3rd Times a Charm? Question: How have GOP/Trump acted "against" Democracy?

I think the rioters would have done the same thing regardless of what was going Tweeted live. You might have time stamps, but you still have no way of knowing who knew what at which exact moment. It all happened quite fast.

You're out on a limb with a tin foil hat on here.. much like those who were saying Trump stole the 2016 election or that Kavanaugh committed horrible sexual crimes with zero proof.
No, not really.

You said they weren’t looking at his tweets condemning Pence during the attack. I provided video evidence showing exactly that.

Apparently you can’t admit you were wrong about that. The following claim of yours was wrong:

“The few hundred rioters who were busy being violent aren't going to stop, look at their twitter, and say "HEY GUYS, TRUMP JUST CRITICIZED PENCE, LET'S TURN UP THE HEAT!!" That's just a dumb thing to believe.”

Not such a dumb thing to believe when I can prove it with video evidence huh? Whoops!
No, not really.

You said they weren’t looking at his tweets condemning Pence during the attack. I provided video evidence showing exactly that.

Apparently you can’t admit you were wrong about that. The following claim of yours was wrong:

“The few hundred rioters who were busy being violent aren't going to stop, look at their twitter, and say "HEY GUYS, TRUMP JUST CRITICIZED PENCE, LET'S TURN UP THE HEAT!!" That's just a dumb thing to believe.”

Not such a dumb thing to believe when I can prove it with video evidence huh? Whoops!
So you're saying that while they were breaking down the doors, they were looking down at their phones on Twitter?
Who are these "several advisers" LOL

How many times have we heard anonymous BS from places like the NYT who are proven to make things up on a whim to attack any GOP, and even moreso Donald Trump.

Provide names and quotes, and I'll certainly listen.
Gosh, it sounds like you support the January 6th committee...since they are trying to find all that out for you.

Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney, the vice chair of the committee and one of its two Republican members, told ABC News that the panel has "firsthand testimony" that during the attack, Trump's daughter and then-senior adviser Ivanka Trump asked him to intervene. And Chairman Bennie Thompson, a Mississippi Democrat, told CNN the panel has "significant testimony" that the White House "had been told to do something."

"We know his daughter -- we have firsthand testimony that his daughter Ivanka went in at least twice to ask him to 'please stop this violence,'" Cheney told ABC News.
Gosh, it sounds like you support the January 6th committee...since they are trying to find all that out for you.

Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney, the vice chair of the committee and one of its two Republican members, told ABC News that the panel has "firsthand testimony" that during the attack, Trump's daughter and then-senior adviser Ivanka Trump asked him to intervene. And Chairman Bennie Thompson, a Mississippi Democrat, told CNN the panel has "significant testimony" that the White House "had been told to do something."

"We know his daughter -- we have firsthand testimony that his daughter Ivanka went in at least twice to ask him to 'please stop this violence,'" Cheney told ABC News.
So his daughter said to stop the violence.

Okay... what does that have to do with anything. Trump called for the end of the violence.
I’m saying that they were looking at and being informed of Trump’s tweets as they were storming the Capitol.



Can’t admit that you’re wrong huh?

Were you there? Did you see people stop and all look at their cell phones?

Or.. are you making major BS assumptions.

I'm saying the latter.
Were you there? Did you see people stop and all look at their cell phones?

Or.. are you making major BS assumptions.

I'm saying the latter.
I didn’t say I was there. I said I posted two videos showing people reading Trump’s tweet. I even gave you time stamps for those videos.



You think it’s a major assumption to believe what we have video of? Lmao. You just don’t want to admit that you’re wrong.
The rules were changed in March 2020, not before the election. That makes you a liar.

They didn’t care until they discovered Trump lost. Then he wanted to change the rules AFTER it was too late. That would have been illegal.
That is still before the election and the state legislature are the only ones who can make it legal. They never did.
Did that disparaging tweet about Pence encourage or discourage the violent mob to continue their violent attack?

Answer the question this time, coward.
Here's my answer in two parts:

1. The Tweet about Pence in no way encouraged violence. You'd have to be retarded to believe it did.

2. Eat shit, you whiny little bitch. I've answered all your whiny little bitch questions. Stop lying just because you didn't get the answers you want.
No, not really.

You said they weren’t looking at his tweets condemning Pence during the attack. I provided video evidence showing exactly that.

Apparently you can’t admit you were wrong about that. The following claim of yours was wrong:

“The few hundred rioters who were busy being violent aren't going to stop, look at their twitter, and say "HEY GUYS, TRUMP JUST CRITICIZED PENCE, LET'S TURN UP THE HEAT!!" That's just a dumb thing to believe.”

Not such a dumb thing to believe when I can prove it with video evidence huh? Whoops!
They were looking at their phones. Do you have proof they were looking at Trump's Twitter feed?
So his daughter said to stop the violence.

Okay... what does that have to do with anything. Trump called for the end of the violence.
It's Opposite Day in the vast, open, empty expanse of leftists' heads. Trump telling people to go home in peace really means he wanted them to burn down the city.
Here's my answer in two parts:

1. The Tweet about Pence in no way encouraged violence. You'd have to be retarded to believe it did.
Since you’ve demonstrated that you’re a dunce who believes factually incorrect things on Jan 6, here are some videos with time stamps. The rioters read the tweet over the loudspeaker and continued attacking.



It sure as hell didn’t discourage them now did it?

At that moment, should Trump have maybe said something different to stop the rioting instead of condemning Pence?

Answer the question for me you little bitch.
They were looking at their phones. Do you have proof they were looking at Trump's Twitter feed?
Lmao! Yes because I actually know what happened that day you fucking dunce.



Do you ever get tired of being an uninformed moron?
I have no obligation to validate your hyperemotional fantasies.
Not a fantasy. It's exactly what the Jan 6th commission has been uncovering.

Trump's phone call to Raffensperger.

His courting of state legislatures.

Then his final overture to Pence.

It was all a plan to change the vote.

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