32 ARMED Venezuelan Gang Members Overtake Apartment Complex in Sanctuary City of CHICAGO [911 Call Audio Included]


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2012
The illegals imported by Biden-Harris are feeling good about crimes while armed.

Those sanctuary cities are a real joy.

Yes, bring up the 2nd ammendment. That'll stop em. Or we could support the Local Police and let them handle it like they are supposed to. All 32 of the bad guys have broken federal laws and should be arrested and put away. Or, if they resist, shot.

Welcome to Colorado.
Yes, bring up the 2nd ammendment. That'll stop em. Or we could support the Local Police and let them handle it like they are supposed to. All 32 of the bad guys have broken federal laws and should be arrested and put away. Or, if they resist, shot.
Your "defund the police" Cult won't be happy about any suggestion of supporting law enforcement.

Why do Biden- Harris refuse to abide by existing immigration law?

You should suggest to Harris that she launch another "Root causes" tour.
Your "defund the police" Cult won't be happy about any suggestion of supporting law enforcement.
Find me one post where I said to defund the Police? Sorry, but that ship already sailed up the river of insanity.

Why do Biden- Harris refuse to abide by existing immigration law?

And what immigration laws are they refusing to abide by? Quote me the law with the supporting legal documents.

You should suggest to Harris that she launch another "Root causes" tour.

You MAGAt Traitors and Terrorists need to allow the Republican Immigration law to pass in the House and allow the Senate and the Prez to approve it into law. It's not exactly what the Dems want but it's one hell of a compromise that gets a badly needed tool into the United States. You MAGAts are following your Orange Deity right into hell.
Where is Biden?

Oh, that's right, he has dementia.

Where is Kamala?

Oh, that's right, she does not give interviews and just acts like she has dementia.

This is not a federal problem. It's strictly a local LE problem that has probably been taken care of by the Aurora Police Department. Yah, I know, tRump tried to send in Feds to take over but ain't gonna happen in Colorado.
Where is Biden?

Oh, that's right, he has dementia.

Where is Kamala?

Oh, that's right, she does not give interviews and just acts like she has dementia.
If Kamala's message was condensed into a single sentence, it would be, I'm going to "Make America Great Again". Trump should sue.
This is not a federal problem. It's strictly a local LE problem that has probably been taken care of by the Aurora Police Department. Yah, I know, tRump tried to send in Feds to take over but ain't gonna happen in Colorado.
No, no, I'm pretty sure border security is a Federal problem

Try again.

This is not a federal problem. It's strictly a local LE problem that has probably been taken care of by the Aurora Police Department. Yah, I know, tRump tried to send in Feds to take over but ain't gonna happen in Colorado.
You are an idiot. And I hope some armed illegals decide to visit your house.
Find me one post where I said to defund the Police? Sorry, but that ship already sailed up the river of insanity.

And what immigration laws are they refusing to abide by? Quote me the law with the supporting legal documents.

You MAGAt Traitors and Terrorists need to allow the Republican Immigration law to pass in the House and allow the Senate and the Prez to approve it into law. It's not exactly what the Dems want but it's one hell of a compromise that gets a badly needed tool into the United States. You MAGAts are following your Orange Deity right into hell.
With a little research, you could have found the US immigration code. This will get you started.


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