3rd Times a Charm? Question: How have GOP/Trump acted "against" Democracy?

I've asked this many times on this forum, and no leftist can give an answer.

So be specific. The claim has been made by Democrats, the media, academia, big tech, etc.

How has Trump or Conservatives acted against Democracy?
/----/ Mallard responds this morning.
There is proof that he was posting disparaging things about Pence as they were breaking into the building. The rioters were reading these tweets and it only encouraged them to continue with their attack. Care to address that? You’ve already demonstrated that you were unfamiliar with this fact and you have refused to discuss it.

Perhaps you should familiarize yourself with the facts that day before you say factually wrong things, dunce.
I have addressed it. It's stupid.
I’m not asking you to kiss my ass. I’m asking you to open your mind to the possibility that Trump acted inappropriately that day.

I know it’s uncomfortable to you and you’d rather remain a blissfully ignorant dunce with factually incorrect beliefs. I’m just trying to help you.
No, you want validation of your irrational hatred from internet strangers.

The SOS in GA. changed the way a vote was validated. That is illegal. Period.
The rules were changed in March 2020, not before the election. That makes you a liar.

They didn’t care until they discovered Trump lost. Then he wanted to change the rules AFTER it was too late. That would have been illegal.
doesnt change the fact we are a constitutional republic not a democracy,,,

And what difference does that make? You're still a democracy. But it's nice to note that you don't want a democracy. As a card carrying member of the Trump cult, you're in favour of Dictator Trump just tossing election results out the window.
/----/ Mallard responds this morning.
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Indeed, but as you see on this thread... trying to establish a standard is a no-no for the left and Democrats.

They don't want to hold their elected officials to the same standards as the ones they oppose. From what I can tell, many think they're virtuous for doing so... that they have to get their hands dirty for a greater good.

That's not how it works. If you tell a lie, it's a lie. Even if you have it built in your head that you're lying to oppose the third reich itself, or Stalinist Russia... their lie would be a lie, and they'd be a liar.

But they can't fess up to it, and avoid any comparisons.
Sure. My point is that you were wrong when you said the following:

“The few hundred rioters who were busy being violent aren't going to stop, look at their twitter, and say "HEY GUYS, TRUMP JUST CRITICIZED PENCE, LET'S TURN UP THE HEAT!!" That's just a dumb thing to believe.”

I posted video evidence with time stamps showing exactly that in post 257.

I think the rioters would have done the same thing regardless of what was going Tweeted live. You might have time stamps, but you still have no way of knowing who knew what at which exact moment. It all happened quite fast.

You're out on a limb with a tin foil hat on here.. much like those who were saying Trump stole the 2016 election or that Kavanaugh committed horrible sexual crimes with zero proof.
He did. He called for an end to the violence, which you know but are purposefully ignoring.
Back at the White House, advisers were trying to get Mr. Trump to do something, but he rebuffed calls to intercede, including those from people wanting to see the National Guard deployed. The president, several advisers said, was expressing pleasure that the vote to certify Mr. Biden’s win had been delayed and that people were fighting for him.

Back at the White House, advisers were trying to get Mr. Trump to do something, but he rebuffed calls to intercede, including those from people wanting to see the National Guard deployed. The president, several advisers said, was expressing pleasure that the vote to certify Mr. Biden’s win had been delayed and that people were fighting for him.

Who are these "several advisers" LOL

How many times have we heard anonymous BS from places like the NYT who are proven to make things up on a whim to attack any GOP, and even moreso Donald Trump.

Provide names and quotes, and I'll certainly listen.

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