35,000 to 50,000 Protesters?

Corrupt DNC making up a story to trash Bernie:


WikiLeaks ‏@wikileaks Jul 22
#DNCleaks: Constructing an anti-'Bernie narrative' https://wikileaks.org/dnc-emails/emailid/11056 … #feelthebern

3,526 retweets2,593 likes

Who sent that to who? What was done in regards to it? Anything? Do you know?

We know the answers to all your questions, the point is, why don't you?

No you don't.


How would you know, since you stated you have no idea. Kind of hard to refute that to which you are ignorant. Up your game you third grade repeater.
What are the odds that there will be more violence at the DNC convention than there was at the GOP convention?

There are supposed to be only 9 groups participating. But, it would not surprise me if the DNC decided to send in people to wreak havoc as a last ditch effort to paint people as extremists...........they are running out of people to alienate at this point. It would also not surprise me if you had run of the mill dumbasses pushing for violence. It could roll either way.
NBC freaking OUT lmao
NBC already reaching out to me for damage control! Crooked @chucktodd is scrambling right now! #DNCLeak
Phillip Paulson ‏@PaulsonPhillip 37m37 minutes ago
Phillip Paulson Retweeted Baked Alaska™

NBC news is begging Twitter users to stop telling the truth about @chucktodd #DNCLeaks have the elites panicked!


That is freaking out?

Silly nutter. That is simply and calmly stating that nothing unusual took place and that it was all SOP.

If this were such a travesty, you wouldn't have to try and make shit up.
Dear DNC protestors,

Please set something on fire or else LL thinks you are not really protesting. Perhaps some sparklers? Maybe sway back and forth with lighters in the air.


Dear DNC protestors,

Please set something on fire or else LL thinks you are not really protesting. Perhaps some sparklers? Maybe sway back and forth with lighters in the air.



You have a funny way of making a conversation very difficult.

I pointed out a nutbag in this thread calling for the city to be burned down. You argued. Then you started talking about some other protests. Now you are attributing the burning of things to me.

A bit weird. Are you stable?
Dear DNC protestors,

Please set something on fire or else LL thinks you are not really protesting. Perhaps some sparklers? Maybe sway back and forth with lighters in the air.



You have a funny way of making a conversation very difficult.

I pointed out a nutbag in this thread calling for the city to be burned down. You argued. Then you started talking about some other protests. Now you are attributing the burning of things to me.

A bit weird. Are you stable?

How is pointing out leftist on leftist violence calling for "the city to be burned down?"
Our resident nutbags are hoping for violence? How unusual!

A Democrat nutbag ignoring that liberals initiate the violence? How unusual!

Make up your mind. Are liberals sissies or are we thugs? Can't be both.

Ya dumb shit.

You're thugs. Where did I say you are sissies again?

You haven't called liberals sissies, pansies or in need of safe spaces? That makes one conservative who hasn't. Congrats.
Chuck Todd should resign immediately, his credibility is gone with the emails...

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