4 Ohio State Senators demand home school parents be heavily investigated.

It seems to be an insult to children who are literally abused to even attempt to compare child abuse to teaching children that isn't approved by someone else.

If we are going to get upset about child abuse, let's at least do something about the abuse that actually occurs.
You do understand the Senate bill in Ohio the OP is based on was a result of someone wanting to do something because a homeschooled child was beaten, tortured and murdered, right?

and his being homeschooled was the reason he was beaten and murdered?

or was it the abusive parents or caregivers?

we all get it - use any pretext in order to ban homeschooling - is the goal of the left.

we also know WHY.

it is much easier to barinwash the youth in the school system
Anyone can skew statistics.

To be sure, a large protion of history that I was taught in public school was debunked and clarified in private college or my independent research. In fact, there are books now published on the matter. Public schools are indoctrination camps, not learning centers.

Yes, you went to a private indoctrination camp. No matter, most such children are disabused of that nonsense eventually, which makes for a better America.

Kids coming out of homeschooling are far advanced over public school teaching. The reference you are suggesting is based on emotion and has nothing to do with logic.
Calling a Nazi a Nazi is demonstrating Godwin's Law is correct on occasion.

Home schooling to reinvent history is something that should be investigated.

And we know that home schooling involves child abuse at times.

Schools should be investigated, a lot of bullying and abuse is going on in schools everyday. I didn't home school my kids, i did not have the patience. I know many who do to day, including a very liberal family and the kids are all doing fine and in many ways further along in the three R's and their social skills.
It seems to be an insult to children who are literally abused to even attempt to compare child abuse to teaching children that isn't approved by someone else.

If we are going to get upset about child abuse, let's at least do something about the abuse that actually occurs.
You do understand the Senate bill in Ohio the OP is based on was a result of someone wanting to do something because a homeschooled child was beaten, tortured and murdered, right?

You do realize that while their hearts might be in the right place, this law could set bad precedent for other law abiding home schooling parents, right?
I am a victim of public schooling, although you would never know it. Instead of going strictly off of what I was taught, I did more studying. In the beginning I can't tell you how shocked I was to know how many times I'd been lied to.
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That's Democrats, moron. BTW, the source of your concern is a fascinating site; do you derive all of you information from them? I am particularly fond of their use of language, though it did almost cause me to LOL and nearly spit coffee all over my computer screen.

Thanks for Sharing

I do enjoy using their website yes. It gives a pro American twist to things lol...

Racism and white supremacy is not "Pro-American". And the fact that you "enjoy using their website" says a lot. A whole lot.

I'm very familiar with the CCC group with which you hold an alliance. Sucks to be you, my friend.

Because the practice is almost entirely unregulated in much of the country, parents are able to hide their crimes—sometimes fatally. Michelle Goldberg investigates.
On September 9, the parents of Hana Williams, an Ethiopian teenager living in the state of Washington, were convicted of killing her.

During the last year of her life, court documents show, she had lost almost 30 pounds as she was beaten, denied food, forced to sleep in a barn, and given cold outdoor showers with a garden hose. Much of the time she was kept barefoot, although she was allowed shoes if there was snow on the ground. Sometimes she was given nothing but a towel to wear. If Williams had been in school, someone might have noticed that she was underdressed and emaciated. But she was homeschooled, and so her parents, fundamentalist Christians in thrall to a harsh disciplinary philosophy, had complete privacy to punish her as they saw fit. She died naked, face down in the mud in their backyard.

Williams is far from the only homeschooled kid to be tortured or murdered in recent years. Exactly how many is hard to say—research on homeschoolers is incredibly spotty, and what exists is mostly done by homeschooling advocates. But Heather Doney and Rachel Coleman, two women who themselves grew up in homeschooling families, have documented dozens of horrific cases on their website, Homeschooling’s Invisible Children, which launched in May.

A database of local news stories and official documents, the site is searchable by category, including Fatality, Food Deprivation, Imprisonment, Physical Abuse and Sexual Abuse. Under Sexual Abuse, to take just one of them, Doney and Coleman found almost 70 victims since 2000—and those are just cases that made the papers.
Coleman says she wouldn’t even rule out homeschooling her own children. But she argues that because the practice is almost entirely unregulated in much of the country, it can make abusive situations worse, allowing parents to hide their crimes and denying kids access to outside authority.

“Homeschooling enables parents to isolate children,” Coleman says. “That can enable them to abuse them.”
The Sinister Side of Homeschooling
A nazi for homeschooling... That's a new one to me. The National Socialists outlawed homeschooling in Germany. That law is still on the book there.

"While it is true that the Third Reich passed such laws in 1938 (and added criminal penalties), they were only an extension of education laws that have been around since 1871. (Prussia was also the first country in the world to require state certification of teachers, and was offering free, compulsory elementary education as early as the 18th century.) In 1919, the Weimar Republic re-introduced compulsory school attendance (allgemeine Schulpflicht). When the Federal Republic of Germany was created in 1949, the compulsory attendance idea made its way into Article 7 of the Grundgesetz (constitution). In September 2006, the European Court of Human Rights upheld the German ban on homeschooling, in a religious-freedom case that began in 2003. The European court argued that parents can’t use religion to justify homeschooling in Germany. (Under German law, parents can decide whether or not their offspring will receive the religious instruction offered in German schools.)"

Ahem. Home Schooling was outlawed in 1871,before Hitler was even born. Also I am an American National Socialist and seeing who runs the education system and what kids are forced fed in schools today and who writes the books of course I support HomeSchooling. A LOT of racialist families I know Home School their children. I send mine to public school but am VERY VERY involved in her school have met all the kids teachers and know what's being taught.

My 11 yo was homes schooled to the 4th grade but then wanted to attend public school. This year he has a teacher with a great bod. So I don't mind attending his class function nearly as bad.
That's Democrats, moron. BTW, the source of your concern is a fascinating site; do you derive all of you information from them? I am particularly fond of their use of language, though it did almost cause me to LOL and nearly spit coffee all over my computer screen.

Thanks for Sharing

I do enjoy using their website yes. It gives a pro American twist to things lol...

Racism and white supremacy is not "Pro-American". And the fact that you "enjoy using their website" says a lot. A whole lot.

I'm very familiar with the CCC group with which you hold an alliance. Sucks to be you, my friend.


It says alot? I dont think it says any more than his screen name says. The man proudly declares himself a national socialist. What the heck can a website say that is going to tell us any more about him than that?

You hit that nail on the head. -They're all DEMOCRATS. I agree with Republicans on this--we could have prospective Einsteins in these awful schools, and simply because they're parents are poor they are BLOCKED BY DEMOCRATS from entering better schools--IE Charter schools and or private schools--while these same Democrats have their kids in private or charter schools. This is the "liberal" ideology of their platform. So now they're going after home school'er's. Makes sense--to the liberal ideology--if one student has to fail--they all have too.

It is the worst form of discrimination that exists today.

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That's Democrats, moron. BTW, the source of your concern is a fascinating site; do you derive all of you information from them? I am particularly fond of their use of language, though it did almost cause me to LOL and nearly spit coffee all over my computer screen.

Thanks for Sharing

I do enjoy using their website yes. It gives a pro American twist to things lol...

Racism and white supremacy is not "Pro-American". And the fact that you "enjoy using their website" says a lot. A whole lot.

I'm very familiar with the CCC group with which you hold an alliance. Sucks to be you, my friend.

To you they aren't Pro American. Actually I enjoy being me.
A nazi for homeschooling... That's a new one to me. The National Socialists outlawed homeschooling in Germany. That law is still on the book there.

"While it is true that the Third Reich passed such laws in 1938 (and added criminal penalties), they were only an extension of education laws that have been around since 1871. (Prussia was also the first country in the world to require state certification of teachers, and was offering free, compulsory elementary education as early as the 18th century.) In 1919, the Weimar Republic re-introduced compulsory school attendance (allgemeine Schulpflicht). When the Federal Republic of Germany was created in 1949, the compulsory attendance idea made its way into Article 7 of the Grundgesetz (constitution). In September 2006, the European Court of Human Rights upheld the German ban on homeschooling, in a religious-freedom case that began in 2003. The European court argued that parents can’t use religion to justify homeschooling in Germany. (Under German law, parents can decide whether or not their offspring will receive the religious instruction offered in German schools.)"

Ahem. Home Schooling was outlawed in 1871,before Hitler was even born. Also I am an American National Socialist and seeing who runs the education system and what kids are forced fed in schools today and who writes the books of course I support HomeSchooling. A LOT of racialist families I know Home School their children. I send mine to public school but am VERY VERY involved in her school have met all the kids teachers and know what's being taught.

My 11 yo was homes schooled to the 4th grade but then wanted to attend public school. This year he has a teacher with a great bod. So I don't mind attending his class function nearly as bad.
LOL...that does make it more fun.Ah I remember my first hot teacher. 9th grade algebra.
I do enjoy using their website yes. It gives a pro American twist to things lol...

Racism and white supremacy is not "Pro-American". And the fact that you "enjoy using their website" says a lot. A whole lot.

I'm very familiar with the CCC group with which you hold an alliance. Sucks to be you, my friend.


It says alot? I dont think it says any more than his screen name says. The man proudly declares himself a national socialist. What the heck can a website say that is going to tell us any more about him than that?
Lol.True.Also the CCC actually doesn't care for NS. But ya know use whatever source ya can.
To be sure, a large protion of history that I was taught in public school was debunked and clarified in private college or my independent research. In fact, there are books now published on the matter. Public schools are indoctrination camps, not learning centers.

Yes, you went to a private indoctrination camp. No matter, most such children are disabused of that nonsense eventually, which makes for a better America.

Kids coming out of homeschooling are far advanced over public school teaching. The reference you are suggesting is based on emotion and has nothing to do with logic.

That has everything to do with the problems of socialization and integration of critical thinking practices their public educators encounter with them when they enter "real" America.

Why do you think the millenials who are not religious now equal our total population of evangelicals? Many of these millenials come out of such homes and backgrounds of home schooling.

Telling yourself myths is fine if it makes you feel better, but they are what they are.
It seems to be an insult to children who are literally abused to even attempt to compare child abuse to teaching children that isn't approved by someone else.

If we are going to get upset about child abuse, let's at least do something about the abuse that actually occurs.
You do understand the Senate bill in Ohio the OP is based on was a result of someone wanting to do something because a homeschooled child was beaten, tortured and murdered, right?

Makes sense, right? I mean, no one has ever been beaten, tortured or murdered in public schools....oh, wait...

A false equivalency so that such torture and murder should not be investigated in home schools?

You are crazy
Calling a Nazi a Nazi is demonstrating Godwin's Law is correct on occasion.

Home schooling to reinvent history is something that should be investigated.

And we know that home schooling involves child abuse at times.

And those that go to public school are never abused?
Calling a Nazi a Nazi is demonstrating Godwin's Law is correct on occasion.

Home schooling to reinvent history is something that should be investigated.

And we know that home schooling involves child abuse at times.

Child abuse? Seriously Jake?

Look it up. Teaching some of the Board versions of the Great Depression and FDR are examples of child abuse because of reinventing history.

It's child abuse to teach fake history?


Every elementary school teacher should be in jail, then.
Yes, you went to a private indoctrination camp. No matter, most such children are disabused of that nonsense eventually, which makes for a better America.

Kids coming out of homeschooling are far advanced over public school teaching. The reference you are suggesting is based on emotion and has nothing to do with logic.

That has everything to do with the problems of socialization and integration of critical thinking practices their public educators encounter with them when they enter "real" America.

Why do you think the millenials who are not religious now equal our total population of evangelicals? Many of these millenials come out of such homes and backgrounds of home schooling.

Telling yourself myths is fine if it makes you feel better, but they are what they are.

Are you equating a stance that says someone can't be spiritual and advanced in the realm of academia?
You do understand the Senate bill in Ohio the OP is based on was a result of someone wanting to do something because a homeschooled child was beaten, tortured and murdered, right?

Makes sense, right? I mean, no one has ever been beaten, tortured or murdered in public schools....oh, wait...

A false equivalency so that such torture and murder should not be investigated in home schools?

You are crazy

You're crazy, fake, and everybody here knows it.

These families aren't being investigated for child abuse. They're being investigated because they're home schooling, and that takes money from the school districts.

I imagine the primary reasoning behind it is that they're openly Christian, and therefore *suspect*.

This is how Nazis started in on the Jews.
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Well hell. when you were in school that was the so-called truth. But my god if you ever go and check what the history books have in the now compared to when you went to school, you just might see things have changed.
But you seem to be like most right-wingers. Only believe what someone tells you and never look for other evidence.
Typical, just enough information to make you look stupid.
That is your fault.
World War II history has been changed to reveal many of the falsehoods that existed,but if you want to regale your limited ability. By all means do it.

Teaching history that is not based rationally and empirically based on all of the evidence but rather substitutes the parents' agenda is child abuse, yes.
Jake, history isn't a science but a subjective discipline with many political agendas.

It all depends on the country and their version of history as to what's historical truth.

Take Christopher Columbus for example; in some countries he is taught to children as a brave hero; but in other countries he is portrayed as a homicidal monster to school children.

......... :cool:

I was taught C. Columbus discovered North America in public school. That's the type of "education" one can expect from the public school system.
Kids coming out of homeschooling are far advanced over public school teaching. The reference you are suggesting is based on emotion and has nothing to do with logic.

That has everything to do with the problems of socialization and integration of critical thinking practices their public educators encounter with them when they enter "real" America.

Why do you think the millenials who are not religious now equal our total population of evangelicals? Many of these millenials come out of such homes and backgrounds of home schooling.

Telling yourself myths is fine if it makes you feel better, but they are what they are.

Are you equating a stance that says someone can't be spiritual and advanced in the realm of academia?

Of course he is, everybody knows jake thinks anyone spiritual can't ever have degrees, much less advanced degrees and function in society! :smiliehug:
Prove it!

Makes sense, right? I mean, no one has ever been beaten, tortured or murdered in public schools....oh, wait...

A false equivalency so that such torture and murder should not be investigated in home schools?

You are crazy

You're crazy, fake, and everybody here knows it.

These families aren't being investigated for child abuse. They're being investigated because they're home schooling, and that takes money from the school districts.

I imagine the primary reasoning behind it is that they're openly Christian, and therefore *suspect*.

This is how Nazis started in on the Jews.

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