream on the left. Obama legitimized it, but Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter, and Joe Biden all helped.
Yep. I was wondering how long it would be before some lemming on this board took legitimate criticism of the state of Israel and branded it antisemitic. As predictable as the day is long. Part of the reason the cycle survives.
If you do a simple Google search, I'd avoid labeling you a lazy fuck. :)
Do you think after exhibiting a behavior against a people for so long, that those people might tire of it?

Yep. I was wondering how long it would be before some lemming on this board took legitimate criticism of the state of Israel and branded it antisemitic. As predictable as the day is long. Part of the reason the cycle survives.

^^^Hamas supporter.
If you do a simple Google search, I'd avoid labeling you a lazy fuck. :)
Do you think after exhibiting a behavior against a people for so long, that those people might tire of it?

That sounds like Eminent Domain to me. None of it was in Gaza.


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