35 soul-crushing facts about American income inequality

It's hilarious watching left-wing nutjobs construct the false narrative that the Right blames the poor for being poor, when it is obvious the Right blames the Left for CREATING MORE POOR PEOPLE to "help". left-wingers don't give a shit about the poor; if they did they could defend their policies without resorting to making cowardly straw man arguments
Except it isn't the left creating more poor people. And, why do those on the Right blame the least wealthy for not working hard enough to improve their lot; when corporate means tested welfare has even paid multi-million dollar bonuses.

Just the right lying to their stockholders, like usual.
Why are you such a whiner?
Why do you have nothing but the laziness of fallacy instead of better arguments? Is it easier to tell the least wealthy to work harder than to work harder yourself for a better argument.

Why do you have such an entitlement attitude?

Have your parents cut you off from your allowance?
You are confused about what I feel a sense of entitlement about. It is this:

This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the Constitution or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding.

WTF does that have to do with this thread?
Nothing.....danny boy is showing a level of stupidity that borders on amusing
Yes, by resorting to the fewest fallacies and letting the Right lie to their stockholders.
It's hilarious watching left-wing nutjobs construct the false narrative that the Right blames the poor for being poor, when it is obvious the Right blames the Left for CREATING MORE POOR PEOPLE to "help". left-wingers don't give a shit about the poor; if they did they could defend their policies without resorting to making cowardly straw man arguments
No...The left DOES give a shit about the poor...For about 3 months leading up to election day..
What a coincidence, it is about three months longer than the Right.
You mean like how the right envies the least wealthy and their low tax burden while not even having to lobby Congress for tax loopholes large enough to drive a yacht through. Whiners.
You're ignorance and stewpuddy is shocking.

You can't see the difference?

I work for more and get punished with more taxes
I work less and get rewarded with free stuff

YOU are what is wrong with leftism
Not at all; what I said is true. You mean like how the right envies the least wealthy and their low tax burden while not even having to lobby Congress for tax loopholes large enough to drive a yacht through. Whiners.

The one percent is wealthy from unearned income.

The right is just clueless and Causeless and has nothing but fallacy to work with.

Only the hypocritical, lazy, clueless, and Causeless Right has a problem with paying taxes for others, the way Jesus the Christ socialized your sins and paid them for you.

The Right can't even follow moral examples in modern times; how lazy is that.
Moral examples?

please tell me where, jesus or any equivalent, ordered people to be punished for wording hard and making a living.
Did you miss the moral example of Jesus the Christ socializing your sins and paying for them.

Working hard and making a living is a choice in any at-will employment State. Only the Right likes to complain about taxes when they can quit their day jobs and not have pay as much in taxes. Why Only complaints, Persons on the clueless and Causeless Right.
you're a blithering idiot.

supply the link I asked for or just stfu and demand everyone pay taxes

unless you want us to end up like Greece, which you do.
Nothing but fallacy for your Cause; I got it, Person on the Right. Have a stockholder meeting to go to?
Yet, the right believes that Capitalism is what increases wealth for the People and not socialism.

You're either too young or too dumb, probably a little of both...

So tell me what the poverty rate is in all those wonderful socialist countries?

You have bought into the myth that wealth buys happiness...

Spend more time researching the truth and less following the miserable idiots with the green eyed monster...
How is what you say even relevant? How much poverty did capitalism have in 1930? Are you claiming command economies cannot simply command economize themselves, if they had good management. Socialism got us to the moon and could get us into a Heaven on Earth, if only the Right were not so lazy regarding social morals for free, sufficient for Man to be an Angel on Earth who needs not the Expense of Government.

I am not sure why you believe I have bought into any myths since I am resorting to the fewest fallacies in my arguments, unlike the lazy Right who only "harass the least wealthy" about a "hard work" ethic they are unable and unwilling to do themselves--And, it shows in their lazy arguments.

The 1930's are you serious? Who is harassing the "least wealthy"?

Giving people opportunities is what capitalism offers, socialism try's to float the myth that everyone will be treated the same...

Great fantasy but no where close to reality...
Don't believe in the Socialism of equality before the law; I got it, Person on the clueless and Causeless Right.
You don't want equality, that's not what you are demanding, you are demanding unequal taxation.

that's why you are a blithering idiot, you have no idea of what you are demanding.

and really, socialism is great, on paper, in reality it sucks, but you're a leftist and can't learn from reality.
Nothing but appeals to ignorance as that form of laziness in argumentation; why ask the least wealthy to work harder than you.

I believe in equality in the law; the law says economic discrimination is both legal and socially acceptable under Any form of Capitalism.
Why do you have nothing but the laziness of fallacy instead of better arguments? Is it easier to tell the least wealthy to work harder than to work harder yourself for a better argument.

Why do you have such an entitlement attitude?

Have your parents cut you off from your allowance?
You are confused about what I feel a sense of entitlement about. It is this:

This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the Constitution or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding.

WTF does that have to do with this thread?
Nothing.....danny boy is showing a level of stupidity that borders on amusing
Yes, by resorting to the fewest fallacies and letting the Right lie to their stockholders.

You've clearly never read a prospectus or a 10K.
Why do you have such an entitlement attitude?

Have your parents cut you off from your allowance?
You are confused about what I feel a sense of entitlement about. It is this:

This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the Constitution or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding.

WTF does that have to do with this thread?
Nothing.....danny boy is showing a level of stupidity that borders on amusing
Yes, by resorting to the fewest fallacies and letting the Right lie to their stockholders.

You've clearly never read a prospectus or a 10K.
I have read several prospectus. Anything more than fallacy to work with or do you have some clue and some Cause that you can turn into a valid point and argument?

All I need to do is watch a video on YouTube to ameliorate my laziness in argumentation; unlike the Right.
YAWN; i admit i admire, in a feel sorry for them kind of way; the tenacity with which the Left defends its failed ideology
It's hilarious watching left-wing nutjobs construct the false narrative that the Right blames the poor for being poor, when it is obvious the Right blames the Left for CREATING MORE POOR PEOPLE to "help". left-wingers don't give a shit about the poor; if they did they could defend their policies without resorting to making cowardly straw man arguments
Except it isn't the left creating more poor people. And, why do those on the Right blame the least wealthy for not working hard enough to improve their lot; when corporate means tested welfare has even paid multi-million dollar bonuses.

Just the right lying to their stockholders, like usual.

oh but it is the Left creating more poor people. when will you idiots ever own up to things happening on your watch; as a result of your policies?
It's hilarious watching left-wing nutjobs construct the false narrative that the Right blames the poor for being poor, when it is obvious the Right blames the Left for CREATING MORE POOR PEOPLE to "help". left-wingers don't give a shit about the poor; if they did they could defend their policies without resorting to making cowardly straw man arguments
Except it isn't the left creating more poor people. And, why do those on the Right blame the least wealthy for not working hard enough to improve their lot; when corporate means tested welfare has even paid multi-million dollar bonuses.

Just the right lying to their stockholders, like usual.

oh but it is the Left creating more poor people. when will you idiots ever own up to things happening on your watch; as a result of your policies?

i just said straight out we dont blame the poor for being poor; we blame the Left for creating more. You even acknolwledged that by denying the left created them. either way you admitted you heard what was said; yet you still stick to you own narrative, trying to put words, and thoughts into other people's mouths and minds, just because demonization is all you have to offer. the right isnt demonzing anybody; you left-wing hypocrites are
there are 13 million more people on food stamps in obama's seventh year then there were under Bush; for a total of about 45 million, a record.
of course every single one of them needs them too, since the Left insists almost nobody is gaming the system. Now it's well known one can work and still be eligible for food stamps. so you want to take credit for job creation but not for the types of jobs created. income inequality, another item you pretend to care about; has also grown under Progressive governance; so the rich are getting richer; and FASTER under Progressives than under Repubs; while the poor are getting poorer FASTER under Democrat rule than they were under Bush. of course you dont want to take credit for THAT kind of economic success; the rich getting richer, except to laughably try to brag about the record corporate profits of Wall Street corporations on the DOW that you idiots vowed to "OCCUPY" NOT THAT LONG AGO; hollering "MAKE THEM PAY!!". HOW DID THAT WORK OUT????
YOU idiots cant create middle class jobs to save your lives; except overpaid civil service union jobs which even Roosevelt said should not exist; and THOSE jobs are bankrupting cities and states across the nation (see also Chicago's $19.5 BILLION pension fund crisis)
It's hilarious watching left-wing nutjobs construct the false narrative that the Right blames the poor for being poor, when it is obvious the Right blames the Left for CREATING MORE POOR PEOPLE to "help". left-wingers don't give a shit about the poor; if they did they could defend their policies without resorting to making cowardly straw man arguments
Except it isn't the left creating more poor people. And, why do those on the Right blame the least wealthy for not working hard enough to improve their lot; when corporate means tested welfare has even paid multi-million dollar bonuses.

Just the right lying to their stockholders, like usual.

oh but it is the Left creating more poor people. when will you idiots ever own up to things happening on your watch; as a result of your policies?
Why do you believe it is the left instead of the Right merely socializing more costs for their bottom, Capital, line. Any employers actively telling employees to socialize costs?
there are 13 million more people on food stamps in obama's seventh year then there were under Bush; for a total of about 45 million, a record.
of course every single one of them needs them too, since the Left insists almost nobody is gaming the system. Now it's well known one can work and still be eligible for food stamps. so you want to take credit for job creation but not for the types of jobs created. income inequality, another item you pretend to care about; has also grown under Progressive governance; so the rich are getting richer; and FASTER under Progressives than under Repubs; while the poor are getting poorer FASTER under Democrat rule than they were under Bush. of course you dont want to take credit for THAT kind of economic success; the rich getting richer, except to laughably try to brag about the record corporate profits of Wall Street corporations on the DOW that you idiots vowed to "OCCUPY" NOT THAT LONG AGO; hollering "MAKE THEM PAY!!". HOW DID THAT WORK OUT????
All the right does on any forum I have been on is bash and trash the least wealthy for not working hard enough or for making poor lifestyle choices. Is the Right going to recant their only propaganda and rhetoric in favor of actual solutions instead of nothing but repeal?
Yet, the right believes that Capitalism is what increases wealth for the People and not socialism.

You're either too young or too dumb, probably a little of both...

So tell me what the poverty rate is in all those wonderful socialist countries?

You have bought into the myth that wealth buys happiness...

Spend more time researching the truth and less following the miserable idiots with the green eyed monster...
How is what you say even relevant? How much poverty did capitalism have in 1930? Are you claiming command economies cannot simply command economize themselves, if they had good management. Socialism got us to the moon and could get us into a Heaven on Earth, if only the Right were not so lazy regarding social morals for free, sufficient for Man to be an Angel on Earth who needs not the Expense of Government.

I am not sure why you believe I have bought into any myths since I am resorting to the fewest fallacies in my arguments, unlike the lazy Right who only "harass the least wealthy" about a "hard work" ethic they are unable and unwilling to do themselves--And, it shows in their lazy arguments.

The 1930's are you serious? Who is harassing the "least wealthy"?

Giving people opportunities is what capitalism offers, socialism try's to float the myth that everyone will be treated the same...

Great fantasy but no where close to reality...
Don't believe in the Socialism of equality before the law; I got it, Person on the clueless and Causeless Right.

And we wonder why Obama got elected, twice...

You're so deep it has swallowed you whole...

Oh I have a cause and it is making sure the world knows of parasites like you...
You are confused about what I feel a sense of entitlement about. It is this:

This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the Constitution or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding.

WTF does that have to do with this thread?
Nothing.....danny boy is showing a level of stupidity that borders on amusing
Yes, by resorting to the fewest fallacies and letting the Right lie to their stockholders.

You've clearly never read a prospectus or a 10K.
I have read several prospectus. Anything more than fallacy to work with or do you have some clue and some Cause that you can turn into a valid point and argument?

All I need to do is watch a video on YouTube to ameliorate my laziness in argumentation; unlike the Right.

ROFLMAO! All you need to do is WATCH A YOUTUBE!
Yet, the right believes that Capitalism is what increases wealth for the People and not socialism.

You're either too young or too dumb, probably a little of both...

So tell me what the poverty rate is in all those wonderful socialist countries?

You have bought into the myth that wealth buys happiness...

Spend more time researching the truth and less following the miserable idiots with the green eyed monster...
How is what you say even relevant? How much poverty did capitalism have in 1930? Are you claiming command economies cannot simply command economize themselves, if they had good management. Socialism got us to the moon and could get us into a Heaven on Earth, if only the Right were not so lazy regarding social morals for free, sufficient for Man to be an Angel on Earth who needs not the Expense of Government.

I am not sure why you believe I have bought into any myths since I am resorting to the fewest fallacies in my arguments, unlike the lazy Right who only "harass the least wealthy" about a "hard work" ethic they are unable and unwilling to do themselves--And, it shows in their lazy arguments.

The 1930's are you serious? Who is harassing the "least wealthy"?

Giving people opportunities is what capitalism offers, socialism try's to float the myth that everyone will be treated the same...

Great fantasy but no where close to reality...
Don't believe in the Socialism of equality before the law; I got it, Person on the clueless and Causeless Right.

And we wonder why Obama got elected, twice...

You're so deep it has swallowed you whole...

Oh I have a cause and it is making sure the world knows of parasites like you...
Still no hard working argument ethic from the right?

Why blame the left for more poor people when the left, left massive budget supluses to solve that simple; but, the Right had to squander it merely to make the wealthy, wealthier.

Is it the fault of the left that the Right Only knows how to lose money.
WTF does that have to do with this thread?
Nothing.....danny boy is showing a level of stupidity that borders on amusing
Yes, by resorting to the fewest fallacies and letting the Right lie to their stockholders.

You've clearly never read a prospectus or a 10K.
I have read several prospectus. Anything more than fallacy to work with or do you have some clue and some Cause that you can turn into a valid point and argument?

All I need to do is watch a video on YouTube to ameliorate my laziness in argumentation; unlike the Right.

ROFLMAO! All you need to do is WATCH A YOUTUBE!
Yes; and the proof is, I don't have to come up with silly banter that has no relevance to any arguments and could be considered a non-sequitur. Have a point, a clue or a Cause; or is it too much hard work for the lazy right.

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