35 soul-crushing facts about American income inequality

hunger is hunger . To quote that old Armenian lady , in the USA even the homeless run around with a chicken leg in each hand SwimExpert !!
In the US, the wealthiest even get to keep their multimillion dollar bonuses while on means tested, corporate welfare.
You have an example of this corporate welfare?

One example of subsidies is USA's military providing protection for oil companies operating in the middle east. Including deaths and injuries to servicemen protecting these for profit companies and the american taxpayers footing the bill, sometimes health care costs for life for some service men, the oil companies are getting a pretty sweet deal. And sometimes they manage to pay no taxes at all, like exxon. Since oil products are one of usa's biggest exports, it's certainly not about getting oil to the homefront or america won't survive.

The Surprising Truth About Oil and Gas Company Corporate Tax Rates - US News
Another who cannot understand what subsidies means? I pretty much gave you the definition....

What money did the US Government give to these oil companies?

BTW....Us military protecting American interests pretty much sums up what their mission statement is...and the first priority of our government is to protect our interests.....

Protection is NOT subsidies....try again.
Yes, corporate welfare involves lying to your stockholders and asking for a bailout with the (other) Peoples tax monies.
Clueless. Absolutely clueless.
Do you go to your neighbor and demand they give you something because in your opinion it is their "social work ethic"?
The op is a fraud if food stamps, welfare, and every kind of,transfer payment is not included in the calculation which I don't believe they were. Another liberal straw man.
hunger is hunger . To quote that old Armenian lady , in the USA even the homeless run around with a chicken leg in each hand SwimExpert !!
In the US, the wealthiest even get to keep their multimillion dollar bonuses while on means tested, corporate welfare.
You have an example of this corporate welfare?

One example of subsidies is USA's military providing protection for oil companies operating in the middle east. Including deaths and injuries to servicemen protecting these for profit companies and the american taxpayers footing the bill, sometimes health care costs for life for some service men, the oil companies are getting a pretty sweet deal. And sometimes they manage to pay no taxes at all, like exxon. Since oil products are one of usa's biggest exports, it's certainly not about getting oil to the homefront or america won't survive.

The Surprising Truth About Oil and Gas Company Corporate Tax Rates - US News
Another who cannot understand what subsidies means? I pretty much gave you the definition....

What money did the US Government give to these oil companies?

BTW....Us military protecting American interests pretty much sums up what their mission statement is...and the first priority of our government is to protect our interests.....

Protection is NOT subsidies....try again.

Protection is a subsidy when that company chooses to work in dangerous areas... How is it in US interest to spend $2+ trillion on a war and
little under 15 billion on on renewable and energy efficiency in the last 10 years...

Over the 37-year period from the Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) inception at the beginning of fiscal year (FY) 1978 through FY2014, federal funding for renewable energy R&D amounted to about 17% of the energy R&D total, compared with 15% for energy efficiency, 26% for fossil, and 38% for nuclear. For the 67-year period from 1948 through 2014, nearly 12% went to renewables, compared with 10% for efficiency, 25% for fossil, and 49% for nuclear.

View attachment 45041

So they continue spending more on Fossil Energy.

Darkwind you have been had... US with interest payments is racking up a bill of $6 trillion dollars on a war to secure oil in just one country.
The laugh is the Middle East doesn't sell oil to US (well in no real high quantities), but they sure as hell love the GOP fascination with
It is not only what comes to our shores that matters.
One more time.
The economic health of Planet Earth is dependent upon the free flow of petroleum.....That pertains to the entire globe.
Oil is "Gold"....Oil is strategic.....
Think about this for a moment.
Suppose the US tells the oil producers in the Middle East "you're on your own".....Months later some evil despot sends in their military to Saudi Arabia.....That Despot tells the world that the price of that oil is now $200 per barrel. He says pay it or I will destroy the entire oil producing system...Just what do you think would happen to the economies of the world if such an army could control nearly 30% of the world's oil reserves?...
The problem with you libs is you cannot see beyond the end of your nose when it comes to your causes. Your oversimplifications and your straw man arguments.
Fact is no matter how big you think your picture ( view) is, there is ALWAYS a much larger reality.
There is no need for you to respond. This is not a discussion. This is you being told the facts.
That is utter crap. The "Poor" in America live better than did the relatively wealthy in pre-Industrial times.

You want to try that again? You really want to argue that the modern day poor American lives better than, say, Benjamin Franklin or George Washington did back in their day?

You're trying to make a flat earth argument. Poverty is relative to one's environment/community/culture. This is a fact to which there can be no contestation among reasonably intelligent people who are educated on the matter. If you can't understand how and why poverty is relative, then you need to do some research into the subject so that you can become educated. After that, I'm sure we could have a delightfully stimulating conversation/debate about the various causes of poverty in America, what (if anything) should be done to address it, etc.

On the other hand, if you seriously want to hold onto the claim that today's poor "live better" than well-to-do people from history, then you should go shake hands with Stephanie and Rdean, all the Trump enthusiasts and birthers, all the folks who say that gay marriage is causing human-goat sex, and every other batshit crazy lunatic on here.
Define "the poor".

According to the "expert", a multi-millionaire is POOR if he compares himself to a billionaire.
Capitalism has brought a billion or so Chinese out of poverty, Not Socialism , in recent years. Socialism is just a different type of power play.
Dude, Socialism has built entire cities. Only bad management has prevented the social concept of, from each according to their ability to each according to their need.
Really...Which ones?.....Holy shit....
Ya know what? I think you are here just pulling everyone's chain. I think you're full of shit.
You don't believe a word you post. You are just here to increase your post count.
Sure; I will do it merely because I have a social work ethic; unlike the lazy right who need to be spoon fed information by their Nanny.

Ordos China A Modern Ghost Town - Photo Essays - TIME
There is no such thing as a "social work ethic".....
actually there is.
anyone that does social work of any type needs to be certified, this requires college credit, one of the courses is ethics.
I do not believe Danny boy has the mental capacity to understand that. And I am quite certain he means something else entirely.
Danny boy is spewing "working 40 hours per week in a community garden" because it is the 'socially conscious' thing to do....
Danny boy thinks there is nobility in poverty.
Capitalism has brought a billion or so Chinese out of poverty, Not Socialism , in recent years. Socialism is just a different type of power play.
Dude, Socialism has built entire cities. Only bad management has prevented the social concept of, from each according to their ability to each according to their need.
Really...Which ones?.....Holy shit....
Ya know what? I think you are here just pulling everyone's chain. I think you're full of shit.
You don't believe a word you post. You are just here to increase your post count.
Sure; I will do it merely because I have a social work ethic; unlike the lazy right who need to be spoon fed information by their Nanny.

Ordos China A Modern Ghost Town - Photo Essays - TIME
There is no such thing as a "social work ethic".....
actually there is.
anyone that does social work of any type needs to be certified, this requires college credit, one of the courses is ethics.

Which explains the enormous amount of fraud that happens in welfare and transfer payment programs....
Dudes. the most convincing proof of all; is how Capitalists of Wealth are willing to lie to stockholders while crying Nanny(-State); please bail us out.

It is not a "convincing proof" of anything to bleat out a trite platitude devoid of meaningful connection to the actual world.
Sure it is; do you believe capitalists would bother lying if they were not getting a socialized bailout that included multimillion dollar bonuses.

Just more proof of how clueless and Causeless the Right is.
In the US, the wealthiest even get to keep their multimillion dollar bonuses while on means tested, corporate welfare.
You have an example of this corporate welfare?

One example of subsidies is USA's military providing protection for oil companies operating in the middle east. Including deaths and injuries to servicemen protecting these for profit companies and the american taxpayers footing the bill, sometimes health care costs for life for some service men, the oil companies are getting a pretty sweet deal. And sometimes they manage to pay no taxes at all, like exxon. Since oil products are one of usa's biggest exports, it's certainly not about getting oil to the homefront or america won't survive.

The Surprising Truth About Oil and Gas Company Corporate Tax Rates - US News
Another who cannot understand what subsidies means? I pretty much gave you the definition....

What money did the US Government give to these oil companies?

BTW....Us military protecting American interests pretty much sums up what their mission statement is...and the first priority of our government is to protect our interests.....

Protection is NOT subsidies....try again.
Yes, corporate welfare involves lying to your stockholders and asking for a bailout with the (other) Peoples tax monies.
Clueless. Absolutely clueless.
Do you go to your neighbor and demand they give you something because in your opinion it is their "social work ethic"?
Nothing but diversion to prove you don't have a clue or a Cause?
If you think income inequality in America is so bad and holding you down try your luck in another country I hear Greece is lovely.
I am on the left; I don't mind having a social hard work ethic for free; unlike the capital right who is too lazy to have a clue or a Cause.
Enjoy Greece.
Instead of the social, US where supply side economics merely means, bail out the wealthiest and then let it trickle down?

Didn't Reagan come up with "trickle down" when they were bailing out the S&L crowd?
Our economy from day one nearly 400 years ago has been supply side.
It's very simple.....The best example are the three Leavittowns...One in NY one in PA.the other in NJ
A developer decides to build a neighborhood on former farm land....
Step one. The land had to be purchased...The seller receives a profit. He has additional money to spend. He buys a house or a new car.....This puts people to work....Trickle down..
Meanwhile , workers have to be hired to build the new homes, the streets, landscaping, install utilities, etc. Those jobs create wealth for the workers who now take that money and spend it on various things...Trickle down....
Since there is now essentially a new town, merchants and other business operators open stores and shops....They must hire new workers. Trickle down.....
You libbies, appear to have this image that trickle down is some super rich guy who on occasion opens a window and pours a bucket of one dollar bills to the street below and that is 'trickle down'..
What makes you people think anyone owes you anything?
BTW, the savings and loans were not bailed out. The "crisis" was that the deposits in those banks were not protected by FDIC regulations which did not apply to Savings and Loan "associations"....
The S&L's were their own worst enemy. Absent of regulations governing the valuation of real property, S&L's would look at an application for a loan for say farm land or oil producing land. The S&L would send an appraiser to inspect the property with instructions to "come up with a value that will make the loan work"....In most cases, real property was grossly over valued. Fast forward to the late 80's.. When the market price of oil and the market prices for food crops dropped, the land used to produce these things became worth far less than the funds needed to pay off the note. The S&L's began :"calling in" loans. Or demanding payment per the contract. Of course the person holding the property had little or no resources to repay the loan. The rest is history. In order to recover at least some portion of deposits the federal government came up with the "Resolution Trust Corp"....This was essentially a mass receivership of the entire S&L business across the country......There was no bail out. Depositors were getting back pennies on the dollar for their deposits.
Resolution Trust Corporation RTC Definition Investopedia
You have an example of this corporate welfare?

One example of subsidies is USA's military providing protection for oil companies operating in the middle east. Including deaths and injuries to servicemen protecting these for profit companies and the american taxpayers footing the bill, sometimes health care costs for life for some service men, the oil companies are getting a pretty sweet deal. And sometimes they manage to pay no taxes at all, like exxon. Since oil products are one of usa's biggest exports, it's certainly not about getting oil to the homefront or america won't survive.

The Surprising Truth About Oil and Gas Company Corporate Tax Rates - US News
Another who cannot understand what subsidies means? I pretty much gave you the definition....

What money did the US Government give to these oil companies?

BTW....Us military protecting American interests pretty much sums up what their mission statement is...and the first priority of our government is to protect our interests.....

Protection is NOT subsidies....try again.
Yes, corporate welfare involves lying to your stockholders and asking for a bailout with the (other) Peoples tax monies.
Clueless. Absolutely clueless.
Do you go to your neighbor and demand they give you something because in your opinion it is their "social work ethic"?
Nothing but diversion to prove you don't have a clue or a Cause?
I don't do causes. Who cares about fucking causes.
THat wasn't a diversion. It was a direct question. Just answer it......
Dude, Socialism has built entire cities. Only bad management has prevented the social concept of, from each according to their ability to each according to their need.
Really...Which ones?.....Holy shit....
Ya know what? I think you are here just pulling everyone's chain. I think you're full of shit.
You don't believe a word you post. You are just here to increase your post count.
Sure; I will do it merely because I have a social work ethic; unlike the lazy right who need to be spoon fed information by their Nanny.

Ordos China A Modern Ghost Town - Photo Essays - TIME
There is no such thing as a "social work ethic".....
actually there is.
anyone that does social work of any type needs to be certified, this requires college credit, one of the courses is ethics.

Which explains the enormous amount of fraud that happens in welfare and transfer payment programs....
The right has nothing but diversions because they are too socially lazy to have a hard work ethic when it comes to having a clue or a Cause; or even a valid argument. Yet, they don't mind telling the least wealthy that it is their fault because they don't work hard enough.
How much hard work is it to simply hire entire departments to help you conform to rational choice theory or fill out corporate welfare forms in triplicate?
Congratulations. You just described how governments, especially the federal government, go about their business.
One example of subsidies is USA's military providing protection for oil companies operating in the middle east. Including deaths and injuries to servicemen protecting these for profit companies and the american taxpayers footing the bill, sometimes health care costs for life for some service men, the oil companies are getting a pretty sweet deal. And sometimes they manage to pay no taxes at all, like exxon. Since oil products are one of usa's biggest exports, it's certainly not about getting oil to the homefront or america won't survive.

The Surprising Truth About Oil and Gas Company Corporate Tax Rates - US News
Another who cannot understand what subsidies means? I pretty much gave you the definition....

What money did the US Government give to these oil companies?

BTW....Us military protecting American interests pretty much sums up what their mission statement is...and the first priority of our government is to protect our interests.....

Protection is NOT subsidies....try again.
Yes, corporate welfare involves lying to your stockholders and asking for a bailout with the (other) Peoples tax monies.
Clueless. Absolutely clueless.
Do you go to your neighbor and demand they give you something because in your opinion it is their "social work ethic"?
Nothing but diversion to prove you don't have a clue or a Cause?
I don't do causes. Who cares about fucking causes.
THat wasn't a diversion. It was a direct question. Just answer it......
I know; I use Jesus the Christ for comparison and contrast. He had a clue and a Cause; unlike the clueless and Causeless and lazy Right.
Really...Which ones?.....Holy shit....
Ya know what? I think you are here just pulling everyone's chain. I think you're full of shit.
You don't believe a word you post. You are just here to increase your post count.
Sure; I will do it merely because I have a social work ethic; unlike the lazy right who need to be spoon fed information by their Nanny.

Ordos China A Modern Ghost Town - Photo Essays - TIME
There is no such thing as a "social work ethic".....
actually there is.
anyone that does social work of any type needs to be certified, this requires college credit, one of the courses is ethics.

Which explains the enormous amount of fraud that happens in welfare and transfer payment programs....
The right has nothing but diversions because they are too socially lazy to have a hard work ethic when it comes to having a clue or a Cause; or even a valid argument. Yet, they don't mind telling the least wealthy that it is their fault because they don't work hard enough.
Define "cause"......
Bubby...most poor people are poor because they indeed do not A) work hard enough B) lack the skills to improve their income C) even if they did accrue additional assets through their work, would spend it unwisely and end up where they started. Broke.....
Define "socially lazy"....
I am curious as to the meaning of these terms you use.......
How much hard work is it to simply hire entire departments to help you conform to rational choice theory or fill out corporate welfare forms in triplicate?
Congratulations. You just described how governments, especially the federal government, go about their business.
I guess the private sector just plagiarizes the public sector due to their alleged worth for equal pay?
Another who cannot understand what subsidies means? I pretty much gave you the definition....

What money did the US Government give to these oil companies?

BTW....Us military protecting American interests pretty much sums up what their mission statement is...and the first priority of our government is to protect our interests.....

Protection is NOT subsidies....try again.
Yes, corporate welfare involves lying to your stockholders and asking for a bailout with the (other) Peoples tax monies.
Clueless. Absolutely clueless.
Do you go to your neighbor and demand they give you something because in your opinion it is their "social work ethic"?
Nothing but diversion to prove you don't have a clue or a Cause?
I don't do causes. Who cares about fucking causes.
THat wasn't a diversion. It was a direct question. Just answer it......
I know; I use Jesus the Christ for comparison and contrast. He had a clue and a Cause; unlike the clueless and Causeless and lazy Right.
Dudes. the most convincing proof of all; is how Capitalists of Wealth are willing to lie to stockholders while crying Nanny(-State); please bail us out.
There's a big difference between capitalism, and crony capitalism. crony capitalism is what we have now and it's breed by socialism, or government control. How do you think the rockefellers made 1/6 of the entire US economy?

You want proof of capitalism working, look no further than Switzerland. It's been around for 500 years and has been at the top at least 3 in almost every category for a long time: wealth, standard of living, overall happiness, education. Not to mention some of the lowest crime statistics, which is weird bc I thought no guns made people safer. Oh and no foreign wars.

You want proof socialism isn't working, look at Greece, Spain, Italy, and the rest of the euro zone about to follow. Not to mention Venezuela, that sounds like a wonderful place to live
I don't appeal to ignorance of what socialism is. We have a mixed-market economy and have a socialist paradise, for the wealthiest capitalists who can afford to merely and simply purchase better social, privilege and immunities.
How much hard work is it to simply hire entire departments to help you conform to rational choice theory or fill out corporate welfare forms in triplicate?
Congratulations. You just described how governments, especially the federal government, go about their business.
I guess the private sector just plagiarizes the public sector due to their alleged worth for equal pay?
In your possession,is there a "Complete Guide to Non Sequiturs".?...
Either that or you are a candidate for the most intellectually vacant poster on USMB for the year 2015
Yes, corporate welfare involves lying to your stockholders and asking for a bailout with the (other) Peoples tax monies.
Clueless. Absolutely clueless.
Do you go to your neighbor and demand they give you something because in your opinion it is their "social work ethic"?
Nothing but diversion to prove you don't have a clue or a Cause?
I don't do causes. Who cares about fucking causes.
THat wasn't a diversion. It was a direct question. Just answer it......
I know; I use Jesus the Christ for comparison and contrast. He had a clue and a Cause; unlike the clueless and Causeless and lazy Right.

Nothing but diversion for your stakeholders to prove you are too lazy to have a clue or a Cause?
How much hard work is it to simply hire entire departments to help you conform to rational choice theory or fill out corporate welfare forms in triplicate?
Congratulations. You just described how governments, especially the federal government, go about their business.
I guess the private sector just plagiarizes the public sector due to their alleged worth for equal pay?
In your possession,is there a "Complete Guide to Non Sequiturs".?...
Either that or you are a candidate for the most intellectually vacant poster on USMB for the year 2015
How was that a non-sequitur. Or, do you habitually make stuff up for your stockholders?

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