4 Ohio State Senators demand home school parents be heavily investigated.

The nice thing my friends in public and college education tell me is that they have very little trouble in getting the "stupid" out of their students' understanding when they come to real education: particularly the social sciences and biology.

They look for students who have been home-school indoctrinated, and use rationalism and empirical teaching to disabuse the kids of that nonsense.
Teaching history that is not based rationally and empirically based on all of the evidence but rather substitutes the parents' agenda is child abuse, yes.

teaching history which is not based rationally and empirically as the most public schools do, is chilkd abuse to the extreme extent.

Parents have the right to teach their children whatever they feel fit - unlike the government, which has no rights tio the chiklren

To be sure, a large protion of history that I was taught in public school was debunked and clarified in private college or my independent research. In fact, there are books now published on the matter. Public schools are indoctrination camps, not learning centers.

Yes, you went to a private indoctrination camp. No matter, most such children are disabused of that nonsense eventually, which makes for a better America.
So teaching children history you don't agree with is child abuse now?

Teaching history that is not based rationally and empirically based on all of the evidence but rather substitutes the parents' agenda is child abuse, yes.

So what your saying is that you are abusing children by supporting politicians who have put in place this bastardized history in our educational system?

Im willing to give you the benefit of the doubt. People can disagree on what has happened in the past without abusing someone.

he is saying that unless you brainwash your children with a leftard porpaganda lies - you are abusing them.

it is actually a new talking point in the leftard progressive machine.

which is nothing new - both commies and nazis were brainwashing the youth with propaganda lies, often against the will of the parents ( which they had to undo at home) in order to have the legions of idiots ready to die for the government.

that is what left everywhere is doing - brainwashing the kids through the school system.

that's why they hate homeschooling so much.

that's what goes out the window first in ANY socialist country.

It is impossible to homeschool ones children in Germany - nominally the country changed, but the methods stayed :D
teaching history which is not based rationally and empirically as the most public schools do, is chilkd abuse to the extreme extent.

Parents have the right to teach their children whatever they feel fit - unlike the government, which has no rights tio the chiklren

To be sure, a large protion of history that I was taught in public school was debunked and clarified in private college or my independent research. In fact, there are books now published on the matter. Public schools are indoctrination camps, not learning centers.

Yes, you went to a private indoctrination camp. No matter, most such children are disabused of that nonsense eventually, which makes for a better America.

No, i went to a private college. A pretty damned good one too.
The history being taught in public schools is child abuse.

That's why as parents if we have kids in the public school system we must be vigilant in teaching them correctly. From the time my wife told me that she was pregnant with our first I have collected books for my kids. My oldest just started reading a lot this past summer and is starting to devour everything I have. I also go over her home work and teach her real history not the fantasy crap they teach her at school.Gonna be fun since mlk day is coming up soon and then black history month can only imagine the drivel they will be forced to do then. Especially if they insist on doing something for mlk day...I got the true story of him bookmarked.
The history being taught in public schools is child abuse.

and an extreme one.

One has to really apply a lot of additional effort to teach the child REAL history, not the idiocy which they are being brainwashed nowadays in public schools.
To be sure, a large portion of history that I was taught in public school was debunked and clarified in private college or my independent research. In fact, there are books now published on the matter.

Public schools are indoctrination camps, not learning centers.

They arent very good ones either. I've learned far more in independent study than I have in the classroom. And much of it was far more accurate. that's the beauty of going to primary sources
Teaching history that is not based rationally and empirically based on all of the evidence but rather substitutes the parents' agenda is child abuse, yes.
Jake, history isn't a science but a subjective discipline with many political agendas.

It all depends on the country and their version of history as to what's historical truth.

Take Christopher Columbus for example; in some countries he is taught to children as a brave hero; but in other countries he is portrayed as a homicidal monster to school children.

......... :cool:
Calling a Nazi a Nazi is demonstrating Godwin's Law is correct on occasion.

Home schooling to reinvent history is something that should be investigated.

And we know that home schooling involves child abuse at times.
Where is your evidence of child abuse?

BTW, there is plenty of evidence that bullying in school is alive and well. Let's don't go after that, let's get those mean child beaters at home! LOL
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The nice thing my friends in public and college education tell me is that they have very little trouble in getting the "stupid" out of their students' understanding when they come to real education: particularly the social sciences and biology.

They look for students who have been home-school indoctrinated, and use rationalism and empirical teaching to disabuse the kids of that nonsense.

boy, you are really stupid.

kids in schools and colleges know pretty well what they are expected to tell and answer in tests in order to graduate - that does not mean they BELIEVE the lies they are repeating :lol:

you really are unbelievably ignorant.

it is called censiorship and young people know how to use autocensorship in order to get an A in a class of a leftard professor :D
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Calling a Nazi a Nazi is demonstrating Godwin's Law is correct on occasion.

Home schooling to reinvent history is something that should be investigated.

And we know that home schooling involves child abuse at times.
Where is your evidence of child abuse?

BTW, there is plenty of evidence that bullying in school is alive and well. Let's don't go after that, let's get those mean child beaters at home! LOL

he himself is a definite proof of abuse - in order to be so ignorant one has to have history of child abuse :D
So teaching children history you don't agree with is child abuse now?

In Fake's world, history is determined by the popularity displayed for a specific interpretation of historical record. Anyone who investigates history indepth and discovers inconsistencies in popular historical interpretations are committing child abuse for pointing them out or teaching their children to use proper methodology when researching history. :cuckoo: Fake is a full blown nutjob.

But that is not what you do, TASB: instead you reinforce unsustainable conclusions used, without noting other interpretations, in home schools.

And then you lie about, as you did above. It is the Rush mirror condemnation of others when in fact it describes your procedure.,


You're a full blown nutjob, Fake.
It seems to be an insult to children who are literally abused to even attempt to compare child abuse to teaching children that isn't approved by someone else.

If we are going to get upset about child abuse, let's at least do something about the abuse that actually occurs.
Teaching history that is not based rationally and empirically based on all of the evidence but rather substitutes the parents' agenda is child abuse, yes.
Jake, history isn't a science but a subjective discipline with many political agendas.

It all depends on the country and their version of history as to what's historical truth.

Take Christopher Columbus for example; in some countries he is taught to children as a brave hero; but in other countries he is portrayed as a homicidal monster to school children.

......... :cool:

I was taught C. Columbus discovered North America in public school. That's the type of "education" one can expect from the public school system.
It seems to be an insult to children who are literally abused to even attempt to compare child abuse to teaching children that isn't approved by someone else.

If we are going to get upset about child abuse, let's at least do something about the abuse that actually occurs.
You do understand the Senate bill in Ohio the OP is based on was a result of someone wanting to do something because a homeschooled child was beaten, tortured and murdered, right?
It seems to be an insult to children who are literally abused to even attempt to compare child abuse to teaching children that isn't approved by someone else.

If we are going to get upset about child abuse, let's at least do something about the abuse that actually occurs.
You do understand the Senate bill in Ohio the OP is based on was a result of someone wanting to do something because a homeschooled child was beaten, tortured and murdered, right?

Makes sense, right? I mean, no one has ever been beaten, tortured or murdered in public schools....oh, wait...
teaching history which is not based rationally and empirically as the most public schools do, is chilkd abuse to the extreme extent.

Parents have the right to teach their children whatever they feel fit - unlike the government, which has no rights tio the chiklren

To be sure, a large protion of history that I was taught in public school was debunked and clarified in private college or my independent research. In fact, there are books now published on the matter. Public schools are indoctrination camps, not learning centers.

Yes, you went to a private indoctrination camp. No matter, most such children are disabused of that nonsense eventually, which makes for a better America.

Kids coming out of homeschooling are far advanced over public school teaching. The reference you are suggesting is based on emotion and has nothing to do with logic.
It is quite obvious you live in a hole some place. Schools are always investigated. But you refuse to accept any facts whatsoever so live in your little fucked up world.

God forbid that public schools should be so investigated. It would uncover a myriad of untold horrors.

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