4 million people sign petition urging electoral college to elect Hillary

Excellent. It's easier to identify and imprison/execute the dissenters when they're loud and draw attention to themselves.

Were you just let out from one of those re-education camps where that mean Obama placed HIS moronic critics....like you????? (what an:asshole: ) LOL
I don't care who is better equipped. My main goal in this election, which was a major reason why I supported Sanders, was to see major change in Washington. Trump preached this as part of his campaign, but it is already obvious this isn't going to happen. Washington needs major change. Serious change. An event like something as rare as Electors changing their votes to determine the outcome of the election would be just that type of event. The ends justifies the means here.
Seriously that would only cause a shooting solution. I'm sure that is not the change you are looking for.

The ends justifies the means. Nothing worth changing was ever solved without some bloodshed. America did not become free from England without a revolution. The everyday citizen will never get what they deserve from rich and powerful in this country without the same thing.
What is the same thing?

For one to b e treated fairly under the laws. Not to allow the rich and powerful to get a free pass.
What does that mean exactly?

What do you mean what does that mean? It means no more times where people like Hillary get away with what she did, or no more times of people who are rich and powerful getting away with slaps on the wrists for crimes that the normal citizen goes to jail for. It means no more times of huge tax breaks for the rich. It means extreme new regulations on lobbyist or total ban of them. It means cutting the salaries of career politicians.
Interestingly enough, the only times Liberals have had a problem with the electoral college have been the 2 times 2 of their own lost elections using it while winning the popular vote:
2000, Al Gore
2016, Hillary Clinton

Until they lost those elections there was nothing wrong with the electoral college.

Unfortunately for Liberals, just as they are beginning to get over the devastating loss of Al Gore to Bush, they suffer another historic, devastating loss...and once again - this time worse, though - they are losing their minds.

The good news, however, may be that libs finally may let go of their hatred for Bush, replaced by a new, fanatical obsessive hatred of Donald Trump, one that - like with Bush - will last for decades and cause millions of libs to seek therapy for years.

Were you just let out from one of those re-education camps where that mean Obama placed HIS moronic critics....like you????? (what an:asshole: ) LOL

Who's laughing? Obimbo wasn't smart or gutsy enough to imprison or execute his dissenters. Trump might be smarter than that. We'll have to see.

BTW - If he does, I don't see it being re-education, but imprisonment. Something Americans don't comprehend anymore (see Alcatraz for an example)
Seriously that would only cause a shooting solution. I'm sure that is not the change you are looking for.

The ends justifies the means. Nothing worth changing was ever solved without some bloodshed. America did not become free from England without a revolution. The everyday citizen will never get what they deserve from rich and powerful in this country without the same thing.
What is the same thing?

For one to b e treated fairly under the laws. Not to allow the rich and powerful to get a free pass.
What does that mean exactly?

What do you mean what does that mean? It means no more times where people like Hillary get away with what she did, or no more times of people who are rich and powerful getting away with slaps on the wrists for crimes that the normal citizen goes to jail for. It means no more times of huge tax breaks for the rich. It means extreme new regulations on lobbyist or total ban of them. It means cutting the salaries of career politicians.
Why do you care about taxes for the rich and not jobs to get more people paying taxes

If you took all their money, what does that get you? You know what China!
Interestingly enough, the only times Liberals have had a problem with the electoral college have been the 2 times 2 of their own lost elections using it while winning the popular vote:
2000, Al Gore
2016, Hillary Clinton

Until they lost those elections there was nothing wrong with the electoral college.

Unfortunately for Liberals, just as they are beginning to get over the devastating loss of Al Gore to Bush, they suffer another historic, devastating loss...and once again - this time worse, though - they are losing their minds.

The good news, however, may be that libs finally may let go of their hatred for Bush, replaced by a new, fanatical obsessive hatred of Donald Trump, one that - like with Bush - will last for decades and cause millions of libs to seek therapy for years.


Hey goofball it has only happened 4 times in the history of the U.S. that a candidate has lost the popular vote and won the Electoral College. Benjamin Harrison, Rutherford B. Hayes, Bush, and now Trump. Every time it has happened, it has happened in favor of Republicans. Every time. So yeah, the fact that Liberals want to get rid of the Electoral college makes sense.
The ends justifies the means. Nothing worth changing was ever solved without some bloodshed. America did not become free from England without a revolution. The everyday citizen will never get what they deserve from rich and powerful in this country without the same thing.
What is the same thing?

For one to b e treated fairly under the laws. Not to allow the rich and powerful to get a free pass.
What does that mean exactly?

What do you mean what does that mean? It means no more times where people like Hillary get away with what she did, or no more times of people who are rich and powerful getting away with slaps on the wrists for crimes that the normal citizen goes to jail for. It means no more times of huge tax breaks for the rich. It means extreme new regulations on lobbyist or total ban of them. It means cutting the salaries of career politicians.
Why do you care about taxes for the rich and not jobs to get more people paying taxes

You know the answer to that, why are you being retarded?
Will you or will you libs NOT do what you demanded from Conservatives - accept the results of the election?!

Accepting the results of the election is perfectly fine....as I have......BUT, stopping the criticism should NEVER be acceptable.....You're in for some major attacks from the left.
Just as long as you seditious libtards stop calling for the overthrow of the govt, racist murder of whites, and assassination of Trump.

How about gIve the man what you demanded for Obama - a CHANCE.

Believe me, I will be one of Trump's biggest critics if he messed up.

Indeed.....I am actually looking forward to witnessing what a Trump administration can and will do. Based on his promises, however, I humbly predict that many of them will NOT or cannot be fulfilled, and that Trump's criticism will mostly be from his previous supporters.
By 2018, we will be able to see the populist tide possibly changing.
Or not
What is the same thing?

For one to b e treated fairly under the laws. Not to allow the rich and powerful to get a free pass.
What does that mean exactly?

What do you mean what does that mean? It means no more times where people like Hillary get away with what she did, or no more times of people who are rich and powerful getting away with slaps on the wrists for crimes that the normal citizen goes to jail for. It means no more times of huge tax breaks for the rich. It means extreme new regulations on lobbyist or total ban of them. It means cutting the salaries of career politicians.
Why do you care about taxes for the rich and not jobs to get more people paying taxes

You know the answer to that, why are you being retarded?
No, I don't
I want them to bring their money and create jobs! Why are you against that?
4 million morons, and the count will continue to rise. Stupid snowflakes.
Blog: Hillary wins the popular vote – not

Who votes by absentee ballot? Students overseas, the military, businesspeople on trips, etc. The historical breakout for absentee ballots is about 67-33% Republican. In 2000, when Al Gore “won” the popular vote nationally by 500,000 votes and the liberal media screamed bloody murder, there were 2 million absentee ballots in California alone. A 67-33 breakout of those yields a 1.33- to 0.667-million Republican vote advantage, so Bush would have gotten a 667,000-vote margin from California’s uncounted absentee ballots alone! So much for Gore’s 500,000 popular vote “victory.” (That was the headline on the N.Y. Times, and it was the lead story on NBC Nightly News, right? No? You’re kidding.)

Read more: Blog: Hillary wins the popular vote – not
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I'd encourage any electors swayed by the petition to go ahead and vote in violation of their constitutional duty.

Then we can try them for treason and execute them as they traitors they'd be.

In public.

But on pay-TV so the proceeds could help pay down the Great Obama Deficit.
It's not the rational people participating in the riots or signing petitions because they aren't just sore losers, they are militant cry babies. They are the fringe and they are dangerous. I want to know why the left isn't condemning them and instead are supporting them and cheering them on. These lunatics are out there beating people up, making tons of death threats on social media and destroying things. Anyone who treats this dangerous movement with respect is just as bad as those who are acting like animals.

And the same people who signed the petition, are also saying that: "The republic repeals itself"

Oh jee, I wonder why that is... couldn't have anything to do with your obstruction of democracy.

They also say, "Hate won", while savaging their own communities.

Then, they also claim that "racism won", while telling white people to go fuck themselves for electing Trump.

Does anyone have any questions regarding where these people stand?

Did they vote in the first place?

They really don't understand the human thought process, although most of them probably feel they are smarter then anyone else, cuz they have a piece of paper that says so.

So let me enlighten them.

Calling someone that you want on your side a silly name will probably not win them over.
Do the idiots that signed this actually think this can accomplish anything?

There is a process in the constitution.

First, read the constitution.

Second, convince the States to go along with it. You know, those States that are mostly ran by Republican governors and legislators.

Or three, get your lazy asses up and vote.

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