38% employers will lay off employees if minimum wage raised..we told you!

38% employers will lay off employees if minimum wage raised..we told you

No, they won't, but they will replace them with better educated and older employees.
A) 38% surveyed said they are going to lay off. I didn't say it THEY SAID IT! So why are you disputing what they said?
B) Why would they lay off they turn around and re-hire "educated and older employees"? That makes absolutely NO business sense!

Because you don't have the evidence that employers every carried through their silly threats before.

Your silly comment about B) above demonstrates you know nothing about business.

First of all you haven't a clue as to how people get paid minimum wage do you?
Second, I know enough about economics that:
1) if you have a lawn business employing 10 people at minimum wage $7.25 (Plus you business ignorant forget EMPLOYERS also pay 7.6% on top of wages FICA???)
2) That is in one year a total of $162,336.
3) But if they have to pay a 39% increase or $63,814 MORE per year.. WHERE will this business get the revenue to pay this additional $63,814?

This is NOT insignificant. And if YOU know so much about business then YOU'd appreciate that the evil business owner will have three choices:
1) Let 4 employees go that were paid the $63,000 but if he does he can't do the lawn mowing!
2) Or raise the prices to pick up the $63,000 BUT if he does that he will lose customers.
3) He can not get those evil profits he was making.... which is how people like you think he should do.
Of course those evil profits were buying lawn equipment so he could have hired MORE workers or even pay more taxes on evil profits.
So what will the business owner do is probably let 2 go and raise prices 20% losing customers.
All things considered, the CBO Report supports the anti-minimum wagers’ arguments about unemployment and while it seems to show the income gains might offset the decrease in employment, after more analysis, the “upsides” are nothing of the sort.
The report should be enough to show the negative effects of the minimum wage, but politicians are unlikely to give it a second look. CBO Report: "A higher minimum wage tends to increase the employment of higher-wage workers"

Do you idiots that stupidly support a 40% increase in minimum wage have the slightest comprehension of what the CBO says???

The first place is outlined in effect 1.
The new income for workers who remain employed is coming from the income lost by the now unemployed workers.
Part of the increase in income is merely being transferred from some workers to other workers.
This is no net gain, and for reasons I’ll explain later, is actually a negative effect.

The second place the new income is coming from is the profits of the employers, which has three major consequences:
To make up for the losses, employers will raise prices and cause price inflation. This lowers everyone’s real income.
Another way they make up for the losses is to reduce benefits, effectively lowering real employee compensation.
The last major effect is the now reduced profits, will, in the long-term, reduce the incentive for new employers and businesses to start up, which will further reduce employment options and economic growth.
- See more at: CBO Report: "A higher minimum wage tends to increase the employment of higher-wage workers"
None of your business. At least I have a job.

I don't have to work anymore at all because I didn't stay at an entry level job my entire life.

I choose to work because I enjoy meeting people and earning money.

Got a problem with that?

Why would I?

What I have a problem with is that you think that because you are 30 and in an entry level job that you "deserve" more pay than a 17 year old in that same job.
A) 38% surveyed said they are going to lay off. I didn't say it THEY SAID IT! So why are you disputing what they said?
B) Why would they lay off they turn around and re-hire "educated and older employees"? That makes absolutely NO business sense!

Because you don't have the evidence that employers every carried through their silly threats before.

Your silly comment about B) above demonstrates you know nothing about business.

First of all you haven't a clue as to how people get paid minimum wage do you?
Second, I know enough about economics that:
1) if you have a lawn business employing 10 people at minimum wage $7.25 (Plus you business ignorant forget EMPLOYERS also pay 7.6% on top of wages FICA???)
2) That is in one year a total of $162,336.
3) But if they have to pay a 39% increase or $63,814 MORE per year.. WHERE will this business get the revenue to pay this additional $63,814?

This is NOT insignificant. And if YOU know so much about business then YOU'd appreciate that the evil business owner will have three choices:
1) Let 4 employees go that were paid the $63,000 but if he does he can't do the lawn mowing!
2) Or raise the prices to pick up the $63,000 BUT if he does that he will lose customers.
3) He can not get those evil profits he was making.... which is how people like you think he should do.
Of course those evil profits were buying lawn equipment so he could have hired MORE workers or even pay more taxes on evil profits.
So what will the business owner do is probably let 2 go and raise prices 20% losing customers.

Or continue paying his illegals off the books who already make more than minimum wage but get to keep it all and send most back home to south America.
I the government wants to make it possible to feed and raise a family like they say with a livable wage how about ending TAXES all together . Most of us that can read do not like the way government spend our tax dollars anyway.
Because you don't have the evidence that employers every carried through their silly threats before.

Your silly comment about B) above demonstrates you know nothing about business.

First of all you haven't a clue as to how people get paid minimum wage do you?
Second, I know enough about economics that:
1) if you have a lawn business employing 10 people at minimum wage $7.25 (Plus you business ignorant forget EMPLOYERS also pay 7.6% on top of wages FICA???)
2) That is in one year a total of $162,336.
3) But if they have to pay a 39% increase or $63,814 MORE per year.. WHERE will this business get the revenue to pay this additional $63,814?

This is NOT insignificant. And if YOU know so much about business then YOU'd appreciate that the evil business owner will have three choices:
1) Let 4 employees go that were paid the $63,000 but if he does he can't do the lawn mowing!
2) Or raise the prices to pick up the $63,000 BUT if he does that he will lose customers.
3) He can not get those evil profits he was making.... which is how people like you think he should do.
Of course those evil profits were buying lawn equipment so he could have hired MORE workers or even pay more taxes on evil profits.
So what will the business owner do is probably let 2 go and raise prices 20% losing customers.

Or continue paying his illegals off the books who already make more than minimum wage but get to keep it all and send most back home to south America.
I the government wants to make it possible to feed and raise a family like they say with a livable wage how about ending TAXES all together . Most of us that can read do not like the way government spend our tax dollars anyway.

I AGREE with you on all your points EXCEPT "ENDING TAXES".
I AGREE with you especially how our govt. spends.
38% employers will lay off employees if minimum wage raised..we told you

No, they won't, but they will replace them with better educated and older employees.
A) 38% surveyed said they are going to lay off. I didn't say it THEY SAID IT! So why are you disputing what they said?
B) Why would they lay off they turn around and re-hire "educated and older employees"? That makes absolutely NO business sense!

Would they prefer to hire teenagers who have no idea what they are doing? Say bye bye to the business, then.

So you're saying teenagers will now be screwed? Wow that's just great,take away one of the most common starter jobs for teenagers.
Do liberals ever think about unintended consequences?
A) 38% surveyed said they are going to lay off. I didn't say it THEY SAID IT! So why are you disputing what they said?
B) Why would they lay off they turn around and re-hire "educated and older employees"? That makes absolutely NO business sense!

Would they prefer to hire teenagers who have no idea what they are doing? Say bye bye to the business, then.

So you're saying teenagers will now be screwed? Wow that's just great,take away one of the most common starter jobs for teenagers.
Do liberals ever think about unintended consequences?

Good point.."unintended consequences" though are NOT just the results of liberals!

In 1986 some well intentioned GOP as well as Demos thought how much more helpful would it be for hospitals that take Medicare patients to :
1986 EMTALA...Enacted by the federal government in 1986, requires that hospital emergency departments treat emergency conditions of all patients regardless of their ability to pay and is considered a critical element in the "safety net" for the uninsured, but established no direct payment mechanism for such care. Indirect payments and reimbursements through federal and state government programs have never fully compensated public and private hospitals for the full cost of care mandated by EMTALA. Health care in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So again these "unintended consequences" result in this:
In 2009 5008 hospitals reported $39.1 billion in unreimbursed expenses!
Source: Health Forum, AHA Annual Survey Data, 1980-2009 http://www.aha.org/content/00-10/10uncompensatedcare.pdf

And as a result hospitals like this overcharge Medicare sometimes up to 6,000% above costs!
In 2012..
The Florida hospital in Tampa SENT to Medicare 1,120 claims for Computed Tomography without Contrast services..

Each claim they filed with Medicare was for $3,639.

The cost to do the CAT scan to the hospital - $59

A total markup of $3,580.00 over the cost to do the service of:
6,067.8% MARK UP over costs!

Unintended consequences??? OBAMACARE/ACA/destruction of health care system/1/6th of the economy screwed UP !
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Would they prefer to hire teenagers who have no idea what they are doing? Say bye bye to the business, then.

So you're saying teenagers will now be screwed? Wow that's just great,take away one of the most common starter jobs for teenagers.
Do liberals ever think about unintended consequences?

Good point.."unintended consequences" though are NOT just the results of liberals!

In 1986 some well intentioned GOP as well as Demos thought how much more helpful would it be for hospitals that take Medicare patients to :
1986 EMTALA...Enacted by the federal government in 1986, requires that hospital emergency departments treat emergency conditions of all patients regardless of their ability to pay and is considered a critical element in the "safety net" for the uninsured, but established no direct payment mechanism for such care. Indirect payments and reimbursements through federal and state government programs have never fully compensated public and private hospitals for the full cost of care mandated by EMTALA. Health care in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So again these "unintended consequences" result in this:
In 2009 5008 hospitals reported $39.1 billion in unreimbursed expenses!
Source: Health Forum, AHA Annual Survey Data, 1980-2009 http://www.aha.org/content/00-10/10uncompensatedcare.pdf

And as a result hospitals like this overcharge Medicare sometimes up to 6,000% above costs!
In 2012..
The Florida hospital in Tampa SENT to Medicare 1,120 claims for Computed Tomography without Contrast services..

Each claim they filed with Medicare was for $3,639.

The cost to do the CAT scan to the hospital - $59

A total markup of $3,580.00 over the cost to do the service of:
6,067.8% MARK UP over costs!

Unintended consequences??? OBAMACARE/ACA/destruction of health care system/1/6th of the economy screwed UP !

And this has what to do with the topic?
So you're saying teenagers will now be screwed? Wow that's just great,take away one of the most common starter jobs for teenagers.
Do liberals ever think about unintended consequences?

Good point.."unintended consequences" though are NOT just the results of liberals!

In 1986 some well intentioned GOP as well as Demos thought how much more helpful would it be for hospitals that take Medicare patients to :
1986 EMTALA...Enacted by the federal government in 1986, requires that hospital emergency departments treat emergency conditions of all patients regardless of their ability to pay and is considered a critical element in the "safety net" for the uninsured, but established no direct payment mechanism for such care. Indirect payments and reimbursements through federal and state government programs have never fully compensated public and private hospitals for the full cost of care mandated by EMTALA. Health care in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So again these "unintended consequences" result in this:
In 2009 5008 hospitals reported $39.1 billion in unreimbursed expenses!
Source: Health Forum, AHA Annual Survey Data, 1980-2009 http://www.aha.org/content/00-10/10uncompensatedcare.pdf

And as a result hospitals like this overcharge Medicare sometimes up to 6,000% above costs!
In 2012..
The Florida hospital in Tampa SENT to Medicare 1,120 claims for Computed Tomography without Contrast services..

Each claim they filed with Medicare was for $3,639.

The cost to do the CAT scan to the hospital - $59

A total markup of $3,580.00 over the cost to do the service of:
6,067.8% MARK UP over costs!

Unintended consequences??? OBAMACARE/ACA/destruction of health care system/1/6th of the economy screwed UP !

And this has what to do with the topic?

But of course the comparison I wrote showing a "compassionate" legislation creating "UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES" went over some people's heads!
Good point.."unintended consequences" though are NOT just the results of liberals!

In 1986 some well intentioned GOP as well as Demos thought how much more helpful would it be for hospitals that take Medicare patients to :
1986 EMTALA...Enacted by the federal government in 1986, requires that hospital emergency departments treat emergency conditions of all patients regardless of their ability to pay and is considered a critical element in the "safety net" for the uninsured, but established no direct payment mechanism for such care. Indirect payments and reimbursements through federal and state government programs have never fully compensated public and private hospitals for the full cost of care mandated by EMTALA. Health care in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So again these "unintended consequences" result in this:
In 2009 5008 hospitals reported $39.1 billion in unreimbursed expenses!
Source: Health Forum, AHA Annual Survey Data, 1980-2009 http://www.aha.org/content/00-10/10uncompensatedcare.pdf

And as a result hospitals like this overcharge Medicare sometimes up to 6,000% above costs!
In 2012..
The Florida hospital in Tampa SENT to Medicare 1,120 claims for Computed Tomography without Contrast services..

Each claim they filed with Medicare was for $3,639.

The cost to do the CAT scan to the hospital - $59

A total markup of $3,580.00 over the cost to do the service of:
6,067.8% MARK UP over costs!

Unintended consequences??? OBAMACARE/ACA/destruction of health care system/1/6th of the economy screwed UP !

And this has what to do with the topic?

But of course the comparison I wrote showing a "compassionate" legislation creating "UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES" went over some people's heads!

If you want to talk about the unintended consequences of your choice go start a thread about it.
This one is about min wage and the consequences of raising it.
And this has what to do with the topic?

But of course the comparison I wrote showing a "compassionate" legislation creating "UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES" went over some people's heads!

If you want to talk about the unintended consequences of your choice go start a thread about it.
This one is about min wage and the consequences of raising it.

Shoot the messenger rather then comment about the message!
My thread I started showed businesses will be letting people go if MW goes to $10.80...
I showed CBO agrees!
I showed how as one person's comment being "unintended consequences" that we can't seem to learn to NOT cause more problems by trying
to solve anecdotal minimal problems, i.e. covering "uninsured" didn't intend to create $40 billion plus 6,000% markups!
ALL by trying to do something that government can't seem to do.. i.e. manage our lives from womb to tomb!
But of course the comparison I wrote showing a "compassionate" legislation creating "UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES" went over some people's heads!

If you want to talk about the unintended consequences of your choice go start a thread about it.
This one is about min wage and the consequences of raising it.

Shoot the messenger rather then comment about the message!
My thread I started showed businesses will be letting people go if MW goes to $10.80...
I showed CBO agrees!
I showed how as one person's comment being "unintended consequences" that we can't seem to learn to NOT cause more problems by trying
to solve anecdotal minimal problems, i.e. covering "uninsured" didn't intend to create $40 billion plus 6,000% markups!
ALL by trying to do something that government can't seem to do.. i.e. manage our lives from womb to tomb!

Yeah Okay.......so where exactly can I find you? I mean the offer still stands to shoot the messenger right?
It does sound like a reasonable solution,kinda like putting down a horse with a broken leg.
A) 38% surveyed said they are going to lay off. I didn't say it THEY SAID IT! So why are you disputing what they said?
B) Why would they lay off they turn around and re-hire "educated and older employees"? That makes absolutely NO business sense!

Because you don't have the evidence that employers every carried through their silly threats before.

Your silly comment about B) above demonstrates you know nothing about business.

First of all you haven't a clue as to how people get paid minimum wage do you?
Second, I know enough about economics that:
1) if you have a lawn business employing 10 people at minimum wage $7.25 (Plus you business ignorant forget EMPLOYERS also pay 7.6% on top of wages FICA???)
2) That is in one year a total of $162,336.
3) But if they have to pay a 39% increase or $63,814 MORE per year.. WHERE will this business get the revenue to pay this additional $63,814?

This is NOT insignificant. And if YOU know so much about business then YOU'd appreciate that the evil business owner will have three choices:
1) Let 4 employees go that were paid the $63,000 but if he does he can't do the lawn mowing!
2) Or raise the prices to pick up the $63,000 BUT if he does that he will lose customers.
3) He can not get those evil profits he was making.... which is how people like you think he should do.
Of course those evil profits were buying lawn equipment so he could have hired MORE workers or even pay more taxes on evil profits.
So what will the business owner do is probably let 2 go and raise prices 20% losing customers.

Actually, he'll probably just hire some illegal aliens and pay them in cash.
If you want to talk about the unintended consequences of your choice go start a thread about it.
This one is about min wage and the consequences of raising it.

Shoot the messenger rather then comment about the message!
My thread I started showed businesses will be letting people go if MW goes to $10.80...
I showed CBO agrees!
I showed how as one person's comment being "unintended consequences" that we can't seem to learn to NOT cause more problems by trying
to solve anecdotal minimal problems, i.e. covering "uninsured" didn't intend to create $40 billion plus 6,000% markups!
ALL by trying to do something that government can't seem to do.. i.e. manage our lives from womb to tomb!

Yeah Okay.......so where exactly can I find you? I mean the offer still stands to shoot the messenger right?
It does sound like a reasonable solution,kinda like putting down a horse with a broken leg.

Are you threatening my life?
Shoot the messenger rather then comment about the message!
My thread I started showed businesses will be letting people go if MW goes to $10.80...
I showed CBO agrees!
I showed how as one person's comment being "unintended consequences" that we can't seem to learn to NOT cause more problems by trying
to solve anecdotal minimal problems, i.e. covering "uninsured" didn't intend to create $40 billion plus 6,000% markups!
ALL by trying to do something that government can't seem to do.. i.e. manage our lives from womb to tomb!

Yeah Okay.......so where exactly can I find you? I mean the offer still stands to shoot the messenger right?
It does sound like a reasonable solution,kinda like putting down a horse with a broken leg.

Are you threatening my life?

Are you such a blithering idiot that you cant detect humor?
How do you manage to come out of your moms basement living in fear like that?
Yeah Okay.......so where exactly can I find you? I mean the offer still stands to shoot the messenger right?
It does sound like a reasonable solution,kinda like putting down a horse with a broken leg.

Are you threatening my life?

Are you such a blithering idiot that you cant detect humor?
How do you manage to come out of your moms basement living in fear like that?

Well frankly YOU are the first person in my 71 years who ever threatened to put me down like a horse.

I am wondering if the moderators might find your threat in violation of:
No Direct or implied threats of violence/harm towards another member, or members family and/or threats with the intent of interfering in or disrupting a member's life.http://www.usmessageboard.com/annou...48-usmb-rules-and-guidelines.html#post6790048
Are you threatening my life?

Are you such a blithering idiot that you cant detect humor?
How do you manage to come out of your moms basement living in fear like that?

Well frankly YOU are the first person in my 71 years who ever threatened to put me down like a horse.

I am wondering if the moderators might find your threat in violation of:
No Direct or implied threats of violence/harm towards another member, or members family and/or threats with the intent of interfering in or disrupting a member's life.http://www.usmessageboard.com/annou...48-usmb-rules-and-guidelines.html#post6790048

If you took that serious you're a dumbass. But I guess I shouldnt be surprised.
Are you such a blithering idiot that you cant detect humor?
How do you manage to come out of your moms basement living in fear like that?

Well frankly YOU are the first person in my 71 years who ever threatened to put me down like a horse.

I am wondering if the moderators might find your threat in violation of:
No Direct or implied threats of violence/harm towards another member, or members family and/or threats with the intent of interfering in or disrupting a member's life.http://www.usmessageboard.com/annou...48-usmb-rules-and-guidelines.html#post6790048

If you took that serious you're a dumbass. But I guess I shouldnt be surprised.

Well see I take things like death threats serious as I've never been threatened by people I share dialogue with but it seems your own retort is to make physical threats.
The more you make light of it the more you concern me because normal people don't need to lash out especially when you made the threat.
There is no humor when it comes to making death threats.
Well frankly YOU are the first person in my 71 years who ever threatened to put me down like a horse.

I am wondering if the moderators might find your threat in violation of:
No Direct or implied threats of violence/harm towards another member, or members family and/or threats with the intent of interfering in or disrupting a member's life.http://www.usmessageboard.com/annou...48-usmb-rules-and-guidelines.html#post6790048

If you took that serious you're a dumbass. But I guess I shouldnt be surprised.

Well see I take things like death threats serious as I've never been threatened by people I share dialogue with but it seems your own retort is to make physical threats.
The more you make light of it the more you concern me because normal people don't need to lash out especially when you made the threat.
There is no humor when it comes to making death threats.

I'm not the one who brought up shooting the messenger. That would be you.
Why so violent?

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