Zone1 Do these verses go together?

The Jesus of the Bible does this:

What does your Jesus do?

jesus's attempt was to fulfill the religion of antiquity - the triumph of good vs evil - christianity fails that same resolution rather is the religion of servitude and denial - nothing there for the heavenly.

only a free spirit will be judged there is nothing than the individual themself that can reach that goal.
you are a joke ....

unbelievers of what, the forgeries and fallacies of the christian bible, desert religions - who are the one's that makeup stories of satan - rules the earth.
O'Breezie it's poetry-----and kinda nice poetry. You try writing
stuff like that!!
So, how does one obtain a "free spirit"? Do you have a free spirit? How many others have the free spirit? And since Jesus failed in his mission of the religion of antiquity, what now? Why follow a Jesus that is a failure?
What steps have you taken to make it to the "everlasting"?

So, do you believe the Bible up to Jesus dying on a cross and then winning by coming back? Is the Bible where you first heard about Noah?
no, it is not heavenly - madeup in the 4th century ...

what is it you claim as a religion, christianity - worship is not a religion.
Sorry, old chap, Christianity is heavenly, the religion of antiquity and founded by God.

Most that Satan does won't look evil on the surface. That's where the gift of discernment comes in though. It alerts us that something isn't quite right here.
Exactly like Gods view of what a cult is=A house divided( hundreds of trinity religions) will not stand. They fail this true mark 100%=1Cor 1:10= Unity of thought( all of Gods 1 truth) no division.
Exactly like Gods view of what a cult is=A house divided( hundreds of trinity religions) will not stand. They fail this true mark 100%=1Cor 1:10= Unity of thought( all of Gods 1 truth) no division.
We can amicably disagree on that one. I know very many godly good people who disagree on various points of doctrine, dogma, Church history. But they all love God with all their hearts and minds meaning they try to listen for God's will for them and do it. And they love their neighbors as themselves. On this hangs all the law and the prophets.

The Church is made up of all those redeemed by Jesus and who have a relationship with Him. I think we are allowed differences of opinion outside of that.
So, how does one obtain a "free spirit"?

really, the heavenly religion of antiquity - the triumph of good vs evil - what jesus died for, the means to attain judgement and admission to the everlasting ...

where in your 10000 pg christian bible of servitude and denial is the heavenly rendering for which a&e were set on their journey.

for the parable of noah is passed down verbally - have never read the christian bible version of those who survived the catastrophe as the heavens granted their second opportunity and is contrary in all ways written in the christian bible as spoken by christianity - for which jesus taught liberation theology, self determination as the parables objective.
Gen.3 v1 KJV Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made,

I realize that I take scripture more literally than most. I believe that God made two intelligent species. We really do have an adversary. It is not supernatural, but a beast of the field and a perfect deceiver for man. They may only be known by their fruits.

As they are God made, our science can never penetrate their deception. No, DNA tests don't work.
jesus's attempt was to fulfill the religion of antiquity - the triumph of good vs evil - christianity fails that same resolution rather is the religion of servitude and denial - nothing there for the heavenly.

only a free spirit will be judged there is nothing than the individual themself that can reach that goal.
Service to others and denial of pride is man's salvation while on earth and is the result of receiving a ticket to the everlasting.
Gen.3 v1 KJV Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made,

I realize that I take scripture more literally than most. I believe that God made two intelligent species. We really do have an adversary. It is not supernatural, but a beast of the field and a perfect deceiver for man. They may only be known by their fruits.

As they are God made, our science can never penetrate their deception. No, DNA tests don't work.
The two species, the children of God and the children of the devil came from the same womb in the beginning. Cain and Abel were the first.
Mary is not relevant as she didn't mother both the offspring of God and the offspring of Satan as did Eve. Christ is the offspring of Eve, his maternal antecedent. Who do you think is/was the offspring of the devil, and who is their maternal antecedent? And how does a spirit-being produce offspring?

The prophecy contains two 'groups', the principals, Christ and Satan, and the spiritual offspring of Eve and Satan. Two groups, two prophecies. Cain and Abel began the fulfillment of the physical offspring part of the prophecy, and the enmity between God's chosen and rest of the world continued from that time forth.

God cursed Cain on Abel's behalf. How or when Cain died physically isn't important. Note that while Christ crushed the head of Satan he isn't killed, so 'crushed' has a different meaning, perhaps 'deposed' would fit as Satan's rule will be destroyed.

God was speaking to Satan, who was in control of Eve's mind. He was looking into Eve's eyes but speaking to Satan just as Jesus was looking at Peter but speaking to Satan.

God cursed Eve to have sorrow in childbirth. Most believe this means painful or difficult labor, however as were the Hebrew women in Egypt Eve would have had easy deliveries of children due to excellent health. The sorrow in both conception and childbirth was the mental anguish because of what happened to Cain and Abel, and perhaps others of her children.

This is ridiculous. If you think childbirth is safe and easy when women are healthy, you don't know childbirth.

Let's be honest:

You hate women and are looking for the Bible to endorse it. And yes, you can find women attractive and still hate them.

So obvious

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