38% employers will lay off employees if minimum wage raised..we told you!


It doesn't even occur to them that the reason free market capitalism creates such wealth and prosperity is that it motivates people to work harder and improve their skills, which not only helps them but the business as well. When you take away that motivation, you take away the ability of free market capitalism to improve, create and progress for everyone, regardless of their personal wealth.

This critical fact doesn't enter their minds. How can something so obvious and so critical not even enter their thought process?

There is NO EVIDENCE that raising wages have EVER caused inflation in this nation.

Every time there has been a bad inflationary period, it came from Government spending (usually to fight some war).

So forget trying to tell us that a rise in MW is going to have an inflationary effect.

The increased amounts of money that MW earners will get are so small compared to the overall income earned (in 2012 total incomes in USA were $13,401,868,693) that they won't make a blimp on inflation.
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Except not.

So australians get a raise in min wage just because they got older?
What kind of fucked up system is that?:cuckoo:

Of course - because a 30 year old shouldn't be earning the same wages as a 17 year old.

WOW!! Sounds like Loserville.
So are you guys just as proud to get that raise as you were when you learned to use the bigboy toilet? At least learning to use the bigboy toilet took some effort....you must be a proud nation.:lol:
There is NO EVIDENCE that raising wages have EVER caused inflation in this nation.

Every time there has been a bad inflationary period, it came from Government spending (usually to fight some war).

So forget trying to tell us that a rise in MW is going to have an inflationary effect.

The increased amounts of money that MW earners will get are so small compared to the overall income earned (in 2012 total incomes in USA were $13,401,868,693) that they won't make a blimp on inflation.

Sorry don't believe your "OPINION" as you don't have ANY supporting data!
On the other hand I am providing you supporting data that shows an inflationary effect, a job loss effect.

So anyone who understands basic economics knows that the result of raising the minimum wage can only be:

Higher unemployment as companies scale back to reduce expenses.
Higher costs to consumers as companies raise prices to cover the higher wages they have to pay
Companies closing their doors because they can’t scale back or raise prices.
In their book "Minimum Wages" economists David Neumark and William Wascher offer a comprehensive
overview of the evidence on the economic effects of minimum wages.
Based on their comprehensive reading of the evidence, Neumark and Wascher argue that minimum wages do not achieve the main goals set forth by their supporters.
They reduce employment opportunities for less-skilled workers and tend to reduce their earnings;
they are not an effective means of reducing poverty;
and they appear to have adverse longer-term effects on wages and earnings, in part by reducing the acquisition of human capital.
The authors argue that policymakers should instead look for other tools to raise the wages of low-skill workers
and to provide poor families with an acceptable standard of living.
Could a Raise in Minimum Wage Trigger Inflation?

Do Minimum Wage Increases Cause
Inflation? Evidence from Vietnam
Cuong Nguyen
20. March 2011
In addition to the nominal minimum wages, the figure also presents the real minimum wages in terms of the 1994 price (deflated by the CPI). It shows that the
nominal minimum wage increased by 442% from 120 to 650 thousand VND during the period 1994-2009. However, the real minimum wage just increased by 118% from 120 to
262 thousand VND. The annual growth rate of real minimum wages is estimated at around 5% which is lower than the average annual GDP growth rate of 7.5%.

Do Minimum Wage Increases Cause Inflation? Evidence from Vietnam - Munich Personal RePEc Archive

Where is your refuting data???
Earning a wage means they are working for their living. That is a lot better than infantile dependency on government.

Raise it in a sensible fashion. Base amount + a formula for increase in the minimum based on the combination of living cost at home area & work area. Throw in a COLA for inflation. Tie it with flat 25% tax, cut in spending, healthcare cost reform, Medicare reform, SS reform, Pork reform, NSA reform, EPA reform, Keystone XL, ramp up energy production, welfare reform, shut down the southern boarder tight, deport all with expired VISA.

Lets gamble the right way. Go big or go home.

I already know nothing significant will happen. People are weak sauce, happy to go along to get along. We're going to crash and burn first.
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left-wing losers whose cities and states are in economic ruin; who imply daily that right-wing types own all the corporations shouldnt be lecturing others on what is or isnt good fiscal or economic policy

None of your business. At least I have a job.

I don't have to work anymore at all because I didn't stay at an entry level job my entire life.

No, you hit 400 lb and claimed that disability check.

then you spend your whole day looking for that lost Cheeto in flabs of skin.

You're fascination with fat insults leads me to believe you have a fat fetish.

It's OK Man just be yourself we won't judge you.

Here have a little something to masturbate to under your desk today


just don't get caught or you might get fired from yet another job
dude, we didn't need to see a picture of you, really.

That's not me that's the love muffin I saw you with at the local no tell motel, Denying your love will only hurt his feelings
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38% employers will lay off employees if minimum wage raised..we told you

No, they won't, but they will replace them with better educated and older employees.
38% employers will lay off employees if minimum wage raised..we told you

No, they won't, but they will replace them with better educated and older employees.
A) 38% surveyed said they are going to lay off. I didn't say it THEY SAID IT! So why are you disputing what they said?
B) Why would they lay off they turn around and re-hire "educated and older employees"? That makes absolutely NO business sense!
38% employers will lay off employees if minimum wage raised..we told you

No, they won't, but they will replace them with better educated and older employees.
A) 38% surveyed said they are going to lay off. I didn't say it THEY SAID IT! So why are you disputing what they said?
B) Why would they lay off they turn around and re-hire "educated and older employees"? That makes absolutely NO business sense!

Would they prefer to hire teenagers who have no idea what they are doing? Say bye bye to the business, then.
38% employers will lay off employees if minimum wage raised..we told you

No, they won't, but they will replace them with better educated and older employees.
A) 38% surveyed said they are going to lay off. I didn't say it THEY SAID IT! So why are you disputing what they said?
B) Why would they lay off they turn around and re-hire "educated and older employees"? That makes absolutely NO business sense!

Because you don't have the evidence that employers every carried through their silly threats before.

Your silly comment about B) above demonstrates you know nothing about business.

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