3rd Times a Charm? Question: How have GOP/Trump acted "against" Democracy?

So just answer the question then.

A or B.
Dude I don't care. I don't know when Trump knew what. If he knew Pence was being evacuated, then he'd know he was in good hands, and any critique wasn't going to change anything that happened.. unless you think rioters look at their twitter while they're rioting.

Do you think the rioters, while they were inside stealing podiums and taking pictures were looking at their twitters?
Can't answer the question I asked? Which one is it? Are you really stupid enough to think the election was not stolen?
You already know what I think.

Let’s discuss your claim about the lawsuits won. I dug into it and found something interesting from politifact.

I’m sure you won’t accept my source. So I think we should look at the actual lawsuits won. You can go ahead and post them now.

Or are you just going to continue blindly believing something that’s not true and not even bother to look them up yourself?
Why don't you just reply to the point I made. Why do I have to go through the trouble of starting a thread? Am I to assume you'd come answer it? Because, I doubt you'd participate.
That is not the topic of this thread.

You want that discussion start a thread on it. Refusing to do so just exposed you as the weasel you showed yourself to be in the OP
I didn‘t just screech context. I lad out the context with a factual timeline of Trump’s actions on Jan 6 and asked you to address it. You ran away from it because you’re a coward.

Dance for me, coward.
LOL! What you posted doesn't prove what you think it does.
So we do agree on the definition of criminals. The Jan 6 idiots who were breaking into government buildings and attacking police officers should be in prison.

Excellent. Glad we came to that agreement.
Does your definition only apply to the Jan 6 rioters?
On Jan 6 as the violent mob was breaking into the building chanting “Hang Mike Pence”, Pence and his family were being evacuated by secret service. After being informed of this, Trump continued to post disparaging remarks about Pence.

Do you approve of this?
So you're on record as opposing free speech?
Trump knew that Mike Pence and his family were being evacuated from the building and he knew that there were violent rioters breaking into the building.

I’ll ask again. After Trump was informed of this, he continued to post disparaging remarks about Mike Pence.

Do. You. Approve. Of. This?
So, the entire basis of what you laughably call an argument is Bad Orange Man tweeted mean things.
Well let’s look at that a little more.

He’s informed that his vice president is in danger from a violent mob that is breaking into the building.

He could have told the mob to be peaceful there. But he didn’t. He instead continued to criticize Pence.

Apparently you don’t see anything wrong with that. You think it’s a vague character critique? Would you have done that if you were in Trump’s position?
Correct. I’m looking at the timeline though.

- He was informed that Mike Pence and his family were being evacuated because their lives were in danger from a violent mob.

- He posts more disparaging things about Pence.

- Then several minutes later he finally calls for peace.

This is a fact.
You're a retard.

According to what you're using instead of logic, that means I want mobs of people to attack you.

I'd ask if you see how you're being stupid now, but I already know the answer.
I will have at it. And it’s very relevant to the discussion I’m having.

It shows a very clear character flaw that can be corroborated with Trump’s actions that day.

- He was condemning Pence when he knew that Pence’s life was in danger.

- He WAITED to call for peace because he was enjoying what he was witnessing.

- He told these violent rioters that he loves them and they’re very special.

- Several hours later he tried to justify what we all witnessed because the election was “stolen” from him.
Pence's life was in no way in danger. Could you stop being a drama queen for two minutes in a row?
So you're on record as opposing free speech?
Free speech isn’t the issue here. He’s free to say what he wants and I’m free to express wether I approve of what he said or not.

I’m asking if you approve of what he said and you once again chose to take the little bitch route instead. Not unexpected from you.

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