375,000 people lose their uneployment benefits each week.


Are you listening GOP?

Who is gonna pay taxes to pay for unending unemployment benefits? How long is enough enough? Exactly how long should the Government pay people NOT to work?

You are amazingly stupid.

Are you listening GOP?

Who is gonna pay taxes to pay for unending unemployment benefits? How long is enough enough? Exactly how long should the Government pay people NOT to work?

You are amazingly stupid.

and you are amazingly Republican!

You and tent boy should move in together.

Answer the fucking question RETARD. Who should pay for unending unemployment benefits? They are what, how many weeks now? Or should we just print up more money?

Are you listening GOP?
375,000 Americans are still unemployed after their benifits run out every week due to countless lies & broken promises by the administration and their complete ass-fucking failure of an economic recovery stratagy.


Are you listening GOP?

Are you retarded?

This is what we live , fight, and die for???? Unemployment. Fuck Liberty, Fuck self determination, fuck free will. I just can't wait to stand in line and get free shit that other people were forced to pay for through theft and extortion. Sign me the fuck up!!!!!

You are diseased, bringing down with you, everything you touch.

Can You Hear Me Now???

Sure they do. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Love to see the stats on that one. :lol:

Best luck to the Dims on the "new" welfare forever, for everyone political platform.


Are you listening GOP?

The real question is:

"Are you listening 0bama?"

This is his fuckup... Blaming Boooooosh doesn't wash anymore...

well, you idiots can try to, but America is on to your bullshit...
The real question is how much has the cost of buying a Senate seat in Illinois gone up since Obama's day????
Tent Boy sez:

Keep extending unemployment before the economy-forced growing 'lumpenproletariat' gets so starved, that they want to break into my domicile for food.
That's why I got a scatter-gun and plenty of ammo. They may get me, but, I'll get more of them!
In the last two years, private citizens have been buyin' ammo by the wagon load from gun shows.
But, you don't live in Western Lands, I guess?

Are you listening GOP?

Who is gonna pay taxes to pay for unending unemployment benefits? How long is enough enough? Exactly how long should the Government pay people NOT to work?

You are amazingly stupid.

The same people who bail out any Jew with a bank, fight 2 illegal wars and send IsNtReal a big check every few months.
Stupid, ignorant, brainwashed idiots, just like you.
The reason for the continued unemployment is the homeower's tax credits and the other actions of the current administration to decrease labor mobility. Homes that are underwater need to be abandoned and if need be let housing decline to 1960s prices but it should be done as quickly as possible so it can be in the rearview mirror. Hanging people slowly with a slip knot is not merciful nor are the policies of this administration get the pain over with.
no more child support for me, for awhile.. I was getting it from my kid's dad's unemployment money. Of course the loser could get a job.
Tent Boy sez:

Keep extending unemployment before the economy-forced growing 'lumpenproletariat' gets so starved, that they want to break into my domicile for food.
That's why I got a scatter-gun and plenty of ammo. They may get me, but, I'll get more of them!
In the last two years, private citizens have been buyin' ammo by the wagon load from gun shows.
But, you don't live in Western Lands, I guess?

.....and you urban fools thought that the run on ammo was due to a 2nd amendment rights scare being infringed upon.....:lol::lol::lol:......
sheeeet!, we saw what was comin' way before liberal propeller-heads did.....:lol::lol::lol:

BTW, I'm an Oathkeeper......:lol::lol::lol:
375,000 a week isn't that many.

There has to be more bleeding heart, liberal, democrats willing to take up that slack.

Where's the compassion?
So after we put every person in this country on welfare, unemployment, or give them a government job what do we have left?

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