327 million cases

^^^ It is still something that is important enough to where it can not be swept up underneath the rug as if it is nothing to get worked up over. Those who are no longer here because of the sickness were still people that others cared about and the goal is to make sure that the number of people who die from it does not continue to increase.

God bless you and every impacted person who is still here always!!!

Holly (a girl who understands each way of looking at the matter)
There has been a panic and people when stampeded into a decision, like the Iraq war, almost always
regret it later.
In Iraq a noble goal of saving a relatively small number of people from a monster created a boondoggle war
where a vastly larger amount of innocent people lost life and limb and what do we have to show for it?
The cost of war, not only in lives but it in money and resources, has been enormous.

A solution to a naturally reoccurring problem, infection by influenza viruses, usually means removing the least healthy and most likely to suffer adverse reactions to the flu and quarantining them from the rest
of the public rather than putting 98% of the public under lockdown.

Many businesses have gone under and so have their jobs they provided. I think as time passes we will see
this plan of action was not wisely thought out.
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..there are 327 MILLION cases of people without C19--out of 328.2 MILLION
.....328 MILLION people have not died
...as you can see, according to the math, C19 is not as bad as Dems/idiots/and the MSM thinks

Fukin clickbait again. I saw 328 million and thought it was democrat retard numbers.
There has been a panic and people when stampeded into a decision, like the Iraq war, almost always
regret it later.
In Iraq a noble goal of saving a relatively small number of people from a monster created a boondoggle war
where a vastly larger amount of innocent people lost life and limb and what do we have to show for it?
The cost of war, not only in lives but it in money and resources, has been enormous.

A solution to a naturally reoccurring problem, infection by influenza viruses, usually means removing the least healthy and most likely to suffer adverse reactions to the flu and quarantining them from the rest
of the public rather than putting 98% of the public under lockdown.

Many businesses have gone under and so have their jobs they provided. I think as time passes we will see
this plan of action was not wisely thought out.
saddam created that--he started not 1, but 2 wars/etc
saddam created that--he started not 1, but 2 wars/etc
He was a monster but there are lots of them in the world. We chose, that is globalist president Bush chose,
to go to war. He's not sitting in his Crawford, Texas ranch right now with two stumps for legs (speaking
of monsters).

The point is the public panicked and was driven to war just the way we have been driven to make the fifty states one big internment camp. I was fully on board with the Saddam is a monster movement.

I could not understand then, nor now, the "we have to go get him" drive to invade Iraq.
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saddam created that--he started not 1, but 2 wars/etc
He was a monster but there are lots of them in the world. We chose, that is globalist president Bush chose,
to go to war. He's not sitting in his Crawford, Texas ranch right now with two stumps for legs.

The point is the public panicked and was driven to war just the way we have been driven to make the fifty states one big internment camp. I was fully on board with Saddam is a monster movement.

I could not understand then, nor now, the "we have to go get him" drive to invade Iraq.
..the US like a lot of countries run on oil.....we couldn't let saddam take over SArabia/Kuwait/etc
...so, was it ok to take out hitler with 60 million dead/millions wounded/homeless/cities destroyed/etc?
..the US like a lot of countries run on oil.....we couldn't let saddam take over SArabia/Kuwait/etc
...so, was it ok to take out hitler with 60 million dead/millions wounded/homeless/cities destroyed/etc?
I'm missing my lunch and don't have time for this side track but thinking Saddan Hussein could have
over run the Saudis and Kuwait If we didn't go ourselves and take over Iraq is nonsense.

Trying to conflate WWII with the elective Iraq war is just dumb on a whole grand scale.
There has been a panic and people when stampeded into a decision, like the Iraq war, almost always
regret it later.
In Iraq a noble goal of saving a relatively small number of people from a monster created a boondoggle war
where a vastly larger amount of innocent people lost life and limb and what do we have to show for it?
The cost of war, not only in lives but it in money and resources, has been enormous.

A solution to a naturally reoccurring problem, infection by influenza viruses, usually means removing the least healthy and most likely to suffer adverse reactions to the flu and quarantining them from the rest
of the public rather than putting 98% of the public under lockdown.

Many businesses have gone under and so have their jobs they provided. I think as time passes we will see
this plan of action was not wisely thought out.
Dude, that is ridiculous.

That is like saying, 'I didnt need to stop at that red light, see nothing happened!'

We are taking prudent action, and thank GAWD we have a pragmatic President like Donald J Trump who is looking at avoiding an unrestrained peak number of deaths running into the millions of victims.

My GAWD, you folks are making conservatives look stupid as hell, like the guy who says he didnt need to fix the leak in his roof because most days it doesnt rain!

roflmao, please, stop it with this 'Shucks, its no big dseal, get back to woik!'
..the US like a lot of countries run on oil.....we couldn't let saddam take over SArabia/Kuwait/etc
...so, was it ok to take out hitler with 60 million dead/millions wounded/homeless/cities destroyed/etc?
I'm missing my lunch and don't have time for this side track but thinking Saddan Hussein could have
over run the Saudis and Kuwait If we didn't go ourselves and take over Iraq is nonsense.

Trying to conflate WWII with the elective Iraq war is just dumb on a whole grand scale.
you obviously don't know anything about history/WW2
saddam gassed his own people --like hitler
saddam violated the cease fire--as hitler violated the cease fire
saddam started TWO wars--hitler one

the US was more in danger from saddam than we were of hitler and the Japanese :
..saddam did have WMDs/etc
..2 of the most notorious terrorists were found in Iraq
..in the 90s, the US relied on MEast oil---in the 40s we did not
YOU are the dumbshit for not knowing anything of history
..there are 327 MILLION cases of people without C19--out of 328.2 MILLION
.....328 MILLION people have not died
...as you can see, according to the math, C19 is not as bad as Dems/idiots/and the MSM thinks

Skinny vegan lawyer stands up in the courtroom, "Your honor, my client has confessed to raping and murdering this 13 year old girl, but please consider that there are more than 6,999,999,999 on this planet that he did not kill!"
..there are 327 MILLION cases of people without C19--out of 328.2 MILLION
.....328 MILLION people have not died
...as you can see, according to the math, C19 is not as bad as Dems/idiots/and the MSM thinks

Skinny vegan lawyer stands up in the courtroom, "Your honor, my client has confessed to raping and murdering this 13 year old girl, but please consider that there are more than 6,999,999,999 on this planet that he did not kill!"
wow--what a great analogy!!--not
that is very idiotic and doesn't make sense
..the stats clearly show the virus is not killing half of the US
..there are 327 MILLION cases of people without C19--out of 328.2 MILLION
.....328 MILLION people have not died
...as you can see, according to the math, C19 is not as bad as Dems/idiots/and the MSM thinks

Skinny vegan lawyer stands up in the courtroom, "Your honor, my client has confessed to raping and murdering this 13 year old girl, but please consider that there are more than 6,999,999,999 on this planet that he did not kill!"
you see, what you describe is a crime---do you understand NOW?
..there are 327 MILLION cases of people without C19--out of 328.2 MILLION
.....328 MILLION people have not died
...as you can see, according to the math, C19 is not as bad as Dems/idiots/and the MSM thinks

Skinny vegan lawyer stands up in the courtroom, "Your honor, my client has confessed to raping and murdering this 13 year old girl, but please consider that there are more than 6,999,999,999 on this planet that he did not kill!"
wow--what a great analogy!!--not
that is very idiotic and doesn't make sense
..the stats clearly show the virus is not killing half of the US
Who said it was killing half the USA? Even the Black Plague only killed about 25% of Europe's population and yet it had huge economic impact.

So what is your point?
There has been a panic and people when stampeded into a decision, like the Iraq war, almost always
regret it later.
In Iraq a noble goal of saving a relatively small number of people from a monster created a boondoggle war
where a vastly larger amount of innocent people lost life and limb and what do we have to show for it?
The cost of war, not only in lives but it in money and resources, has been enormous.

A solution to a naturally reoccurring problem, infection by influenza viruses, usually means removing the least healthy and most likely to suffer adverse reactions to the flu and quarantining them from the rest
of the public rather than putting 98% of the public under lockdown.

Many businesses have gone under and so have their jobs they provided. I think as time passes we will see
this plan of action was not wisely thought out.
Dude, that is ridiculous.

That is like saying, 'I didnt need to stop at that red light, see nothing happened!'

We are taking prudent action, and thank GAWD we have a pragmatic President like Donald J Trump who is looking at avoiding an unrestrained peak number of deaths running into the millions of victims.

My GAWD, you folks are making conservatives look stupid as hell, like the guy who says he didnt need to fix the leak in his roof because most days it doesnt rain!

roflmao, please, stop it with this 'Shucks, its no big dseal, get back to woik!'
...my company is one of many in our business group..we haven't stopped working ....yes, people can go back to work...you make it seem like 50% of Americans are dying
...my company is one of many in our business group..we haven't stopped working ....yes, people can go back to work...you make it seem like 50% of Americans are dying
The areas of this country relatively unaffected by COVID19 should work, but a lot of grand standing politickians are trying to make political hay out of it.

Trump is loose3ning the control up, and the Dem Goobernors who dont follow his leadership are going to pay at the polls.
Dude, that is ridiculous.

That is like saying, 'I didnt need to stop at that red light, see nothing happened!'

We are taking prudent action, and thank GAWD we have a pragmatic President like Donald J Trump who is looking at avoiding an unrestrained peak number of deaths running into the millions of victims.

My GAWD, you folks are making conservatives look stupid as hell, like the guy who says he didnt need to fix the leak in his roof because most days it doesnt rain!

roflmao, please, stop it with this 'Shucks, its no big dseal, get back to woik!'
This pandemic IS a big deal, obviously, but do you know how many people are actually dying, and of that number how many died entirely from the Corona virus and not due to preexisting compromised health.
You should do some research before you go off like that. There are enough posts on the matter.

Post #13 has a great citation just a few posts away and I know it was intended for you but obviously
you either didn't read it or you just are allergic to facts and reason. Wake up.

Nobody is saying let's all ignore pandemic now and go back to work. You are doing it yourself.

People with a modicum of brains and sense are saying a gigantic proportion of the people in a forced lock down, out of work and money and patience, should be released from this lunacy and let's concentrate on the
people who are susceptible to the flu every year.

You do realize that the flu kills tens of thousands of people every season....right?
We can't wait out this virus until everything is perfect.

Use your fucking head and have at least as much sympathy for the family with children to feed and a roof to provide as you do for some abstract flu victim in a nursing home.

Jesus...don't talk to me about making conservatives look like dimwits.
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This pandemic IS a big deal, obviously, but do you know how many people are actually dying, and of that number how many died entirely from the Corona virus and not due to preexisting compromised health.
You should do some research before you go off like that. There are enough posts on the matter.
You do realize that the flu kills tens of thousands of people every season....right?
We can't wait out this virus until everything is perfect.
Jesus...don't talk to me about making conservatives look like dimwits.
Some people can go back to work and should. It should be handled on a county by county basis, but that is up to the governors.

But when you keep comparing this to the fl;u, and thus reveal that you dont grasp that that is an apples to oranges comparison, you look ignorant because the diseases are not the same at all.
Some people can go back to work and should. It should be handled on a county by county basis, but that is up to the governors.

But when you keep comparing this to the fl;u, and thus reveal that you dont grasp that that is an apples to oranges comparison, you look ignorant because the diseases are not the same at all.
I don't think anyone will have a true handle on this strain of the virus until scientists have studied all aspects
of it . The corona virus may not be the same as the swine flu, which has actually killed more people
yet no one wanted to make the entire nation an internment camp during it's day, but the
principles of quarantine and disease containment stay the same.

How many people that partied in Florida on spring break died because they didn't follow social distancing
guidelines? Making everyone a prisoner of Covid 19 seems crazy because not everyone is effected by it.

You'll figure it out some day.
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