4.3 billion for small business

yeah. That's what refinancing is. People do it when they can get a lower interest rate. That saves them money.


show me where they are getting lower rates! This shit is so obama and tm can say the president is helping small business and to pump up the number of businesses that have paid off previous loans. It's 100% about pumping up obama's poll numbers.

interest rates are at historic lows.

The Fed Fund Rate has been essentially zero since October 08, so no, refinancing doesn't save them money.
Tax breaks and seed money.

and the republicans hate it why???????????

because Obama did it.

They have lost their minds.

We hate it because it is not what is needed. As Libs love to Point out. Business in America is sitting on Trillions in CASH. Why? Because they are scared shitless and uncertain of what the Future holds. Thanks to Your dear Leader Obama.

Simply cut some of the new Regulations that are costing 10 Billion a month and you would have much more Positive Effect.
As I have said, wait for it to fail so TM can attack the Tea Party for what Obama did, just like when Obama held the country hostage and then passed a budget that got the country downgraded.
So before I open up a pizzeria, I need customers first. How many customers do you think a non-existent pizzeria can get?

With that attitude the desktop PC or the cell phone would have never been invented.

IBM and Motorola believed, rightfully so that there was a market for PC's and cell phones. Even they vastly underestimated the market. I think it was Bill Gates that said that no one would ever need more than 64K of storage.

Bill Gates never said that.
PC's and cell phone makers created a demand for their products with new, exciting products. People had money and bought them. They're practically a necessity today.
A non-existent pizza place has no customers, building it doesn't guaranty customers either. A new pizzaria in a town where the closest pizza is 20 miles away, may do well, but would you lend money to a guy who wanted to start a pizza shop at Mullbery and Grand in Lower Manhattan? Of course not! There are 300 pizza joints within 4 blocks and no demand to support another.

Did you just say a place needs customers BEFORE it opens? You did say that. Now you're saying its possible to open up a pizzeria without having any customers. Which is it?

You seemed to be so sure when you first stated:
"You need customers with money first"

Now you appear to have qualified your statement.

"640K ought to be enough for anybody." OK, I misremembered. My PC has 2 terabytes storage 64K 640K NBD
— Bill Gates link
What I said was a new pizza business has no customers until it opens for business. Once it opens, if it's located in an area where there is a DEMAND for pizza, it may do well. If in stead the place opens up where there are already 300 established pizzarias, it will likely fail; (not enough demand) kind of like obama's economic policy. And your intellect.
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As I have said, wait for it to fail so TM can attack the Tea Party for what Obama did, just like when Obama held the country hostage and then passed a budget that got the country downgraded.

Brilliant. Obama is in the throws of a setup...he has NO original ideas but will capitalize on other's work and use it to further his agenda with the blame game in a huge setup for his re-election.

TDM is a feathered bird of the same stripe as the Statist Obama.

We don't need loans....we need customers.

Too bad the Republican's massive redistribution of wealth to the top 3% left all the customers broke.

That's it in a nutshell.

And the Bush tax cuts left the federal government unable to spend money on education, technology, and infrastructure....the things that drive our economy.

George Bush destroyed America.
We don't need loans....we need customers.

Too bad the Republican's massive redistribution of wealth to the top 3% left all the customers broke.

"All the customers" are not broke, and there was not a massive redistribution of wealth. What happened was people who know how to make money continued to make money. Those who relied on central planning are now seeing the fallacy of that model.
Treasury Approves $4.3 Billion for Small Business Lending Fund - Bloomberg

The Obama administration has supported 17 tax breaks providing tax relief of more than $50 billion for small businesses, Don Graves, the Treasury’s assistant secretary for small business, wrote in a blog posting Sept. 2. Small businesses employ about half the workforce and account for 60 percent of gross job creation, Graves said.

Im sure the cons will hate this one for SOME reason

So he enacts new Regulations and Mandates that will cost them over 10 Billion a Month, then gives them a 4.3 Billion dollar loan Fund.


You guys will never get it will you.
And NONE of it has to come from the FED or taxpayers. Relief will come when the FED and the Statists get thier boots off the neck of the private sector. NONE of the private sector wants handouts from taxpayers that are worth thier salt.


I am a 30 year small business electrical contractor--AND TODAY--without taxpayer "perks" I can walk into my bank and get a loan if I want one. So can every other existing business that shows a profit in their business and pays their bills on time.

No brainer here--banks STILL will loan out to qualified businesse's.

Now if you're a new business owner--you're going to have some problems.
1. You're new--and the bank see's no real profit coming out of your business--they're not going to loan you money to watch you fail.
2. If your personal credit is not so good--forget it they're not going to loan you money for a business.
3. If you have no COLLATERAL--or no prior history of business experience--and want them to loan you money for a business--you're screwed.

So basically what this bill is doing is BRIBING BANKS to make BAD loans to small business. That is all it comes down too. And it won't work.

The ONLY thing that can stimulate this economy is the consumer. Or DEMAND for goods and services. The only way we see DEMAND increase is for the American public to have more expendable cash in their pockets to spread around the overall economy. Once demand increase's--existing businesse's will expand and create new hires. New business will find the collateral (using a home or other as collateral) to obtain a new business loan.
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When small businesses can procure loans they can grow their businesses.

When small businesses grow they hire.
and when they have learned how to run that business LEAN a growth is more profit not necessarily more jobs.
We don't need loans....we need customers.

Too bad the Republican's massive redistribution of wealth to the top 3% left all the customers broke.

Project much deany?

"I'll take what is the GREAT Society for $1,000 Alex..."


And moochers as deany are still complaining...

The public expenditure on the variety of governmental schemes devised in the last forty years to eliminate poverty has been extraordinary. Since 1964 we have spent $8–10 trillion on antipoverty programs. In 1996, at the midpoint in the Clinton administration, the federal government expended $191 billion on poverty programs, fully 12.2 percent of the federal budget. President George W. Bush actually increased the effort. The 2006 budget, at the midpoint of Bush’s administration, calls for a massive increase in poverty programs, increasing the expenditure $368 billion to 14.6 percent of the federal budget.7 The Bush administration oversees a host of continuing poverty programs that includes Medicaid, food stamps, supplementary security income, temporary assistance to needy families, child day-care payments, child nutrition payments, foster care, adoption assistance, and health insurance for children.

The conclusion is virtually inescapable: if the availability of nearly an unlimited amount of money and the determination of countless government bureaucracies were the necessary and sufficient conditions to eliminate poverty, then in 2004 we should not still have more than 12 percent of the U.S. population—nearly 37 million people—in poverty.




All Obama plans to do is ADD to it as all preceeding presidents. It has to CEASE.:eusa_hand:
So he enacts new Regulations and Mandates that will cost them over 10 Billion a Month, then gives them a 4.3 Billion dollar loan Fund.


You guys will never get it will you.
And NONE of it has to come from the FED or taxpayers. Relief will come when the FED and the Statists get thier boots off the neck of the private sector. NONE of the private sector wants handouts from taxpayers that are worth thier salt.


I am a 30 year small business electrical contractor--AND TODAY--without taxpayer "perks" I can walk into my bank and get a loan if I want one. So can every other existing business that shows a profit in their business and pays their bills on time.

That's simply not true.

One of my businesses, profitable for 10 years and has never missed a single bill:

$8000 credit card is all they could do.

No brainer here--banks STILL will loan out to qualified businesse's.

The problem there is the definition of "qualified."

New venture? Automatically "not qualified."

Now if you're a new business owner--you're going to have some problems.
1. You're new--and the bank see's no real profit coming out of your business--they're not going to loan you money to watch you fail.

Before 2009 I've never had a problem using my past successes as a basis. Now? "We don't make these types of loans anymore."

2. If your personal credit is not so good--forget it they're not going to loan you money for a business.

My personal credit is sterling.

3. If you have no COLLATERAL--or no prior history of business experience--and want them to loan you money for a business--you're screwed.

Same song, different verse except now there are FDIC stress tests that make loans to new ventures a liability. I have paid every loan I have taken for a business venture. I've been self-employed for over 10 years. Before they used to say that "the Internet is new." Now they say "your loan doesn't conform with our stress tests."

So basically what this bill is doing is BRIBING BANKS to make BAD loans to small business. That is all it comes down too. And it won't work.

The ONLY thing that can stimulate this economy is the consumer. Or DEMAND for goods and services. The only way we see DEMAND increase is for the American public to have more expendable cash in their pockets to spread around the overall economy. Once demand increase's--existing businesse's will expand and create new hires. New business will find the collateral (using a home or other as collateral) to obtain a new business loan.

Oh that's bullshit.

Use a home? What homes are increasing in market value? My home has, because I put a shitload of money into it in actual real improvements. It's only worth more according to the tax assessors, not the appraisers.
So he enacts new Regulations and Mandates that will cost them over 10 Billion a Month, then gives them a 4.3 Billion dollar loan Fund.


You guys will never get it will you.
And NONE of it has to come from the FED or taxpayers. Relief will come when the FED and the Statists get thier boots off the neck of the private sector. NONE of the private sector wants handouts from taxpayers that are worth thier salt.


I am a 30 year small business electrical contractor--AND TODAY--without taxpayer "perks" I can walk into my bank and get a loan if I want one. So can every other existing business that shows a profit in their business and pays their bills on time.

No brainer here--banks STILL will loan out to qualified businesse's.

Now if you're a new business owner--you're going to have some problems.
1. You're new--and the bank see's no real profit coming out of your business--they're not going to loan you money to watch you fail.
2. If your personal credit is not so good--forget it they're not going to loan you money for a business.
3. If you have no COLLATERAL--or no prior history of business experience--and want them to loan you money for a business--you're screwed.

So basically what this bill is doing is BRIBING BANKS to make BAD loans to small business. That is all it comes down too. And it won't work.

The ONLY thing that can stimulate this economy is the consumer. Or DEMAND for goods and services. The only way we see DEMAND increase is for the American public to have more expendable cash in their pockets to spread around the overall economy. Once demand increase's--existing businesse's will expand and create new hires. New business will find the collateral (using a home or other as collateral) to obtain a new business loan.

Gee? Just like Fannie/Freddie...
And NONE of it has to come from the FED or taxpayers. Relief will come when the FED and the Statists get thier boots off the neck of the private sector. NONE of the private sector wants handouts from taxpayers that are worth thier salt.


I am a 30 year small business electrical contractor--AND TODAY--without taxpayer "perks" I can walk into my bank and get a loan if I want one. So can every other existing business that shows a profit in their business and pays their bills on time.

That's simply not true.

One of my businesses, profitable for 10 years and has never missed a single bill:

$8000 credit card is all they could do.

The problem there is the definition of "qualified."

New venture? Automatically "not qualified."

Before 2009 I've never had a problem using my past successes as a basis. Now? "We don't make these types of loans anymore."

My personal credit is sterling.

3. If you have no COLLATERAL--or no prior history of business experience--and want them to loan you money for a business--you're screwed.

Same song, different verse except now there are FDIC stress tests that make loans to new ventures a liability. I have paid every loan I have taken for a business venture. I've been self-employed for over 10 years. Before they used to say that "the Internet is new." Now they say "your loan doesn't conform with our stress tests."

So basically what this bill is doing is BRIBING BANKS to make BAD loans to small business. That is all it comes down too. And it won't work.

The ONLY thing that can stimulate this economy is the consumer. Or DEMAND for goods and services. The only way we see DEMAND increase is for the American public to have more expendable cash in their pockets to spread around the overall economy. Once demand increase's--existing businesse's will expand and create new hires. New business will find the collateral (using a home or other as collateral) to obtain a new business loan.

Oh that's bullshit.

Use a home? What homes are increasing in market value? My home has, because I put a shitload of money into it in actual real improvements. It's only worth more according to the tax assessors, not the appraisers.
Seems to me YOU are an exception...aren't you?

Most private businesses would rather do things on thier terms without the meddling of Gubmint on Gubmint's terms...Once the Gubmint is in your tent? YOU belong to them.
Treasury Approves $4.3 Billion for Small Business Lending Fund - Bloomberg

The Obama administration has supported 17 tax breaks providing tax relief of more than $50 billion for small businesses, Don Graves, the Treasury’s assistant secretary for small business, wrote in a blog posting Sept. 2. Small businesses employ about half the workforce and account for 60 percent of gross job creation, Graves said.

Im sure the cons will hate this one for SOME reason

The program permits them to use the new capital to refinance their Troubled Asset Relief Program debt.

And this helps them create new jobs...how?

They will hate spew on anything that Obama does.

they place party over country at every turn

Would you care to tell us where that hero Obama is getting the monies for this?
Does he some MAGIC money tree growing in the back of the WHITE HOUSE.?

you don't care how much he SOAKS us taxpayers for, do you.
I guess that 800 billion the first time WASN'T ENOUGH. HOW COME that money didn't GO FOR THIS THEN??? SO HE LIED to us AGAIN.
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