38% employers will lay off employees if minimum wage raised..we told you!

We hear this threat every time they raise the minimum wage

It never happens

It also sounds kind of questionable, as only 3% of the workforce actually works for the minimum wage.

From the Bureau of Labor Statistics... Tables 1 - 10; Characteristics of Minimum Wage Workers: 2011

  • [*]16 years and over -- 73,926,000 -- total at or below minimum wage - 3,829,000 as % of population 5.2%
    [*]16 to 24 years -- 14,436,000 -- total at or below minimum wage -- 1,896,000 as % of population 2.56%
    [*]25 years and over -- 59,490,000 -- total at or below minimum wage -- 1,933,000 as % of population 2.61%

2.5% of kids under 24 who had NO skills,etc....
All for 2.6% of the working population over 25 then????
We hear this threat every time they raise the minimum wage

It never happens

It also sounds kind of questionable, as only 3% of the workforce actually works for the minimum wage.

From the Bureau of Labor Statistics... Tables 1 - 10; Characteristics of Minimum Wage Workers: 2011

  • [*]16 years and over -- 73,926,000 -- total at or below minimum wage - 3,829,000 as % of population 5.2%
    [*]16 to 24 years -- 14,436,000 -- total at or below minimum wage -- 1,896,000 as % of population 2.56%
    [*]25 years and over -- 59,490,000 -- total at or below minimum wage -- 1,933,000 as % of population 2.61%

2.5% of kids under 24 who had NO skills,etc....
All for 2.6% of the working population over 25 then????

So again, if only 2.6 to 5.2% of the population works for the minimum, how could 38% of employers be really thinking about laying people off?

You know, guy, Conservatives like you are kind of like battered housewives, you keep going back for another beating instead of calling the cops.
It also sounds kind of questionable, as only 3% of the workforce actually works for the minimum wage.

From the Bureau of Labor Statistics... Tables 1 - 10; Characteristics of Minimum Wage Workers: 2011

  • [*]16 years and over -- 73,926,000 -- total at or below minimum wage - 3,829,000 as % of population 5.2%
    [*]16 to 24 years -- 14,436,000 -- total at or below minimum wage -- 1,896,000 as % of population 2.56%
    [*]25 years and over -- 59,490,000 -- total at or below minimum wage -- 1,933,000 as % of population 2.61%

2.5% of kids under 24 who had NO skills,etc....
All for 2.6% of the working population over 25 then????

So again, if only 2.6 to 5.2% of the population works for the minimum, how could 38% of employers be really thinking about laying people off?

You know, guy, Conservatives like you are kind of like battered housewives, you keep going back for another beating instead of calling the cops.

You really are a excellent example of how even simple numbers are very hard for simple people to understand.

But let's help you in your simple idiocy....
ASSUME 5.2% or 3,829,000 work at minimum wage for small firms up to 99 employees.. or total of 42.7 million employees work for 5.9 million firms with 1 to 99 employees.
So let's say 38% of these small firms or 2.2 million firms decide to lay off just 1 minimum wage employee.
that is 2.2 million people or nearly 41% of 3.8 million minimum wage workers.

source:Statistics about Business Size (including Small Business) from the U.S. Census Bureau

But you still haven't answered my simple arithmetic question when you subtract 42 million from 46 million what is the remainder?
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If you need 10 people and you pay them 100 dollars a day to make a 1000 widgets at 1000 dollars a widgets, if you had to pay the workers 150 dollars a day, would you fire 2 workers and lose 2000 dollars a day to save 300 dollars a day?

When an automated widget maker then is cheaper in making the widgets at a total cost of $275 a day, damn straight I would.. as well as getting rid of the other 8

You would still need skilled workers to operate an automated widget maker plus someone to repair them...also you would need someone to make the automated machine maker.

But that is not a widget maker.. nor do you need a tech support person for ever widget maker you lost or every widget making machine

It is part of the cost of operation that is always factored in... well, if you understood business you would understand
It also sounds kind of questionable, as only 3% of the workforce actually works for the minimum wage.

From the Bureau of Labor Statistics... Tables 1 - 10; Characteristics of Minimum Wage Workers: 2011

  • [*]16 years and over -- 73,926,000 -- total at or below minimum wage - 3,829,000 as % of population 5.2%
    [*]16 to 24 years -- 14,436,000 -- total at or below minimum wage -- 1,896,000 as % of population 2.56%
    [*]25 years and over -- 59,490,000 -- total at or below minimum wage -- 1,933,000 as % of population 2.61%

2.5% of kids under 24 who had NO skills,etc....
All for 2.6% of the working population over 25 then????

So again, if only 2.6 to 5.2% of the population works for the minimum, how could 38% of employers be really thinking about laying people off?

You know, guy, Conservatives like you are kind of like battered housewives, you keep going back for another beating instead of calling the cops.

You still haven't answered my simple arithmetic question when you subtract 42 million from 46 million what is the remainder?
Those of us that have a modicum of business intelligence told you naive supporters of MW increases these activities would happen!

A new study has found that 38 percent of employers will lay workers off if the minimum wage is increased as President Barack Obama has proposed.
Express Employment Professionals, the nation’s largest privately held staffing firm, surveyed 1,213 business owners and human resources professionals nationwide asking them if they would be impacted if the minimum wage was increased.
Roughly 54 percent of the study participants said they would reduce hiring and
65 percent said they would raise prices on their goods and services.
Study: 38 Percent Of Employers Will Lay Off Workers If Minimum Wage Is Hiked « CBS DC

The problem is that most naive ignorant people have NO idea the affect of raising the MW in that the devastating affect was REDUCED hiring.. so much for
this administration's job creation efforts!

Those employers are selfish people who work their employees into the ground yet pay them virtually nothing for it.

Over here, workers have something called RIGHTS. There is a legal minimum wage and an employer is not allowed to pay you below that.
Those of us that have a modicum of business intelligence told you naive supporters of MW increases these activities would happen!

A new study has found that 38 percent of employers will lay workers off if the minimum wage is increased as President Barack Obama has proposed.
Express Employment Professionals, the nation’s largest privately held staffing firm, surveyed 1,213 business owners and human resources professionals nationwide asking them if they would be impacted if the minimum wage was increased.
Roughly 54 percent of the study participants said they would reduce hiring and
65 percent said they would raise prices on their goods and services.
Study: 38 Percent Of Employers Will Lay Off Workers If Minimum Wage Is Hiked « CBS DC

The problem is that most naive ignorant people have NO idea the affect of raising the MW in that the devastating affect was REDUCED hiring.. so much for
this administration's job creation efforts!

Those employers are selfish people who work their employees into the ground yet pay them virtually nothing for it.

Over here, workers have something called RIGHTS. There is a legal minimum wage and an employer is not allowed to pay you below that.

Where is "Over here"?
There is a minimum wage here in the USA.. Federally it is right now $7.25 but the discussion is raising to $10.10.
Then each state has it's own minimum wage rate.
State Minimum Wage Chart | 2014 Minimum Wage by State
Ranging from no minimum wage to $9.10 in Oregon.. with most states being at the $7.25 minimum wage.
So what is different between "over here" and here in the USA?
Federal law is minimum wage $7.25 and in Oregon is $9.10.... "workers' rights" you know!!!
Where is "Over here"?
There is a minimum wage here in the USA.. Federally it is right now $7.25 but the discussion is raising to $10.10.
Then each state has it's own minimum wage rate.
State Minimum Wage Chart | 2014 Minimum Wage by State
Ranging from no minimum wage to $9.10 in Oregon.. with most states being at the $7.25 minimum wage.
So what is different between "over here" and here in the USA?
Federal law is minimum wage $7.25 and in Oregon is $9.10.... "workers' rights" you know!!!

Actually, for farm workers, domestic help, wait staff, hairdressers, some sales, some delivery persons, and most telemarketers the minimum wage is far less than $7.25 and/or it's based entirely on commission, in the business owner's favor.
Those of us that have a modicum of business intelligence told you naive supporters of MW increases these activities would happen!

A new study has found that 38 percent of employers will lay workers off if the minimum wage is increased as President Barack Obama has proposed.
Express Employment Professionals, the nation’s largest privately held staffing firm, surveyed 1,213 business owners and human resources professionals nationwide asking them if they would be impacted if the minimum wage was increased.
Roughly 54 percent of the study participants said they would reduce hiring and
65 percent said they would raise prices on their goods and services.
Study: 38 Percent Of Employers Will Lay Off Workers If Minimum Wage Is Hiked « CBS DC

The problem is that most naive ignorant people have NO idea the affect of raising the MW in that the devastating affect was REDUCED hiring.. so much for
this administration's job creation efforts!

Those employers are selfish people who work their employees into the ground yet pay them virtually nothing for it.

Over here, workers have something called RIGHTS. There is a legal minimum wage and an employer is not allowed to pay you below that.

Where is "Over here"?
There is a minimum wage here in the USA.. Federally it is right now $7.25 but the discussion is raising to $10.10.
Then each state has it's own minimum wage rate.
State Minimum Wage Chart | 2014 Minimum Wage by State
Ranging from no minimum wage to $9.10 in Oregon.. with most states being at the $7.25 minimum wage.
So what is different between "over here" and here in the USA?
Federal law is minimum wage $7.25 and in Oregon is $9.10.... "workers' rights" you know!!!

Minimum wage is double that in Australia.
Where is "Over here"?
There is a minimum wage here in the USA.. Federally it is right now $7.25 but the discussion is raising to $10.10.
Then each state has it's own minimum wage rate.
State Minimum Wage Chart | 2014 Minimum Wage by State
Ranging from no minimum wage to $9.10 in Oregon.. with most states being at the $7.25 minimum wage.
So what is different between "over here" and here in the USA?
Federal law is minimum wage $7.25 and in Oregon is $9.10.... "workers' rights" you know!!!

Actually, for farm workers, domestic help, wait staff, hairdressers, some sales, some delivery persons, and most telemarketers the minimum wage is far less than $7.25 and/or it's based entirely on commission, in the business owner's favor.

YOU are not believable because you don't source or link your comment.
NOW for the facts:
From the Bureau of Labor Statistics... Tables 1 - 10; Characteristics of Minimum Wage Workers: 2011

Total employed hourly 16 and over 73,926,000
at minimum wage 1,677,000 percent of total 2.3%
Below minimum wage 2,680,000 percent of total 3.6%
total at or below minimum wage 4,357,000 percent of all over 16 years 5.9%

Now let's take a look at your breakdown:
Farm workers
How much do farm workers earn?
Based on the most recent National Agricultural Workers Survey (NAWS)– a report published by the U.S. Department of Labor–
farm workers work 42 hours per week and earn $7.25 per hour on average, but this “average” varies greatly.
For example, workers who have worked for the same employer for multiple years earn more than other workers.
Those who have been with an employer for a year or less earn an average of $6.76 per hour, and those who have been with the same employer for at least 6 years earn an average of $8.05 per hour.
Low Wages : National Farm Worker Ministry

So OK there is a FACT you made a gross assumption about.."is far less"....
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average hourly wage for a hairdresser can be as high as $19.95 per hour or more;
however, only the top 10 percent of all hairdressers, hairstylists and cosmetologists in the country make this amount.
The bottom 10 percent of these professionals make an average of $8.04 per hour.
Entry-Level Hourly Salary for a Hairdresser | Chron.com
AGAIN FACTS NOT GUESSES ...GEEZ this again is so disgusting how people like YOU JUMP to conclusions WITH NO BASIS!!!!
YOU said again"farm workers, domestic help, wait staff, hairdressers, some sales, some delivery persons, and most telemarketers the minimum wage is far less"
Totally out out of touch!
So how about those "delivery persons you said earn less then Minimum...
The Bureau of Labor Statistics groups pizza delivery drivers under the broader job category of "Driver/Sales Workers."
These workers earned a median wage of $10.95 an hour or $22,770 a year as of May 2011, according to the BLS.
The lowest-paid 10 percent made $8.01 an hour, while the highest-paid 10 percent earned $21.98 or more.
However, because pizza delivery drivers earn tips and may be classified as wait staff by a restaurant, their actual hourly wages may be much lower than that.
How Much Money Does a Pizza Delivery Driver Make? | Chron.com
AGAIN you keep jumping to MSM myths, cliches,etc... Wrong!!
Where is "Over here"?
There is a minimum wage here in the USA.. Federally it is right now $7.25 but the discussion is raising to $10.10.
Then each state has it's own minimum wage rate.
State Minimum Wage Chart | 2014 Minimum Wage by State
Ranging from no minimum wage to $9.10 in Oregon.. with most states being at the $7.25 minimum wage.
So what is different between "over here" and here in the USA?
Federal law is minimum wage $7.25 and in Oregon is $9.10.... "workers' rights" you know!!!

Actually, for farm workers, domestic help, wait staff, hairdressers, some sales, some delivery persons, and most telemarketers the minimum wage is far less than $7.25 and/or it's based entirely on commission, in the business owner's favor.

Plenty of people (from Frito Lay drivers to many tow jockeys) make damn good money working on commissions!
Simple fact: the guy sweeping the floor at Joe's Package Store is not worth $10/hour!

Kind of depends, doesn't it.

Someone slips and breaks his back at the package store because the guy sweeping it didn't give a fuck for 7.25 an hour, and he ends up suing Joe for everything Joe owns, Joe might have wished he put a crobar in his wallet and paid for a guy who would do the job right.
Those employers are selfish people who work their employees into the ground yet pay them virtually nothing for it.

Over here, workers have something called RIGHTS. There is a legal minimum wage and an employer is not allowed to pay you below that.

Where is "Over here"?
There is a minimum wage here in the USA.. Federally it is right now $7.25 but the discussion is raising to $10.10.
Then each state has it's own minimum wage rate.
State Minimum Wage Chart | 2014 Minimum Wage by State
Ranging from no minimum wage to $9.10 in Oregon.. with most states being at the $7.25 minimum wage.
So what is different between "over here" and here in the USA?
Federal law is minimum wage $7.25 and in Oregon is $9.10.... "workers' rights" you know!!!

Minimum wage is double that in Australia.

And that is a LIE!!!
IT IS NOT double for ALL Australians!!!!

John Stossel's poor logic on minimum wages and jobs : Columbia Journalism Review
Australia Minimum wage per age:
Under 16 $6.03 BELOW USA of $7.25
16 $7.74
17 $9.46
18 $11.18
19 $13.51
20 $16.00

Demographics of Australia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Age of Australians wooo... 23.4 million population (just happens to be 7.6% of USA 310 million!!!)
age of 15 to 24 years 3,162,380!
WOW what a comparison!
Age 25 - 54 9,885,366
Age 55 to 65 2,764,154
Over 65 3,373,205

so again WHERE ARE YOUR FACTS that
A) double ???
B) WHAT ARE YOU Comparables???
Those of us that have a modicum of business intelligence told you naive supporters of MW increases these activities would happen!

A new study has found that 38 percent of employers will lay workers off if the minimum wage is increased as President Barack Obama has proposed.
Express Employment Professionals, the nation’s largest privately held staffing firm, surveyed 1,213 business owners and human resources professionals nationwide asking them if they would be impacted if the minimum wage was increased.
Roughly 54 percent of the study participants said they would reduce hiring and
65 percent said they would raise prices on their goods and services.
Study: 38 Percent Of Employers Will Lay Off Workers If Minimum Wage Is Hiked « CBS DC

The problem is that most naive ignorant people have NO idea the affect of raising the MW in that the devastating affect was REDUCED hiring.. so much for
this administration's job creation efforts!

Those employers are selfish people who work their employees into the ground yet pay them virtually nothing for it.

Over here, workers have something called RIGHTS. There is a legal minimum wage and an employer is not allowed to pay you below that.

We dont care how you do it in australia.:eusa_hand:
Those of us that have a modicum of business intelligence told you naive supporters of MW increases these activities would happen!

A new study has found that 38 percent of employers will lay workers off if the minimum wage is increased as President Barack Obama has proposed.
Express Employment Professionals, the nation’s largest privately held staffing firm, surveyed 1,213 business owners and human resources professionals nationwide asking them if they would be impacted if the minimum wage was increased.
Roughly 54 percent of the study participants said they would reduce hiring and
65 percent said they would raise prices on their goods and services.
Study: 38 Percent Of Employers Will Lay Off Workers If Minimum Wage Is Hiked « CBS DC

The problem is that most naive ignorant people have NO idea the affect of raising the MW in that the devastating affect was REDUCED hiring.. so much for
this administration's job creation efforts!

Those employers are selfish people who work their employees into the ground yet pay them virtually nothing for it.

Over here, workers have something called RIGHTS. There is a legal minimum wage and an employer is not allowed to pay you below that.

We dont care how you do it in australia.:eusa_hand:

That's right!

Here in America, labor is just another commodity to be gotten at the lowest possible price.
Where is "Over here"?
There is a minimum wage here in the USA.. Federally it is right now $7.25 but the discussion is raising to $10.10.
Then each state has it's own minimum wage rate.
State Minimum Wage Chart | 2014 Minimum Wage by State
Ranging from no minimum wage to $9.10 in Oregon.. with most states being at the $7.25 minimum wage.
So what is different between "over here" and here in the USA?
Federal law is minimum wage $7.25 and in Oregon is $9.10.... "workers' rights" you know!!!

Minimum wage is double that in Australia.

And that is a LIE!!!
IT IS NOT double for ALL Australians!!!!

John Stossel's poor logic on minimum wages and jobs : Columbia Journalism Review
Australia Minimum wage per age:
Under 16 $6.03 BELOW USA of $7.25
16 $7.74
17 $9.46
18 $11.18
19 $13.51
20 $16.00

Demographics of Australia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Age of Australians wooo... 23.4 million population (just happens to be 7.6% of USA 310 million!!!)
age of 15 to 24 years 3,162,380!
WOW what a comparison!
Age 25 - 54 9,885,366
Age 55 to 65 2,764,154
Over 65 3,373,205

so again WHERE ARE YOUR FACTS that
A) double ???
B) WHAT ARE YOU Comparables???

So australians get a raise in min wage just because they got older?
What kind of fucked up system is that?:cuckoo:
Those employers are selfish people who work their employees into the ground yet pay them virtually nothing for it.

Over here, workers have something called RIGHTS. There is a legal minimum wage and an employer is not allowed to pay you below that.

We dont care how you do it in australia.:eusa_hand:

That's right!

Here in America, labor is just another commodity to be gotten at the lowest possible price.

Yeah....kinda makes you want to work harder doesn't it?
Or in a libs case just give up because it's to hard.
austraia sounds like a great place for you....all you have to do is live for another year to get a raise. Even a lib can manage that.
We dont care how you do it in australia.:eusa_hand:

That's right!

Here in America, labor is just another commodity to be gotten at the lowest possible price.

Yeah....kinda makes you want to work harder doesn't it?
Or in a libs case just give up because it's to hard.
austraia sounds like a great place for you....all you have to do is live for another year to get a raise. Even a lib can manage that.

It is a standard operating procedure for all low information people like the "Aussie Lassie" (could have said "dog"... but too much of a gent...)
without any substantiation make wild ass claims that if information mavens like most conservatives are we'd have a government run based on
the most compelling anecdote that triggers the most sympathy and ultimately legislation!
WAIT we do have that!
Case in point ... I still don't understand why even conservatives don't get upset that we were all sold a bill of goods with ACA because almost everyone
including Congress believes there were 46 million truly uninsured!
BUT again gross hyperbolism in action!
Subtract 10 million illegals that hell the Census admits were counted as part of the 46 million!
Subtract 14 million counted as "uninsured' that all need they needed to do if they weren't so lazy is register even before ACA with Medicaid!
finally 18 million that never wanted, never needed, could afford (make over $50k) refuse employers' plans are counted!
GYPE. HYPE. LIE... Total of 42 million inflates to 46 million and not the 4 million truly need insurance!
And so THIS is how we get such dangerous and destructive KNEE jerk legislation... all because the majority of people THINK!
Those of us that have a modicum of business intelligence told you naive supporters of MW increases these activities would happen!

A new study has found that 38 percent of employers will lay workers off if the minimum wage is increased as President Barack Obama has proposed.
Express Employment Professionals, the nation’s largest privately held staffing firm, surveyed 1,213 business owners and human resources professionals nationwide asking them if they would be impacted if the minimum wage was increased.
Roughly 54 percent of the study participants said they would reduce hiring and
65 percent said they would raise prices on their goods and services.
Study: 38 Percent Of Employers Will Lay Off Workers If Minimum Wage Is Hiked « CBS DC

The problem is that most naive ignorant people have NO idea the affect of raising the MW in that the devastating affect was REDUCED hiring.. so much for
this administration's job creation efforts!

Those employers are selfish people who work their employees into the ground yet pay them virtually nothing for it.

Over here, workers have something called RIGHTS. There is a legal minimum wage and an employer is not allowed to pay you below that.

I'm willing to be you've never been "worked into the ground" even once your entire life.

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