35 soul-crushing facts about American income inequality

Do remember the GOP shutting down the government because the wealthy would not continue to receive more tax breaks...

The government was shut down for 4 years?

Obama threatened to withhold Social Security checks unless he got his way

I think you better off stop read right wing garbage websites and actually understand the law. There was no money to cover the checks...

Your lack of understanding of the way government works is amusing
Obama says he cannot guarantee Social Security checks will go out on August 3 - CBS News
Isnt it funny that every time there is not enough money to send out checks, its never the bottom feeding leaches on welfare that are in question?
Those that worked their whole life can go without now, but those that do nothing for society are always protected.
I think it is even more "funny" that the clueless and Causeless and Lazy right never wants to end our useless boondoggles and generational forms of theft that are our wars on crime, drugs, poverty, and terror; but, always finds a way to blame the least wealthy under our form of Capitalism.
Another run on sentence no one can decipher.
You mean no one on the lazy Right; too much work to understand the issues and do more than shill for your Cause? Should I learn the foreign exchange market to stock up on shillings.
Yet, the right believes that Capitalism is what increases wealth for the People and not socialism.

You're either too young or too dumb, probably a little of both...

So tell me what the poverty rate is in all those wonderful socialist countries?

You have bought into the myth that wealth buys happiness...

Spend more time researching the truth and less following the miserable idiots with the green eyed monster...
It's truly disturbing.. and things just continue to get worse thanks to people wanting to fight the "EVIL REDISTRIBUTION." I recommend checking out the IMF paper in my signature, it shows that it's unhealthy and destructive, the inequality, and that giving back to the poor benefits the economy.
Do remember the GOP shutting down the government because the wealthy would not continue to receive more tax breaks...

The government was shut down for 4 years?

Obama threatened to withhold Social Security checks unless he got his way

I think you better off stop read right wing garbage websites and actually understand the law. There was no money to cover the checks...

Your lack of understanding of the way government works is amusing
Obama says he cannot guarantee Social Security checks will go out on August 3 - CBS News
Isnt it funny that every time there is not enough money to send out checks, its never the bottom feeding leaches on welfare that are in question?
Those that worked their whole life can go without now, but those that do nothing for society are always protected.
I think it is even more "funny" that the clueless and Causeless and Lazy right never wants to end our useless boondoggles and generational forms of theft that are our wars on crime, drugs, poverty, and terror; but, always finds a way to blame the least wealthy under our form of Capitalism.
Another run on sentence no one can decipher.

It's plain English, no deciphering needed. Many right wingers on this board can only focus on blaming the least among us for our problems in this country. We have corporate crime where corporations don't go to jail, just pay fines. Like Jamie Dimon said, "hit us with a fine, we can afford it." Politicians from both parties being bought off by corporate lobbyists. Some presidential candidates now have their own private billionaires. Newt Gingrich had Sheldon Adelson till Adelson switched to Romney. This is access to power which enables the rich to get richer. I know what your answer is of course. George Soros. I don't think he funds individuals actually. Not like the Adelsons and the coke bros do anyway. Welfare fraud as well voter fraud, two favorite right wing battle cries, aren't really widespread like you're led to believe by the way. Maybe a little less hate for your fellow man and you'll be a much less angry soul.
That is utter crap. The "Poor" in America live better than did the relatively wealthy in pre-Industrial times.

You want to try that again? You really want to argue that the modern day poor American lives better than, say, Benjamin Franklin or George Washington did back in their day?

You're trying to make a flat earth argument. Poverty is relative to one's environment/community/culture. This is a fact to which there can be no contestation among reasonably intelligent people who are educated on the matter. If you can't understand how and why poverty is relative, then you need to do some research into the subject so that you can become educated. After that, I'm sure we could have a delightfully stimulating conversation/debate about the various causes of poverty in America, what (if anything) should be done to address it, etc.

On the other hand, if you seriously want to hold onto the claim that today's poor "live better" than well-to-do people from history, then you should go shake hands with Stephanie and Rdean, all the Trump enthusiasts and birthers, all the folks who say that gay marriage is causing human-goat sex, and every other batshit crazy lunatic on here.
Define "the poor".

Shall I wipe your ass for you too?
It's plain English, no deciphering needed. Many right wingers on this board can only focus on blaming the least among us for our problems in this country. We have corporate crime where corporations don't go to jail, just pay fines. Like Jamie Dimon said, "hit us with a fine, we can afford it." Politicians from both parties being bought off by corporate lobbyists. Some presidential candidates now have their own private billionaires. Newt Gingrich had Sheldon Adelson till Adelson switched to Romney. This is access to power which enables the rich to get richer. I know what your answer is of course. George Soros. I don't think he funds individuals actually. Not like the Adelsons and the coke bros do anyway. Welfare fraud as well voter fraud, two favorite right wing battle cries, aren't really widespread like you're led to believe by the way. Maybe a little less hate for your fellow man and you'll be a much less angry soul.

I say again...give me a f*cking break.
I say again...Obama for his ENTIRE 6 year Presidency, and he will continue till the day he leaves office - he has engaged in the largest, most expansive use of trickle down economics this country has ever seen. No one else even comes close.
I say again - since 2009, the top 7% have earned an incredible 33% increase in earnings - while the remaining 93% of WORKING Americans have made 5% LESS. At the same time we have record food stamp/welfare numbers.
Did you read that?
Did you?
Obama is the greatest friend to Wall Street and big money in modern history. PERIOD,
And he has the audacity to talk about income disparity and wealth concentration!!
Get a f*cking clue.
Our government - BOTH PARTIES - are thoroughly and completely corrupt. We are no longer a Democratic Republic. We are a plutocracy. And this President has pushed that agenda from day one.
always made me proud that even the poorest of Americas population was still richer that 98-99 percent of the rest of the world .
That was before Reaganomics / Bushnomics. Now we are way behind the rest of the world.
That was before Bushnomics. Now we are way behind the rest of the world.

Yet, the right believes that Capitalism is what increases wealth for the People and not socialism.
It does increase wealth for the 1% which is who runs the republican party,who pays for the republican party to exist so the republican party members can make sure the fed gov stays off their backs to pay a fair share of taxes,pay livable wages,and to keep jobs here. Granted the fed gov isn't doing a very good job of any of those either but its better to have them do SOMETHING than allow the 1% free reign over things.

There are more 1%ers that are Democrats than are Republicans.
Link? Proof?
Yet, the right believes that Capitalism is what increases wealth for the People and not socialism.
It does increase wealth for the 1% which is who runs the republican party,who pays for the republican party to exist so the republican party members can make sure the fed gov stays off their backs to pay a fair share of taxes,pay livable wages,and to keep jobs here. Granted the fed gov isn't doing a very good job of any of those either but its better to have them do SOMETHING n allow the 1% free reign over things.

Give me a f*cking break.
You people are so gullible and ignorant of any truth beyond what MSNBC tells you.
I suppose you heard of the term "Reaganomics" - trickle down theory of giving money to the top so that it will "trickle down" to the masses.
Well then...are you aware that Obama has engaged in the LARGEST MOST EXPANSIVE use of trickle down economics in the history of America? No administration even comes close to the $trillions of taxpayer dollars STILL BE GIVEN AT NO COST to elite corporations and the financial giants.
Are you aware that the top 7% since Obama took office have lavished in a RECORD 33% earnings increase while the remaining 93% of WORKING Americans have suffered a 5% decline??? At a time of record welfare??
Wake the f*ck up simpletons. Obama is an elitist/corporatist who has promoted Americas transformation into an oligarchy than any President in history. All the while receiving your praise and so ignorant as to blame someone else.
Man you low information people make me sick.
This isn't about Obama. I already stated he is just as bad as the rest of the presidents democrat and republican alike.
Exactly. Yet millions of Americans are duped into believing the Ds and Rs are polar opposites, when they are clearly exactly the same on this issue and so many others.

Bernie Sanders is the only one hitting this issue hard. You may disagree with his solutions, but he deserves credit for exposing the fraud being committed by our government, politicians, and the billionaire class.
Yet, the right believes that Capitalism is what increases wealth for the People and not socialism.

You're either too young or too dumb, probably a little of both...

So tell me what the poverty rate is in all those wonderful socialist countries?

You have bought into the myth that wealth buys happiness...

Spend more time researching the truth and less following the miserable idiots with the green eyed monster...
How is what you say even relevant? How much poverty did capitalism have in 1930? Are you claiming command economies cannot simply command economize themselves, if they had good management. Socialism got us to the moon and could get us into a Heaven on Earth, if only the Right were not so lazy regarding social morals for free, sufficient for Man to be an Angel on Earth who needs not the Expense of Government.

I am not sure why you believe I have bought into any myths since I am resorting to the fewest fallacies in my arguments, unlike the lazy Right who only "harass the least wealthy" about a "hard work" ethic they are unable and unwilling to do themselves--And, it shows in their lazy arguments.
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It's plain English, no deciphering needed. Many right wingers on this board can only focus on blaming the least among us for our problems in this country. We have corporate crime where corporations don't go to jail, just pay fines. Like Jamie Dimon said, "hit us with a fine, we can afford it." Politicians from both parties being bought off by corporate lobbyists. Some presidential candidates now have their own private billionaires. Newt Gingrich had Sheldon Adelson till Adelson switched to Romney. This is access to power which enables the rich to get richer. I know what your answer is of course. George Soros. I don't think he funds individuals actually. Not like the Adelsons and the coke bros do anyway. Welfare fraud as well voter fraud, two favorite right wing battle cries, aren't really widespread like you're led to believe by the way. Maybe a little less hate for your fellow man and you'll be a much less angry soul.

I say again...give me a f*cking break.
I say again...Obama for his ENTIRE 6 year Presidency, and he will continue till the day he leaves office - he has engaged in the largest, most expansive use of trickle down economics this country has ever seen. No one else even comes close.
I say again - since 2009, the top 7% have earned an incredible 33% increase in earnings - while the remaining 93% of WORKING Americans have made 5% LESS. At the same time we have record food stamp/welfare numbers.
Did you read that?
Did you?
Obama is the greatest friend to Wall Street and big money in modern history. PERIOD,
And he has the audacity to talk about income disparity and wealth concentration!!
Get a f*cking clue.
Our government - BOTH PARTIES - are thoroughly and completely corrupt. We are no longer a Democratic Republic. We are a plutocracy. And this President has pushed that agenda from day one.
Just the clueless and Causeless Right manufacturing fallacies due to their laziness and expecting the least wealthy to work harder. How was our current president not put in that position by having to use socialism to bailout capitalism, like usual.

Why does the clueless and Causeless Right believe we even have Any socialism in public policies, if Capitalism did what is claimed by Capitalists who lie to their stockholders and cry Nanny(-State), please bail us wealthy Capitalists out with means tested corporate welfare and let us keep our multimillion dollar bonuses--oh, and by the way, it is a hard work ethic that is really important (for propaganda and rhetoric) for the least wealthy.

How much cognitive dissonance does the Right believe the left can handle before reallizing the Right is just full of fallacy and needs to get bailed out by logic and reason, like usual.
Why does the clueless and Causeless Right believe we even have Any socialism in public policies, if Capitalism did what is claimed by Capitalists who lie to their stockholders and cry Nanny(-State), please bail us wealthy Capitalists out with means tested corporate welfare and let us keep our multimillion dollar bonuses--oh, and by the way, it is a hard work ethic that is really important (for propaganda and rhetoric) for the least wealthy.

How much cognitive dissonance does the Right believe the left can handle before reallizing the Right is just full of fallacy and needs to get bailed out by logic and reason, like usual.

You have won today's - "Smoke and Mirror post of the day"
It takes a lot of imagination and willingness to post 50 plus words that doesn't address anything in the post...but looks like it does!!!

Why does the clueless and Causeless Right believe we even have Any socialism in public policies, if Capitalism did what is claimed by Capitalists who lie to their stockholders and cry Nanny(-State), please bail us wealthy Capitalists out with means tested corporate welfare and let us keep our multimillion dollar bonuses--oh, and by the way, it is a hard work ethic that is really important (for propaganda and rhetoric) for the least wealthy.

How much cognitive dissonance does the Right believe the left can handle before reallizing the Right is just full of fallacy and needs to get bailed out by logic and reason, like usual.

You have won today's - "Smoke and Mirror post of the day"
It takes a lot of imagination and willingness to post 50 plus words that doesn't address anything in the post...but looks like it does!!!

Thank you; but it is just the clueless and Causeless Right proving how lazy they are while complaining the least wealthy don't work hard enough.
Why does the clueless and Causeless Right believe we even have Any socialism in public policies, if Capitalism did what is claimed by Capitalists who lie to their stockholders and cry Nanny(-State), please bail us wealthy Capitalists out with means tested corporate welfare and let us keep our multimillion dollar bonuses--oh, and by the way, it is a hard work ethic that is really important (for propaganda and rhetoric) for the least wealthy.

How much cognitive dissonance does the Right believe the left can handle before reallizing the Right is just full of fallacy and needs to get bailed out by logic and reason, like usual.

You have won today's - "Smoke and Mirror post of the day"
It takes a lot of imagination and willingness to post 50 plus words that doesn't address anything in the post...but looks like it does!!!

Thank you; but it is just the clueless and Causeless Right proving how lazy they are while complaining the least wealthy don't work hard enough.

I have never claimed that.
But do you not find it fascinating that the left still supports this President? Astounding if you ask me. The only people who like Obama more than the clueless low informationals is the wealthy. It has never-ever-ever been this good to be rich.
Why does the clueless and Causeless Right believe we even have Any socialism in public policies, if Capitalism did what is claimed by Capitalists who lie to their stockholders and cry Nanny(-State), please bail us wealthy Capitalists out with means tested corporate welfare and let us keep our multimillion dollar bonuses--oh, and by the way, it is a hard work ethic that is really important (for propaganda and rhetoric) for the least wealthy.

How much cognitive dissonance does the Right believe the left can handle before reallizing the Right is just full of fallacy and needs to get bailed out by logic and reason, like usual.

You have won today's - "Smoke and Mirror post of the day"
It takes a lot of imagination and willingness to post 50 plus words that doesn't address anything in the post...but looks like it does!!!

Thank you; but it is just the clueless and Causeless Right proving how lazy they are while complaining the least wealthy don't work hard enough.
Oh, I think you have it wrong.
True, I say the least wealthy, the least wealthy of the working community, not the lazy welfare scum doing nothing, are guilty of not working hard enough.
The not hard enough part is a reference to personal growth, the did not work hard enough to give themselves a marketable advantage in the work force. (think education) Lord knows that because of this, they just may well be some of the hardest working people as far as physical labor goes that are out there. The do get the jobs that nobody wants, garbage men, digging ditches etc... not for the physically lazy.
Had they worked a bit harder in school, or even continued school while doing shit jobs (like I did) they would eventually find themselves on the upper end of the income bracket.
The lease wealthy work plenty hard to be poor. and I would agree that helping them with education costs would be a great way to spend my tax dollar.
the problem that the right/we speak of are those that do nothing, attempt nothing but stand at the mailbox each month waiting for their unearned check.
hope that clears it up a bit for you.
Why does the clueless and Causeless Right believe we even have Any socialism in public policies, if Capitalism did what is claimed by Capitalists who lie to their stockholders and cry Nanny(-State), please bail us wealthy Capitalists out with means tested corporate welfare and let us keep our multimillion dollar bonuses--oh, and by the way, it is a hard work ethic that is really important (for propaganda and rhetoric) for the least wealthy.

How much cognitive dissonance does the Right believe the left can handle before reallizing the Right is just full of fallacy and needs to get bailed out by logic and reason, like usual.

You have won today's - "Smoke and Mirror post of the day"
It takes a lot of imagination and willingness to post 50 plus words that doesn't address anything in the post...but looks like it does!!!

Thank you; but it is just the clueless and Causeless Right proving how lazy they are while complaining the least wealthy don't work hard enough.

I have never claimed that.
But do you not find it fascinating that the left still supports this President? Astounding if you ask me. The only people who like Obama more than the clueless low informationals is the wealthy. It has never-ever-ever been this good to be rich.
Just legacy programs from the former, Ivy League, MBA of the Right.
Why does the clueless and Causeless Right believe we even have Any socialism in public policies, if Capitalism did what is claimed by Capitalists who lie to their stockholders and cry Nanny(-State), please bail us wealthy Capitalists out with means tested corporate welfare and let us keep our multimillion dollar bonuses--oh, and by the way, it is a hard work ethic that is really important (for propaganda and rhetoric) for the least wealthy.

How much cognitive dissonance does the Right believe the left can handle before reallizing the Right is just full of fallacy and needs to get bailed out by logic and reason, like usual.

You have won today's - "Smoke and Mirror post of the day"
It takes a lot of imagination and willingness to post 50 plus words that doesn't address anything in the post...but looks like it does!!!

Thank you; but it is just the clueless and Causeless Right proving how lazy they are while complaining the least wealthy don't work hard enough.
Oh, I think you have it wrong.
True, I say the least wealthy, the least wealthy of the working community, not the lazy welfare scum doing nothing, are guilty of not working hard enough.
The not hard enough part is a reference to personal growth, the did not work hard enough to give themselves a marketable advantage in the work force. (think education) Lord knows that because of this, they just may well be some of the hardest working people as far as physical labor goes that are out there. The do get the jobs that nobody wants, garbage men, digging ditches etc... not for the physically lazy.
Had they worked a bit harder in school, or even continued school while doing shit jobs (like I did) they would eventually find themselves on the upper end of the income bracket.
The lease wealthy work plenty hard to be poor. and I would agree that helping them with education costs would be a great way to spend my tax dollar.
the problem that the right/we speak of are those that do nothing, attempt nothing but stand at the mailbox each month waiting for their unearned check.
hope that clears it up a bit for you.
Dude, what you believe was not even true in 1929. Why do you believe it could be more true now? It doesn't take hark work; merely a willingness to accomplish something that may be considered of value to others.

It is attitudes like that of the Right; that was maybe not even appropriate in the Iron Age that simply hinders progress while demonstrating the Right's lack of a clue and a Cause.

We could have solved simple poverty and a natural rate of unemployment, yesterday; but for the cognitive dissonance of the Right and their willingness to blame the least wealthy for allegedly not working hard enough.

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