4 year old exercises his second amendment rights

I wonder, does she like her now "toy" less now?
Gun as toy.PNG
This kid was taught in guns. Didn't workout so well.

Don't know what the kid was taught do you.....?
Perhaps there should be minimum standards set for the ownership and possession of guns ?
Not giving them to 4 year olds would seem like a sensible start.

Guess you didn't read the story.....she put the gun under her car seat......the kid got it from there...big mistake on her part and luckily she was shot and not the kid.....

Minimum standards are unconstitutional.

Guess you didn't read the story.....she put the gun under her car seat......the kid got it from there...big mistake on her part and luckily she was shot and not the kid.....

Minimum standards are unconstitutional.

Is responsibility unconstitutional?

No....mandating training....much like Literacy tests used by democrats to deny the Right to Vote to blacks....would be used to keep the poor from accessing their right to bear arms.......
Being trained to ensure that your kid doesnt get shot is unconstitutional ?
Wow !!!!!!!!
Don't know what the kid was taught do you.....?
Perhaps there should be minimum standards set for the ownership and possession of guns ?
Not giving them to 4 year olds would seem like a sensible start.

Guess you didn't read the story.....she put the gun under her car seat......the kid got it from there...big mistake on her part and luckily she was shot and not the kid.....

Minimum standards are unconstitutional.
Thats mental. How are you going to protect infants then ?

Nope...gun ownership is a Right. It is incumbent on the individual to exercise that Right responsibly....we are not sheep.

And considering that there are 357,000,000 million guns in private hands.....and 19,000 non fatal accidents and the truly amazing number...only 505 accidental gun deaths...in a country with over 357 million guns in private hands...Americans are extremely responsible gun owners....

If only they drove cars as responsibly.....35,000 accidental car deaths..and we let 16 year olds drive them on public roads without supervision....

If guns were used anywhere near as much as cars the numbers would be huge. Most people drive daily, most won't need a gun ever.

If guns were used anywhere near as much as cars the numbers would be huge. Most people drive daily, most won't need a gun ever.

Apple to orange comparisons is all the gun lobby has.
Don't know what the kid was taught do you.....?
Perhaps there should be minimum standards set for the ownership and possession of guns ?
Not giving them to 4 year olds would seem like a sensible start.

Guess you didn't read the story.....she put the gun under her car seat......the kid got it from there...big mistake on her part and luckily she was shot and not the kid.....

Minimum standards are unconstitutional.

Guess you didn't read the story.....she put the gun under her car seat......the kid got it from there...big mistake on her part and luckily she was shot and not the kid.....

Minimum standards are unconstitutional.

Is responsibility unconstitutional?

No....mandating training....much like Literacy tests used by democrats to deny the Right to Vote to blacks....would be used to keep the poor from accessing their right to bear arms.......
Being trained to ensure that your kid doesnt get shot is unconstitutional ?
Wow !!!!!!!!

No.....the government mandating training and using it to keep people from exercising a Right is un Constitutional....

In the United States the democrat party used Literacy Tests ( the equivalent of training) as a means to keep blacks from exercising their Right to vote.....

In Britain and Europe, you use training requirements to keep normal, law abiding people from getting the few hunting shotguns you have...

of course...your criminals get guns whenever they want or need them...as your 4% increase in gun crime shows.......

again..why is it that your gun crime rate went up 4% if you confiscated guns?

And why are you arming more of your previously unarmed police?
It is illegal to own a gun that is left unsecured within the reach of a child in Florida. She could be charged for that, as well as child neglect and child endangerment. The child could have killed himself, as could anyone else's child who could have been in that back seat. This woman is too irresponsible to own a gun, and raise a child at the same time. I would be delighted if Florida were give her a choice as to which one she wants to keep.
Perhaps there should be minimum standards set for the ownership and possession of guns ?
Not giving them to 4 year olds would seem like a sensible start.

Guess you didn't read the story.....she put the gun under her car seat......the kid got it from there...big mistake on her part and luckily she was shot and not the kid.....

Minimum standards are unconstitutional.
Thats mental. How are you going to protect infants then ?

Nope...gun ownership is a Right. It is incumbent on the individual to exercise that Right responsibly....we are not sheep.

And considering that there are 357,000,000 million guns in private hands.....and 19,000 non fatal accidents and the truly amazing number...only 505 accidental gun deaths...in a country with over 357 million guns in private hands...Americans are extremely responsible gun owners....

If only they drove cars as responsibly.....35,000 accidental car deaths..and we let 16 year olds drive them on public roads without supervision....

If guns were used anywhere near as much as cars the numbers would be huge. Most people drive daily, most won't need a gun ever.

If guns were used anywhere near as much as cars the numbers would be huge. Most people drive daily, most won't need a gun ever.

Apple to orange comparisons is all the gun lobby has.

Sorry...wrong again...it was an anti gun moron who first tried the cars to gun argument....I use it because you anti gun nuts used it first.....
I like guns. AE Van Vought's "The weapons shop" (the right to own weapons is the right to be free) world of a smart guns knowing more than the person behind the trigger is science fiction. Guns are dumb, and if a criminal, a naïve 4 year old or a presidential assassin gets a hold of them, they don't care. We HUMANS, we DO.

Notice my signature?
Yes. That's why I responded. I absolutely loved that story. I understand the message. But I realize that Vought based that narrative on technology that was almost mythic, but modern weapons are not smart enough to know who's the good guy or the bad guy. But, a so called smart gun might not be so far fetched as it seems.
Guess you didn't read the story.....she put the gun under her car seat......the kid got it from there...big mistake on her part and luckily she was shot and not the kid.....

Minimum standards are unconstitutional.
Thats mental. How are you going to protect infants then ?

Nope...gun ownership is a Right. It is incumbent on the individual to exercise that Right responsibly....we are not sheep.

And considering that there are 357,000,000 million guns in private hands.....and 19,000 non fatal accidents and the truly amazing number...only 505 accidental gun deaths...in a country with over 357 million guns in private hands...Americans are extremely responsible gun owners....

If only they drove cars as responsibly.....35,000 accidental car deaths..and we let 16 year olds drive them on public roads without supervision....

If guns were used anywhere near as much as cars the numbers would be huge. Most people drive daily, most won't need a gun ever.

If guns were used anywhere near as much as cars the numbers would be huge. Most people drive daily, most won't need a gun ever.

Apple to orange comparisons is all the gun lobby has.

Sorry...wrong again...it was an anti gun moron who first tried the cars to gun argument....I use it because you anti gun nuts used it first.....

And it is silly everytime you use it. You like losing?
I like guns. AE Van Vought's "The weapons shop" (the right to own weapons is the right to be free) world of a smart guns knowing more than the person behind the trigger is science fiction. Guns are dumb, and if a criminal, a naïve 4 year old or a presidential assassin gets a hold of them, they don't care. We HUMANS, we DO.

Notice my signature?
Yes. That's why I responded. I absolutely loved that story. I understand the message. But I realize that Vought based that narrative on technology that was almost mythic, but modern weapons are not smart enough to know who's the good guy or the bad guy. But, a so called smart gun might not be so far fetched as it seems.

I have no problem with smart guns...as long as they are not mandated. I would never use one, there are too many ways they can screw up......
Thats mental. How are you going to protect infants then ?

Nope...gun ownership is a Right. It is incumbent on the individual to exercise that Right responsibly....we are not sheep.

And considering that there are 357,000,000 million guns in private hands.....and 19,000 non fatal accidents and the truly amazing number...only 505 accidental gun deaths...in a country with over 357 million guns in private hands...Americans are extremely responsible gun owners....

If only they drove cars as responsibly.....35,000 accidental car deaths..and we let 16 year olds drive them on public roads without supervision....

If guns were used anywhere near as much as cars the numbers would be huge. Most people drive daily, most won't need a gun ever.

If guns were used anywhere near as much as cars the numbers would be huge. Most people drive daily, most won't need a gun ever.

Apple to orange comparisons is all the gun lobby has.

Sorry...wrong again...it was an anti gun moron who first tried the cars to gun argument....I use it because you anti gun nuts used it first.....

And it is silly everytime you use it. You like losing?

brain...serious question....with the way you think...how do you get dressed and feed yourself? Do you have a caretaker?
Oh well, these things happen.
Not if you don't have guns around kids.

people who own guns should be taught basic safety rules.

idiots. she showed those damn gun grabbers

people who own guns should be taught basic safety rules.

idiots. she showed those damn gun grabbers

IMO it should be more than that. At least 100 hours in safety, practical (draw, aim, fire-two to the chest/one to the head within 3 seconds with at least 2, 100% accurate)

Not necessary...gun safety takes 5 minutes....shooting a gun is not complicated....much less complicated than driving a car..and we let 16 year olds drive cars on public roads all by themselves....

Not necessary...gun safety takes 5 minutes....shooting a gun is not complicated....much less complicated than driving a car..and we let 16 year olds drive cars on public roads all by themselves....

WTF? Gun safety takes five minutes? Are you nuts?

Pulling a trigger isn't complicated. Aiming where the round is going, if it misses the target, running and shooting, shooting while prone, shooting inverted, close quarters, all takes practice.

A 16 year-old (if the parents do their job) has more practice in driving than the majority of people that own guns.
This kid was taught in guns. Didn't workout so well.

Don't know what the kid was taught do you.....?
Perhaps there should be minimum standards set for the ownership and possession of guns ?
Not giving them to 4 year olds would seem like a sensible start.

Guess you didn't read the story.....she put the gun under her car seat......the kid got it from there...big mistake on her part and luckily she was shot and not the kid.....

Minimum standards are unconstitutional.

Guess you didn't read the story.....she put the gun under her car seat......the kid got it from there...big mistake on her part and luckily she was shot and not the kid.....

Minimum standards are unconstitutional.

Is responsibility unconstitutional?

No....mandating training....much like Literacy tests used by democrats to deny the Right to Vote to blacks....would be used to keep the poor from accessing their right to bear arms.......

No....mandating training....much like Literacy tests used by democrats to deny the Right to Vote to blacks....would be used to keep the poor from accessing their right to bear arms.......

Isn't training part of responsibility?
Perhaps there should be minimum standards set for the ownership and possession of guns ?
Not giving them to 4 year olds would seem like a sensible start.

Guess you didn't read the story.....she put the gun under her car seat......the kid got it from there...big mistake on her part and luckily she was shot and not the kid.....

Minimum standards are unconstitutional.
Thats mental. How are you going to protect infants then ?

Nope...gun ownership is a Right. It is incumbent on the individual to exercise that Right responsibly....we are not sheep.

And considering that there are 357,000,000 million guns in private hands.....and 19,000 non fatal accidents and the truly amazing number...only 505 accidental gun deaths...in a country with over 357 million guns in private hands...Americans are extremely responsible gun owners....

If only they drove cars as responsibly.....35,000 accidental car deaths..and we let 16 year olds drive them on public roads without supervision....

Nope...gun ownership is a Right. It is incumbent on the individual to exercise that Right responsibly....we are not sheep.

I agree that gun ownership is a right. I also believe that not all through their own actions should be able to possess a gun. I also believe that responsibility is 100% of the gun owner if there weren't certain safeguards placed, or if the gun is furnished to a person that shouldn't be able to possess.

see....I agree with all of that.....now keep explaining and I will show where you are wrong....

see....I agree with all of that.....now keep explaining and I will show where you are wrong....

I did explain.
Think about it. A Smart gun using Android/Microsoft/Apple technology. recognizes biometrics. A gun that will not fire unless it recognizes the owner and even recognizes the threat and the entirety of the situation. If your 4 year old gets a hold of your gun he can't shoot you. Imagine that, a smart gun. Would we even need a gun at that point?
My version of gun safety for kids, See a gun, DO NOT TOUCH IT, Run (and tell an adult). Lesson time, 30 minutes, half of which is showing what gun wounds and funerals look like.

funny...that is what we want to teach kids in public schools....and you guys prevent it.....so dead kids is better for you than gun safety education in schools.......

NRA Eddie Eagle gun Safety Program...

1) Stop.
2) Don't touch.
3) Leave the area.
4) Find an adult.

And you anti gun nuts fight it tooth and nail...you need dead kids for the cameras.........
You don't need the NRA for that, nor do I want the NRA even near a school. With that much blood on their hands, pass.

The NRA has no blood on its hands...democrat politicians who appoint democrat judges and prosecutors who let gun criminals go time after time..they have blood ont their hands....

The NRA has no blood on its hands...democrat politicians who appoint democrat judges and prosecutors who let gun criminals go time after time..they have blood ont their hands....

The NRA has turned into a marketing concern for gun manufacturers.

Exactly where do non gun owners see all this marketing for guns?

Exactly where do non gun owners see all this marketing for guns?

Any non-delusional person can see it.

In the days after the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre on Dec. 14, executives with a half-dozen major U.S. gun manufacturers contacted the National Rifle Association. The firearm industry representatives didn’t call the NRA, which they support with millions of dollars each year, to issue directives. On the contrary, they sought guidance on how to handle the public-relations crisis, according to people familiar with the situation who agreed to interviews on the condition they remain anonymous.

That's the job of a marketing company.

Why Gun Makers Fear the NRA
funny...that is what we want to teach kids in public schools....and you guys prevent it.....so dead kids is better for you than gun safety education in schools.......

NRA Eddie Eagle gun Safety Program...

1) Stop.
2) Don't touch.
3) Leave the area.
4) Find an adult.

And you anti gun nuts fight it tooth and nail...you need dead kids for the cameras.........
You don't need the NRA for that, nor do I want the NRA even near a school. With that much blood on their hands, pass.

The NRA has no blood on its hands...democrat politicians who appoint democrat judges and prosecutors who let gun criminals go time after time..they have blood ont their hands....

The NRA has no blood on its hands...democrat politicians who appoint democrat judges and prosecutors who let gun criminals go time after time..they have blood ont their hands....

The NRA has turned into a marketing concern for gun manufacturers.

Exactly where do non gun owners see all this marketing for guns?

Exactly where do non gun owners see all this marketing for guns?

Any non-delusional person can see it.

In the days after the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre on Dec. 14, executives with a half-dozen major U.S. gun manufacturers contacted the National Rifle Association. The firearm industry representatives didn’t call the NRA, which they support with millions of dollars each year, to issue directives. On the contrary, they sought guidance on how to handle the public-relations crisis, according to people familiar with the situation who agreed to interviews on the condition they remain anonymous.

That's the job of a marketing company.

Why Gun Makers Fear the NRA

Again.....the witness is non responsive...

Where is the NRA marketing guns where non gun owners can see or hear it? Please respond to the question.....
Think about it. A Smart gun using Android/Microsoft/Apple technology. recognizes biometrics. A gun that will not fire unless it recognizes the owner and even recognizes the threat and the entirety of the situation. If your 4 year old gets a hold of your gun he can't shoot you. Imagine that, a smart gun. Would we even need a gun at that point?

Mary...it has been thought about...here are some of the thoughts...

Smart Guns are Stupid Science | RealClearScience
The power has been out for two months. Word of mouth, around the FEMA depots, says it should be back soon. That's what they said last month too. Suddenly, in the wreckage of your home, you hear the footsteps of a band of looters. You reach for your gun, but it won't unlock because its battery died last week...

You fell asleep on the couch. A burglar kicks down your front door and jams a cold pistol muzzle to your forehead. You realize that the gun your wife is groping for in the dark bedroomwill only fire if it is within inches of the RFID watch. But the watch is on your arm...

The whole point of owning a gun is that you only need to use it in the most extreme situations (and you pray these never arise). You don't plug your gun into a USB port before going to bed, knowing that tonight is the night that you'll need it. You don't pop on your special RFID digital watch before slipping between the sheets. A gun needs to be ready for the only circumstances it is designed for: the unimaginably horrible ones.

A gun that is hamstrung by special technological conditions to fire is a liability to an owner who keeps it for protection from these terrifying moments. Science would say that smart guns are a stupid idea.

Murphy, author of the famous law, is unknown to history. It's a good bet that he was a scientist, or possibly an engineer. He stressed one of the most important things to understand as a practitioner of sound laboratory science -- and daily life -- is the minimization of extraneous variables. The fewer things that you need to happen perfectly right, the more likely your plan is to succeed.

Gun technology changes very little over time. This isn't due to lack of scientific progress or some conspiracy. Quite simply, a reliable tool should be as simple as it can possibly be. A cleaned, oiled, mechanically sound gun is extremely simple. It doesn't suffer from unnecessary complications that risk failure at a crucial instant.

A gun should not be like a high-tech complex scientific tool or tech toy. If your iPhone crashes or drops a call you can simply wait for it to reboot or call back. If the fancy lab microscope breaks, a technician can come and fix it, but you'll have to wait an hour or a day to use it.

When the moment comes to use your firearm, you need it to work perfectly with no delay or fiddling. There is zero margin for error. A more complex gun, reliant on batteries and chips and special mechanisms, is simply a gun that is more likely to let you down in the moment when your life hangs in the balance.

If we want to reduce accidental gun deaths, what should we do instead? The answer is training gun owners to strictly follow simple rules. In brief terms, there are two layers to this strategy.

When handling a firearm, it is imperative to operate by a few simple rules at all times. First, always assume a gun is loaded; never play with it, wave it around, or treat it as harmless. Second, never point the muzzle at a person unless you intend to kill them. Imagine that a laser pointer is taped to the barrel; anyone that the laser passes near is in the "kill path." Third, never place your finger on the trigger until you are pulling it; this way you can never fire unintentionally.

The second layer of gun responsibility applies when the firearm is not being handled. Obviously, put the safety on, and don't leave your gun in a place that is easy to find. Do not load it unless it is tucked away in that storage spot. If you fear a curious child, you can load a single dummy round into the chamber. This will prevent a child from discharging a live round, but only slow the owner a fraction of a second by requiring a single mechanical action without technological aids to clear that round and chamber a live one. Mechanical locks and safes can be used, but here again you are relying on complicated devices and tempting Murphy.
You don't need the NRA for that, nor do I want the NRA even near a school. With that much blood on their hands, pass.

The NRA has no blood on its hands...democrat politicians who appoint democrat judges and prosecutors who let gun criminals go time after time..they have blood ont their hands....

The NRA has no blood on its hands...democrat politicians who appoint democrat judges and prosecutors who let gun criminals go time after time..they have blood ont their hands....

The NRA has turned into a marketing concern for gun manufacturers.

Exactly where do non gun owners see all this marketing for guns?

Exactly where do non gun owners see all this marketing for guns?

Any non-delusional person can see it.

In the days after the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre on Dec. 14, executives with a half-dozen major U.S. gun manufacturers contacted the National Rifle Association. The firearm industry representatives didn’t call the NRA, which they support with millions of dollars each year, to issue directives. On the contrary, they sought guidance on how to handle the public-relations crisis, according to people familiar with the situation who agreed to interviews on the condition they remain anonymous.

That's the job of a marketing company.

Why Gun Makers Fear the NRA

Again.....the witness is non responsive...

Where is the NRA marketing guns where non gun owners can see or hear it? Please respond to the question.....

Again.....the witness is non responsive...


Where is the NRA marketing guns where non gun owners can see or hear it? Please respond to the question.....

U.S. gun manufacturers contacted the National Rifle Association which they support with millions of dollars each year to seek guidance on how to handle the public-relations crisis. ie; a marketing company.


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