4 Ohio State Senators demand home school parents be heavily investigated.

These four democrats should pay more attention to what they decide to support or oppose. Democrats aren't doing so good right now. This ranks right up there with rape victims can't get pregnant.

Are you incapable of rational thought, or do you simply choose not to exercise any? Nobody has said that it is common for home schooled children to be abused. That is not the point.
That is the point. That is why the democrats are demanding that home school parents be heavily investigated. It's a matter of "safety" because there was a homeschool kid who died because child welfare didn't remove him from the home..and somehow that's the fault of homeschooling.
That is the point. That is why the democrats are demanding that home school parents be heavily investigated. It's a matter of "safety" because there was a homeschool kid who died because child welfare didn't remove him from the home..and somehow that's the fault of homeschooling.

I know why they are calling for this law. Nobody has said that abuse among home schooled children is "common." I don't see anyone saying that, neither here nor in the media reports on this. What I see is a concern that when home schooling and an abusive home environment are combined, the results can be substantially horrific.
That is the point. That is why the democrats are demanding that home school parents be heavily investigated. It's a matter of "safety" because there was a homeschool kid who died because child welfare didn't remove him from the home..and somehow that's the fault of homeschooling.

It's symptomatic of all closed societies, such as far right reactionary homes schooling.

All children should be protected is the point.
Don't protect my children, thanks. I view it as they need protected from you.

And most people will act accordingly.
"German Catholics were next discouraged from sending their children to Catholic schools. Nazi propaganda called the schools disloyal and havens of corruption, and families were eventually required to appear before authorities to declare officially why they had decided to betray the regime. During the ordeal of the interview, parents—especially any working for the government or in the German armed forces—were reminded of the possibly dire consequences should they proceed, including loss of promotion, dismissal, and even prison. Not surprisingly, Catholic schools suffered from massive drops in enrollment. "

Wow does that sound familiar or WHAT???

Catholic Martyrs of the Holocaust | Catholic Answers
"German Catholics were next discouraged from sending their children to Catholic schools. Nazi propaganda called the schools disloyal and havens of corruption, and families were eventually required to appear before authorities to declare officially why they had decided to betray the regime. During the ordeal of the interview, parents—especially any working for the government or in the German armed forces—were reminded of the possibly dire consequences should they proceed, including loss of promotion, dismissal, and even prison. Not surprisingly, Catholic schools suffered from massive drops in enrollment. "

Wow does that sound familiar or WHAT???

Catholic Martyrs of the Holocaust | Catholic Answers
Only if you have Nazi tourette's syndrome

Home schooling isn't the choice I would make, but I have never understood why so many have a problem with the choices others make for their children.

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You should try reading the article.

There was a homeschool kid who was being abused, some teachers reported it, social services didn't intervene and the kid died.

So naturally, they blame home schooling, rather than the workers who didn't recognize the abuse and take action.
That is the point. That is why the democrats are demanding that home school parents be heavily investigated. It's a matter of "safety" because there was a homeschool kid who died because child welfare didn't remove him from the home..and somehow that's the fault of homeschooling.

It's symptomatic of all closed societies, such as far right reactionary homes schooling.

All children should be protected is the point.


what is symptomatic is that all totalitarian societies ban home schooling and even criminlly prosecute it.
Calling a Nazi a Nazi is demonstrating Godwin's Law is correct on occasion.

Home schooling to reinvent history is something that should be investigated.

And we know that home schooling involves child abuse at times.


Turn in your conservative credentials you charlatan.

I am not an oblivious far right reactionary, you mean. Thank you.

you are a far left reactionary, which is much WORSE :D
That is the point. That is why the democrats are demanding that home school parents be heavily investigated. It's a matter of "safety" because there was a homeschool kid who died because child welfare didn't remove him from the home..and somehow that's the fault of homeschooling.

I know why they are calling for this law. Nobody has said that abuse among home schooled children is "common." I don't see anyone saying that, neither here nor in the media reports on this. What I see is a concern that when home schooling and an abusive home environment are combined, the results can be substantially horrific.

and the cases in school I posted aren't?
I think they need to be investigating their social services, rather than home schoolers.
That is the point. That is why the democrats are demanding that home school parents be heavily investigated. It's a matter of "safety" because there was a homeschool kid who died because child welfare didn't remove him from the home..and somehow that's the fault of homeschooling.

I know why they are calling for this law. Nobody has said that abuse among home schooled children is "common." I don't see anyone saying that, neither here nor in the media reports on this. What I see is a concern that when home schooling and an abusive home environment are combined, the results can be substantially horrific.

and the cases in school I posted aren't?

I have already addressed this. Please do not ignore my responses and ask me things I have already answered.

Home schooling isn't the choice I would make, but I have never understood why so many have a problem with the choices others make for their children.

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You should try reading the article.

There was a homeschool kid who was being abused, some teachers reported it, social services didn't intervene and the kid died.

So naturally, they blame home schooling, rather than the workers who didn't recognize the abuse and take action.

I wasn't saying anything negative about home schooling, you should try reading what one posted. ;)

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Meaning that people who work at schoos (public, private, and home) have to be held to the highest standards.

yet, they slip by, don't they?
The argument you are uisng is ridiculous. There have been less cases of abuse among those registered to home school than those registered schools, I would bet.

I would bet a dollar to donuts that the abuse cases among kids pulled from school are not registered to home school or have given that reason to school authorities, if registration isn't required. More than likely they just disappear off the radar, claim they are moving, etc.
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Meaning that people who work at schoos (public, private, and home) have to be held to the highest standards.

yet, they slip by, don't they?
The argument you are uisng is ridiculous. There have been less cases of abuse among those registered to home school than those registered schools.

I would bet a dollar to nothing that the abuse cases among kids pulled from school are not registered to home school or have given that reason to school authorities, if registration isn't required. More than likely they just disappear off the radar, claim they are moving, etc.

(1) "slip by" is used to protect home schools.

(2) more abuses of case occur in public schools because many, many times more children go to public schools

(3) too many abuse cases go hidden in home schools because of the geographical and psychological isolation of such schools

(4) now stop being ridiculous and stop defending the indefensible
To be sure, a large protion of history that I was taught in public school was debunked and clarified in private college or my independent research. In fact, there are books now published on the matter. Public schools are indoctrination camps, not learning centers.

Yes, you went to a private indoctrination camp. No matter, most such children are disabused of that nonsense eventually, which makes for a better America.

Kids coming out of homeschooling are far advanced over public school teaching. The reference you are suggesting is based on emotion and has nothing to do with logic.

The stupid defense has already been blown up. Step along.

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