38% employers will lay off employees if minimum wage raised..we told you!

Those of us that have a modicum of business intelligence told you naive supporters of MW increases these activities would happen!

A new study has found that 38 percent of employers will lay workers off if the minimum wage is increased as President Barack Obama has proposed.
Express Employment Professionals, the nation’s largest privately held staffing firm, surveyed 1,213 business owners and human resources professionals nationwide asking them if they would be impacted if the minimum wage was increased.
Roughly 54 percent of the study participants said they would reduce hiring and
65 percent said they would raise prices on their goods and services.
Study: 38 Percent Of Employers Will Lay Off Workers If Minimum Wage Is Hiked « CBS DC

The problem is that most naive ignorant people have NO idea the affect of raising the MW in that the devastating affect was REDUCED hiring.. so much for
this administration's job creation efforts!

Really? we hear the same crap every time the Min wage goes up. In Washingtom state it went up to 10 dollars and hour and the unemployment fell

Accordingly, a few weeks ago, over 100 economists at organizations ranging from the Center for American Progress to Boston University signed a petition in support of increasing the minimum wage. They present current research from well-established organizations such as the National Bureau of Economic Research that shows there are no negative employment effects from minimum wage increases. This includes the most comprehensive data available, based on the increasingly accurate testing that has occurred as more and more states increase minimum wage levels. Even more importantly, this recent series of studies use cutting-edge econometric techniques to control for extraneous variables such as economic downturns and geographic effects. When economists do that, they find that minimum wage increases do not reduce employment.


Really? Washington states minimum wage increased from $9.19 an hour to $9.32 an hour on JAN 1st of this year. Research your sources before repeating them so you don't look like a fool, or if intentional, know you will be called on it.

If you need 10 people and you pay them 100 dollars a day to make a 1000 widgets at 1000 dollars a widgets, if you had to pay the workers 150 dollars a day, would you fire 2 workers and lose 2000 dollars a day to save 300 dollars a day?

Now tell me if you come up with the correct answer to this question.
Subtract 42 million from 46 million.

What do you get?

What do you mean?
I still haven't figured out why some people want American workers to not get paid with wages that keep up with inflation. I guess they could care less about their children or their children's children. But at the same time they defend CEO pay increase that easily defy inflation.
The US economy is 70% driven by consumer spending but with decades of flat wage growth each recession is followed by longer and longer economic recoveries. That's a fact. Please look at the recovery periods ever since the flat wage growth phenomena has taken place. It all started in the 80's now look at the recovery period, versus the recovery periods when there was real wage growth.


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If you need 10 people and you pay them 100 dollars a day to make a 1000 widgets at 1000 dollars a widgets, if you had to pay the workers 150 dollars a day, would you fire 2 workers and lose 2000 dollars a day to save 300 dollars a day?

When an automated widget maker then is cheaper in making the widgets at a total cost of $275 a day, damn straight I would.. as well as getting rid of the other 8

You would still need skilled workers to operate an automated widget maker plus someone to repair them...also you would need someone to make the automated machine maker.
Come on people! Tell me that THESE employers are full of crap!
They don't know what they are doing!
Tell this to these employers!
  • Firms with 1 to 4 employees 3,617,764 employees 6,086,291 payroll $ 232,062,907,000
  • Firms with 5 to 9 employees 1,056,947 employees 6,878,051 payroll $ 222,504,912,000
  • Firms with 10 to 19 employees 633,141 employees 8,497,391 payroll $ 293,534,352,000
  • Firms with 20 to 99 employees 526,307 employees 20,684,691 payroll $ 774,589,335,000

Can't tell you about something that hasn't happened. When it does let us know how someone else you parroted told us so.
I still haven't figured out why some people want American workers to not get paid with wages that keep up with inflation. I guess they could care less about their children or their children's children. But at the same time they defend CEO pay increase that easily defy inflation.
The US economy is 70% driven by consumer spending but with decades of flat wage growth each recession is followed by longer and longer economic recoveries. That's a fact. Please look at the recovery periods ever since the flat wage growth phenomena has taken place. It all started in the 80's now look at the recovery period, versus the recovery periods when there was real wage growth.

First, who works for minimum wage? Teen agers and some just wanting a part time non skilled job. Secondly, you raise the minimum wage, it isn'tjust that difference the employer has to pay. Third, and most importantly, it only increases the cost of living for those very same people you are claming to want to help, along with evryone elses. Others above the minimum will have to wait much longer to get their earned raises (through increasing their own skill sets).

Now, tell me why it is the left continually denigrate those considered wealthy or rich? I will tell you why; to take the focus off of their out of control spending and irresponsible behavior. So they don't have to be held accountable for needing more money in those govt. coffers.
I still haven't figured out why some people want American workers to not get paid with wages that keep up with inflation. I guess they could care less about their children or their children's children. But at the same time they defend CEO pay increase that easily defy inflation.
The US economy is 70% driven by consumer spending but with decades of flat wage growth each recession is followed by longer and longer economic recoveries. That's a fact. Please look at the recovery periods ever since the flat wage growth phenomena has taken place. It all started in the 80's now look at the recovery period, versus the recovery periods when there was real wage growth.

First, who works for minimum wage? Teen agers and some just wanting a part time non skilled job. Secondly, you raise the minimum wage, it isn'tjust that difference the employer has to pay. Third, and most importantly, it only increases the cost of living for those very same people you are claming to want to help, along with evryone elses. Others above the minimum will have to wait much longer to get their earned raises (through increasing their own skill sets).

Now, tell me why it is the left continually denigrate those considered wealthy or rich? I will tell you why; to take the focus off of their out of control spending and irresponsible behavior. So they don't have to be held accountable for needing more money in those govt. coffers.

When the minimum wage increases, typically a ripple effect takes place and wages rise in all the sectors.
The middle class/working class has been screwed over for over three decades, I guess some folks just want the middle class to continue it's downward path.
Please explain why. Also tell me exactly how that strengthens the US economy.
The fact of the matter is as the middle class/working class weakens, the economic stability of the US economy weakens. Please tell me why that is good.
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I did not read past your first line. It says enough-ripple effect. First, show me anything backing up that in a recessed economy that always occurs, not to mention all the added expense businesses are already, or will be soon, dealing with the ACA. Next, yes, there will be a ripple felt -in cost of living rising along with it.
I still haven't figured out why some people want American workers to not get paid with wages that keep up with inflation. I guess they could care less about their children or their children's children. But at the same time they defend CEO pay increase that easily defy inflation.
The US economy is 70% driven by consumer spending but with decades of flat wage growth each recession is followed by longer and longer economic recoveries. That's a fact. Please look at the recovery periods ever since the flat wage growth phenomena has taken place. It all started in the 80's now look at the recovery period, versus the recovery periods when there was real wage growth.
First, who works for minimum wage? Teen agers and some just wanting a part time non skilled job. Secondly, you raise the minimum wage, it isn'tjust that difference the employer has to pay. Third, and most importantly, it only increases the cost of living for those very same people you are claming to want to help, along with evryone elses. Others above the minimum will have to wait much longer to get their earned raises (through increasing their own skill sets).

Now, tell me why it is the left continually denigrate those considered wealthy or rich? I will tell you why; to take the focus off of their out of control spending and irresponsible behavior. So they don't have to be held accountable for needing more money in those govt. coffers.

When the minimum wage increases, typically a ripple effect takes place and wages rise in all the sectors.
The middle class/working class has been screwed over for over three decades, I guess some folks just want the middle class to continue it's downward path.
Please explain why. Also tell me exactly how that strengthens the US economy.
The fact of the matter is as the middle class/working class weakens, the economic stability of the US economy weakens. Please tell me why that is good.
I did not read past your first line. It says enough-ripple effect. First, show me anything backing up that in a recessed economy that always occurs, not to mention all the added expense businesses are already, or will be soon, dealing with the ACA. Next, yes, there will be a ripple felt -in cost of living rising along with it.
First, who works for minimum wage? Teen agers and some just wanting a part time non skilled job. Secondly, you raise the minimum wage, it isn'tjust that difference the employer has to pay. Third, and most importantly, it only increases the cost of living for those very same people you are claming to want to help, along with evryone elses. Others above the minimum will have to wait much longer to get their earned raises (through increasing their own skill sets).

Now, tell me why it is the left continually denigrate those considered wealthy or rich? I will tell you why; to take the focus off of their out of control spending and irresponsible behavior. So they don't have to be held accountable for needing more money in those govt. coffers.

When the minimum wage increases, typically a ripple effect takes place and wages rise in all the sectors.
The middle class/working class has been screwed over for over three decades, I guess some folks just want the middle class to continue it's downward path.
Please explain why. Also tell me exactly how that strengthens the US economy.
The fact of the matter is as the middle class/working class weakens, the economic stability of the US economy weakens. Please tell me why that is good.

You don't think there will be a ripple effect?

People who are making min. wage, which is more than they are worth now are going to get a 37% raise.

Don't you think you, who is probably more experienced and worthwhile at your job, deserve at least the same raise?

Or a you one of those compassionate liberals who are willing to sacrifice for the good of those earning less than you?
If you need 10 people and you pay them 100 dollars a day to make a 1000 widgets at 1000 dollars a widgets, if you had to pay the workers 150 dollars a day, would you fire 2 workers and lose 2000 dollars a day to save 300 dollars a day?

Now tell me if you come up with the correct answer to this question.
Subtract 42 million from 46 million.

What do you get?

What do you mean?
Testing your math skills. Subtract 42 million from 46 million.
Is that too complicated?
Those of us that have a modicum of business intelligence told you naive supporters of MW increases these activities would happen!

A new study has found that 38 percent of employers will lay workers off if the minimum wage is increased as President Barack Obama has proposed.
Express Employment Professionals, the nation’s largest privately held staffing firm, surveyed 1,213 business owners and human resources professionals nationwide asking them if they would be impacted if the minimum wage was increased.
Roughly 54 percent of the study participants said they would reduce hiring and
65 percent said they would raise prices on their goods and services.
Study: 38 Percent Of Employers Will Lay Off Workers If Minimum Wage Is Hiked « CBS DC

The problem is that most naive ignorant people have NO idea the affect of raising the MW in that the devastating affect was REDUCED hiring.. so much for
this administration's job creation efforts!

We've heard these threats since Nixon was in office. It didn't worked then, and it won't work now.
38% employers will lay off employees if minimum wage raised..we told you!

But everyone, EVERYONE would be happy if there was no minimum raise hike but instead universal healthcare for all the employees. Because then, with those savings and reassurances, small businesses would hire MORE people who would ALL have health coverage.

Tax sodas, booze & tobacco, small co-pays...make it happen. Then this entire economy would turn around. Why not? It's the reason corporations farm out so much labor overseas...you know...that labor comes cheap when its health expenses are covered...by socialism!

And the cat's out of the bag. You can't have "True capitalism" without true socialism, can you? Nope.
We heard that before. The truth is, Republicans want people to work for less than minimum wage with no benefits. It locks them into a job and moves the money to needy CEO's.
We heard that before. The truth is, Republicans want people to work for less than minimum wage with no benefits. It locks them into a job and moves the money to needy CEO's.

Which is curious because they are the "Christian based party". So is the Left but the Right makes more news out of it. And Christianity is all bout helping the poor.

Mathews 19:21, "Jesus answered, "If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me."

Why profile all of the poor as the people we see manipulating the system. The blind guy/girl gets the shaft. OPEN YOUR BRAIN.

(not you, that was a message to people in general)
I did not read past your first line. It says enough-ripple effect. First, show me anything backing up that in a recessed economy that always occurs, not to mention all the added expense businesses are already, or will be soon, dealing with the ACA. Next, yes, there will be a ripple felt -in cost of living rising along with it.
When the minimum wage increases, typically a ripple effect takes place and wages rise in all the sectors.
The middle class/working class has been screwed over for over three decades, I guess some folks just want the middle class to continue it's downward path.
Please explain why. Also tell me exactly how that strengthens the US economy.
The fact of the matter is as the middle class/working class weakens, the economic stability of the US economy weakens. Please tell me why that is good.

You don't think there will be a ripple effect?

People who are making min. wage, which is more than they are worth now are going to get a 37% raise.

Don't you think you, who is probably more experienced and worthwhile at your job, deserve at least the same raise?

Or a you one of those compassionate liberals who are willing to sacrifice for the good of those earning less than you?

I see you didn't answer my questions.
You seem to imply this is a right/left issue. No, it's a middle class issue. The middle class is made up of conservative, liberals and independents! If you had any concept of what has happened to the middle class you'd see this isn't a partisan issue. Now most aware people know that middle class has been losing ground in the US economy for over three decades and that's despite excellent productivity and also high profits.
You see to think that the middle class should continue their journey downwards and that's because you have made it a partisan issue. I would be willing to bet that you are in the middle class. I would bet your children and their children will be in the middle class, yet you have zero understanding the economics that have destroyed the middle class and you seem to have no concern about your own your future generations.
Now go back and answer my questions and if you can't,why not leave this thread?
What do you mean?
Testing your math skills. Subtract 42 million from 46 million.
Is that too complicated?

I see, that is supposed to be $10.00 a widget but my point was companies hire on production needs to meet demand.

You are demonstrating a very common problem in our society today i.e. making something very simple so complicated.

I didn't intend this demonstration of blowing out of proportion making something more then there is but you are doing that!
What is the remainder when you subtract 42 million from 46 million?
NOT complicated and a clue, it has nothing to do with your "widget" example.

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