3rd graders selling raffle tickets for an AR-15

Why would you say that? There are a whole bunch of responsible progressive gun owners here in USMB myself among them.

Responsible gun owners want to keep them out of the hands of kooks and criminals. If you don't, then you are not a responsible gun owner.

Lena Taylor: Most NRA members back background checks on all gun purchases
We already have background checks on every purchase, so shut the fuck up you little weasel

No we don't - this has been proven time and time again, but reality is not something that comes easy for you.
Anyone that purchases a firearm in my store, they have to have a background check it takes 2 to 4 minutes. Although that is far too long it should be instantaneous like a visa card
You are a licensed dealer - ALL licensed dealers in ALL states must inconvenience their customers for 2 minutes before they let them out to kill something.
Millions of firearms are used today, what percentage of those millions kill people?

Well there were 40,000 gun deaths in the US last year.
2/3 of those were suicide so lets be kind and subtract those out leaving approximately 13,500 by homicide.
There are approximately 300 million guns in the US. You can probably figure it out from there.
I agree, they make me ill.
Well, The country would have to be split up like this. You are in the blue areas can keep your crime and disease… You socialist bitch
Boy would you be in trouble if California decided to keep all their meat and produce - you'd cry like a bitch when prices went through the roof at South Dakota grocery stores!
Actually most of California is rural land wise and it would be conservative certainly not liberal just the coasts where the child molesting Hollywood types live.
Look at the map you fucking retard. Anyway I don’t buy any meat from the grocery store too many hormones and steroids in store-bought meat. I hunt for all of my meat. I also have quite a large garden and my wife and daughters do a lot of canning.
Most if not all of the country’s energy comes from a red areas look at the fucking map...

I think you would cry like a bitch… LOL

I looked at your flyover map and agree that it would be a fine idea for California to cut you off. You could say so long to a new computer too! :)
Computers are made in China by the way, anyway most of California is Rural, And they vote conservative. That is where all the farmland is... Nice try cupcake

No, Microsoft is in Redmond Washington and Apple is in Cupertino, California. Both are VERY liberal areas. Their stuff may be made abroad but they'd have the power to cut you off like a squealing pig if that's what they chose to do. :)
you lefties want Americans in the same position as the 'venezuelans' are in . 'maduro' is starving the 'venzies' and they have been disarmed and can do nothing except to starve Doktor .
Pismoe, if they took their AR's and engaged in civil war, they'd be dead, too, not just hungry.
Our government, not even Venezuela's government, can be fought successfully with AR-15's. I wish you folks would get over that fantasy.
The military is overwhelmingly pro second amendment, they would never go against their own citizens on the very thing they believe in. You loopy kunt
Make up your mind. The government is coming to get you--the Pres and the Senators will not be leading the charge on their white horses--they will send the military -OR-
The guys in the military are your friends and will never shoot you.
You can't have this fantasy both ways.
you lefties want Americans in the same position as the 'venezuelans' are in . 'maduro' is starving the 'venzies' and they have been disarmed and can do nothing except to starve Doktor .
Pismoe, if they took their AR's and engaged in civil war, they'd be dead, too, not just hungry.
Our government, not even Venezuela's government, can be fought successfully with AR-15's. I wish you folks would get over that fantasy.
---------------------------------------- so the 'venzies' should just lie down next to their wives and kids and starve to death eh . Same as the dead people in 'PolPots Cambodia' , idi amins Rwanda . nazi Germany eh OldLady .
and it occurs to me that not only are many of these lefties naive but they are also cowardly and they also have no sense of self preservation and they don't know HISTORY .
A local organization down the street is selling raffle tickets for a brand new car.

Should they find another item for their fund raiser because people are killed in automobile accidents every day? ..... :cool:

Can't justify Assault Guns, so injects thangs like cars that are not made to kill people like assault guns ARE.

Someone else’s firearm ownership is none of my business none of your business and certainly none of the fucking federal governments business

Thank you Gobmints, stopping NRA Morons from having More Machine Guns, as they be
stuck with only the old Granny-Pussied in guns. Unless they break the laws and make their
new ones into new Machine Guns.

Thank you Gobmints, stopping NRA Morons from having More of the bigger Military Guns.
As them being in our useless 2nd ANAL amendment well-regulated militia's, which is ALL BS,
as the Gun Nutter LOSERS Game for them. AS...,They..., Can't afford the bigger stuff to be in
any real battles against the U.S.A. LOL..But please do try.

The 2nd Anal was for, written for, these affordable guns. Like these thangs.
The poor could buy or steal.

Today U.S. Armed forces have these thangs to waste our NRA Gun Nutter Morons
in those LOSING well-regulated militia's Masturbating their righties' in short order.

KILLING THESE NRA MORONS.. Hoping their 2nd ANAL amendment well-regulated militia's righties'
to the arms they can have is going to win!

DIe well Freedom Fighting Morons.

We already have background checks on every purchase, so shut the fuck up you little weasel

No we don't - this has been proven time and time again, but reality is not something that comes easy for you.
Anyone that purchases a firearm in my store, they have to have a background check it takes 2 to 4 minutes. Although that is far too long it should be instantaneous like a visa card
You are a licensed dealer - ALL licensed dealers in ALL states must inconvenience their customers for 2 minutes before they let them out to kill something.
Millions of firearms are used today, what percentage of those millions kill people?

Well there were 40,000 gun deaths in the US last year.
2/3 of those were suicide so lets be kind and subtract those out leaving approximately 13,500 by homicide.
There are approximately 300 million guns in the US. You can probably figure it out from there.
What’s your solution?
Some info Video on 'venzies' getting ready to eat steak OldLady . --- Starving Venezuelas beat cattle to death with rocks | Daily Mail Online ---
Those poor people. A lot have gone to neighboring countries as refugees. It's horribly sad that their government won't do something to help them. They won't even allow in relief efforts except through Cuba or other communist countries.
It's awful.
No one is defending that, Pismoe.
---------------------------------------------- well , me , i figure that they allowed themselves to be disarmed and all the tears and words in the world won't change their Plight . I figure that they are getting just what they deserve having trusted their government beyond all thinking . I just hope that they stay away from the USA OldLady .
and no one is talking USA Military as far as i am concerned as i point out Actual History of what has happened in the 20th century . See Pol Pot of Cambodia , hitler of Germany , idi amin of Rwanda . And then currently check out the murders of farmers in 'south africa' that are being murdered because they have farms and because they are White .
and no one is talking USA Military as far as i am concerned as i point out Actual History of what has happened in the 20th century . See Pol Pot of Cambodia , hitler of Germany , idi amin of Rwanda . And then currently check out the murders of farmers in 'south africa' that are being murdered because they have farms and because they are White .
Civil War, you mean? With the government not coming down on either side, just letting us shoot it out?
and it occurs to me that not only are many of these lefties naive but they are also cowardly and they also have no sense of self preservation and they don't know HISTORY .
View attachment 177557
------------------------------------------------------ and NRA is correct !! The 'REDCOATS' and their King didn't want the American to have the single shot Brown Bess Musket as i was deadly at that time and so would be considered lethal to the Kings men and Enforcers . The 'ar15' has replaced the Brown Bess Musket in the 21st Century OldLady .
and the AMMO, weren't the Kings 'REDCOAT' Troops on their way to confiscate ammo from the first Americans when shots were fired that were the start of the Revolutionary War OldLady ??
and it occurs to me that not only are many of these lefties naive but they are also cowardly and they also have no sense of self preservation and they don't know HISTORY .
View attachment 177557
------------------------------------------------------ and NRA is correct !! The 'REDCOATS' and their King didn't want the American to have the single shot Brown Bess Musket as i was deadly at that time and so would be considered lethal to the Kings men and Enforcers . The 'ar15' has replaced the Brown Bess Musket in the 21st Century OldLady .
The only problem with that argument is that the government is not trying to take your AR-15's. Take a look at Washington for the past 20 years if you don't believe me. If they DID want to treat us the way the British did in 1776, the AR-15's won't stop a tank, a bomb dropping drone, or even a rocket launcher. Let's not even get into missiles.
You're dreaming.

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