35 soul-crushing facts about American income inequality

Nothing.....danny boy is showing a level of stupidity that borders on amusing
Yes, by resorting to the fewest fallacies and letting the Right lie to their stockholders.

You've clearly never read a prospectus or a 10K.
I have read several prospectus. Anything more than fallacy to work with or do you have some clue and some Cause that you can turn into a valid point and argument?

All I need to do is watch a video on YouTube to ameliorate my laziness in argumentation; unlike the Right.

ROFLMAO! All you need to do is WATCH A YOUTUBE!
Yes; and the proof is, I don't have to come up with silly banter that has no relevance to any arguments and could be considered a non-sequitur. Have a point, a clue or a Cause; or is it too much hard work for the lazy right.

Oh. Cuz everyone knows that everything on YouTube is TWOOF!
Nothing.....danny boy is showing a level of stupidity that borders on amusing
Yes, by resorting to the fewest fallacies and letting the Right lie to their stockholders.

You've clearly never read a prospectus or a 10K.
I have read several prospectus. Anything more than fallacy to work with or do you have some clue and some Cause that you can turn into a valid point and argument?

All I need to do is watch a video on YouTube to ameliorate my laziness in argumentation; unlike the Right.

ROFLMAO! All you need to do is WATCH A YOUTUBE!
Yes; and the proof is, I don't have to come up with silly banter that has no relevance to any arguments and could be considered a non-sequitur. Have a point, a clue or a Cause; or is it too much hard work for the lazy right.

yawn; THE POINT isnt that nobody is giving you a valid rebuttal for the stupidity you spew; the thing is you're too much of a brainwashed fool to be man enough to admit you've been rebutted
You're either too young or too dumb, probably a little of both...

So tell me what the poverty rate is in all those wonderful socialist countries?

You have bought into the myth that wealth buys happiness...

Spend more time researching the truth and less following the miserable idiots with the green eyed monster...
How is what you say even relevant? How much poverty did capitalism have in 1930? Are you claiming command economies cannot simply command economize themselves, if they had good management. Socialism got us to the moon and could get us into a Heaven on Earth, if only the Right were not so lazy regarding social morals for free, sufficient for Man to be an Angel on Earth who needs not the Expense of Government.

I am not sure why you believe I have bought into any myths since I am resorting to the fewest fallacies in my arguments, unlike the lazy Right who only "harass the least wealthy" about a "hard work" ethic they are unable and unwilling to do themselves--And, it shows in their lazy arguments.

The 1930's are you serious? Who is harassing the "least wealthy"?

Giving people opportunities is what capitalism offers, socialism try's to float the myth that everyone will be treated the same...

Great fantasy but no where close to reality...
Don't believe in the Socialism of equality before the law; I got it, Person on the clueless and Causeless Right.

And we wonder why Obama got elected, twice...

You're so deep it has swallowed you whole...

Oh I have a cause and it is making sure the world knows of parasites like you...
Still no hard working argument ethic from the right?

Why blame the left for more poor people when the left, left massive budget supluses to solve that simple; but, the Right had to squander it merely to make the wealthy, wealthier.

Is it the fault of the left that the Right Only knows how to lose money.

yawn; AND you have the gall to speak of non sequiturs??
1. there was no budget surplus
2. if there was one at the end of the clinton years it was the product of republican majorities in both chambers of congress
3. a surplus means you took more money from the PEOPLE than you needed. only a moron thinks tht is a good thing. where do you think money comes from idiot?
4. and AGAIN; we blame failed left-wing policies for making people poorer; and the rich richer for that matter
poverty reached a FIFTY YEAR HIGH under obama
in his SEVENTH YEAR there are a record 45 million on food stamps
you MIGHT have been able to make your idiotic excuse-making argument in obama's first year; but now?

you're a joke
the wealthiest were LESS WEALTHY under Republicans. i know the truth hurts you left-wing losers but facts are facts
Yes, by resorting to the fewest fallacies and letting the Right lie to their stockholders.

You've clearly never read a prospectus or a 10K.
I have read several prospectus. Anything more than fallacy to work with or do you have some clue and some Cause that you can turn into a valid point and argument?

All I need to do is watch a video on YouTube to ameliorate my laziness in argumentation; unlike the Right.

ROFLMAO! All you need to do is WATCH A YOUTUBE!
Yes; and the proof is, I don't have to come up with silly banter that has no relevance to any arguments and could be considered a non-sequitur. Have a point, a clue or a Cause; or is it too much hard work for the lazy right.

Oh. Cuz everyone knows that everything on YouTube is TWOOF!
Yes, the proof is the Right has nothing but fallacy to work with; your non-sequitur and lack of any form of rebuttal is a case in point. I guess the Right is too lazy to even watch videos to have a better understanding.
The Point is the Right is too lazy to even have an argument. All y'all have is propaganda and rhetoric. Simply appealing to the masses instead of Reason is a form of laziness. Why blame the least wealthy for not wanting to work any harder than the lazy Right.

I don't deal in fallacy, unlike the Right. You have no clue and no Cause and it shows in your arguments. And, yes, we did have massive budget surpluses; I know that because 1. I am not a stockholder for the Right, and 2. simply claiming if there was one; is simply more Proof of the cluelessness and the Causelessness of the lazy right to even confirm their arguments or have a valid rebuttal, instead of merely banter.

Why did the subsequent republican administration give the People a rebate? Why did that Ivy League MBA of the Right not invest that money to pay for your War on Terror? Is Capitalism too much work for the Right.

The Right Only knows how to Hoover-ville the People. It took FDR's brand of socialism to even try to "make things right" despite the best efforts of the Right.
You've clearly never read a prospectus or a 10K.
I have read several prospectus. Anything more than fallacy to work with or do you have some clue and some Cause that you can turn into a valid point and argument?

All I need to do is watch a video on YouTube to ameliorate my laziness in argumentation; unlike the Right.

ROFLMAO! All you need to do is WATCH A YOUTUBE!
Yes; and the proof is, I don't have to come up with silly banter that has no relevance to any arguments and could be considered a non-sequitur. Have a point, a clue or a Cause; or is it too much hard work for the lazy right.

Oh. Cuz everyone knows that everything on YouTube is TWOOF!
Yes, the proof is the Right has nothing but fallacy to work with; your non-sequitur and lack of any form of rebuttal is a case in point. I guess the Right is too lazy to even watch videos to have a better understanding.

You're so desperate

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I get more done by 7:30AM than you do for a whole day ...

Where do you come up with is crap?

Most hardworking Americans are very happy with their accomplishments, very few are looking for a handout...

The truth is people find happiness from within not from some social program, you are full of the green eyed monster...

It's obvious your parents didn't teach you hard work...

You're a lazy POS...

Go back to that board that coddles your BS...

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Nothing but fallacy for your Cause? How lazy of you of you to be not even be able to work hard on your argument; I am not your stockholder; so, simply claiming what you claim, means nothing, literally, without a valid argument.
You're either too young or too dumb, probably a little of both...

So tell me what the poverty rate is in all those wonderful socialist countries?

You have bought into the myth that wealth buys happiness...

Spend more time researching the truth and less following the miserable idiots with the green eyed monster...
How is what you say even relevant? How much poverty did capitalism have in 1930? Are you claiming command economies cannot simply command economize themselves, if they had good management. Socialism got us to the moon and could get us into a Heaven on Earth, if only the Right were not so lazy regarding social morals for free, sufficient for Man to be an Angel on Earth who needs not the Expense of Government.

I am not sure why you believe I have bought into any myths since I am resorting to the fewest fallacies in my arguments, unlike the lazy Right who only "harass the least wealthy" about a "hard work" ethic they are unable and unwilling to do themselves--And, it shows in their lazy arguments.

The 1930's are you serious? Who is harassing the "least wealthy"?

Giving people opportunities is what capitalism offers, socialism try's to float the myth that everyone will be treated the same...

Great fantasy but no where close to reality...
Don't believe in the Socialism of equality before the law; I got it, Person on the clueless and Causeless Right.
You don't want equality, that's not what you are demanding, you are demanding unequal taxation.

that's why you are a blithering idiot, you have no idea of what you are demanding.

and really, socialism is great, on paper, in reality it sucks, but you're a leftist and can't learn from reality.
Nothing but appeals to ignorance as that form of laziness in argumentation; why ask the least wealthy to work harder than you.

I believe in equality in the law; the law says economic discrimination is both legal and socially acceptable under Any form of Capitalism.

Plz link the law that says that or stfu and get off the crack.
How is what you say even relevant? How much poverty did capitalism have in 1930? Are you claiming command economies cannot simply command economize themselves, if they had good management. Socialism got us to the moon and could get us into a Heaven on Earth, if only the Right were not so lazy regarding social morals for free, sufficient for Man to be an Angel on Earth who needs not the Expense of Government.

I am not sure why you believe I have bought into any myths since I am resorting to the fewest fallacies in my arguments, unlike the lazy Right who only "harass the least wealthy" about a "hard work" ethic they are unable and unwilling to do themselves--And, it shows in their lazy arguments.

The 1930's are you serious? Who is harassing the "least wealthy"?

Giving people opportunities is what capitalism offers, socialism try's to float the myth that everyone will be treated the same...

Great fantasy but no where close to reality...
Don't believe in the Socialism of equality before the law; I got it, Person on the clueless and Causeless Right.
You don't want equality, that's not what you are demanding, you are demanding unequal taxation.

that's why you are a blithering idiot, you have no idea of what you are demanding.

and really, socialism is great, on paper, in reality it sucks, but you're a leftist and can't learn from reality.
Nothing but appeals to ignorance as that form of laziness in argumentation; why ask the least wealthy to work harder than you.

I believe in equality in the law; the law says economic discrimination is both legal and socially acceptable under Any form of Capitalism.

Plz link the law that says that or stfu and get off the crack.
You mean it is not a self-evident truth?

Economic discrimination is discrimination based on economic factors. These factors can include job availability, wages, the prices and/or availability of goods and services, and the amount of capital investment funding available to minorities for business. This can include discrimination against workers, consumers, and minority-owned businesses.--Source: Economic discrimination - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
The 1930's are you serious? Who is harassing the "least wealthy"?

Giving people opportunities is what capitalism offers, socialism try's to float the myth that everyone will be treated the same...

Great fantasy but no where close to reality...
Don't believe in the Socialism of equality before the law; I got it, Person on the clueless and Causeless Right.
You don't want equality, that's not what you are demanding, you are demanding unequal taxation.

that's why you are a blithering idiot, you have no idea of what you are demanding.

and really, socialism is great, on paper, in reality it sucks, but you're a leftist and can't learn from reality.
Nothing but appeals to ignorance as that form of laziness in argumentation; why ask the least wealthy to work harder than you.

I believe in equality in the law; the law says economic discrimination is both legal and socially acceptable under Any form of Capitalism.

Plz link the law that says that or stfu and get off the crack.
You mean it is not a self-evident truth?

Economic discrimination is discrimination based on economic factors. These factors can include job availability, wages, the prices and/or availability of goods and services, and the amount of capital investment funding available to minorities for business. This can include discrimination against workers, consumers, and minority-owned businesses.--Source: Economic discrimination - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

actually anybody familiar with the government procurement system knows minority and female-owned businesses get special treatment.

libs are losers who lie to themselves

here's the government itself detailing its opportunities for MOBs and FOBs.
libs are losers who lie to themselves
just because you claim something is a fallacy; "literally without a valid argument" doesnt make it so

Daniel; i love the way you make a fool of yourself for George Soros with that class warfare business all day long
How many know that the same brothers that founded the union SEIU founded ACORN?

ACORN was sued by its own workers for not paying overtime and other benefits to workers working in below-zero temperatures all day long in "outreach" programs for ACORN

idiots and hypocrites

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