4 children murdered in Britain, don't worry, no gun was used, they were burned in their home...

So.... a win win for gun control in Britain..... the attacker didn't use a gun and no one used a gun to stop him.....yeah, the 4 dead kids.....well, again, he didn't use a gun.....so a huge victory....

Hey...and the police knew about the threat...did they take lessons from Broward County?

Four children murdered amid feud between their brother and arsonist who torched house, court hears

Four sleeping children were murdered after being trapped in their bedrooms when their house was torched with petrol bombs in the dead of night, a court has heard.

Zak Bolland, 23, launched the fatal attack after being involved in a feud with the victims' 16-year-old brother Kyle Pearson, a jury at Manchester Crown Court was told.

The family had warned about threats that they received, and police were at the house just hours before it was torched, despite officers fitting a letter box cover aimed to stop arson attacks.

Bolland along with David Worrall, 25, removed a fence panel from the garden of Pearson's home, smashed a kitchen window and tossed in two lit petrol bombs, it is alleged.
Moron does a victory dance over arson
No, that's libs at the school shootings. If you can't understand the sarcasm then you are more stupid than I thought.
Who cares? Kids die all the time, and you lot are FINE with it. You don't get to mewl now that there's been a house fire.

Jesus fuck what a stupid lot.
It wasn't a house fire, although it's good to see your true sympathies.

It was a multiple murder, using other means than guns.
So.... a win win for gun control in Britain..... the attacker didn't use a gun and no one used a gun to stop him.....yeah, the 4 dead kids.....well, again, he didn't use a gun.....so a huge victory....

Hey...and the police knew about the threat...did they take lessons from Broward County?

Four children murdered amid feud between their brother and arsonist who torched house, court hears

Four sleeping children were murdered after being trapped in their bedrooms when their house was torched with petrol bombs in the dead of night, a court has heard.

Zak Bolland, 23, launched the fatal attack after being involved in a feud with the victims' 16-year-old brother Kyle Pearson, a jury at Manchester Crown Court was told.

The family had warned about threats that they received, and police were at the house just hours before it was torched, despite officers fitting a letter box cover aimed to stop arson attacks.

Bolland along with David Worrall, 25, removed a fence panel from the garden of Pearson's home, smashed a kitchen window and tossed in two lit petrol bombs, it is alleged.
Omg 4?
And how many kids here are killed by guns?
You love picking out SO isolated cases and kids are killed here every day.
How come you never report those?
Still living in all white, Star Wars time?

Dip shit.....I have posted gun deaths of U.S. kids over and over again to show how few there actually are, in a country of 71 million children...

With 600 million guns in private hands and over 17 million people carrying guns for self defense....this is how many kids are accidentally killed with guns...

I tell the whole story.....I don't lie by omission when I post these numbers...

Fatal Injury Data | WISQARS | Injury Center | CDC

2016: Kids ( <1 to age 14)
Total guns: ......74
Total Cars: 1,261

And kids murdered by guns v other means...can you tell which number is bigger?

Fatal Injury Data | WISQARS | Injury Center | CDC
Murder with guns...kids, 238
Other means........674

Every day 7 American children and teenagers were shot and killed last year.

Key Gun Violence Statistics* | Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence

There is no way to spin this that doesn’t show the horrific toll unfettered gun ownership in the US has in America’s children. This sad stat is virtually unknown in every other first world country.
Exactly how many of those came from illegal immigrant families? Include those who were given amnesty in the 80's.
The intent of passing yet MORE gun control laws is not to reduce violent crime by PEOPLE using guns. It is to further control the law abiding populace, and make them more dependent on government. If the politicians were serious about reducing violent crime, and the illegal use of gun, they'd start by addressing Black on Black inner city violence, and murders.
so Britain has a murder rate MUCH lower than the US, and you are using it as an example for PRO-gun?? !!!???

Yep...because the murder rate was low before they banned guns, and then went up after they banned guns.....on top of that, they banned and confiscated guns...and their gun crime rate keeps going up......that is the truth. Banning and confiscating guns was a lie...they promised the British people that by surrendering their guns they would be safer...they are not. They have increasing gun crime and increasing violent crime of all sorts......while they are cutting their police resources and manpower.....

At the same time, in the United States? As more Americans own and carry guns, our gun murder rate went down, our gun crime rate went down, our violent crime rate went down.....the exact opposite of what you guys said would happen, and the exact opposite of what the British government told their people...

You guys try to hide the truth by clinging to the murder rate.....and what you fail to realize? As more gun crime happens, gun murder won't be far behind......

Here is what happened as more Americans own and carry guns...

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in 1997...to close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
Britain murder rate well over 3 times less than US
when it gets to less than 2 times--then you MIGHT have an argument
let me know when it gets that high
so Britain has a murder rate MUCH lower than the US, and you are using it as an example for PRO-gun?? !!!???

Yep...because the murder rate was low before they banned guns, and then went up after they banned guns.....on top of that, they banned and confiscated guns...and their gun crime rate keeps going up......that is the truth. Banning and confiscating guns was a lie...they promised the British people that by surrendering their guns they would be safer...they are not. They have increasing gun crime and increasing violent crime of all sorts......while they are cutting their police resources and manpower.....

At the same time, in the United States? As more Americans own and carry guns, our gun murder rate went down, our gun crime rate went down, our violent crime rate went down.....the exact opposite of what you guys said would happen, and the exact opposite of what the British government told their people...

You guys try to hide the truth by clinging to the murder rate.....and what you fail to realize? As more gun crime happens, gun murder won't be far behind......

Here is what happened as more Americans own and carry guns...

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in 1997...to close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
Britain murder rate well over 3 times less than US
when it gets to less than 2 times--then you MIGHT have an argument
let me know when it gets that high

No... you don't have an argument...though you are trying to have one. The murder rate was low before they banned and confiscated guns.... then it went up.....and it never went below the level it was at before they banned and confiscated guns.

So that means, gun control did not effect their gun murder rate.......that means that taking guns away from law abiding people has no effect on the murder rate....... do you understand that?

Taking guns away from normal, law abiding people has allowed criminals to commit more gun crime, and more violent crime...do you understand that? They just aren't murdering their victims..... can you grasp that point? They have guns, they are using their guns more and more for crime, they just aren't killing their helpless victims....

So again, you have no point, but it is cute that you think you have a point.....

Here......learn something...


But that still represents a big shift. In her 2002 Guns and Violence: The English Experience, historian Joyce Lee Malcolm noted that "New York City's homicide rate has been at least five times higher than London's for two hundred years. For most of that time, there were no serious firearm restrictions in either city."

Murder in New York City, published in 2000.

The mayhem that's closed London's homicide gap with its trans-Atlantic rival appears to be largely the result of violent criminal gangs. Firearms are strictly restricted in the U.K., including a near-total ban on handguns. Nevertheless, "n the 12 months to October 2017, there were 2,500 offences involving guns: a 16 per cent increase on the previous year and a 44 per cent increase on 2014," the London Assembly's Police and Crime Committee noted in January. Criminals, it seems, are not averse to committing crimes—including the illegal acquisition of tools that help them commit more crimes.
so Britain has a murder rate MUCH lower than the US, and you are using it as an example for PRO-gun?? !!!???

Yep...because the murder rate was low before they banned guns, and then went up after they banned guns.....on top of that, they banned and confiscated guns...and their gun crime rate keeps going up......that is the truth. Banning and confiscating guns was a lie...they promised the British people that by surrendering their guns they would be safer...they are not. They have increasing gun crime and increasing violent crime of all sorts......while they are cutting their police resources and manpower.....

At the same time, in the United States? As more Americans own and carry guns, our gun murder rate went down, our gun crime rate went down, our violent crime rate went down.....the exact opposite of what you guys said would happen, and the exact opposite of what the British government told their people...

You guys try to hide the truth by clinging to the murder rate.....and what you fail to realize? As more gun crime happens, gun murder won't be far behind......

Here is what happened as more Americans own and carry guns...

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in 1997...to close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
Britain murder rate well over 3 times less than US
when it gets to less than 2 times--then you MIGHT have an argument
let me know when it gets that high

Here.....violent gun crime and violent crime in Britain is going through the roof....it isn't law abiding gun owners since they had their guns taken..... criminal gangs, lots of immigrants, are getting and using guns for crime...

Notice...gun crime is going up in Britain, not down.....as is violent crime....

Yorkshire sees highest number of crimes for any county in Britain according to figures

“In particular we’re shocked to see an increase of nearly 30 per cent in weapon possession offences between 2016 and 2017.”

Crimes covered violent and sexual offences, vehicle theft, public order offences, possession of weapons, shoplifting, personal theft, drug crimes, robbery, criminal damage, bicycle thefts and anti-social behaviour.



The latest Government figures show that the total number of firearm offences in England and Wales has increased from 5,209 in 1998/99 to 9,865 last year - a rise of 89 per cent.

The number of people injured or killed by guns, excluding air weapons, has increased from 864 in 1998/99 to a provisional figure of 1,760 in 2008/09, an increase of 104 per cent .


Crime rise is biggest in a decade, ONS figures show

Ministers will also be concerned that the country is becoming increasingly violent in nature, with gun crime rising 23% to 6,375 offences, largely driven by an increase in the use of handguns.


Gun crime in London increases by 42% - BBC News

Gun crime offences in London surged by 42% in the last year, according to official statistics.

Top trauma surgeon reveals shocking extent of London’s gun crime

A leading trauma surgeon has told how the number of patients treated for gunshot injuries at a major London hospital has doubled in the last five years.


He said the hospital’s major trauma centre had seen a bigger rise in gunshot injuries compared to knife wounds and that the average age of victims was getting younger.


Last year, gun crime offences in London increased for a third year running and by 42 per cent, from 1,793 offences in 2015/16 to 2,544 offences in 2016/17. Police have seized 635 guns off the streets so far this year.

Dr Griffiths, who also teaches medical students, said: “Our numbers of victims of gun injury have doubled [since 2012]. Gunshot injuries represent about 2.5 per cent of our penetrating trauma.


Dr Griffiths said the average age of gun crime victims needing treatment at the hospital had decreased from 25 to the mid to late teens since 2012.

He added that medics at the Barts Health hospital’s major trauma centre in Whitechapel had seen a bigger rise in patients with gun injuries rather than knife wounds and that most were caused by pistols or shotguns.

Met Police commander Jim Stokley, who was also invited to speak at the meeting, said that handguns and shotguns were the weapons of choice and that 46 per cent of London’s gun crime discharges were gang-related.

He said: “We believe that a lot of it is associated with the drugs trade, and by that I mean people dealing drugs at street level and disagreements between different gangs.”

Violent crime on the rise in every corner of the country, figures suggest

But analysis of the figures force by force, showed the full extent of the problem, with only one constabulary, Nottinghamshire, recording a reduction in violent offences.

The vast majority of police forces actually witnessed double digit rises in violent crime, with Northumbria posting a 95 per cent increase year on year.

Of the other forces, Durham Police recorded a 73 per cent rise; West Yorkshire was up 48 per cent; Avon and Somerset 45 per cent; Dorset 39 per cent and Warwickshire 37 per cent.

Elsewhere Humberside, South Yorkshire, Staffordshire, Essex, Hertfordshire, Kent, Wiltshire and Dyfed Powys all saw violence rise by more than a quarter year on year.


Two men stabbed dead within hours as violent crime soars in London

The shocking attacks come as new figures revealed crime overall in London is rising, with significant increases in cases of youth violence.

A total of 35 young people under the age of 25 have been murdered in the capital in the last 12 months, an 84 per cent rise on the same period last year.

The number of cases of serious youth violence - a measure of gang activity - also rose by 18 per cent.


as well as a 16 per cent rise in the number of rapes.


Gun crime rose by nearly 19 per cent and the number of shootings was up by 11 per cent to 338.
So.... a win win for gun control in Britain..... the attacker didn't use a gun and no one used a gun to stop him.....yeah, the 4 dead kids.....well, again, he didn't use a gun.....so a huge victory....

Hey...and the police knew about the threat...did they take lessons from Broward County?

Four children murdered amid feud between their brother and arsonist who torched house, court hears

Four sleeping children were murdered after being trapped in their bedrooms when their house was torched with petrol bombs in the dead of night, a court has heard.

Zak Bolland, 23, launched the fatal attack after being involved in a feud with the victims' 16-year-old brother Kyle Pearson, a jury at Manchester Crown Court was told.

The family had warned about threats that they received, and police were at the house just hours before it was torched, despite officers fitting a letter box cover aimed to stop arson attacks.

Bolland along with David Worrall, 25, removed a fence panel from the garden of Pearson's home, smashed a kitchen window and tossed in two lit petrol bombs, it is alleged.
Oh if only our school children could be burned to death rather than shot for once.
Who cares? Kids die all the time, and you lot are FINE with it. You don't get to mewl now that there's been a house fire.

Jesus fuck what a stupid lot.
It wasn't a house fire, although it's good to see your true sympathies.

It was a multiple murder, using other means than guns.

Meh. You don't care about Sandy Hook, and etc. My point stands.
Cha. I'm better than you because I care.
So.... a win win for gun control in Britain..... the attacker didn't use a gun and no one used a gun to stop him.....yeah, the 4 dead kids.....well, again, he didn't use a gun.....so a huge victory....

Hey...and the police knew about the threat...did they take lessons from Broward County?

Four children murdered amid feud between their brother and arsonist who torched house, court hears

Four sleeping children were murdered after being trapped in their bedrooms when their house was torched with petrol bombs in the dead of night, a court has heard.

Zak Bolland, 23, launched the fatal attack after being involved in a feud with the victims' 16-year-old brother Kyle Pearson, a jury at Manchester Crown Court was told.

The family had warned about threats that they received, and police were at the house just hours before it was torched, despite officers fitting a letter box cover aimed to stop arson attacks.

Bolland along with David Worrall, 25, removed a fence panel from the garden of Pearson's home, smashed a kitchen window and tossed in two lit petrol bombs, it is alleged.
Moron does a victory dance over arson
No, that's libs at the school shootings. If you can't understand the sarcasm then you are more stupid than I thought.
Hey, it's Americans who don't get irony.
American "you say we don't get irony"
Brit "evidently"
so Britain has a murder rate MUCH lower than the US, and you are using it as an example for PRO-gun?? !!!???

Yep...because the murder rate was low before they banned guns, and then went up after they banned guns.....on top of that, they banned and confiscated guns...and their gun crime rate keeps going up......that is the truth. Banning and confiscating guns was a lie...they promised the British people that by surrendering their guns they would be safer...they are not. They have increasing gun crime and increasing violent crime of all sorts......while they are cutting their police resources and manpower.....

At the same time, in the United States? As more Americans own and carry guns, our gun murder rate went down, our gun crime rate went down, our violent crime rate went down.....the exact opposite of what you guys said would happen, and the exact opposite of what the British government told their people...

You guys try to hide the truth by clinging to the murder rate.....and what you fail to realize? As more gun crime happens, gun murder won't be far behind......

Here is what happened as more Americans own and carry guns...

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in 1997...to close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
Britain murder rate well over 3 times less than US
when it gets to less than 2 times--then you MIGHT have an argument
let me know when it gets that high

Here.....violent gun crime and violent crime in Britain is going through the roof....it isn't law abiding gun owners since they had their guns taken..... criminal gangs, lots of immigrants, are getting and using guns for crime...

Notice...gun crime is going up in Britain, not down.....as is violent crime....

Yorkshire sees highest number of crimes for any county in Britain according to figures

“In particular we’re shocked to see an increase of nearly 30 per cent in weapon possession offences between 2016 and 2017.”

Crimes covered violent and sexual offences, vehicle theft, public order offences, possession of weapons, shoplifting, personal theft, drug crimes, robbery, criminal damage, bicycle thefts and anti-social behaviour.



The latest Government figures show that the total number of firearm offences in England and Wales has increased from 5,209 in 1998/99 to 9,865 last year - a rise of 89 per cent.

The number of people injured or killed by guns, excluding air weapons, has increased from 864 in 1998/99 to a provisional figure of 1,760 in 2008/09, an increase of 104 per cent .


Crime rise is biggest in a decade, ONS figures show

Ministers will also be concerned that the country is becoming increasingly violent in nature, with gun crime rising 23% to 6,375 offences, largely driven by an increase in the use of handguns.


Gun crime in London increases by 42% - BBC News

Gun crime offences in London surged by 42% in the last year, according to official statistics.

Top trauma surgeon reveals shocking extent of London’s gun crime

A leading trauma surgeon has told how the number of patients treated for gunshot injuries at a major London hospital has doubled in the last five years.


He said the hospital’s major trauma centre had seen a bigger rise in gunshot injuries compared to knife wounds and that the average age of victims was getting younger.


Last year, gun crime offences in London increased for a third year running and by 42 per cent, from 1,793 offences in 2015/16 to 2,544 offences in 2016/17. Police have seized 635 guns off the streets so far this year.

Dr Griffiths, who also teaches medical students, said: “Our numbers of victims of gun injury have doubled [since 2012]. Gunshot injuries represent about 2.5 per cent of our penetrating trauma.


Dr Griffiths said the average age of gun crime victims needing treatment at the hospital had decreased from 25 to the mid to late teens since 2012.

He added that medics at the Barts Health hospital’s major trauma centre in Whitechapel had seen a bigger rise in patients with gun injuries rather than knife wounds and that most were caused by pistols or shotguns.

Met Police commander Jim Stokley, who was also invited to speak at the meeting, said that handguns and shotguns were the weapons of choice and that 46 per cent of London’s gun crime discharges were gang-related.

He said: “We believe that a lot of it is associated with the drugs trade, and by that I mean people dealing drugs at street level and disagreements between different gangs.”

Violent crime on the rise in every corner of the country, figures suggest

But analysis of the figures force by force, showed the full extent of the problem, with only one constabulary, Nottinghamshire, recording a reduction in violent offences.

The vast majority of police forces actually witnessed double digit rises in violent crime, with Northumbria posting a 95 per cent increase year on year.

Of the other forces, Durham Police recorded a 73 per cent rise; West Yorkshire was up 48 per cent; Avon and Somerset 45 per cent; Dorset 39 per cent and Warwickshire 37 per cent.

Elsewhere Humberside, South Yorkshire, Staffordshire, Essex, Hertfordshire, Kent, Wiltshire and Dyfed Powys all saw violence rise by more than a quarter year on year.


Two men stabbed dead within hours as violent crime soars in London

The shocking attacks come as new figures revealed crime overall in London is rising, with significant increases in cases of youth violence.

A total of 35 young people under the age of 25 have been murdered in the capital in the last 12 months, an 84 per cent rise on the same period last year.

The number of cases of serious youth violence - a measure of gang activity - also rose by 18 per cent.


as well as a 16 per cent rise in the number of rapes.


Gun crime rose by nearly 19 per cent and the number of shootings was up by 11 per cent to 338.
So what is their murder rates v's ours?
Apologies, I don't have the stomach to read blue pages and pages
So.... a win win for gun control in Britain..... the attacker didn't use a gun and no one used a gun to stop him.....yeah, the 4 dead kids.....well, again, he didn't use a gun.....so a huge victory....

Hey...and the police knew about the threat...did they take lessons from Broward County?

Four children murdered amid feud between their brother and arsonist who torched house, court hears

Four sleeping children were murdered after being trapped in their bedrooms when their house was torched with petrol bombs in the dead of night, a court has heard.

Zak Bolland, 23, launched the fatal attack after being involved in a feud with the victims' 16-year-old brother Kyle Pearson, a jury at Manchester Crown Court was told.

The family had warned about threats that they received, and police were at the house just hours before it was torched, despite officers fitting a letter box cover aimed to stop arson attacks.

Bolland along with David Worrall, 25, removed a fence panel from the garden of Pearson's home, smashed a kitchen window and tossed in two lit petrol bombs, it is alleged.
Omg 4?
And how many kids here are killed by guns?
You love picking out SO isolated cases and kids are killed here every day.
How come you never report those?
Still living in all white, Star Wars time?

Dip shit.....I have posted gun deaths of U.S. kids over and over again to show how few there actually are, in a country of 71 million children...

With 600 million guns in private hands and over 17 million people carrying guns for self defense....this is how many kids are accidentally killed with guns...

I tell the whole story.....I don't lie by omission when I post these numbers...

Fatal Injury Data | WISQARS | Injury Center | CDC

2016: Kids ( <1 to age 14)
Total guns: ......74
Total Cars: 1,261

And kids murdered by guns v other means...can you tell which number is bigger?

Fatal Injury Data | WISQARS | Injury Center | CDC
Murder with guns...kids, 238
Other means........674

Every day 7 American children and teenagers were shot and killed last year.

Key Gun Violence Statistics* | Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence

There is no way to spin this that doesn’t show the horrific toll unfettered gun ownership in the US has in America’s children. This sad stat is virtually unknown in every other first world country.
Exactly how many of those came from illegal immigrant families? Include those who were given amnesty in the 80's.
Got the number here?
I thought white boys did more than the dreaded brown people
so Britain has a murder rate MUCH lower than the US, and you are using it as an example for PRO-gun?? !!!???

Yep...because the murder rate was low before they banned guns, and then went up after they banned guns.....on top of that, they banned and confiscated guns...and their gun crime rate keeps going up......that is the truth. Banning and confiscating guns was a lie...they promised the British people that by surrendering their guns they would be safer...they are not. They have increasing gun crime and increasing violent crime of all sorts......while they are cutting their police resources and manpower.....

At the same time, in the United States? As more Americans own and carry guns, our gun murder rate went down, our gun crime rate went down, our violent crime rate went down.....the exact opposite of what you guys said would happen, and the exact opposite of what the British government told their people...

You guys try to hide the truth by clinging to the murder rate.....and what you fail to realize? As more gun crime happens, gun murder won't be far behind......

Here is what happened as more Americans own and carry guns...

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in 1997...to close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
Britain murder rate well over 3 times less than US
when it gets to less than 2 times--then you MIGHT have an argument
let me know when it gets that high

Here.....violent gun crime and violent crime in Britain is going through the roof....it isn't law abiding gun owners since they had their guns taken..... criminal gangs, lots of immigrants, are getting and using guns for crime...

Notice...gun crime is going up in Britain, not down.....as is violent crime....

Yorkshire sees highest number of crimes for any county in Britain according to figures

“In particular we’re shocked to see an increase of nearly 30 per cent in weapon possession offences between 2016 and 2017.”

Crimes covered violent and sexual offences, vehicle theft, public order offences, possession of weapons, shoplifting, personal theft, drug crimes, robbery, criminal damage, bicycle thefts and anti-social behaviour.



The latest Government figures show that the total number of firearm offences in England and Wales has increased from 5,209 in 1998/99 to 9,865 last year - a rise of 89 per cent.

The number of people injured or killed by guns, excluding air weapons, has increased from 864 in 1998/99 to a provisional figure of 1,760 in 2008/09, an increase of 104 per cent .


Crime rise is biggest in a decade, ONS figures show

Ministers will also be concerned that the country is becoming increasingly violent in nature, with gun crime rising 23% to 6,375 offences, largely driven by an increase in the use of handguns.


Gun crime in London increases by 42% - BBC News

Gun crime offences in London surged by 42% in the last year, according to official statistics.

Top trauma surgeon reveals shocking extent of London’s gun crime

A leading trauma surgeon has told how the number of patients treated for gunshot injuries at a major London hospital has doubled in the last five years.


He said the hospital’s major trauma centre had seen a bigger rise in gunshot injuries compared to knife wounds and that the average age of victims was getting younger.


Last year, gun crime offences in London increased for a third year running and by 42 per cent, from 1,793 offences in 2015/16 to 2,544 offences in 2016/17. Police have seized 635 guns off the streets so far this year.

Dr Griffiths, who also teaches medical students, said: “Our numbers of victims of gun injury have doubled [since 2012]. Gunshot injuries represent about 2.5 per cent of our penetrating trauma.


Dr Griffiths said the average age of gun crime victims needing treatment at the hospital had decreased from 25 to the mid to late teens since 2012.

He added that medics at the Barts Health hospital’s major trauma centre in Whitechapel had seen a bigger rise in patients with gun injuries rather than knife wounds and that most were caused by pistols or shotguns.

Met Police commander Jim Stokley, who was also invited to speak at the meeting, said that handguns and shotguns were the weapons of choice and that 46 per cent of London’s gun crime discharges were gang-related.

He said: “We believe that a lot of it is associated with the drugs trade, and by that I mean people dealing drugs at street level and disagreements between different gangs.”

Violent crime on the rise in every corner of the country, figures suggest

But analysis of the figures force by force, showed the full extent of the problem, with only one constabulary, Nottinghamshire, recording a reduction in violent offences.

The vast majority of police forces actually witnessed double digit rises in violent crime, with Northumbria posting a 95 per cent increase year on year.

Of the other forces, Durham Police recorded a 73 per cent rise; West Yorkshire was up 48 per cent; Avon and Somerset 45 per cent; Dorset 39 per cent and Warwickshire 37 per cent.

Elsewhere Humberside, South Yorkshire, Staffordshire, Essex, Hertfordshire, Kent, Wiltshire and Dyfed Powys all saw violence rise by more than a quarter year on year.


Two men stabbed dead within hours as violent crime soars in London

The shocking attacks come as new figures revealed crime overall in London is rising, with significant increases in cases of youth violence.

A total of 35 young people under the age of 25 have been murdered in the capital in the last 12 months, an 84 per cent rise on the same period last year.

The number of cases of serious youth violence - a measure of gang activity - also rose by 18 per cent.


as well as a 16 per cent rise in the number of rapes.


Gun crime rose by nearly 19 per cent and the number of shootings was up by 11 per cent to 338.
So what is their murder rates v's ours?
Apologies, I don't have the stomach to read blue pages and pages

Yes....you pretend to care about the murder rate because you have to hide the fact that gun control in Britain...and island no less, isn't working. Their criminals are getting all the guns they want. They are not using those guns to increase the gun murder rate since they don't cross the line and murder their victims, they are happy to shoot people in the legs.....so far.
Thanks for the insults.
Are you seriously saying the USA is a safer place to be than the UK?
Try to reply in less than 10000 words

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