4 Ohio State Senators demand home school parents be heavily investigated.

Calling a Nazi a Nazi is demonstrating Godwin's Law is correct on occasion.

Home schooling to reinvent history is something that should be investigated.

And we know that home schooling involves child abuse at times.

Child abuse? Seriously Jake?
We home schooled our children.

They missed out on teen pregnancy, drugs, gangs, school shootings, and rap music.

But according to Jake Fake we should be investigated for child abuse. .... :cuckoo:
I did also. My first child was started at 7th grade. I am proud he was never involved in that mess.
CCC is not a white supremacist group LOL...

Try again. They are the White Collar KKK:


St. Louis, MO

Profiled Leadership:
Gordon Baum

White Nationalist

The Council of Conservative Citizens (CCC) is the modern reincarnation of the old White Citizens Councils, which were formed in the 1950s and 1960s to battle school desegregation in the South.

Created in 1985 from the mailing lists of its predecessor organization, the CCC, which initially tried to project a "mainstream" image, has evolved into a crudely white supremacist group whose website has run pictures comparing pop singer Michael Jackson to an ape and referred to blacks as "a retrograde species of humanity."

The group's newspaper, Citizens Informer, regularly publishes articles condemning "race mixing," decrying the evils of illegal immigration, and lamenting the decline of white, European civilization.

In Its Own Words

"God is the author of racism. God is the One who divided mankind into different types. ... Mixing the races is rebelliousness against God."
— Council of Conservative Citizens website

Council of Conservative Citizens
Why does David Duke come to mind?
He enjoys the CCC too.

So does Jared Taylor, racist editor of American Renaissance and Don Black, founder of Stormfront - who are prominent at CCC conferences.
A nazi for homeschooling... That's a new one to me. The National Socialists outlawed homeschooling in Germany. That law is still on the book there.
Calling a Nazi a Nazi is demonstrating Godwin's Law is correct on occasion.

Home schooling to reinvent history is something that should be investigated.

And we know that home schooling involves child abuse at times.

Who exactly is reinventing history here?

It's an odd claim. Especially when Michelle stated Barack was running to change our history.
Calling a Nazi a Nazi is demonstrating Godwin's Law is correct on occasion.

Home schooling to reinvent history is something that should be investigated.

And we know that home schooling involves child abuse at times.

Child abuse? Seriously Jake?
We home schooled our children.

They missed out on teen pregnancy, drugs, gangs, school shootings, and rap music.

But according to Jake Fake we should be investigated for child abuse. .... :cuckoo:

Well you are a parent, of course you should be investigated for child abuse. Anyone who doesn't submit their child to the watchful care of the state should be.

At least according to way too many people.

I have no doubt you did an amazing job with your children.
Reading the Bill (call it a hobby) I agree it's bad. The Bill details the required curriculum in Ohio public schools, and on that alone, I'd suggest ditching it. And obviously, the last thing anyone anywhere needs is another layer of government bureaucracy saying what parents can or can't do with their own children.

Can read the actual Bill here, and I suggest doing so before taking any website's interpretation for it. I didn't see their interpretation being wrong, but in general go to the source.
Calling a Nazi a Nazi is demonstrating Godwin's Law is correct on occasion.

Home schooling to reinvent history is something that should be investigated.

And we know that home schooling involves child abuse at times.

Child abuse? Seriously Jake?

Look it up. Teaching some of the Board versions of the Great Depression and FDR are examples of child abuse because of reinventing history.


Fake is mental.
Calling a Nazi a Nazi is demonstrating Godwin's Law is correct on occasion.

Home schooling to reinvent history is something that should be investigated.

And we know that home schooling involves child abuse at times.

Child abuse? Seriously Jake?

Look it up. Teaching some of the Board versions of the Great Depression and FDR are examples of child abuse because of reinventing history.

So teaching children history you don't agree with is child abuse now?
A nazi for homeschooling... That's a new one to me. The National Socialists outlawed homeschooling in Germany. That law is still on the book there.

"While it is true that the Third Reich passed such laws in 1938 (and added criminal penalties), they were only an extension of education laws that have been around since 1871. (Prussia was also the first country in the world to require state certification of teachers, and was offering free, compulsory elementary education as early as the 18th century.) In 1919, the Weimar Republic re-introduced compulsory school attendance (allgemeine Schulpflicht). When the Federal Republic of Germany was created in 1949, the compulsory attendance idea made its way into Article 7 of the Grundgesetz (constitution). In September 2006, the European Court of Human Rights upheld the German ban on homeschooling, in a religious-freedom case that began in 2003. The European court argued that parents can’t use religion to justify homeschooling in Germany. (Under German law, parents can decide whether or not their offspring will receive the religious instruction offered in German schools.)"

Ahem. Home Schooling was outlawed in 1871,before Hitler was even born. Also I am an American National Socialist and seeing who runs the education system and what kids are forced fed in schools today and who writes the books of course I support HomeSchooling. A LOT of racialist families I know Home School their children. I send mine to public school but am VERY VERY involved in her school have met all the kids teachers and know what's being taught.
Child abuse? Seriously Jake?

Look it up. Teaching some of the Board versions of the Great Depression and FDR are examples of child abuse because of reinventing history.

So teaching children history you don't agree with is child abuse now?

Teaching history that is not based rationally and empirically based on all of the evidence but rather substitutes the parents' agenda is child abuse, yes.
Look it up. Teaching some of the Board versions of the Great Depression and FDR are examples of child abuse because of reinventing history.

So teaching children history you don't agree with is child abuse now?

Teaching history that is not based rationally and empirically based on all of the evidence but rather substitutes the parents' agenda is child abuse, yes.

So what your saying is that you are abusing children by supporting politicians who have put in place this bastardized history in our educational system?

Im willing to give you the benefit of the doubt. People can disagree on what has happened in the past without abusing someone.
So what I am saying is that the bastardized education used in certain far right reactionary social con home schools is abusing children.

Whether you give me the doubt is immaterial to my point that history requires critical and rational empirical investigation of factual events to reach a generally acceptable conclusion.
Child abuse? Seriously Jake?

Look it up. Teaching some of the Board versions of the Great Depression and FDR are examples of child abuse because of reinventing history.

So teaching children history you don't agree with is child abuse now?

In Fake's world, history is determined by the popularity displayed for a specific interpretation of historical record. Anyone who investigates history indepth and discovers inconsistencies in popular historical interpretations are committing child abuse for pointing them out or teaching their children to use proper methodology when researching history.


Fake is a full blown nutjob.
Look it up. Teaching some of the Board versions of the Great Depression and FDR are examples of child abuse because of reinventing history.

So teaching children history you don't agree with is child abuse now?

Teaching history that is not based rationally and empirically based on all of the evidence but rather substitutes the parents' agenda is child abuse, yes.

teaching history which is not based rationally and empirically as the most public schools do, is chilkd abuse to the extreme extent.

Parents have the right to teach their children whatever they feel fit - unlike the government, which has no rights tio the chiklren
Look it up. Teaching some of the Board versions of the Great Depression and FDR are examples of child abuse because of reinventing history.

So teaching children history you don't agree with is child abuse now?

In Fake's world, history is determined by the popularity displayed for a specific interpretation of historical record. Anyone who investigates history indepth and discovers inconsistencies in popular historical interpretations are committing child abuse for pointing them out or teaching their children to use proper methodology when researching history. :cuckoo: Fake is a full blown nutjob.

But that is not what you do, TASB: instead you reinforce unsustainable conclusions used, without noting other interpretations, in home schools.

And then you lie about, as you did above. It is the Rush mirror condemnation of others when in fact it describes your procedure.,
So what I am saying is that the bastardized education used in certain far right reactionary social con home schools is abusing children.

Whether you give me the doubt is immaterial to my point that history requires critical and rational empirical investigation of factual events to reach a generally acceptable conclusion.

Im sorry but teaching what occured in history doesn't abuse children simply because you havent learned about it or disagree with it.

There is nothing rational or factual about adopting such a ludicrous position.
So teaching children history you don't agree with is child abuse now?

Teaching history that is not based rationally and empirically based on all of the evidence but rather substitutes the parents' agenda is child abuse, yes.

teaching history which is not based rationally and empirically as the most public schools do, is chilkd abuse to the extreme extent.

Parents have the right to teach their children whatever they feel fit - unlike the government, which has no rights tio the chiklren

If you teach home school curriculum, you have to meet certain state-based requirements.
So teaching children history you don't agree with is child abuse now?

Teaching history that is not based rationally and empirically based on all of the evidence but rather substitutes the parents' agenda is child abuse, yes.

teaching history which is not based rationally and empirically as the most public schools do, is chilkd abuse to the extreme extent.

Parents have the right to teach their children whatever they feel fit - unlike the government, which has no rights tio the chiklren

To be sure, a large portion of history that I was taught in public school was debunked and clarified in private college or my independent research. In fact, there are books now published on the matter.

Public schools are indoctrination camps, not learning centers.

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