4 Ohio State Senators demand home school parents be heavily investigated.

Exactly. I haven't brought my politics into this and won't. They don't belong here. I am 100% in support of Home Schooling even though my kids attend public school.That's why I posted this. No other reason.
Guys and Gals. Please discuss the topic. Christ sakes.

On the other hand, in all honesty you do have an affinity for the Nazis and Hitler, many of the posters here see that as rather inflammatory, it does distract from your point.

However, it is quite disturbing to have members of our government wanting to bully parents who home school their children. I'm willing to see past your shortcomings for once and have a serious debate. I do commend you for starting one.
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Everyone's gonna get hot n bothered about someone else's positions. But having an unpopular opinion doesn't mean your opinion or thought on every matter is worthless. Are pleanty of people I'd smile-kill if I thought I'd get away with it. But online we don't face such temptations so why try and deny reality by hollering and stomping our feet as though we can. If ya can't participate in discussions without loosing your poop all over the palce, don't.

That's Democrats, moron. BTW, the source of your concern is a fascinating site; do you derive all of you information from them? I am particularly fond of their use of language, though it did almost cause me to LOL and nearly spit coffee all over my computer screen.

Thanks for Sharing

I do enjoy using their website yes. It gives a pro American twist to things lol...
Calling a Nazi a Nazi is demonstrating Godwin's Law is correct on occasion.

Home schooling to reinvent history is something that should be investigated.

And we know that home schooling involves child abuse at times.

Child abuse? Seriously Jake?

Look it up. Teaching some of the Board versions of the Great Depression and FDR are examples of child abuse because of reinventing history.

That's Democrats, moron. BTW, the source of your concern is a fascinating site; do you derive all of you information from them? I am particularly fond of their use of language, though it did almost cause me to LOL and nearly spit coffee all over my computer screen.

Thanks for Sharing

I do enjoy using their website yes. It gives a pro American twist to things lol...
It's an org dedicated to White Supremacy.

No surprise you would enjoy them.
Guys and Gals. Please discuss the topic. Christ sakes.

On the other hand, in all honesty you do have an affinity for the Nazis and Nitler, many of the posters here see that as rather inflammatory, it does distract from your point.

However, it is quite disturbing to have members of our government wanting to bully parents who home school their children. I'm willing to see past your shortcomings for once and have a serious debate. I do commend you for starting one.

Of course the article is inflammatory and lies by omission. You see, social services is responsible for interviewing children alone who are in foster care or group homes, hence, what is hysterically reported in the right wing rag of the OP is nothing out of the ordinary. Interviewing the parents seem appropriate too, as someone who spent a career in the criminal justice system I'm award that not all parents are good people.

BTW, how would you and the wacko who authored this post feel about Social Services going to a commune of 'hippies' and seeing if he health, education and well being of children living there was appropriate and safe?
That's Democrats, moron. BTW, the source of your concern is a fascinating site; do you derive all of you information from them? I am particularly fond of their use of language, though it did almost cause me to LOL and nearly spit coffee all over my computer screen.

Thanks for Sharing

I do enjoy using their website yes. It gives a pro American twist to things lol...
It's an org dedicated to White Supremacy.

No surprise you would enjoy them.
CCC is not a white supremacist group LOL...
Guys and Gals. Please discuss the topic. Christ sakes.

On the other hand, in all honesty you do have an affinity for the Nazis and Nitler, many of the posters here see that as rather inflammatory, it does distract from your point.

However, it is quite disturbing to have members of our government wanting to bully parents who home school their children. I'm willing to see past your shortcomings for once and have a serious debate. I do commend you for starting one.

Of course the article is inflammatory and lies by omission. You see, social services is responsible for interviewing children alone who are in foster care or group homes, hence, what is hysterically reported in the right wing rag of the OP is nothing out of the ordinary. Interviewing the parents seem appropriate too, as someone who spent a career in the criminal justice system I'm award that not all parents are good people.

BTW, how would you and the wacko who authored this post feel about Social Services going to a commune of 'hippies' and seeing if he health, education and well being of children living there was appropriate and safe?
It doesn't lie and why would Home Schooling parents need to be kept an eye on by SS?
Calling a Nazi a Nazi is demonstrating Godwin's Law is correct on occasion.

Home schooling to reinvent history is something that should be investigated.

And we know that home schooling involves child abuse at times.

Child abuse? Seriously Jake?

Look it up. Teaching some of the Board versions of the Great Depression and FDR are examples of child abuse because of reinventing history.

I do enjoy using their website yes. It gives a pro American twist to things lol...
It's an org dedicated to White Supremacy.

No surprise you would enjoy them.
CCC is not a white supremacist group LOL...

Try again. They are the White Collar KKK:


St. Louis, MO

Profiled Leadership:
Gordon Baum

White Nationalist

The Council of Conservative Citizens (CCC) is the modern reincarnation of the old White Citizens Councils, which were formed in the 1950s and 1960s to battle school desegregation in the South.

Created in 1985 from the mailing lists of its predecessor organization, the CCC, which initially tried to project a "mainstream" image, has evolved into a crudely white supremacist group whose website has run pictures comparing pop singer Michael Jackson to an ape and referred to blacks as "a retrograde species of humanity."

The group's newspaper, Citizens Informer, regularly publishes articles condemning "race mixing," decrying the evils of illegal immigration, and lamenting the decline of white, European civilization.

In Its Own Words

"God is the author of racism. God is the One who divided mankind into different types. ... Mixing the races is rebelliousness against God."
— Council of Conservative Citizens website

Council of Conservative Citizens
Senate Bill 248: Require Children's Services Review for Homeschooling
Senator Cafaro, Senator Brown, Senator Turner, Senator Schiavoni


Senate Bill (SB) 248 was introduced on December 3, 2013, and would require children’s services to review all homeschool notices to determine whether homeschooling is “in the best interest of the child.” Under this proposed legislation, children’s services would be required to meet with parents who choose to homeschool and conduct separate in-person interviews with each of their children. Children’s services would then make a recommendation for or against the excuse from compulsory school attendance.

Children’s services would automatically be required to recommend against homeschooling if they determine it is not in the child’s “best interest” or if the family has any record of a child welfare investigation, regardless of the result of that investigation. If there is a recommendation against homeschooling, the superintendent would be ordered to delay excusing the children for homeschooling until the family participates in a CPS parenting “intervention.”

The effect of the bill would require children’s services to divert time and resources away from true child abuse investigations in order to review homeschool plans which they are neither prepared nor qualified to evaluate.

This bill is breathtaking in its attempt to impose unreasonable government intrusion on Ohio families. In responding to this ill-advised legislation, however, it is important to keep in mind the background that has led to this bill.

Children’s services would automatically be required to recommend against homeschooling if they determine it is not in the child’s “best interest” or if the family has any record of a child welfare investigation, regardless of the result of that investigation. If there is a recommendation against homeschooling, the superintendent would be ordered to delay excusing the children for homeschooling until the family participates in a CPS parenting “intervention.”

This bill would also require children’s services to divert time and resources away from true child abuse investigations in order to review homeschool plans which they are neither prepared nor qualified to evaluate.

Senate Bill 248: Require Children's Services Review for Homeschooling | HSLDA

Now, will people start discussing the issue?
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Ding Ding Ding! All 4 are democrats. Must suck having parents teach their kids REAL EDUCATION and not the propaganda garbage and DIEversity that's jammed down their throats in the indoctrination centers.

You should have seen the back lash when I told the school that my first son attended that he would not be reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.

Just curious but why not? I didn't either but I am sure for entirely different reasons. I don't pledge my allegiance to any country or government so. That was my reasoning and I told my oldest she didn't have to either.

1. I am Jewish. We pledge to no one but God.
It's an org dedicated to White Supremacy.

No surprise you would enjoy them.
CCC is not a white supremacist group LOL...

Try again. They are the White Collar KKK:


St. Louis, MO

Profiled Leadership:
Gordon Baum

White Nationalist

The Council of Conservative Citizens (CCC) is the modern reincarnation of the old White Citizens Councils, which were formed in the 1950s and 1960s to battle school desegregation in the South.

Created in 1985 from the mailing lists of its predecessor organization, the CCC, which initially tried to project a "mainstream" image, has evolved into a crudely white supremacist group whose website has run pictures comparing pop singer Michael Jackson to an ape and referred to blacks as "a retrograde species of humanity."

The group's newspaper, Citizens Informer, regularly publishes articles condemning "race mixing," decrying the evils of illegal immigration, and lamenting the decline of white, European civilization.

In Its Own Words

"God is the author of racism. God is the One who divided mankind into different types. ... Mixing the races is rebelliousness against God."
— Council of Conservative Citizens website

Council of Conservative Citizens
SPLC.:lol::lol::lol: Either stay on topic or I report the post and have it removed please.

You should have seen the back lash when I told the school that my first son attended that he would not be reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.

Just curious but why not? I didn't either but I am sure for entirely different reasons. I don't pledge my allegiance to any country or government so. That was my reasoning and I told my oldest she didn't have to either.

1. I am Jewish. We pledge to no one but God.
Either stay on topic or I report the post and have it removed please.

You're going to report that I noted your OP link is a White Supremacist site, and I had to the gall to back up my statement when you denied it?

Guys and Gals. Please discuss the topic. Christ sakes.

On the other hand, in all honesty you do have an affinity for the Nazis and Hitler, many of the posters here see that as rather inflammatory, it does distract from your point.

However, it is quite disturbing to have members of our government wanting to bully parents who home school their children. I'm willing to see past your shortcomings for once and have a serious debate. I do commend you for starting one.

He does not know ANYTHING either about Hitler, or nazism, or socilaism to start with.

he is just an ignorant lazy fucked up moocher who is looking which master will give him a handout.

So Godwin's law should not apply in this case just because of the pure ignorance of the subject.
Calling a Nazi a Nazi is demonstrating Godwin's Law is correct on occasion.

Home schooling to reinvent history is something that should be investigated.

And we know that home schooling involves child abuse at times.

Child abuse? Seriously Jake?
We home schooled our children.

They missed out on teen pregnancy, drugs, gangs, school shootings, and rap music.

But according to Jake Fake we should be investigated for child abuse. .... :cuckoo:
It's an org dedicated to White Supremacy.

No surprise you would enjoy them.
CCC is not a white supremacist group LOL...

Try again. They are the White Collar KKK:


St. Louis, MO

Profiled Leadership:
Gordon Baum

White Nationalist

The Council of Conservative Citizens (CCC) is the modern reincarnation of the old White Citizens Councils, which were formed in the 1950s and 1960s to battle school desegregation in the South.

Created in 1985 from the mailing lists of its predecessor organization, the CCC, which initially tried to project a "mainstream" image, has evolved into a crudely white supremacist group whose website has run pictures comparing pop singer Michael Jackson to an ape and referred to blacks as "a retrograde species of humanity."

The group's newspaper, Citizens Informer, regularly publishes articles condemning "race mixing," decrying the evils of illegal immigration, and lamenting the decline of white, European civilization.

In Its Own Words

"God is the author of racism. God is the One who divided mankind into different types. ... Mixing the races is rebelliousness against God."
— Council of Conservative Citizens website

Council of Conservative Citizens
Why does David Duke come to mind?

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