4 Ohio State Senators demand home school parents be heavily investigated.

Well hell. when you were in school that was the so-called truth.
It was never the truth. So called, or otherwise. it's not as though hidden evidence was discovered to change the historical record. They simply taught that shit following FDRs columbus day federal holiday.

But my god if you ever go and check what the history books have in the now compared to when you went to school, you just might see things have changed.
Oh, really?

But you seem to be like most right-wingers. Only believe what someone tells you and never look for other evidence.
Typical, just enough information to make you look stupid.
Well, except the part where I'm not "right wing" or the part where I believe what the hisotrical record reflects, not what someone tells me, so that's strike 2, Sparky.

That is your fault.
it's my fault that as a child public school taught me junk history? :lmao:

World War II history has been changed to reveal many of the falsehoods that existed,but if you want to regale your limited ability. By all means do it.
Oh, really. once again, a claim without any back up.

As far as I'm aware, public schools still teach that columbus discovered N. America. Unless you plan on providing evidence for your claim, you can take your insults and shove them deeply into your anus. Spin around and see if the comfort level changes.
Your last response says it all. "As far as I'm aware, public schools still teach that columbus discovered N. America. Unless you plan on providing evidence for your claim, you can take your insults and shove them deeply into your anus. Spin around and see if the comfort level change"
As far as the insults, you insulted many teachers and school districts because you are too lazy to find out for yourself.
So let me suggest you take all your hypocritical bullshit thinking and push them in your ass and then scoop it out and eat just like you do everything else you are to lazy to research. See it is so easy to insult those like you.
And checking out our avatar it just solidifies how you think.

Well hell. when you were in school that was the so-called truth.
It was never the truth. So called, or otherwise. it's not as though hidden evidence was discovered to change the historical record. They simply taught that shit following FDRs columbus day federal holiday.

But my god if you ever go and check what the history books have in the now compared to when you went to school, you just might see things have changed.
Oh, really?

Well, except the part where I'm not "right wing" or the part where I believe what the hisotrical record reflects, not what someone tells me, so that's strike 2, Sparky.

That is your fault.
it's my fault that as a child public school taught me junk history? :lmao:

World War II history has been changed to reveal many of the falsehoods that existed,but if you want to regale your limited ability. By all means do it.
Oh, really. once again, a claim without any back up.

As far as I'm aware, public schools still teach that columbus discovered N. America. Unless you plan on providing evidence for your claim, you can take your insults and shove them deeply into your anus. Spin around and see if the comfort level changes.
Calling a Nazi a Nazi is demonstrating Godwin's Law is correct on occasion.

Home schooling to reinvent history is something that should be investigated.

And we know that home schooling involves child abuse at times.

And those that go to public school are never abused?

There is one vital difference to consider. Children who attend public school have access to the rest of society. If they are being abused they can tell a teacher, a friend, a bus driver, etc. There is also a possibility that the abuse could be detected. All of this leads to a better possibility for an intervention.

A home schooled child does not have access to the rest of society, unless the parent provides it. For a severely abusive parent, preventing such access can become an important part of maintaining the abusive situation without discovery.
Makes sense, right? I mean, no one has ever been beaten, tortured or murdered in public schools....oh, wait...

A false equivalency so that such torture and murder should not be investigated in home schools?

You are crazy

You're crazy, fake, and everybody here knows it.

These families aren't being investigated for child abuse. They're being investigated because they're home schooling, and that takes money from the school districts.

I imagine the primary reasoning behind it is that they're openly Christian, and therefore *suspect*.

This is how Nazis started in on the Jews.

Now this IS Godwin's law.
The lady is a nutter social con who can make no connection.

She is loony.

Prove it!

A false equivalency so that such torture and murder should not be investigated in home schools?

You are crazy

You're crazy, fake, and everybody here knows it.

These families aren't being investigated for child abuse. They're being investigated because they're home schooling, and that takes money from the school districts.

I imagine the primary reasoning behind it is that they're openly Christian, and therefore *suspect*.

This is how Nazis started in on the Jews.
A false equivalency so that such torture and murder should not be investigated in home schools?

You are crazy

You're crazy, fake, and everybody here knows it.

These families aren't being investigated for child abuse. They're being investigated because they're home schooling, and that takes money from the school districts.

I imagine the primary reasoning behind it is that they're openly Christian, and therefore *suspect*.

This is how Nazis started in on the Jews.

Now this IS Godwin's law.

She is very sympathetic to the Nazis.
Calling a Nazi a Nazi is demonstrating Godwin's Law is correct on occasion.

Home schooling to reinvent history is something that should be investigated.

And we know that home schooling involves child abuse at times.


Turn in your conservative credentials you charlatan.

I am not an oblivious far right reactionary, you mean. Thank you.
Wow. What a shocking and tragic story.

"He was really a nice guy," Brian Gore's ex-girlfriend, Sandy, told WTKR 3 News in Norfolk. "He went to church and everything."
And then there is this one...

In 2005, homeschool parents Michael and Sharon Gravelle were accused of child abuse and their eleven adopted children were removed from their home. The Akron Beacon Journal reported HSLDA’s response:
Scott Somerville, an attorney with the Home School Legal Defense Association in Virginia, said he talked with Michael Gravelle before the story broke in the media, and he believes this is a family trying to help special children.
When a social worker visited the house last week, there was no resistance to an inspection, said Somerville, whose organization represents home-schooling families on legal matters.
“They had nothing to hide,” Somerville said. “He told me why they adopted these children and told me the problems they were trying to solve.
“I think he is a hero.”
In other words, when faced with accusations of child abuse against Gary Gravelle, a homschooling father, HSLDA attorney Scott Somerville declared Gravelle “a hero.” Why? Presumably because of he had adopted special needs children. But what actually happened in the Gravelle home? Let’s take a look:
The Gravelles’ children told [Lt. Randy] Sommers of punishments including ”spankings with a board, name calling and being held under water,” Sommers said.
One boy said he had ”his face shoved against a bathroom wall until his nose bled,” Sommers testified.

The sleeping arrangements for some of the children were homemade enclosures made with wood and chicken wire that had alarms on the doors. County authorities call the enclosures ”cages,” while the Gravelles say they were enclosed beds used to protect the children.

The children would soil their beds rather than open the door and go to the bathroom because they did not want to trigger the alarm, they also told the investigator.

Another boy told the detective he was forced to write ”in long hand” a book out of the Bible before he was allowed out of his enclosed bed, Sommers testified.
When asked whether he believed the children’s accounts, Sommers said he did because many of the stories were repeated by more than one child.
“I think he is a hero,” HSLDA attorney Scott Somerville said of a man who kept his adopted children in cages and punished them by holding their heads under water in the toilet. Oh, and guess what? It turns out that Michael Gravelle had previously sexually abused his biological daughter. “Hero” indeed.

Okay, next case. In 1992 six year old Hannah Carrol, an adopted child with Down syndrome, died of horrific burns caused by bleach.
HSLDA: Man Who Kept Children in Cages :: a Hero?
Meaning that people who work at schoos (public, private, and home) have to be held to the highest standards.
Except you don't think people should be held to the highest standard. You only think parents who homeschool should be held to the highest standard.

Tell us, Einstein...what are these parents being investigated for? What are the charges against them?
What Jake thinks they should be investigated for is not teaching things he thinks they should be taught. And it isn't reading, writing and arithmetic.

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