38 Lies Obama told in his book, never questioned.

See how the far left has come out to defend all of the lies of Obama..

Obama lied and people died..
You nutters are so original. I take that back. Not one of you has had an original thought.
Oh.... Look at the Liberal Goons flooding the thread to talk about Ben Carson's Scholarship to West Point some more! This is how they play, folks! They are going to hijack every thread that exposes their hypocrisy and turn it into another thread about Carson!

Seems they are the MOST AFRAID of the good doctor!

And the country's first black President, who served two terms laughed.......:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Yep he laughs as he knows he can tell all the lies he wants and the far left religion (and their media outlets) will never question him.
Well Obama has sure faced scrutiny since then and is arguably held to tighter standards than any other president.

Well, he didn't face scrutiny then or now on these lies. He's never faced scrutiny on any lie as far as I've seen. And I'll fucking be glad to argue that he hasn't been held to a higher standard... he's largely been given a big pass because he's black and people are scared to criticize him for fear of being called racists.

Oh please, you're making up stuff as badly as Ben Carson. Obama's scrutiny was over his politics as it should have been. That did not stop an onslaught over Jeremiah Wright, or Bill Ayers, his relationship with Tony Rezko and the purchase of his home, let's not even start with his birth certificate or his college transcripts. Obama has had his day in the sun anyone who says he didn't is a flat out liar.

Obama lied and people died..

But these far left drones also support the illegal wars of Obama..

You could add up all the people who died under Obama and Clinton and the amount would be dwarfed by the people who died and are still dying from W's lies. It is in the 100's of thousands by now!

And now the GOP says, "GIVE US ANOTHER CHANCE!"
The Real Story Of Barack Obama

Maraniss’s Barack Obama: The Story punctures two sets of falsehoods: The family tales Obama passed on, unknowing; and the stories Obama made up. The 672-page book closes before Obama enters law school, and Maraniss has promised another volume, but by its conclusion I counted 38 instances in which the biographer convincingly disputes significant elements of Obama’s own story of his life and his family history.

The two strands of falsehood run together, in that they often serve the same narrative goal: To tell a familiar, simple, and ultimately optimistic story about race and identity in the 20th Century. The false notes in Obama’s family lore include his mother’s claimed experience of racism in Kansas, and incidents of colonial brutality toward his Kenyan grandfather and Indonesian step-grandfather. Obama’s deliberate distortions more clearly serve a single narrative: Race. Obama presents himself through the book as “blacker and more disaffected” than he really was, Maraniss writes, and the narrative “accentuates characters drawn from black acquaintances who played lesser roles his real life but could be used to advance a line of thought, while leaving out or distorting the actions of friends who happened to be white.”

Are you trying to tell us you've never questioned Obama over telling lies?

I think you're lying.
A few days of vetting and Carson is crying like he's been tear gassed.

I don't remember alot of crying from Obama over being smeared by the birthers for about 4 years.
Release the Records: Ben Carson vs. Barack Obama, College Edition
The mainstream media just opened the door for conservatives to demand President Barack Obama release his Columbia University records immediately. How nice of them! Thank you!
The media decided to investigate Dr. Ben Carson’s claims about getting a scholarship offer from West Point. They say Dr. Carson made a “false claim.”
Did he?
I don’t know. It’s muddled and debatable, although clear that one of the world’s most prominent brain surgeons certainly doesn’t need to exaggerate any claims about his education. Dr. Carson claimed he was “offered” a scholarship by a well-known Army general if he applied to West Point. He wanted to be a doctor and chose not to. Was it an actual scholarship offer, or just a casual conversation? Politicians exaggerate or remember things to their benefit all the time. But his claim, however interpreted, didn’t cost taxpayers a dime.
The same can’t be said of Obama’s whoppers. Obama’s lies about Obamacare alone have cost American taxpayers millions, even billions in higher premiums and medical costs. Like millions of others, I lost my insurance based on Obama’s lies, and now I’m paying far more and getting far less. Obama promised the world and delivered disaster.
Now THAT’S a significant lie.
Jonathan Gruber, the architect of Obamacare, even admitted fraud was committed to fool the “dumb voters.”
But, let’s compare apples to apples. The media is going after Dr. Carson for supposedly making false claims about his college record. So isn’t this the perfect time to demand fair, unbiased and equal treatment of Obama’s college record? As any good trial lawyer would say, “The media opened the door to this one.” If you can investigate Dr. Carson, then you must investigate Obama’s claims about college as well.
Apples to apples. The media is trying to disqualify Dr. Carson’s right to the presidency based on his college records. Why did they never check Obama’s college records? Why are Obama’s Columbia records STILL sealed seven years into his presidency?
The media anxiously called West Point demanding to verify Dr. Carson’s claims, but never called Columbia to verify Obama’s claims. Why? If claims about college from 30 or 40 years ago are important for Dr. Carson, why not Obama?
Did Obama make false claims about his college experience? No one can prove it (yet) because his college records are sealed. Why? What is he hiding? If it matters for Carson, it should even more for a man already sitting in the White House with his fingers on the economy and the nuclear button.
It’s time to DEMAND that Obama release his Columbia college records.
Fair is fair. If what a young man claims happened at college many years ago is important for Carson, then it’s important for Obama too.
I graduated Columbia University in June of 1983. According to Obama not only were we in the same graduating class, we had the same majors, Political Science and Pre-Law. That would mean we took the same classes. I thought I knew every classmate in Columbia’s Political Science department.
Yet neither I nor anyone I knew ever met, saw, or heard of Obama.
This was reinforced two years ago in 2013 when I attended my Columbia University 30th class reunion.
I asked everyone – “Did you ever see Obama at Columbia?” Not one classmate answered affirmatively.
I simply couldn’t believe no one claimed to have met a classmate, who supposedly was in our class, and who was later to become president of the United States. So, I tracked down Professor Henry Graff, perhaps the most honored professor in Columbia history and Columbia’s Presidential historian. I interviewed Graff that same year for TheBlaze.
Professor Graff never met Obama; heard of him; or saw him.
Professor Graff said it was virtually impossible to graduate Columbia as a Political Science major without attending his history classes. Yet Graff never heard of him. He even studied his old records to verify Obama’s existence at Columbia … and found nothing.
Graff asked other Columbia professors. None remembered Obama ever being in their classes. All of this is on the record from my interview, published in 2013 here at TheBlaze.
Obama is “the ghost of Columbia.” With his records sealed we can only conclude his existence at Columbia is just a rumor.
Isn’t this an important issue for the media? Something is wrong, yet no one in the mainstream media cares about the possibility Obama might have made false claims about his college records?
Yet in Dr. Carson’s case, they were champing at the bit to investigate a casual boast of a one-time meeting with a general.
Now, assuming Obama did graduate from Columbia, but never went to class (a very strange story)…
How did a poor student from Occidental, an average non-Ivy League college, transfer into Columbia in the first place? Columbia only accepts a handful of transfers and those are always “the best of the best” scholars from the top of their classes at Harvard, Yale or Princeton. Clearly Obama didn’t meet that standard.
Why are Obama’s college records sealed? Did they show bad behavior? Was he caught using drugs? Were his grades terrible?
One possibility is that Obama beat the long odds of being accepted for transfer into Columbia by claiming status as an Indonesian “foreign student.” People familiar with the admissions process tell me that was a likely way to jump ahead of other applicants. But, of course, if true it would be out and out fraud.
Could that be why Obama sealed his college records? He released his birth certificate, yet never released his college records. Why?
Perhaps critics have been looking in the wrong place. Is it possible Obama’s college records are the weakness in his narrative? We’ll never know, unless the media demands access to his Columbia college files. Ghost or no ghost, he is clearly hiding something.
If the media thinks Dr. Carson’s claims about his college experience 40 years ago are relevant, then clearly Obama’s college claims are relevant too. It’s time for all of us to demand Obama release his Columbia college records. It’s time for the media to scrutinize Obama the same way they are scrutinizing Ben Carson, Donald Trump, and every other GOP Presidential candidate.
Dr. Carson’s claims haven’t cost taxpayers a dime. But Obama’s presidency has cost all of us dearly. If it was all built on a lie, on fraud, we have a right to know.

TheBlaze contributor channel supports an open discourse on a range of views. The opinions expressed in this channel are solely those of each individual author
If the media thinks Dr. Carson’s claims about his college experience 40 years ago are relevant, then clearly Obama’s college claims are relevant too. It’s time for all of us to demand Obama release his Columbia college records. It’s time for the media to scrutinize Obama the same way they are scrutinizing Ben Carson, Donald Trump, and every other GOP Presidential candidate.

A few days of vetting...

This isn't vetting, this is a witch hunt. One that produced nothing but some ridiculous claim about a conversation 40 years ago, recounted in Carson's book. It illustrated two points brilliantly and no one on the right need say a single word... 1) You don't have much on Carson. And 2) What you do have is childish and superficial.

You all are acting like Carson disclosed nuclear secrets to the Chinese. Or like he lied to a grand jury about a sexual relationship in a sexual abuse case against him. And no one has yet proved that he told anything that could be considered a lie. Unlike Obama, who's lies are well documented, even before he became president.
Release the Records: Ben Carson vs. Barack Obama, College Edition
The mainstream media just opened the door for conservatives to demand President Barack Obama release his Columbia University records immediately. How nice of them! Thank you!
The media decided to investigate Dr. Ben Carson’s claims about getting a scholarship offer from West Point. They say Dr. Carson made a “false claim.”
Did he?
I don’t know. It’s muddled and debatable, although clear that one of the world’s most prominent brain surgeons certainly doesn’t need to exaggerate any claims about his education. Dr. Carson claimed he was “offered” a scholarship by a well-known Army general if he applied to West Point. He wanted to be a doctor and chose not to. Was it an actual scholarship offer, or just a casual conversation? Politicians exaggerate or remember things to their benefit all the time. But his claim, however interpreted, didn’t cost taxpayers a dime.
The same can’t be said of Obama’s whoppers. Obama’s lies about Obamacare alone have cost American taxpayers millions, even billions in higher premiums and medical costs. Like millions of others, I lost my insurance based on Obama’s lies, and now I’m paying far more and getting far less. Obama promised the world and delivered disaster.
Now THAT’S a significant lie.
Jonathan Gruber, the architect of Obamacare, even admitted fraud was committed to fool the “dumb voters.”
But, let’s compare apples to apples. The media is going after Dr. Carson for supposedly making false claims about his college record. So isn’t this the perfect time to demand fair, unbiased and equal treatment of Obama’s college record? As any good trial lawyer would say, “The media opened the door to this one.” If you can investigate Dr. Carson, then you must investigate Obama’s claims about college as well.
Apples to apples. The media is trying to disqualify Dr. Carson’s right to the presidency based on his college records. Why did they never check Obama’s college records? Why are Obama’s Columbia records STILL sealed seven years into his presidency?
The media anxiously called West Point demanding to verify Dr. Carson’s claims, but never called Columbia to verify Obama’s claims. Why? If claims about college from 30 or 40 years ago are important for Dr. Carson, why not Obama?
Did Obama make false claims about his college experience? No one can prove it (yet) because his college records are sealed. Why? What is he hiding? If it matters for Carson, it should even more for a man already sitting in the White House with his fingers on the economy and the nuclear button.
It’s time to DEMAND that Obama release his Columbia college records.
Fair is fair. If what a young man claims happened at college many years ago is important for Carson, then it’s important for Obama too.
I graduated Columbia University in June of 1983. According to Obama not only were we in the same graduating class, we had the same majors, Political Science and Pre-Law. That would mean we took the same classes. I thought I knew every classmate in Columbia’s Political Science department.
Yet neither I nor anyone I knew ever met, saw, or heard of Obama.
This was reinforced two years ago in 2013 when I attended my Columbia University 30th class reunion.
I asked everyone – “Did you ever see Obama at Columbia?” Not one classmate answered affirmatively.
I simply couldn’t believe no one claimed to have met a classmate, who supposedly was in our class, and who was later to become president of the United States. So, I tracked down Professor Henry Graff, perhaps the most honored professor in Columbia history and Columbia’s Presidential historian. I interviewed Graff that same year for TheBlaze.
Professor Graff never met Obama; heard of him; or saw him.
Professor Graff said it was virtually impossible to graduate Columbia as a Political Science major without attending his history classes. Yet Graff never heard of him. He even studied his old records to verify Obama’s existence at Columbia … and found nothing.
Graff asked other Columbia professors. None remembered Obama ever being in their classes. All of this is on the record from my interview, published in 2013 here at TheBlaze.
Obama is “the ghost of Columbia.” With his records sealed we can only conclude his existence at Columbia is just a rumor.
Isn’t this an important issue for the media? Something is wrong, yet no one in the mainstream media cares about the possibility Obama might have made false claims about his college records?
Yet in Dr. Carson’s case, they were champing at the bit to investigate a casual boast of a one-time meeting with a general.
Now, assuming Obama did graduate from Columbia, but never went to class (a very strange story)…
How did a poor student from Occidental, an average non-Ivy League college, transfer into Columbia in the first place? Columbia only accepts a handful of transfers and those are always “the best of the best” scholars from the top of their classes at Harvard, Yale or Princeton. Clearly Obama didn’t meet that standard.
Why are Obama’s college records sealed? Did they show bad behavior? Was he caught using drugs? Were his grades terrible?
One possibility is that Obama beat the long odds of being accepted for transfer into Columbia by claiming status as an Indonesian “foreign student.” People familiar with the admissions process tell me that was a likely way to jump ahead of other applicants. But, of course, if true it would be out and out fraud.
Could that be why Obama sealed his college records? He released his birth certificate, yet never released his college records. Why?
Perhaps critics have been looking in the wrong place. Is it possible Obama’s college records are the weakness in his narrative? We’ll never know, unless the media demands access to his Columbia college files. Ghost or no ghost, he is clearly hiding something.
If the media thinks Dr. Carson’s claims about his college experience 40 years ago are relevant, then clearly Obama’s college claims are relevant too. It’s time for all of us to demand Obama release his Columbia college records. It’s time for the media to scrutinize Obama the same way they are scrutinizing Ben Carson, Donald Trump, and every other GOP Presidential candidate.
Dr. Carson’s claims haven’t cost taxpayers a dime. But Obama’s presidency has cost all of us dearly. If it was all built on a lie, on fraud, we have a right to know.

TheBlaze contributor channel supports an open discourse on a range of views. The opinions expressed in this channel are solely those of each individual author

Wayne Allen Root.....the professional conspiracy theorist is your primary source? He's been peddling this same conspiracy pablum for about half a decade. Does this sound familiar?

Did Obama make false claims about his college experience? No one can prove it (yet) because his college records are sealed. Why? What is he hiding? If it matters for Carson, it should even more for a man already sitting in the White House with his fingers on the economy and the nuclear button.
It’s time to DEMAND that Obama release his Columbia college records.

Which is horseshit. Obama's college records are no more 'sealed' than Root's are.

I graduated Columbia University in June of 1983. According to Obama not only were we in the same graduating class, we had the same majors, Political Science and Pre-Law. That would mean we took the same classes. I thought I knew every classmate in Columbia’s Political Science department.

Well apparently, Wayne....you didn't know what the fuck you were talking about:

So we turned for answers to the former professor who graded the now-elusive paper. His former professor, Michael Baron, recalled in an interview with NBC News that Obama easily aced the year-long class. Baron described the paper as a "thesis" or "senior thesis" in several interviews, and said that Obama spent a year working on it. Baron recalls that the topic was nuclear negotiations with the Soviet Union.

"My recollection is that the paper was an analysis of the evolution of the arms reduction negotiations between the Soviet Union and the United States," Baron said in an e-mail. "At that time, a hot topic in foreign policy circles was finding a way in which each country could safely reduce the large arsenal of nuclear weapons pointed at the other … For U.S. policy makers in both political parties, the aim was not disarmament, but achieving deep reductions in the Soviet nuclear arsenal and keeping a substantial and permanent American advantage. As I remember it, the paper was about those negotiations, their tactics and chances for success. Barack got an A."

Obama's missing 'thesis' - First Read

So Columbia Professor Michael Baron not only remembers Obama, but worked with him for a year on his senior thesis in a year long class at Columbia.

As for no one remembering Obama, clearly Wayne needs to expand his circles a tad:

Barack Obama ’83, My Columbia College Roommate

was Barack Obama ’83’s roommate at Columbia College in fall 1981. I met him in 1979, when we were freshmen at Occidental College (Oxy) in Los Angeles and our dorm rooms were directly opposite each other.

Phil Boerner

Alumni Corner | Columbia College Today

I don't think 'no one' means what Wayne thinks it means.
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Well Obama has sure faced scrutiny since then and is arguably held to tighter standards than any other president. Carson on the other hand, has no history of politics to research and that pretty much explains the media assault. Carson is running on his personal narrative you can't blame reporters for starting there, what should they start with? his decisions during surgery?

Ben Carson is offended I get that, but he's the one who started out with no experience expecting a grand parade to the White House.
And all of his so called lies have proven to be true stories. Fuck the media & it's failed high tech lynching of a conservative black man
If the media thinks Dr. Carson’s claims about his college experience 40 years ago are relevant, then clearly Obama’s college claims are relevant too. It’s time for all of us to demand Obama release his Columbia college records. It’s time for the media to scrutinize Obama the same way they are scrutinizing Ben Carson, Donald Trump, and every other GOP Presidential candidate.


Is Obama running for president? And who among the media is demanding Ben Carson's college transcripts?

You're demanding from Obama....a man who isn't running for president what no one is demanding of Ben Carson, a man who is running for president.

If Obama was never questioned on them, how do we know they are lies...

I suppose you say that he did say he was born in Kenya as a lie...

Having a good laugh at this...

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