35 soul-crushing facts about American income inequality

Yet, the right believes that Capitalism is what increases wealth for the People and not socialism.

You're either too young or too dumb, probably a little of both...

So tell me what the poverty rate is in all those wonderful socialist countries?

You have bought into the myth that wealth buys happiness...

Spend more time researching the truth and less following the miserable idiots with the green eyed monster...
How is what you say even relevant? How much poverty did capitalism have in 1930? Are you claiming command economies cannot simply command economize themselves, if they had good management. Socialism got us to the moon and could get us into a Heaven on Earth, if only the Right were not so lazy regarding social morals for free, sufficient for Man to be an Angel on Earth who needs not the Expense of Government.

I am not sure why you believe I have bought into any myths since I am resorting to the fewest fallacies in my arguments, unlike the lazy Right who only "harass the least wealthy" about a "hard work" ethic they are unable and unwilling to do themselves--And, it shows in their lazy arguments.

The 1930's are you serious? Who is harassing the "least wealthy"?

Giving people opportunities is what capitalism offers, socialism try's to float the myth that everyone will be treated the same...

Great fantasy but no where close to reality...
Soul-crushing fact on income inequality:

it's grown to record levels under Progressive governance

I will go one step further, there is no President more personally responsible for the rise of income inequality than Bill Clinton.

We can point the finger at the other side all we want but in the end we have to make decisions that actually address the issue and are not just about scoring political points. Everyone knows that our trade relationship with China is broken. Lets talk about it. Everyone knows income inequality is growing due to macro economic trends like the trade deficit. So why do we still have Presidential candidates running on platforms that blame the poor and ask that we funnel more money towards "job creators?"
I am not sure why you believe that. The lowest unemployment rate in around a generation and wages outpacing inflation means we didn't have to listen to the clueless and Causeless right complain about social spending.

Economic impact is tied to decisions not time in office. The biggest single factor impacting our wage issues today and into the future is trade with China.

My point wasn't about calling Clinton a bad President or even question the decision to normalize trade with China. That was the correct decision but it had a major consequence and now we have to adapt. Adaptation starts with talking about the right things and not hiding from the decisions that were made.

GREAT NEWS!!!! remember "economic impact is tied to decisions not time in office" next time a LWNJ is ranting about the Bush years!!
The government was shut down for 4 years?

Obama threatened to withhold Social Security checks unless he got his way

I think you better off stop read right wing garbage websites and actually understand the law. There was no money to cover the checks...

Your lack of understanding of the way government works is amusing
Obama says he cannot guarantee Social Security checks will go out on August 3 - CBS News
Isnt it funny that every time there is not enough money to send out checks, its never the bottom feeding leaches on welfare that are in question?
Those that worked their whole life can go without now, but those that do nothing for society are always protected.
I think it is even more "funny" that the clueless and Causeless and Lazy right never wants to end our useless boondoggles and generational forms of theft that are our wars on crime, drugs, poverty, and terror; but, always finds a way to blame the least wealthy under our form of Capitalism.
Another run on sentence no one can decipher.

It's plain English, no deciphering needed. Many right wingers on this board can only focus on blaming the least among us for our problems in this country. We have corporate crime where corporations don't go to jail, just pay fines. Like Jamie Dimon said, "hit us with a fine, we can afford it." Politicians from both parties being bought off by corporate lobbyists. Some presidential candidates now have their own private billionaires. Newt Gingrich had Sheldon Adelson till Adelson switched to Romney. This is access to power which enables the rich to get richer. I know what your answer is of course. George Soros. I don't think he funds individuals actually. Not like the Adelsons and the coke bros do anyway. Welfare fraud as well voter fraud, two favorite right wing battle cries, aren't really widespread like you're led to believe by the way. Maybe a little less hate for your fellow man and you'll be a much less angry soul.
Oh stop the bleeding heart bullshit.....What the fuck do "corporations" have to do with anything?
I don't "hate" anybody.....What I object to is this whining from the left. One more time. It does not matter what someone else is paid or the amount of their wealth.
The fact that the Keynesian theory of the zero sum game has been debunked makes another's wealth or income irrelevant.....
Why does it bother you people to the point of distraction just because someone other than you makes another dollar?
That is utter crap. The "Poor" in America live better than did the relatively wealthy in pre-Industrial times.

You want to try that again? You really want to argue that the modern day poor American lives better than, say, Benjamin Franklin or George Washington did back in their day?

You're trying to make a flat earth argument. Poverty is relative to one's environment/community/culture. This is a fact to which there can be no contestation among reasonably intelligent people who are educated on the matter. If you can't understand how and why poverty is relative, then you need to do some research into the subject so that you can become educated. After that, I'm sure we could have a delightfully stimulating conversation/debate about the various causes of poverty in America, what (if anything) should be done to address it, etc.

On the other hand, if you seriously want to hold onto the claim that today's poor "live better" than well-to-do people from history, then you should go shake hands with Stephanie and Rdean, all the Trump enthusiasts and birthers, all the folks who say that gay marriage is causing human-goat sex, and every other batshit crazy lunatic on here.
Define "the poor".

Shall I wipe your ass for you too?
Whatsa matter? It is a simple request.....BTW, you should learn to wipe your own ass before making such a request..
Now, Define "the poor"....
I couldn't keep reading, all that whiny crybaby bullshit that someone else cookie is bigger
That's the practical definition of class envy....
You mean like how the right envies the least wealthy and their low tax burden while not even having to lobby Congress for tax loopholes large enough to drive a yacht through. Whiners.
You're ignorance and stewpuddy is shocking.

You can't see the difference?

I work for more and get punished with more taxes
I work less and get rewarded with free stuff

YOU are what is wrong with leftism
Not at all; what I said is true. You mean like how the right envies the least wealthy and their low tax burden while not even having to lobby Congress for tax loopholes large enough to drive a yacht through. Whiners.

The one percent is wealthy from unearned income.

The right is just clueless and Causeless and has nothing but fallacy to work with.

Only the hypocritical, lazy, clueless, and Causeless Right has a problem with paying taxes for others, the way Jesus the Christ socialized your sins and paid them for you.

The Right can't even follow moral examples in modern times; how lazy is that.
Your babbling on here is now annoying
The expression, "Income Inequality" is a vacuous catch-phrase masquerading as an insight (like "social justice").

Just like fair tax under any form of Capitalism but not Socialism.
Why are you such a whiner?
Why do you have nothing but the laziness of fallacy instead of better arguments? Is it easier to tell the least wealthy to work harder than to work harder yourself for a better argument.

Why do you have such an entitlement attitude?

Have your parents cut you off from your allowance?
You are confused about what I feel a sense of entitlement about. It is this:

This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the Constitution or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding.
Another non sequitur......Sheesh
It's hilarious watching left-wing nutjobs construct the false narrative that the Right blames the poor for being poor, when it is obvious the Right blames the Left for CREATING MORE POOR PEOPLE to "help". left-wingers don't give a shit about the poor; if they did they could defend their policies without resorting to making cowardly straw man arguments
The expression, "Income Inequality" is a vacuous catch-phrase masquerading as an insight (like "social justice").

Just like fair tax under any form of Capitalism but not Socialism.
Why are you such a whiner?
Why do you have nothing but the laziness of fallacy instead of better arguments? Is it easier to tell the least wealthy to work harder than to work harder yourself for a better argument.

Why do you have such an entitlement attitude?

Have your parents cut you off from your allowance?
You are confused about what I feel a sense of entitlement about. It is this:

This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the Constitution or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding.

WTF does that have to do with this thread?
Nothing.....danny boy is showing a level of stupidity that borders on amusing
It's hilarious watching left-wing nutjobs construct the false narrative that the Right blames the poor for being poor, when it is obvious the Right blames the Left for CREATING MORE POOR PEOPLE to "help". left-wingers don't give a shit about the poor; if they did they could defend their policies without resorting to making cowardly straw man arguments
No...The left DOES give a shit about the poor...For about 3 months leading up to election day..
Soul-crushing fact on income inequality:

it's grown to record levels under Progressive governance

I will go one step further, there is no President more personally responsible for the rise of income inequality than Bill Clinton.

We can point the finger at the other side all we want but in the end we have to make decisions that actually address the issue and are not just about scoring political points. Everyone knows that our trade relationship with China is broken. Lets talk about it. Everyone knows income inequality is growing due to macro economic trends like the trade deficit. So why do we still have Presidential candidates running on platforms that blame the poor and ask that we funnel more money towards "job creators?"
I am not sure why you believe that. The lowest unemployment rate in around a generation and wages outpacing inflation means we didn't have to listen to the clueless and Causeless right complain about social spending.

Economic impact is tied to decisions not time in office. The biggest single factor impacting our wage issues today and into the future is trade with China.

My point wasn't about calling Clinton a bad President or even question the decision to normalize trade with China. That was the correct decision but it had a major consequence and now we have to adapt. Adaptation starts with talking about the right things and not hiding from the decisions that were made.

GREAT NEWS!!!! remember "economic impact is tied to decisions not time in office" next time a LWNJ is ranting about the Bush years!!

There is no doubt that the Bush economy was sluggish in large part due to issues with China. Chinese money also played a big part in the boom and bust.

Chinese money has also helped a lot of people get really low mortgage rates though so there is that.
Soul-crushing fact on income inequality:

it's grown to record levels under Progressive governance

I will go one step further, there is no President more personally responsible for the rise of income inequality than Bill Clinton.

We can point the finger at the other side all we want but in the end we have to make decisions that actually address the issue and are not just about scoring political points. Everyone knows that our trade relationship with China is broken. Lets talk about it. Everyone knows income inequality is growing due to macro economic trends like the trade deficit. So why do we still have Presidential candidates running on platforms that blame the poor and ask that we funnel more money towards "job creators?"
I am not sure why you believe that. The lowest unemployment rate in around a generation and wages outpacing inflation means we didn't have to listen to the clueless and Causeless right complain about social spending.

Economic impact is tied to decisions not time in office. The biggest single factor impacting our wage issues today and into the future is trade with China.

My point wasn't about calling Clinton a bad President or even question the decision to normalize trade with China. That was the correct decision but it had a major consequence and now we have to adapt. Adaptation starts with talking about the right things and not hiding from the decisions that were made.

GREAT NEWS!!!! remember "economic impact is tied to decisions not time in office" next time a LWNJ is ranting about the Bush years!!

There is no doubt that the Bush economy was sluggish in large part due to issues with China. Chinese money also played a big part in the boom and bust.

Chinese money has also helped a lot of people get really low mortgage rates though so there is that.
Was it really Chinese money or US public policy manufactured by a Body politic with years of combined education and experience.

We have a Commerce Commerce clause.
I will go one step further, there is no President more personally responsible for the rise of income inequality than Bill Clinton.

We can point the finger at the other side all we want but in the end we have to make decisions that actually address the issue and are not just about scoring political points. Everyone knows that our trade relationship with China is broken. Lets talk about it. Everyone knows income inequality is growing due to macro economic trends like the trade deficit. So why do we still have Presidential candidates running on platforms that blame the poor and ask that we funnel more money towards "job creators?"
I am not sure why you believe that. The lowest unemployment rate in around a generation and wages outpacing inflation means we didn't have to listen to the clueless and Causeless right complain about social spending.

Economic impact is tied to decisions not time in office. The biggest single factor impacting our wage issues today and into the future is trade with China.

My point wasn't about calling Clinton a bad President or even question the decision to normalize trade with China. That was the correct decision but it had a major consequence and now we have to adapt. Adaptation starts with talking about the right things and not hiding from the decisions that were made.

GREAT NEWS!!!! remember "economic impact is tied to decisions not time in office" next time a LWNJ is ranting about the Bush years!!

There is no doubt that the Bush economy was sluggish in large part due to issues with China. Chinese money also played a big part in the boom and bust.

Chinese money has also helped a lot of people get really low mortgage rates though so there is that.
Was it really Chinese money or US public policy manufactured by a Body politic with years of combined education and experience.

We have a Commerce Commerce clause.

There was a lot that went into the financial market problems of that era but there is no doubt that the inflow of capital into the US from other nations (especially China) creates a significant impact on both labor and capital. The stage was set for a big mistake.
I couldn't keep reading, all that whiny crybaby bullshit that someone else cookie is bigger
That's the practical definition of class envy....
You mean like how the right envies the least wealthy and their low tax burden while not even having to lobby Congress for tax loopholes large enough to drive a yacht through. Whiners.
You're ignorance and stewpuddy is shocking.

You can't see the difference?

I work for more and get punished with more taxes
I work less and get rewarded with free stuff

YOU are what is wrong with leftism
Not at all; what I said is true. You mean like how the right envies the least wealthy and their low tax burden while not even having to lobby Congress for tax loopholes large enough to drive a yacht through. Whiners.

The one percent is wealthy from unearned income.

The right is just clueless and Causeless and has nothing but fallacy to work with.

Only the hypocritical, lazy, clueless, and Causeless Right has a problem with paying taxes for others, the way Jesus the Christ socialized your sins and paid them for you.

The Right can't even follow moral examples in modern times; how lazy is that.
Moral examples?

please tell me where, jesus or any equivalent, ordered people to be punished for wording hard and making a living.
Did you miss the moral example of Jesus the Christ socializing your sins and paying for them.

Working hard and making a living is a choice in any at-will employment State. Only the Right likes to complain about taxes when they can quit their day jobs and not have pay as much in taxes. Why Only complaints, Persons on the clueless and Causeless Right.
That's the practical definition of class envy....
You mean like how the right envies the least wealthy and their low tax burden while not even having to lobby Congress for tax loopholes large enough to drive a yacht through. Whiners.
You're ignorance and stewpuddy is shocking.

You can't see the difference?

I work for more and get punished with more taxes
I work less and get rewarded with free stuff

YOU are what is wrong with leftism
Not at all; what I said is true. You mean like how the right envies the least wealthy and their low tax burden while not even having to lobby Congress for tax loopholes large enough to drive a yacht through. Whiners.

The one percent is wealthy from unearned income.

The right is just clueless and Causeless and has nothing but fallacy to work with.

Only the hypocritical, lazy, clueless, and Causeless Right has a problem with paying taxes for others, the way Jesus the Christ socialized your sins and paid them for you.

The Right can't even follow moral examples in modern times; how lazy is that.
Moral examples?

please tell me where, jesus or any equivalent, ordered people to be punished for wording hard and making a living.
Did you miss the moral example of Jesus the Christ socializing your sins and paying for them.

Working hard and making a living is a choice in any at-will employment State. Only the Right likes to complain about taxes when they can quit their day jobs and not have pay as much in taxes. Why Only complaints, Persons on the clueless and Causeless Right.
you're a blithering idiot.

supply the link I asked for or just stfu and demand everyone pay taxes

unless you want us to end up like Greece, which you do.
Yet, the right believes that Capitalism is what increases wealth for the People and not socialism.

You're either too young or too dumb, probably a little of both...

So tell me what the poverty rate is in all those wonderful socialist countries?

You have bought into the myth that wealth buys happiness...

Spend more time researching the truth and less following the miserable idiots with the green eyed monster...
How is what you say even relevant? How much poverty did capitalism have in 1930? Are you claiming command economies cannot simply command economize themselves, if they had good management. Socialism got us to the moon and could get us into a Heaven on Earth, if only the Right were not so lazy regarding social morals for free, sufficient for Man to be an Angel on Earth who needs not the Expense of Government.

I am not sure why you believe I have bought into any myths since I am resorting to the fewest fallacies in my arguments, unlike the lazy Right who only "harass the least wealthy" about a "hard work" ethic they are unable and unwilling to do themselves--And, it shows in their lazy arguments.

The 1930's are you serious? Who is harassing the "least wealthy"?

Giving people opportunities is what capitalism offers, socialism try's to float the myth that everyone will be treated the same...

Great fantasy but no where close to reality...
Don't believe in the Socialism of equality before the law; I got it, Person on the clueless and Causeless Right.
Yet, the right believes that Capitalism is what increases wealth for the People and not socialism.

You're either too young or too dumb, probably a little of both...

So tell me what the poverty rate is in all those wonderful socialist countries?

You have bought into the myth that wealth buys happiness...

Spend more time researching the truth and less following the miserable idiots with the green eyed monster...
How is what you say even relevant? How much poverty did capitalism have in 1930? Are you claiming command economies cannot simply command economize themselves, if they had good management. Socialism got us to the moon and could get us into a Heaven on Earth, if only the Right were not so lazy regarding social morals for free, sufficient for Man to be an Angel on Earth who needs not the Expense of Government.

I am not sure why you believe I have bought into any myths since I am resorting to the fewest fallacies in my arguments, unlike the lazy Right who only "harass the least wealthy" about a "hard work" ethic they are unable and unwilling to do themselves--And, it shows in their lazy arguments.

The 1930's are you serious? Who is harassing the "least wealthy"?

Giving people opportunities is what capitalism offers, socialism try's to float the myth that everyone will be treated the same...

Great fantasy but no where close to reality...
Don't believe in the Socialism of equality before the law; I got it, Person on the clueless and Causeless Right.
You don't want equality, that's not what you are demanding, you are demanding unequal taxation.

that's why you are a blithering idiot, you have no idea of what you are demanding.

and really, socialism is great, on paper, in reality it sucks, but you're a leftist and can't learn from reality.
I couldn't keep reading, all that whiny crybaby bullshit that someone else cookie is bigger
That's the practical definition of class envy....
You mean like how the right envies the least wealthy and their low tax burden while not even having to lobby Congress for tax loopholes large enough to drive a yacht through. Whiners.
You're ignorance and stewpuddy is shocking.

You can't see the difference?

I work for more and get punished with more taxes
I work less and get rewarded with free stuff

YOU are what is wrong with leftism
Not at all; what I said is true. You mean like how the right envies the least wealthy and their low tax burden while not even having to lobby Congress for tax loopholes large enough to drive a yacht through. Whiners.

The one percent is wealthy from unearned income.

The right is just clueless and Causeless and has nothing but fallacy to work with.

Only the hypocritical, lazy, clueless, and Causeless Right has a problem with paying taxes for others, the way Jesus the Christ socialized your sins and paid them for you.

The Right can't even follow moral examples in modern times; how lazy is that.
Your babbling on here is now annoying
Nothing but fallacy instead of a hard working argument?
The expression, "Income Inequality" is a vacuous catch-phrase masquerading as an insight (like "social justice").

Just like fair tax under any form of Capitalism but not Socialism.
Why are you such a whiner?
Why do you have nothing but the laziness of fallacy instead of better arguments? Is it easier to tell the least wealthy to work harder than to work harder yourself for a better argument.

Why do you have such an entitlement attitude?

Have your parents cut you off from your allowance?
You are confused about what I feel a sense of entitlement about. It is this:

This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the Constitution or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding.
Another non sequitur......Sheesh
It is relevant; you merely don't understand the words you use or the arguments involved. How typical of the Right.

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