3rd Times a Charm? Question: How have GOP/Trump acted "against" Democracy?

That is not the topic of this thread.

You want that discussion start a thread on it. Refusing to do so just exposed you as the weasel you showed yourself to be in the OP
Call me suprised...

A leftist wants to bash someone based on a standard, and then when you point out how the standard is applied to other situations that would challenge their narrative and expose their bias... they run away.
It happens rarely, but it does happen. You'll notice I copped to it, too.

And I've noticed you never do. You just double down.
I’ve been explaining to you that Trump was posting disparaging things about Pence as the violent mob was breaking into the building THAT HE WAS IN.

I said this over and over to you and even gave you a link go it. Apparently you never bothered to check it. What a stupid fuck you are.
LOL! You have an awfully high opinion of yourself, based on nothing whatsoever.
So you want to keep avoiding the question. That’s fine. Maybe you would stop saying factually wrong things if you would open your mind a little more.
You can go ahead and post the link any time now.
You won't like it. Your butthurt changes nothing.

Furious Judge Finds Jail Officials in Contempt for ‘Abuse’ of Jan. 6 Prisoners

A federal judge on Wednesday slammed D.C. jail officials over the possible mistreatment of accused Capitol rioters in custody, calling for the Justice Department to open a civil rights investigation and holding two officials in contempt of court for delaying medical treatment.

“It’s more than just inept and bureaucratic shuffling of papers,” U.S. District Judge Royce C. Lamberth fumed during a contentious hearing Wednesday about medical delays for accused rioter Christopher Worrell. “Does no one care? Does no one follow up?”
After the hearing, Lamberth ordered that Wanda Patten, the warden of the D.C. jail, and Quincy Booth, director of the D.C. Department of Corrections, “are in civil contempt of court.” The order also noted that the U.S. Attorney General received a copy of the ruling “for appropriate inquiry into potential civil rights violations of Jan. 6 defendants, as exemplified in this case.”

“I don’t know if it’s because he’s a January 6th defendant or not, but I find this matter should be referred to the attorney general of the United States for a civil rights investigation into whether the D.C. Department of Corrections is violating the civil rights of January 6th defendants...in this and maybe other cases,” Lamberth added in court.

While Worrell did not attend Wednesday’s hearing, his lawyer reiterated his client’s “grave concerns” over access to medical care as he begins his next set of chemotherapy and radiation for non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. After the hearing, attorney Alex Stavrou said in a statement that he and his client were “pleased” that the judge took their concerns seriously and “pray that the Office of the Attorney General will conduct this inquiry immediately and without prejudice.”

Several accused rioters and their lawyers have alleged mistreatment while detained for their actions on Jan. 6. As of last month, nearly 40 accused rioters were incarcerated in D.C. out of almost 700 awaiting trial.

In a September interview with The Daily Beast, Joseph McBride, the lawyer for Richard ‘Bigo’ Barnett—who posted photos in House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s office—called the long-troubled jail system in the nation’s capital “DC-GITMO” for its “horrible conditions for those associated with Capital riots.”

He said Wednesday that he filed an Aug. 3 emergency request with Amnesty International and the ACLU to investigate “the mistreatment of January Sixers” being held in D.C. jail. He told The Daily Beast that his request detailing “several instances of abuse” went “unanswered.”

Lawyers for defendants including Proud Boys member Dominic Pezzola have complained in court filings about mistreatment. In a July motion, lawyers for Pezzola, who is accused of smashing a Capitol window with a police shield, said he was kept in his cell for at least 22 hours a day and “access to personal hygiene such as showers is nearly nonexistent.”
“Individuals who are housed in the D.C. Jail, who are accused of committing crimes on January 6, 2021, at The Capitol are treated differently than all other prisoners who are housed in the jail,” Pezzola’s lawyers alleged.

When asked about Lamberth’s fiery outburst on Wednesday, McBride said the judge “validated what my colleagues and I have been screaming for months when he recognized the fact that civil rights abuses are taking place.”
“This is just the tip of the iceberg. America will be brought to tears when the truth about the way January Sixers have been treated during the detention comes out!” McBride added in a text message.

Capitol riot detainee alleges beating by D.C. jail guards

What Constitution? People held after Jan. 6 Capitol incident, some not charged with a crime, still being held in solitary confinement

Jan 6 protesters/trespassers/rioters held in solitary, no bail, some without charges

RELEASED: Man Wrongly Held As ‘Safety Risk’ Over Jan 6 Role Is Part Of A Larger Story

Prediction: You will read none of these. You will screech NUH UH and continue to throw your pathetic little tantrums.

Surprise me. Don't.

I’ve been explaining to you that Trump was posting disparaging things about Pence as the violent mob was breaking into the building THAT HE WAS IN.

I said this over and over to you and even gave you a link go it. Apparently you never bothered to check it. What a stupid fuck you are.
And yet, you still fail to post anything that proves Trump was inciting violence. NOTE: Your say-so is not compelling. Don't even try it.
So you want to keep avoiding the question. That’s fine. Maybe you would stop saying factually wrong things if you would open your mind a little more.
No, child, I will NOT kiss your ass in the manner to which you believe you're entitled.

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