3rd Times a Charm? Question: How have GOP/Trump acted "against" Democracy?

Legally, the event has not been stated as an insurrection nor has anyone been charged with Insurrection.,
Screeching CONTEXT is not an argument, kid.
I didn‘t just screech context. I lad out the context with a factual timeline of Trump’s actions on Jan 6 and asked you to address it. You ran away from it because you’re a coward.

Dance for me, coward.
Has any other losing president ever called on supporters to invade the Capitol to stop an election certification?
Nope... and there still hasn't, unless you can provide proof a president did.
Has any other losing president ever called state election people to find him votes?
Not that I know of. People can ask for anything... glad he wasn't an authoritarian and used force to do it. I'm not a fan of the phone call, although it's been gaslit but the left.

Has any other losing president called on states to stop counting votes?
Certainly Al Gore tried to manipulate Florida for votes in 2000, so yes.
I doubt we agree on the definition of "criminals".
So we do agree on the definition of criminals. The Jan 6 idiots who were breaking into government buildings and attacking police officers should be in prison.

Excellent. Glad we came to that agreement.
Yes, a deflection. Look at the title, genius. Do you see anything about Kamala there? Maybe, just maybe, we can put your stupid deflection of her aside and focus on the topic. :p

Now that we have that cleared up, let's put your idiotic spin aside and focus on a few of Trump's actions on January 6th. I'll be referring to events in the following link:

2:00 p.m.: As a violent mob breached the Capitol building, Trump accidentally phoned Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, while trying to reach Sen. Tommy Tuberville, R-Alabama. Lee reportedly handed the phone to the Alabama senator, according to CNN and Utah's Deseret News.

Tuberville revealed Thursday night that he spoke to Trump and informed him Pence had been evacuated from the Senate chamber, which happened at about 2:15 p.m., House impeachment managers said.

“I said ‘Mr. President, they just took the vice president out, I’ve got to go,'” Tuberville told Politico on Wednesday.

The president reportedly told Tuberville to continue to object to the election results in order to buy more time, which House prosecutors pointed out in their opening argument. Lee dismissed that account as inaccurate, prompting House impeachment managers to withdraw the comments that were quoted from the news report.

2:24 p.m.: Minutes after it was reported Pence was escorted out of the Senate chamber and Trump reportedly spoke to Tuberville, the president attacks Pence in a tweet.

“Mike Pence didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify. USA demands the truth!”

4:17 p.m.: Hours after the attack unfolded, Trump speaks publicly for the first time in a recorded video message posted on social media.

"I know your pain. I know your hurt. We had an election that was stolen from us. It was a landslide election and everyone knows it, especially the other side. But you have to go home now," Trump said in the minute-long video.

"We have to have peace. We have to have law and order. ... So go home. We love you, you’re very special. ... I know how you feel. But go home and go home in peace.”


Still with me? Good.

As the violent mob was breaking into the building and secret service was evacuating Pence and his family, Trump was STILL tweeting disparaging remarks about Pence. Do you support those actions from Trump?
I'm sorry, you'll have to explain how "tweeting disparaging remarks" about someone is akin to putting a hit on them.

If that's the case, then Obama's anti-cop rhetoric against Dallas police means he ordered a hit on those 5 officers who were killed by a BLM radical.

Are you going to demand Obama be arrested?

Or, when Bernie Sanders called all Republicans murderers for not supporting his massive health care plan... a follower of his shot up a GOP softball game.

So that's Bernie's fault.. right?

Hours after the attack, Trump tells these people that they're very special and that we love them. Do you support these comments from Trump?
Trump was talking to the tens of thousands of peaceful protesters who were at the planned rally that day.

You do know that the rally was planned, and these rioters who all joined up on Facebook to do violence were like 0.005% of those who were there that day, and hijacked it.. don't you?

You're not stupid enough to think that only a few hundred people showed up that day... are you?
I'm sorry, you'll have to explain how "tweeting disparaging remarks" about someone is akin to putting a hit on them.
On Jan 6 as the violent mob was breaking into the building chanting “Hang Mike Pence”, Pence and his family were being evacuated by secret service. After being informed of this, Trump continued to post disparaging remarks about Pence.

Do you approve of this?
On Jan 6 as the violent mob was breaking into the building chanting “Hang Mike Pence”, Pence and his family were being evacuated by secret service. After being informed of this, Trump continued to post disparaging remarks about Pence.

Do you approve of this?
Do you know that Donald Trump knew that some idiot rioters were chanting that?

No, of course you don't, and neither do I, which is why I wouldn't say something that obtuse.

Does Trump criticizing Mike Pence mean he's calling for violence against him?

Absolutely not.

Again, if you go by that standard, then Obama called for murder against Dallas police, and Sanders called for murder of the GOP softball game. Is that the standard you want?
No, this is the part where you keep running away from addressing my point while continuing to run your mouth to try to protect your delicate ego.

You guys aren’t hard to protect and it’s really entertaining watching you guys flail.
And it is truly sickening to watch you gloat knowing criminals were able to cover their tracks and keep it out courts. There is too much wrong in too many states to consider the election legitimate. Any intelligent person knows that. Where does that leave you?
Do you know that Donald Trump knew that some idiot rioters were chanting that?

No, of course you don't, and neither do I, which is why I wouldn't say something that obtuse.

Does Trump criticizing Mike Pence mean he's calling for violence against him?

Absolutely not.

Again, if you go by that standard, then Obama called for murder against Dallas police, and Sanders called for murder of the GOP softball game. Is that the standard you want?
Trump knew that Mike Pence and his family were being evacuated from the building and he knew that there were violent rioters breaking into the building.

I’ll ask again. After Trump was informed of this, he continued to post disparaging remarks about Mike Pence.

Do. You. Approve. Of. This?
And it is truly sickening to watch you gloat knowing criminals were able to cover their tracks and keep it out courts. There is too much wrong in too many states to consider the election legitimate. Any intelligent person knows that. Where does that leave you?
Weren’t you saying something about winning most of those cases?

You couldn‘t find them, could you?
Trump knew that Mike Pence and his family were being evacuated from the building and he knew that there were violent rioters breaking into the building.

I’ll ask again. After Trump was informed of this, he continued to post disparaging remarks about Mike Pence.

Do. You. Approve. Of. This?
It's bad timing, but really a red herring and means nothing about what was going on at the time.

If pence was being evacuated, then he's already being taken care of the best he can be. The few hundred rioters who were busy being violent aren't going to stop, look at their twitter, and say "HEY GUYS, TRUMP JUST CRITICIZED PENCE, LET'S TURN UP THE HEAT!!" That's just a dumb thing to believe. It's clear these horrible idiots weren't coordinated or blood thirsty, not one of them shot anyone. They brought flag poles, bats, etc. to try to get into the capital building. That's laughable, and while initial utmost focus was warranted, once it was revealed how pathetic they were, it was easy to regain control and continue Congress a few hours later.

Basically, it was a pillow fight compared to the BLM/George Floyd riots.
It's bad timing, but really a red herring and means nothing about what was going on at the time.
So you have no problem with Trump posting disparaging remarks about Pence right after he was informed that Pence and his family were being evacuated due to a violent mob that was breaking into their building.

Good to know.
So you have no problem with Trump posting disparaging remarks about Pence right after he was informed that Pence and his family were being evacuated due to a violent mob that was breaking into their building.

Good to know.
I don't agree with what Trump was saying. Pence didn't have the power to do what Trump was suggesting in the first place.

However, you're caught up on some tact issue. Based on everything that was going on, what you're obsessing about isn't relevant. It's as if you're focused on some vague character critique.
So you have no problem with Trump posting disparaging remarks about Pence right after he was informed that Pence and his family were being evacuated due to a violent mob that was breaking into their building.

Good to know.
However, I noticed that you never answered my question:

Are Barack Obama and Bernie Sanders guilty of inciting violence given they had followers attempt and succeed in murdering people after they made aggressive comments?
Based on everything that was going on, what you're obsessing about isn't relevant. It's as if you're focused on some vague character critique.
Well let’s look at that a little more.

He’s informed that his vice president is in danger from a violent mob that is breaking into the building.

He could have told the mob to be peaceful there. But he didn’t. He instead continued to criticize Pence.

Apparently you don’t see anything wrong with that. You think it’s a vague character critique? Would you have done that if you were in Trump’s position?
However, I noticed that you never answered my question:

Are Barack Obama and Bernie Sanders guilty of inciting violence given they had followers attempt and succeed in murdering people after they made aggressive comments?
I’m not interested in your lame whataboutism attempts to deflect from the topic. Sorry.

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