4 Ohio State Senators demand home school parents be heavily investigated.

Yes, you went to a private indoctrination camp. No matter, most such children are disabused of that nonsense eventually, which makes for a better America.

Kids coming out of homeschooling are far advanced over public school teaching. The reference you are suggesting is based on emotion and has nothing to do with logic.

The stupid defense has already been blown up. Step along.

Well all know that people respond better to the cookie cutter approach.
Yes, you went to a private indoctrination camp. No matter, most such children are disabused of that nonsense eventually, which makes for a better America.

Kids coming out of homeschooling are far advanced over public school teaching. The reference you are suggesting is based on emotion and has nothing to do with logic.

The stupid defense has already been blown up. Step along.

Lying per usual, fake:

"Regarding the third reason, there is new research showing that the average home-schooler who takes standardized achievement tests is doing very well."

"Five areas of academic pursuit were measured. In reading, the average home-schooler scored at the 89th percentile; language, 84th percentile; math, 84th percentile; science, 86th percentile; and social studies, 84th percentile. In the core studies (reading, language and math), the average home-schooler scored at the 88th percentile.

The average public school student taking these standardized tests scored at the 50th percentile in each subject area."

Read more: HOME-SCHOOLING: Outstanding results on national tests - Washington Times
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Yes, you went to a private indoctrination camp. No matter, most such children are disabused of that nonsense eventually, which makes for a better America.

Kids coming out of homeschooling are far advanced over public school teaching. The reference you are suggesting is based on emotion and has nothing to do with logic.

The stupid defense has already been blown up. Step along.

Lying per usual, fake:

And this is interesting:

"....home-school students of parents without college degrees scored, on average, at the 83rd percentile for the core subjects. When one parent had a college degree, those students scored at the 86th percentile, and when both parents had a college degree, those students scored at the 90th percentile. There was virtually no difference, however, between the scores of students whose parents were certified teachers and those who were not.

Read more: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news...tanding-results-national-tests/#ixzz2o2uQ40yY
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

Hahahaha...having a parent who was a TEACHER made no difference to the testing scores.

Tell me something I didn't know.
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Meaning that people who work at schoos (public, private, and home) have to be held to the highest standards.

yet, they slip by, don't they?
The argument you are uisng is ridiculous. There have been less cases of abuse among those registered to home school than those registered schools.

I would bet a dollar to nothing that the abuse cases among kids pulled from school are not registered to home school or have given that reason to school authorities, if registration isn't required. More than likely they just disappear off the radar, claim they are moving, etc.

(1) "slip by" is used to protect home schools.

(2) more abuses of case occur in public schools because many, many times more children go to public schools

(3) too many abuse cases go hidden in home schools because of the geographical and psychological isolation of such schools

(4) now stop being ridiculous and stop defending the indefensible

You stop being ridiculous and show me where it is fact, other than your conjecture, that more children are abused that are home school percentage wise.
jake doesn't use fact, or even pretend to provide any supporting evidence for his ridiculous lies.


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