4.9 Million Illegal Aliens Crossed US Border in 18 Months Since Biden Took Office: Report

Joe Biden's war on America. And forcing taxpayers to pay for them, to give them phones, SNAP cards, pay their rent, medical care, etc. Not to mention the massive expense of dealing with them, and processing them.

No country can long exist under such continuing circumstances.

Nearly 5 million illegal immigrants have crossed U.S. borders in the 18 months since President Joe Biden took office, according to a new report.​
A total of 4.9 million illegal aliens, including some 900,000 “gotaways” who evaded apprehension and have since disappeared into American communities, have entered the country by the end of July, the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) said in a statement on Aug. 16.​
“Roughly the equivalent of the entire population of Ireland has illegally entered the United States in the 18 months President Biden has been in office, with many being released into American communities,” FAIR President Dan Stein said in the statement.​
He blamed Biden for putting the unprecedented surge down to external factors, not the administration’s own “sabotage” of immigration laws. After rolling back key Trump-era policies, Biden presided over the largest number of apprehensions of illegal immigrants at the U.S.–Mexico border in a calendar year in history, recording almost 1.9 million arrests last year.​
“The endless flow of illegal aliens and the incursion of lethal narcotics pouring across our border will not end until this administration demonstrates a willingness to enforce our laws,” Stein said.​
The White House didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment.​

New Surge​

Two million illegal aliens have entered the country in the first 10 months of this fiscal year, according to data from U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP). In June, more than 207,000 illegal immigrants were apprehended attempting to cross the U.S.–Mexico border, making this the highest number of June apprehensions in history.​
Although July saw a slim decline in CBP encounters at the southwest border of nearly 200,000, it turned out to be the 17th straight month with more than 150,000 encounters, representing a 325 percent increase over the average number of July apprehensions under the Trump administration, the statement reads.​
Among the more than 213,000 illegal aliens deported from the border in July, only 37 percent of the arrests led to expulsions under Title 42—a 7 percent drop from last month. Border agents processed the majority of the rest under Title 8, which oftentimes lets illegal aliens be released into the U.S. interior while their cases sit in backlogged immigration courts.​
The Biden administration announced it would end the Trump-era Title 42, a border policy put in place on public health grounds amid the COVID-19 pandemic, which it had been forced to keep in place owing to a lack of notice.​

There was a lot of pent up need in 2020 because of COVID. Border crossing was minimal.

The US can solve the problem quickly and easily. Other countries have done so successfully.
:eusa_doh:Idk even what to say. Why do we pay government again?

Why the fuck do we pay these motherfuckin' assclowns?

They are not doing their job and making our lives worse.

What is a nation that has no borders? Not long to survive, I'll tell you that.

The US has the US Coast Guard, US Customs and Immigration and 21,000 Border Patrol agents.
Joe Biden's war on America. And forcing taxpayers to pay for them, to give them phones, SNAP cards, pay their rent, medical care, etc. Not to mention the massive expense of dealing with them, and processing them.

No country can long exist under such continuing circumstances.

Nearly 5 million illegal immigrants have crossed U.S. borders in the 18 months since President Joe Biden took office, according to a new report.​
A total of 4.9 million illegal aliens, including some 900,000 “gotaways” who evaded apprehension and have since disappeared into American communities, have entered the country by the end of July, the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) said in a statement on Aug. 16.​
“Roughly the equivalent of the entire population of Ireland has illegally entered the United States in the 18 months President Biden has been in office, with many being released into American communities,” FAIR President Dan Stein said in the statement.​
He blamed Biden for putting the unprecedented surge down to external factors, not the administration’s own “sabotage” of immigration laws. After rolling back key Trump-era policies, Biden presided over the largest number of apprehensions of illegal immigrants at the U.S.–Mexico border in a calendar year in history, recording almost 1.9 million arrests last year.​
“The endless flow of illegal aliens and the incursion of lethal narcotics pouring across our border will not end until this administration demonstrates a willingness to enforce our laws,” Stein said.​
The White House didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment.​

New Surge​

Two million illegal aliens have entered the country in the first 10 months of this fiscal year, according to data from U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP). In June, more than 207,000 illegal immigrants were apprehended attempting to cross the U.S.–Mexico border, making this the highest number of June apprehensions in history.​
Although July saw a slim decline in CBP encounters at the southwest border of nearly 200,000, it turned out to be the 17th straight month with more than 150,000 encounters, representing a 325 percent increase over the average number of July apprehensions under the Trump administration, the statement reads.​
Among the more than 213,000 illegal aliens deported from the border in July, only 37 percent of the arrests led to expulsions under Title 42—a 7 percent drop from last month. Border agents processed the majority of the rest under Title 8, which oftentimes lets illegal aliens be released into the U.S. interior while their cases sit in backlogged immigration courts.​
The Biden administration announced it would end the Trump-era Title 42, a border policy put in place on public health grounds amid the COVID-19 pandemic, which it had been forced to keep in place owing to a lack of notice.​

Well you can thank the world economic forum for making the current administration let this happen.

According to point number 5 on their video we will be flooded with illegals and essentially say we have to. Course fauci sits on their board and he carried out their covid plans in America.

The world economic forum is trying to destabilize all first world countries and we're a strong target because we fall everyone else will after.

You wreck a country but feeding them bad information, squeeze their money, cut back their supplies and turn them all into poor people and part of that is by flooding them with poor people to help drag society down with them.

Illegals are the accelerant for our poverty.
And thanks to people like you, and other fucking Dimocrats, there'll never be a complete wall.
It’s the Democrats’ fault that Republicans were unable to complete the wall despite Republicans having control of all 3 branches of government?

How many white skinned illegals have crossed the border?

Didn't hear any of you whining ass Trump Humpers crying when they were bringing Ukrainians in, why is that?

WTF are you yammering about?

A small number of Ukrainians were let in, legally. Here we have 5 million illegals.

Are you really that stupid?

And playing the race card too.
Parenthetically, one must be aware of one salient fact: The U.S. Supreme Court has decreed that States (or the Feds) may not discriminate against people when passing out benefits ON THE BASIS OF CITIZENSHIP OR LEGAL RESIDENCY. In other words, they can ALL apply for welfare, food stamps (or whatever they call it now), SSI, housing subsidies, in-state college tuition, and of course their little brats can go to American public schools, and in most states must be taught English (or in their native language), at taxpayer expense.

Keep in mind that few of these are actually Mexicans, and most are single adults.

Also, most are coming in claiming "refugee" status to which they are legally entitled. But by the time "we" are ready to give them a hearing they will have evaporated.

If this is not a justification to impeach Joe Biden, I cannot imagine what would be. He is seeking to destroy the society and lay the groundwork for a total Democrat takeover, pending "immigration reform" initiatives that are sure to come.

Legally entitled?

No, the law says they must seek asylum as refugees in the first country they enter and many refuse to abide by that legality, so they DO NOT have an entitlement to asylum here. That alone says scam on America.
Democrats took over the House in January 2019.

The uniparty didn't want to budget nearly enough for the wall.
Right. So you had control of all three branches of government for how many years? Why didn’t this get done?

It’s always everyone else’s fault huh.
So you had control of all three branches for two years and couldn’t get it done.

And you’re blaming this on Democrats??? LoL

Democrats have controlled the House since January 2019, they control the Senate since January 2021.

This is all on Biden and Democrats. This is all-time record of illegals that Biden is welcoming and giving all sorts of free stuff to, and the Biden Open Border Policy.

You really have nothing.
Democrats have controlled the House since January 2019, they control the Senate since January 2021.

This is all on Biden and Democrats. This is all-time record of illegals that Biden is welcoming and giving all sorts of free stuff to, and the Biden Open Border Policy.

You really have nothing.
Yet you don’t want to address the fact that you had two whole years with control of all three branches of government and couldn’t get it done.

Why is that?

I guess it’s just easier to blame the other side instead of addressing your own incompetence, huh?
Yet you don’t want to address the fact that you had two whole years with control of all three branches of government and couldn’t get it done.

Why is that?

You've got nothing. And Biden stopped construction on portions of the wall under contract and canceled contracts.

Yeah, you're holding a bag of nothing.
You've got nothing. And Biden stopped construction on portions of the wall under contract and canceled contracts.

Yeah, you're holding a bag of nothing.
Maybe you guys should have gotten your own stupid plan done while you had control of all three branches of government.

Why don’t you want to address this?
When there is an influx of invaders piled on top of the unwanted resident, the value of human life becomes nothing.

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