31 year old woman who raped a 13 year old boy gets no prison time.

um, no, Derp, a 13 year old boy is no more equipped to deal with a sexual realationsihp with an adult than a 13 year old girl.
Well yeah, but..men are men and women are women.

One of my best friends I grew up with impregnated a 37-year old at 16. They worked it out.
If the roles were reversed the kid would have been married off to the teacher. With parents permission of course.
Not always. Many times the woman loves her husband and has been an equal contributor to the marriage. Don’t make it like all women are whores.
I'm not. It's the laws, and the courts that are at fault. The courts typically favor the woman because of a mixture of tradition, and the general nature of men earning more than women. The courts profit off of child support, and as such by default the man gets slammed in court 99% of the time. Because that's where the money is at. That's just how the chips fall.

Just a quick blip about how it really works. And most people have no idea.
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Your every post is an attack on women, they are not to be trusted and only get married to "get rich quick" among just a few of your post.
It's a cavemen originating thing.

10,000 years ago he wanted to have sex and she too, but she also wanted a big peace of ham or a nice bone necklace - plus additional protection towards those wanting sex but not offering a compensation in return.
Today he wants sex and she too- and on top she wants an I-phone or his wallet - depending on the neighborhood she lives in, sometimes also protection.

Religious imposed morals and thus education - tell the man, you need to get married to safeguard the woman's reputation and to take responsibility for the child that might result from your act.
Religious imposed morals and thus education - tell the women, you need to get married otherwise society will term you a slut and you got no financial safeguards for a possible child.

Most man simply don't want their girl to get laid by another guy - and vice versa, so both seek security via threats (e.g. I will leave you, I will beat you up) or marriage

One part has been solved mostly thanks to little silicon gadgets (some even with flavor and nobs added) and the pill.
The other part has been solved by society via paternal lawsuits and thus resulting in legal $ obligations by the man, or the government has to come up with the $.

In today's world anyone performing sex without a preservative must be out of his mind or a religious nut - unless he/she has solid-reasons to believe that he/she is "loyal" which according to divorce statistics proofs to be an utter miss-believe. Therefore in our present society only the "slut" issue remains, and the "I don't want her/him to have fun with other hims/hers

Oh yes there is actually something termed "true-love" - factually occurring only in the initial stages of a partnership and usually as a precursor to sex - radically loosing out as life progresses. - see divorce statistics.
This is true.
Every dude remembers the horrors of junior high with getting erections while sitting in class, walking in the hall way, at the dinner table etc. etc. I remember sitting in class trying to will it to go away because the bell was about to ring between classes.
At that age, an erection happens all on it's own whether you are aroused or not
That never bothered me and the girls seemed to like it.
Of course it's not same thing you fucking weirdo. What you're talking is considered a crime against nature and was a hanging offense in all 50 48 states

for over a century.

But according to you, the mere presence of an erection means the 13 year wants to have sex. So, it would not be different at all.
I'm not. It's the laws, and the courts that are at fault. The courts typically favor the woman because of a mixture of tradition, and the general nature of men earning more than women. The courts profit off of child support, and as such by default the man gets slammed in court 99% of the time. Because that's where the money is at. That's just how the chips fall.

Just a quick blip about how it really works. And most people have no idea.

And yet, the actual facts show that the women make out far worse in divorce than men.

“Women’s household income fell by an average of 41 percent with divorce, almost twice the size of the decline that men experienced,” reported the the U.S. Government Accountability Office to the Senate. According to the U.S. census, 20 percent of women fall into poverty after a divorce (compared with 11 percent of men). About 25 percent lose their health insurance (though usually temporarily).
Women are also “more dependent on their partners and therefore at a higher risk of losses in terms of quality and security of housing after divorce,” wrote Thomas Leopold in his study, “Gender Differences in the Consequences of Divorce: A Study of Multiple Outcomes.” “Women experience disproportionate declines in household income and standard of living as well as sharp increases in the risk of poverty. Their former husbands, in contrast may even improve their standard of living in post-divorce years.”
But according to you, the mere presence of an erection means the 13 year wants to have sex. So, it would not be different at all.
Apparently you do not grasp the distinction between normal sex and queer buttsex. Why is that?

My dick don't get hard for faggots. Never has, never will. I've had them offer me hundreds of dollars. It just doesn't work like that.

I'm positive the same works for most young men.
Apparently you do not grasp the distinction between normal sex and queer buttsex. Why is that?

Sex is sex. And the mere presence of an erection means the 13 year wants to have sex. Thus going by your claim there is no difference.
Apparently you do not grasp the distinction between normal sex and queer buttsex. Why is that?

My dick don't get hard for faggots. Never has, never will. I've had them offer me hundreds of dollars. It just doesn't work like that.

I'm positive the same works for most young men.
He also doesn't grasp the difference between a puberty related automatically induced physical reaction - and keeping that hard one on, so as to engage towards sex.
Wow - the guy is below 12 years old - be mindfull in the words you use.

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