383,000,000 Americans are supposedly

Why bother. Obamacare has enshrined their profits in gold for all time. Now their customers don’t even have an option anymore, they have to use their product.

Hardly "for all time". The Public Option can still be put in and placed on the market, setting a pricing standard. Medicare could easily be converted to the public option available to everyone.

The public option is a terrible idea IMHO (though I do think that it would be better than Obamacare) but as to that road, it really is not part of this discussion so I will digress.

As far as it replacing what we have, I am highly dubious. In all honesty, Obamacare has really brought to the surface how badly this government wants crony capitalism to be an integral part of itself. I don’t actually see this going anywhere. There will be endless bailouts and changes to keep the current system in place before they go to the public option. That is my opinion at least.

There was an opening and Obama claimed that is what he wanted BUT that rhetoric lasted seconds before they jumped right onto what we have. Personally, I don’t think that there ever was a push for public option. That was a publicity excuse to force what we are getting. Obamacare was pushed through with almost no republicans anywhere voting for it and yet we are told that we did not get single payer because they needed republican support to pass it….

Yes, that makes zero sense.
And always remember that it just didn't have to be this hard, it actually could have been simple, but the feds are out of control, and they have become drunken with abuse of power now. Come July the 1st the trucking industry is even going through some massive federal regulation changes, and it will be so wonder if a driver or a company will be able to hang in there much longer under such strict regulatory changes and penalizing actions taken against them, so I hope Obama has some sort of quick retirement fund set up, for all the forced into early retirement truckers in which are going to be falling like flies now, because again it just doesn't have to be this hard, so get ready for the nation to implode soon under the weight of it all. I pray that this nation doesn't ever get another man like we have as President now, who had in his mind only eight years to fundamentally transform an entire nation into what him and his wife, along with their associates wanted it to be. Please don't let us get this kind of shock again, because it hasn't been healthy for the nation to try and do so much in so little time like this President has attempted to do, and especially at all cost in which he figures that he has had to do it within a certain amount of time.
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